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Author Topic: Most Memorable Moods  (Read 7577 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Most Memorable Moods
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:07:07 pm »

A thread to talk about our most memorable Moods; completed, or utter disaster.
Just had one, the second of this fort; a dwarven child was possessed, and proceeded to stand around doing nothing in the dining room. The only thought he had the entire time was "I am fine."
A few months later, he goes mad and punches a nearby child. He is, of course, split into multiple pieces by an idling miner.

He went mad because he couldn't do work. Purely because he's a child, and children are physically incapable of cutting a rock, hauling a brick, or any other thing besides eat, sleep and drink.
Everyone in the dining room proceeded to vomit all over his severed bits strung around the room, and the average mood of the fort dropped three sizes that day.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2014, 10:59:20 pm »

Dwarven children can successfully produce artifacts, you probably didn't have the right workshop built.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 11:19:44 pm »

Yeah, just in case, build all kinds of workshops.
The troglodyte head shakes The Troglodyte around by the head, tearing apart the head's muscle!

Risen Asteshdakas, Ghostly Recruit has risen and is haunting the fortress!

Rogue Yun

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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2014, 01:01:48 am »

Everyone in the dining room proceeded to vomit all over his severed bits strung around the room, and the average mood of the fort dropped three sizes that day.

I've decorated many dining rooms in a similar fashion. I think the most decorated my dining room has been was after a cyclops made it past my traps and guard. He stood supreme in the most bloodied dining hall I ever built. At least until a lucky migrant woodcutter swung at him and he dodged off a 30z level tower. The guard died and the wounded migrant woodcutter eventually collapsed onto one of my cage traps. That was by far the most fun I've ever had playing dwarf fortress  :D

.:Simple Mood 16x16 ASCII:.
Keep it Simple. Keep it Safe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2014, 01:39:23 am »

To post on topic, I have two.

One was a platinum warhammer - one of the best weapons in the game and only attainable via mood. Sadly, that fort was lost to save corruption, and I'll probably never get another plat warhammer for the rest of my days (unless I cheat the moods, which I refuse).

The second was an elk bone short sword. I assumed it would prove useless, but as detailed here ( it was later used to stab a wereantelope to death.

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum

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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2014, 01:45:13 am »

I got a platinum bucket, encircled with platinum cabochons, with a bone handle. Never really did anything with it, but it was my last 0.34 mood ever.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2014, 04:19:38 am »

I've had plenty of moody dwarf children, and they often make useful artifacts, oddly. The Friendship Band Kid was an exception. He used up many very expensive items (including several types of cloth, when we were VERY low on cloth and in desperate need of more dwarf clothing) and made a cloth bracelet. I ended up putting his bed in a little room below the well, with one wall open to the topmost cavern. He went to sleep there, and when he was well and truly asleep, I pulled the plug on three z levels of wellwater. It was a beautiful waterfall. He spent the next few months exploring the floor of a very deep cavern system.

In my next-to-most-recent fort, I had two different dwarfs go moody and make artifact armour stands. One was wooden, the other zinc (the only metal ore we were able to find) and both were covered all over in rosequartz. We also had a rosequartz coffin. My most recent fort is too young for moods just yet. We're in our first six months still.

...I have been told by others that they have had artifact weapons actually be used in tantrums to kill other dorfs. This has not yet happened to me. But I look forward to one day experiencing that level of Fun. :)

{edits back in}

Aaand I've had my most excellent carpenter noisily fey mood up. He refused to use a carpenters bench, oh no: He wanted a masonry, and he wanted it now. I eventually got him one, and he used our last bit of stone (we're broaching a new aquifer, there's not much rock till we get through to the other side) to make something. Yay. I guess he won't be a carpenter any more... Wonder what else he's going to want...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 07:03:14 am by Thisfox »
Mules gotta spleen. Dwarfs gotta eat.
Thisfox likes aquifers, olivine, Forgotten Beasts for their imagination, & dorfs for their stupidity. She prefers to consume gin & tonic. She absolutely detests Facebook.
"Urist McMason died out of pure spite to make you wonder why he was suddenly dead"
Oh god... Plump Helmet Man Mimes!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2014, 01:54:23 pm »

I'm having great luck with moods in my new fort "Leopardboulder". We embarked on a volcano in the mountains. While the ironworks were easy to set up we don't have any surface plants, water access or trees. I brought a couple of logs on embark and try to buy more wood to give everybody his own bed and save up some coal for steel (no lignite or bit).

