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Author Topic: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]  (Read 172201 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2015, 07:35:54 pm »

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Hell is a rather large place.

The expedition was a complicated success. By definition of colony, I would say this expedition has failed. It seems Hell has decided it will not yield in a day. The colonists did not necessarily fail in their tasks, they did not lose themselves to the glowing pits or the peculiar airs and their vile denizens, they merely failed to set up a permanent colony in hell. I feel it has been a measure of my hubris and my underestimation of the demon threat that allowed me to grow complacent; Dwarves do not quite share the same ferocity as undead ravens. What they lacked in unnatural ferocity they made up for in martial prowess and implacable tenacity - In many rangings the demons were felled, hacked, stabbed, bitten and shot, and I enjoyed with particular relish the sight of Baron Muthkat enjoying a cutting of Gila fiend meat and dwarven wine with the beloved and dear Expedition Commander Vabok, fresh from her slaying of a Sleet Demon.

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And the foundations of residency in the glowing pit were nearing completion.

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While above, the Dwarven architects, masons and managers laid the stonework for a citadel, complete with masterwork bridges covering the glowing pit to provide safety for the residency area below.
In a measure of the incredible punishment the Werecivets have dealt with so far; Asmel suffered a fractured shoulder, broken lung, broken left arm, her right leg broken (three times) and Datan had his lower spine broken and both his arms broken so far. They're still very much alive, and have fully recovered to continue fighting - they currently stand at an impasse between two glowing pits, far enough from the masonworks to not pose a threat and close enough to the demons to be a magnet for punishment. They've both also successfully killed a demon each, which is impressive considering they were also competing with the other expedition members for kills.

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As a curious oddity, a demon was successfully shot out of the slade sky, falling into the eerie glowing pits below. IT'S A LONG WAY DOWN! DON'T LET THE FLOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT!

...Revelries aside, the astute of you may notice I have been avoiding the subject of failure, and I haven't explained the oddities in the screencaps. The bloody piles of armour on the floor, the presence of auxiliary builders and even children working at the construction site in hell when this was an expedition of only 7. The auxiliaries were brought in after it was deemed that additional dwarfpower would be needed to hasten construction in the face of a demon population whose population is infinite. As the supply lines are incredibly long, this was a necessary evil.

And at last, the tragedies of the expedition. Sending only 7 Dwarves I imagine was a mistake. Would more Dwarves have made it easier? Probably not, but one can only wonder. During the construction of the Citadel de l'enfel a few demons made it past the Werecivet brigade and attacked on two points; a pack of two Shrew fiends attacked Titanslayer Vabok while creatures composed of salt, tarantulas and crystallized poisons tried to breach the spire hatch and so gain access to the rest of the Fort. Baron Muthkat let loose masterwork steel bolts forged from the days of Old Olin, Nil Erith crashed down on the demons with a wall of grit and iron, Commander Vabok left her spear embedded in many demon skulls while Champion Uvash worriedly stood atop the glowing pit, still very blind and incapable of seeing what was going on. This left poor Titanslayer Vabok all alone and outnumbered. As a result he was beaten half to death, left with only half of his lungs functioning and his lower spine fractured.

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Having contracted what I suspect was Brine Flu, the fell executioner Nil Erith and the shrewd commander Vabok both later died in hell, gasping for air despite being in otherwise prime physical health. Vabok's body was resurrected by the foul necromancy of the land and subsequently shot and successfully moved above ground without further incident. The months-spanning funeral procession that saw Captain Nil Erith and Expedition Commander Vabok interred into the tombspire was lengthened after Titanslayer Vabok also died, succumbing to his extreme injuries.
R. Sakzul was elected mayor while Titanslayer Zuntir Kortinans became Expedition Commander; dissolving 'the sacrificial constructs' as a squad and reforming 'the pleated stakes' and 'the sacrificial constructs' under one command squad. For the first time in 21 years the mayor and commander position was held by two different dwarves. The Fort's elite shocktroopers were only able to attend the first segment of the funeral procession; they remained behind in hell with the Civet brigade to ensure the work continued unthreatened and unabated.
E.C. Vabok is the first of the starting 7 Dwarves to die. Captain Nil Erith is the 2nd of the shocktroopers to die in combat and the 2nd last of all the 2nd wavers to die - only Miner Rith still lives out of all the 2nd wave immigrants. Of Titanslayer Vabok, he had already lost his wife Olon Copperguild and both of his daughters that bore his name. His two remaining children who still live are saddened by the loss of their last parent, and both bare the name Copperguild over Dentedlashed - with his death, the name of Vabok Dentedlashed will fade to legend in the Tombspire.

