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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 237683 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #765 on: May 25, 2015, 02:28:31 pm »

1/2 of cultists: Find mercury.
Other half: Continue leaderly campaign.
((Just realized I forgot to note the armament of your cultitstzzzzzz))
Recruit: [1] You try to find support, but find only malice. (+30 inquisitors)
Mercury: [1] They find some mercury, but exposure causes them to die before they can bring it back (-105 cultists)
Campaign: [3] They bring your popularity marginally higher. Still kinda pointless given that you're already admired, but it's nice to be loved. (loved by humanity)

Inquisitors: topple the base
[2] Nah, too far...

Me: Flee somewhere, recuperate. Do cloud yoga.
10 investor cultists: Continue getting wealthy.
8 cultists in high places: recruit more people in high places to join my cult.
3 veterans: Write your memoirs.
Jounalist hirelings: Spread the news that Rabe was partially responsible for the killing of 10% of the world's population.
400 cultists: Recruit more generics for my cult, focusing on ones with military training.
20 cultists: Infiltrate Rabe's cult the next time she recruits cultists.
Puff Puff: Blast Kong with powders, kite him to Rabe's base.
Anybody else: Sabatoge Rabe's turrets.

Hide: [5] Like a true hero you hide in the somewhere and do yoga. If anyone wants to attack you they'll have to seek you out first. The yoga doesn't do much for you but it keeps you from getting bored. (Now hiding)
MONEY!: [5] They finally get back in the moneyed elite! No more ramen and hotdogs for them! Well, unless they want to, who's gonna tell them no? They're rich now, after all. (Now wealthy again)
recruit: [4] They successfully bring more people into the ranks of your army (+40 cultists, +100 trained cultists)
Write: [4] They write up their memoirs, nothing too remarkable about them from what you can tell. (memoirs written)
Lie: [2] Hmm, the network must be down, they can't call in to tell everyone what a jackass Rabe is.
Infiltrate: [3] Some of them will sneak into Rabe's ranks at the earliest opportunity. (10 infiltrators designated)
Mess with KONG: [3] Puff puff drifts in Kong's direction and covers him in powder. Kong goes berserk, but Puff puff leaves without leading KONG to Rabe's front door. (KONG hallucinating)
Sabotage: [irrelevant] There's nobody left to do this job.

Inquisitors: Seek out Unescargot
[5] They find you easily. Oh dear. (Discovered your hiding place)

I have just heard the Tavern Wench has just researched a way to summon horrors even without the orbs.

I love you and hate you at the same time, and thus I shall now kill you.

50 random cultists: Get recruiting! We need enough manpower to beat up Tavern Wench and co. while still making that banishing ritual.
50 other random cultists: Spread rumors that whatever happened to make Tavern Wench so loved by humanity are lies. Lie yourself if you have to, just reduce her PR. We don't want everyone on our backs after all this.
Me (If PR is reduced enough no one is ACTUALLY gonna do anything if I attack her): I'm feeling a bit peckish. Drunken humans are a good meal, right?
Me (If else): Assist in the recruiting!

((lol, tsundere Anthaju))
recruit: [3] They bring more people into your merry band of madness, but get lazy and stop halfway through the day (+25 cultists)
Break PR: [4] They manage to spread word that TW isn't as cool as everyone thinks, but because of the overwhelming force of her followers PR power, it doesn't actually change much (TW merely admired by humanity)
EAT HUMANS: [3] You munch down a few of TW's cultists. If you were injured it might make you recover faster, but you aren't so it doesn't. It doesn't make you any more popular. (bad PR, TW loses 25 cultists) ((Somehow, I don't think it matters what her PR is if they see you eating people))

Inquisitors: Attack Anthaju
[5] The muscle-mummies tear into your belly to get at the delicious meaty bits you just ate. They then realize they can't eat without stomachs and get sad. If only you were in the safety of your base instead of creeping around the fields where TW is hanging out you might have been protected. (heavily wounded)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #766 on: May 25, 2015, 06:11:26 pm »

1/2 of cultists: Find mercury.
The other half: Improve PR.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #767 on: May 25, 2015, 10:45:40 pm »

The thing about that, voice in my head, is that my base is FLOODED with WATER.