Guess what the first mood is. Yes, a fucking boyer! I had my mayor/broker quickly make 2 bone crossbows for the hunters and he made me a damn fungiwood blowgun for 4800 dorf bucks as mood! It was inevitable! xD

If he wasn't my broker, he would be on deep cave exploration armed with that blowgun...

PS: My armorsmith went moody, YUSS! Wait, why are you claiming a craft workshop? Legendary woodcrafter! A fungiwood scepter... l-[
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 02:21:19 pm by Col_Jessep »
Just kids...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2014, 02:05:17 pm »

I had a camel bone coffin and gneiss floodgate as my only two artifacts to date - both possessions.  ::)

The floodgate depicted the founding of the fort (awesome) and the coffin was... creepy. It wasn't much decorated; it just had bands. Now, picture, a bone coffin, wrapped with restraining bands - to keep the dead in?
Me: "Just imagine a load of dwarves sitting round a table, and one of them says, 'I like stranglers for... for their... their...'"
Brother: "SOFT HANDS!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2014, 02:08:58 pm »

I swear I've gotten only possessions in my most recent fort. I really hate possessions. I get all excited when the screen freezes. "What is it!? Hopefully not a baby! Am I being attacked? OMG is it a mood? What legendary skill will my dwarves... oh, well whatever."
Steam Name: Ratpocalypse
Transpersons and intersex persons mod for Fortress mode of DF:


"I can't wait to throw your corpse on to a jump pad and watch it take to the air like a child's imagination."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2014, 02:24:12 pm »

I swear I've gotten only possessions in my most recent fort. I really hate possessions. I get all excited when the screen freezes. "What is it!? Hopefully not a baby! Am I being attacked? OMG is it a mood? What legendary skill will my dwarves... oh, well whatever."
I already had a mason and I didn't want a bone carver, so... I didn't care.  :P
Me: "Just imagine a load of dwarves sitting round a table, and one of them says, 'I like stranglers for... for their... their...'"
Brother: "SOFT HANDS!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2014, 02:27:04 pm »

I swear I've gotten only possessions in my most recent fort. I really hate possessions. I get all excited when the screen freezes. "What is it!? Hopefully not a baby! Am I being attacked? OMG is it a mood? What legendary skill will my dwarves... oh, well whatever."
I already had a mason and I didn't want a bone carver, so... I didn't care.  :P

yea, I really need to remember to give my peasants and cheesemakers time doing something useful every so often so they don't go straight to the crafts workshop when they get a mood.
Steam Name: Ratpocalypse
Transpersons and intersex persons mod for Fortress mode of DF:


"I can't wait to throw your corpse on to a jump pad and watch it take to the air like a child's imagination."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2014, 02:33:06 pm »

I swear I've gotten only possessions in my most recent fort. I really hate possessions. I get all excited when the screen freezes. "What is it!? Hopefully not a baby! Am I being attacked? OMG is it a mood? What legendary skill will my dwarves... oh, well whatever."
I already had a mason and I didn't want a bone carver, so... I didn't care.  :P

yea, I really need to remember to give my peasants and cheesemakers time doing something useful every so often so they don't go straight to the crafts workshop when they get a mood.
It was a cool coffin. At least neither were crafts or useless, like my brother's mug (IT MENACED WITH SPIKES OF WOOL) or ankle band. An undecorated ankle band
Me: "Just imagine a load of dwarves sitting round a table, and one of them says, 'I like stranglers for... for their... their...'"
Brother: "SOFT HANDS!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2014, 02:35:50 pm »

oh I love it when they make coffins. Those always get saved for whatever noble is demanding a tomb.

Any furniture is great. I never get weapons. I got armor once, but it was a bone gauntlet.
Steam Name: Ratpocalypse
Transpersons and intersex persons mod for Fortress mode of DF:


"I can't wait to throw your corpse on to a jump pad and watch it take to the air like a child's imagination."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Memorable Moods
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2014, 03:15:55 pm »

In my last fort I finally got my first truly useful artifact weapon, an adamantine battle axe... just in time to put it to good use welcoming the circus.

From one earlier fort I still remember the two consecutive leather artifacts:

- "The Memory of Fondling", a goat leather left mitten and
- "Purgeloves", a grizzly bear leather short skirt.

Those made me to pay closer attention to what the dwarves were doing in their free time. That fort was suspiciously keen on all leather clothing anyway...
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?
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