Thank ye both for the feedback!
@Taffer: Whoops, the Arms and Armor folder is supposed to work separately, but it seems I forgot about undoing the removal of aluminium. Will correct that with a bugfixing kind of release soon.
As for the Revised material templates, the only different I saw off-hand is adding the butchery tags and some crafting tags to chitin. Make armor out of chitin is slightly goofy, but frankly so is making armor out of bone, so these all seem fine.
I have a body_default adaption for modest mod, I haven't yet looked if Revised changes anything that modest doesn't to that file, but I don't think anything in there will conflict too badly with what my mods put in there. I'm not entirely sure what changed about the hair material template though.
@Urist: Edged damage in the game has a contact area, and a penetration area. Stabs have a low contact area and thus generally apply more force per area, and stabs from particularly pointy weapons like awl pikes have more of this effect. Slashing attacks from swords have a lot of area, good for quickly murdering unarmored things but quite worthless for piercing armor as they don't have enough momentum per contact area. Spiky blunt attacks from morningstars and such have a large contact area (as they hit with a ball rather than an edge) and a low penetration area, as the spikes on it are only so long. Entirely blunt weapons still have 10 penetration depth (which is very little at all) to make sure they chew up and eventually break armor that they hit hard enough.
However, there is nothing in the game beside that that can differentiate between damage from a stab or a slash. Meaning that either all attacks first bend plate armor and do blunt damage and only then cut through it (as in most cases, they should), or the other way around. That is a bit odd for when you stab something in plate armor really hard and it just ends up doing blunt damage on a really small area but unavoidable for now. This is also the reason that bows and crossbows can cause blunt damage through armor. The game just doesn't simulate impact area spread from pointy things hitting plate armor.
I might try and see what exactly happens when I just reduce the overall thickness of mail armor, see if that makes it at least possible to pierce it with a really determined, pointy kind of stab.
Also, the legacy file contains items that I booted from the main mod, for various reasons. Most are just due to being from the wrong era entirely (200-ish years too early for instance).