Me: Lick wounds, heal now
25 cultists: Protect me using your bodies as meatshi- valiant warriors of Ancient Egypt!
100 cultists: Make a website dedicated to spewing conspiracies about TW, mostly bad ones.

Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #768 on: May 26, 2015, 06:26:44 am »

wuts happening with my carp legions
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #769 on: May 26, 2015, 10:14:23 am »

The thing about that, voice in my head, is that my base is FLOODED with WATER.


If only you had some hapless, expendable scrubs you could get to drain the water out for you...

wuts happening with my carp legions
They're dead. Also, you aren't summoned. And you're busy finding your default character's powers. Basically you're back to square zero...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #770 on: May 26, 2015, 10:31:57 am »

The thing about that, voice in my head, is that my base is FLOODED with WATER.


If only you had some hapless, expendable scrubs you could get to drain the water out for you...
I need those for other things! The draining can come later, when I am dead or I have killed TW. Also, you need to bold my text.

((This is so meta))
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #771 on: May 26, 2015, 11:36:44 am »

Do I have 1155 cultists? can you make a report? who hasnt gone? if less or more than 1155 plz tell me I will edit this.
55 Cultists and 50 armed cultists: 30 man the turrets and the rest stand by to repair any damage.
100 Cultists: Arm Unescargot's inquisitors.
400 Cultists and 10 in high places: Found an institute dedicated to the scientific study of magic, orb based powers and the eldritch in general. In particular study of the orbs of stalwarts(where did they come from, how were they created, can we make some, are there 5 in total or just 5 accessible so are there hundreds deep in the earth's crust, is there 5 on each planet or 5 total in the universe if so whats so special about earth, can the fragments be repaired, can the fragments be used in other ways, can other types of orbs be turned into orbs of stalwart?)
Me: Use the powers carp misplaced to drown Unescargot's cultists then give the powers back to CARP.
200 Cultists and 40 recogniseable cultists: Recrute.
300 Cultists: KI industries are still a thing, operate the recycler and get a steady stream of metal bars and items flowing out and a steady stream of money flowing in.(Make a few missiles while you're at it.)
10 hallucinating cultists: Spread the joy to Unescargot's cultists.
One old cultist: Stand around outside the base and ask puff-puff nicely to go away.

Koshu I will summon you in exchange for some favors and an alliance.
You missed my turn. And koshu it probably involve space travel.
Has descended into madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #772 on: May 27, 2015, 10:06:32 am »

negotiate with rabe for my cultists back

Negotiating with yourself? An interesting plan, to be sure...
that was my turn

and i have a new turn carp laying siege to stuff remember?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 10:08:24 am by carp »
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #773 on: May 27, 2015, 04:03:15 pm »

and i have a new turn carp laying siege to stuff remember?
No, I don't remember, please enlighten me as to what this "turn carp" is and who it's laying siege to.

Edit: also, did you ever actually give him cultists? I thought you cancelled it out with another order


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #774 on: May 27, 2015, 04:30:33 pm »

Do I have 1155 cultists? can you make a report? who hasnt gone? if less or more than 1155 plz tell me I will edit this.
55 Cultists and 50 armed cultists: 30 man the turrets and the rest stand by to repair any damage.
100 Cultists: Arm Unescargot's inquisitors.
400 Cultists and 10 in high places: Found an institute dedicated to the scientific study of magic, orb based powers and the eldritch in general. In particular study of the orbs of stalwarts(where did they come from, how were they created, can we make some, are there 5 in total or just 5 accessible so are there hundreds deep in the earth's crust, is there 5 on each planet or 5 total in the universe if so whats so special about earth, can the fragments be repaired, can the fragments be used in other ways, can other types of orbs be turned into orbs of stalwart?)
Me: Use the powers carp misplaced to drown Unescargot's cultists then give the powers back to CARP.
200 Cultists and 40 recogniseable cultists: Recrute.
300 Cultists: KI industries are still a thing, operate the recycler and get a steady stream of metal bars and items flowing out and a steady stream of money flowing in.(Make a few missiles while you're at it.)
10 hallucinating cultists: Spread the joy to Unescargot's cultists.
One old cultist: Stand around outside the base and ask puff-puff nicely to go away.