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In happier news, a flight of demons has renewed assault on the corpse factory. They have retaken the adamantine spire but have become bogged down in mountains of troglodyte bits, in a few weeks the writhing mass of troglodyte bits should overpower the demons. The ravens themselves are either all dead (and not moving) or congregating behind a certain passageway. Sealed behind stone, planks and a metal grate - dwarven children are told not to venture that way, for beyond that wall things worse than hell still fly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2015, 08:02:32 pm »

Ah. I will learn from your hubris with my colony.

I'm going to try trapping live demons behind a drawbridge so no more come flying in. At the very least it will decrease the threat.


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2015, 09:11:27 pm »

Play by play expedition into hell: just as dangerous and epic as I imagined it would be

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2015, 03:49:15 pm »

The full moon shone high in the sky, the werepossoms and werecivets transformed as they had done every month every year, with one exception.
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Asmel did not transform - there is a mechanism that can interrupt transformations. Has this been seen before? I can't quite pinpoint what could possibly interrupt the curse, if even just for one month. Both Datan and Asmel were being webbed, however they have been webbed before and that never stopped the transformation from occurring. Perhaps it was that Asmel was being beaten into a bloody pulp before the full moon, though that has also never before stopped the transformation from occurring. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that a demon was throttling Asmel during the full moon, does wrestling interrupt transformation? Perhaps. The good news is that Asmel has since recovered. The bad news is that Datan and Asmel managed to sneak back into the Fortress and in the second month, murder two young Dwarves, savagely mauling and feeding on them - with both being killed when their throats were ripped out by Datan and Asmel respectively. At this point I feel that stage 1 of the colonization effort has been completed and that the Civet brigade can be once more returned to their holding room. The young Dwarves lost were not of any special import other than being Dwarves of Silentthunders... Still, I am acutely aware that this year and the last has already far surpassed the yearly average mortality rate, and this has unsettled me somewhat.

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And on that note of mortality always being around the corner, a memento morii of death has been installed in Asmel Trammeloars's room just in time for her birthday.

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I finally got around to installing her own animated severed arm in her bedroom. Hopefully when she grows up she'll appreciate her pet arm; it's a damn shame Toady hasn't gotten around to allowing medical dwarves to reattach limbs - the arm has not rotted one bit, and is in fact even more muscly than when it left little Asmel's body. It would do her good on her body, minus the fact that the arm may still harbour a hatred for everything that lives.

Now that I think about it, there have also been some recent mysterious deaths as of late. Aside from the murdered children who are accounted for, or those who have died to Brine flu, a war boar recently went missing and a seasoned veteran R. Sigun died of unknown causes. Could be nothing, could be a disease spreading or perhaps an escaped zombie or old age and coincidence. It might have been the golden fire slug that was recently killed; if it was, the deaths should stop once the fire slug's corpse is released into hell. Phase 2 of the colonization shall begin in ernest, while the corpse factory in the tunnels is still embroiled in conflict the Citadel should be free, and another corpse factory can be built there for optimum undead colonization. I'm tempted to give pigs the flier tag so I can flood hell with flying war bacon, but I feel that'd be too cheaty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2015, 05:19:04 pm »

Urist McWidower cancels ponder weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore: interrupted by raven corpse.
Code: [Select]

« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:02:16 am by Insert_Gnome_Here »
Quote from: Max™ on December 06, 2015, 04:09:21 am
Also, if you ever figure out why poets/bards/dancers just randomly start butchering people/getting butchered, please don't fix it, I love never knowing when a dance party will turn into a slaughter.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2015, 09:37:40 pm »

Colonizing the HFS. That thing that I haven't ever done yet. (But always wanted to.)

