Wow, this thread really exploded while I was sleeping. Anyway, here's some answers and comments.
Will fire kill the slaves or the masters?
If it only kills the masters we could try arson.
Fire kills both, but masters die
much faster, so setting city ablaze is not the worst idea around. However it brings us into a grey area. Does burning master to death count as being killed by eeklost? Because that is what really matters here. Burning occupants of one house would count, but if fire spreads into other houses then it doesn't count for subsequent kills. Death is strict about the deal.
And most of buildings are made of stone.
I really like the Harbinger idea, Sounds ominous to Masters but hopeful to Slaves. How about we vandalize one of the Town Walls with the Words, FREEDOM IS HERE, AND FREEDOM SHALL CONQUER CORRUPTION. That could be our slogan.
Slaves are all illiterates, mind you. They have never received of any kind of education besides what is passed verbally by other slaves. All your skills come basically from muscle memory.
Jesus didn't.
Fair Point, But most had a big ego, And why should we be different? Will we implement the Master Corpse Necklace?
Heh, good luck for making neclace form jelly.

Prayer is insta-fail but yes to telling noobs how this started.
Praying is auto-fail if you are begging for boons. Your God will listen but doesn't necessarily respond.
I think we should alternate houses so we keep moving around. Since warrior masters hunt in pairs, it'll draw suspicion if we move in threes. Hector and Kar should hunt together as they've already been doing, and we should act as a casteless, drawing hunters to us and allowing us to kill them. Doing so will reduce the number of armed masters and give us armed eeklost. Once we have enough hunters we should focus solely on getting casteless and sending them out like we did with Ral.
Three warriors together is not unheard of but certainly not common. If there's a big fight happening in the city more warriors quickly gravitate in and join the fray.
You formulate quickly a plan: Hector and Kar continue hunting casteless while you pretend to be casteless and hunt warriors who come hunting you. You agree to meet in house of Hector's master. It's near ocean, one of the last houses before last bridge over the deep river. It's quite far, so you figure it is better to start walking if you want to get there before masters stop their resting period.
Kar decides it is best to try ride warrior's carriage, expecially since he has the channeling ritual in fresh memory
and he succeeds! His control is nowhere as good as of masters, but definitely passable. Hector hops on the carriage and they leave.
You turn and start heading towards ocean. Quick glance to the stars informs you that three quarters of night is already passed. Most of masters start moving around a bit before sunrise.
It should be easy to get some casteless in night since they are almost all certainly resting, but
you can't find any in this area.
You don't even have luck with finding warriors...
The area you are currently is a road bordering a small forest. On other side of the road is many stone houses. You are guaranteed to find more than one master in houses like this.
Travel progress to Hector's house: 33%
- Your dead master (worn)
- Master's cloth cover (worn)
- Beat stick (Wielded)
- Knife (Wielded)
- Small bag
- Bag
- Small kill wand (used 3 times)
- 9 small kill wand chargers
- Medium kill wand
- 3 Medium kill wand chargers
- 3 long knives
- Unarmed fighting: 0
- Melee fighting: 1
- Ritual - Kill-wands: 0
- Channeling ritual - Control carriage: -1
- Teaching: 1
Slaves freed: 3?