Koshu I will summon you in exchange for some favors and an alliance.
You missed my turn. And koshu it probably involve space travel.
What is that, 11 actions? Fuck you too
Guard: [6] 30 cultists take up positions on the gun turrets and Culty McOldman gets ready to shoo off everyone's favorite hallucinogenic cloud. Some of the gun operators get too rambunctious and break their turrets (-10 gun turrets, 30 cultists guarding, 1 old cultist guarding for Puff puff)
repair: [6] They put some duct tape over the cracks in the walls. Some of the cultists feel demeaned by this lame task and quit. (-25 cultists)
Give arms: [2] they can't seem to track down the inquisitors to give them weapons. A shame, really.
Found institute: [6] The cultists in high placces found the institute, but they use so many favors to get the insitute founded that they lose their hold on politics. (CIHP now just cultists, Mikatonic university founded)
Research: [5] Studying history books they find that, yes, there are other Orbs of Stalwart. However, they are on other planets and the one effort made to bring them back ended with the ship unable to escape the planet. Hypothetically you could take a huge chunk of quartz or glass and try to make a fake on to see if it works, but from the shards of the old Orbs and your own psionic abilities you can tell the Orbs themselves are special, and irreplaceable. Doesn't mean you can't screw with some desperate fool who hasn't been summoned by claiming you have a real Orb. (researched Orb of Stalwart)
Drown: [irrelevant] You can't seem to channel the power properly, possibly because they are nowhere near water. Also because you're nowhere near them. And have no presence. In fact, this power is quite useless to you. You would give it back, but you don't know the power swap ritual.
Make missiles: [1] Kitten Industries Industries is a bit irrelevant to your base having a smeltery. They light up the smelter and try to make some missiles, but end up letting the smeltery overheat and causing an explosion in the base, big enough to kill most of them and destroy the smeltery. (smeltery destroyed, -200 cultists)
Snuggles: [3] They go off to Rub themselves all over Unescagot's cult, but end up going to Puff puff himself instead and get even more covered in dust. (hallucinating cultists now more contagious, Puff puff dissipated)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #775 on: May 28, 2015, 09:42:39 am »

and i have a new turn carp laying siege to stuff remember?
No, I don't remember, please enlighten me as to what this "turn carp" is and who it's laying siege to.

Edit: also, did you ever actually give him cultists? I thought you cancelled it out with another order
oops no comma it's "i have a new turn, carp laying siege to stuff." i'm not good at typing puncuation
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #776 on: May 29, 2015, 09:44:39 am »

Hmpf just 935 left.(30 are guarding)
135 cultists: Go to Mikatonic university and ask if if it is completely impossible to make a orb of stalwart or if you just can't make one by shaping quarts, is there some sort of enchantment ritual for exsample.
300 Cultists: Ask the military for some tanks to deal with Unescagot and make some more junkyard wars style.(Or see if they won't just attack him outright.)
300 Cultists: Recrute.
100 Cultists: Ask NASA(Or other space agency) if they will help find orbs of stalwart on the moon then later send some people to summon koshu, tell them about the potential for extradimensional travel and cheap space flight.
Me: Ask koshu for his true name for summoning purposes.
100 Cultists: Run daring raid on Cloud guy and steal the ritual of power swap.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 11:58:25 am by Evonix »
Has descended into madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #777 on: May 29, 2015, 09:03:55 pm »

and i have a new turn carp laying siege to stuff remember?
No, I don't remember, please enlighten me as to what this "turn carp" is and who it's laying siege to.

Edit: also, did you ever actually give him cultists? I thought you cancelled it out with another order
oops no comma it's "i have a new turn, carp laying siege to stuff." i'm not good at typing puncuation
Seriously carp, what's your action? You're in another plane of existence, you can't run a one-man siege and Rabe doesn't seem to be getting out of his easy chair to help you out...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #778 on: May 30, 2015, 01:07:32 pm »

i mean the carp using my carp controlling powers i want something to do while i search for my BANANSBNASBNABSNABSNBASNABSNABSNBSAN
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #779 on: May 30, 2015, 01:11:00 pm »

i mean the carp using my carp controlling powers i want something to do while i search for my BANANSBNASBNABSNABSNBASNABSNABSNBSAN
From the water? Just because you can control them doesn't mean they are somehow magical land-walking carp... Also you have to actually take control of more carp, the ones you had before you killed to feed your cultists... Who you then killed to feed to your flesh monster... Who then got killed...
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