Defeating the HFS. That other thing. :P

Legendary warrior. One of them. Have I done that...?

I think I'm limited by my insistence on > 60 CPS. (And RL, of course. That's probably the real reason.)

Silentthunders is the bomb. Incredibly impressive. Keep it going!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #66 on: March 30, 2015, 12:20:04 am »

Flying war bacon...This is a most glorious concept.
And yet another bit of proof that RNG is toying with us. We do 1984, it does animal farm
...why do your hydras have two more heads than mine? 
Does that mean male hydras... oh god dammit.

Pirate Santa

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #67 on: March 30, 2015, 02:15:14 am »

I finally got around to installing her own animated severed arm in her bedroom. Hopefully when she grows up she'll appreciate her pet arm; it's a damn shame Toady hasn't gotten around to allowing medical dwarves to reattach limbs - the arm has not rotted one bit, and is in fact even more muscly than when it left little Asmel's body. It would do her good on her body, minus the fact that the arm may still harbour a hatred for everything that lives.
Urist McStrangelove cancels sleep: Interrupted by combat
Welcome to Dwarf Fortress. Where peaceful death of old age is something nobody sees coming.
it turns out Dog Bone Doctors aren't very good at doctoring.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #68 on: March 30, 2015, 09:17:01 am »

I finally got around to installing her own animated severed arm in her bedroom. Hopefully when she grows up she'll appreciate her pet arm; it's a damn shame Toady hasn't gotten around to allowing medical dwarves to reattach limbs - the arm has not rotted one bit, and is in fact even more muscly than when it left little Asmel's body. It would do her good on her body, minus the fact that the arm may still harbour a hatred for everything that lives.
Urist McStrangeglove cancels sleep: Interrupted by combat
Fixed that for you.
And yet another bit of proof that RNG is toying with us. We do 1984, it does animal farm
...why do your hydras have two more heads than mine? 
Does that mean male hydras... oh god dammit.

Spehss _

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #69 on: March 30, 2015, 10:09:32 am »

I finally got around to installing her own animated severed arm in her bedroom. Hopefully when she grows up she'll appreciate her pet arm; it's a damn shame Toady hasn't gotten around to allowing medical dwarves to reattach limbs - the arm has not rotted one bit, and is in fact even more muscly than when it left little Asmel's body. It would do her good on her body, minus the fact that the arm may still harbour a hatred for everything that lives.
Urist McStrangleglove cancels sleep: Interrupted by combat
Fixed that for you.
Fixed that fix for you.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2015, 11:32:19 am »

There is currently a minor problem in that the veteran demons fighting in the corpse factory have failed to die in the 2 year battle and have become legendary unkillable gods of war. I may have misjudged this possible outcome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #71 on: March 31, 2015, 11:43:14 am »

Hundreds of lead minecarts at max speed?
Quote from: Max™ on December 06, 2015, 04:09:21 am
Also, if you ever figure out why poets/bards/dancers just randomly start butchering people/getting butchered, please don't fix it, I love never knowing when a dance party will turn into a slaughter.


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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #72 on: March 31, 2015, 11:45:42 am »

Keep throwing corpses at them until one gets lucky?
That tactic always seems to work against my dwarves when the undead do it.
Demons are preferable to ravens.
A noble just suffered a genuine unfortunate accident.
Has that ever happened before?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #73 on: March 31, 2015, 11:50:43 am »



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Re: Ravens are murder. [SPOILERS]
« Reply #74 on: March 31, 2015, 12:07:56 pm »

Still better than ravens, right?
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