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Author Topic: Livestock/Butchery screen simple improvements  (Read 830 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Has the aspect of one fey!
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Livestock/Butchery screen simple improvements
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:56:28 pm »

Mainly for the Livestock screen, really. Animals should show ♂ or ♀ accordingly, as well as their age. Especially on the butchery screen. It would make it far easier to manage an animal farm if you could tell what the animals sex and ages were easily. I know most animals have gender-unique names (I.E. Roosters, Hens) but the young animals rarely do. This would also make it easier to cage specific types of animals, for example, male chickens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Livestock/Butchery screen simple improvements
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 09:02:59 pm »

Are you talking about the screen you reach by hitting 'Z' and selecting the Animals tab?  I think they do show the male/female symbols there, although I can't recall if there's any indication of age at all.  What would be nice is if the animals were organized a little bit so we don't get a list like "Dog, Sheep, Sheep, Sheep, Dog, Sheep..." etc.   There should be some grouping, maybe alphabetization by species, and maybe a couple extra tabs like the kitchen menu has.  That would make farming/butchering a lot easier.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Livestock/Butchery screen simple improvements
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2015, 09:05:50 pm »

It's organized by when you got them. So when they were born if they were domestic at birth, when they were tamed if they were captured, or when they were bought if they were bought. So there is an order to it, but maybe not the best order.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia