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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 237687 times)


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #735 on: May 18, 2015, 04:52:29 pm »

((I read this thread and it looks interesting, and funny I have an idea for a horror.  Can I sign up for the next game?))

((Also I heard mention of a mastermind game in this style, if that ever gets created can you let me know please.))

((Oops totally forgot thanks))
Wouldn't mind joining in next turn.
Feel free to make your horror now and I'll stick you on the waitlist, just be aware that starting next game I'm going to implement a limit on the number of actions per turn (right now I'm thinking 4 actions per player per turn assuming we get a big group again), which will probably make "appeal" a less appealing stat since having tons of cultists won't mean tons of actions.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #736 on: May 18, 2015, 05:35:24 pm »

You've seen my action, right?
Ain't nobody got time for that.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #737 on: May 18, 2015, 06:02:39 pm »

((Technically puff puff can't attack anything, but I get what you're intention is. Though I'm not sure where your "mind control" power is coming from, unless you expect telepathy to be mind control subsitute.))
From the telepathy description:
Game 3 begins
Name: Koshu, the Descending Star
- Telepathy, the Song of Its Soul: How it communicates, lacking any mouth to speak or ears to hear. The weak-minded can only sing along to its tune, though.
Granted I did a pretty shitty job writing up that character sheet, so it is not remotely clear how half the stuff there is actually supposed to work.

Reresearch: [5] They find a documented summoning ritual known to work and throw out their old notes since this one looks like it'll actually work. It requires dragon blood, a specialized and precise pattern and needs to be performed at the right time of the day. It also requires 500 cultists to be sacrificed (well, it says "willing sacrifices", but it's not like you're going to convince random civilians to die for you). Damn, better get recruiting. (know sacrifice summoning ritual (req DB, 500 cultists))
Yeah, our workplace safety record is so doomed.

Rerepair: [6] They build a bunch of spikes into the damaged areas so invaders get shredded when they try to enter. Brilliance or madness? Only time will tell. They then leave to buy more spikes because they apparently missed the "guard" thing. (Spikes added to defenses)
Well, I guess that works. (Does that mean I have extra spikes in inventory now?)

((No more conditional actions, you need to decide what you want to do... also you would've been too late anyway, attacks happen as actions and later actions can't stop them))
Alright, sorry about that.

Inquisitors: Tear the base apart
[4] They tear down the wall, taking advantage of the structural instability left by the previous damage. Several get torn up by the spikes and die of infection. (base defenses destroyed, -75 armed inquisitors)
Ah dammit.
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #738 on: May 18, 2015, 07:14:43 pm »

You've seen my action, right?
Yeah, but I just accidentally closed my web browser so I lost the results. Frickin google chrome and it's lack of confirmation before closing multi-tabbed windows...

Find dragon blood.
50 cultists: Look up the ritual involving the Orb of Stability.
Rest of the cultists: Perform the ritual.
Seek blood: [6] You find the dragon blood and send some people to collect it, and they celebrate by drinking half of it. (-50 cultists, found dragon blood)
Research: [2] They can't find any reference to this thing.
perform: [irrelevant] What the hell do we do with this stuff? Ah well, better head back to base.

armed inquisitors: destroy the base
[2] Wait, base? Since when did Tavern Wench have a base? They skip the turn scouting out the base instead of attacking it.
Others: recruit
[2] They can't find anyone to fight you. Apparently you're popular or something...

well i guess have my carp search for BANANANASBANSNANSNASnA until he finds them
((is trog dead or alive))
[4] You find part of your psyche. Some of your old abilities return, but it appears that your old body isn't coming back. (regained ability to swim through anything, regained ability to control carp)

Ya you missed it, it's just a few posts after the link you gave me.
I will now repost it:
Me, 25 cultists and all the recognizable cultists: Recruit!
5 Cultists in high places: Give Unescargot's inquisitors better PR.
600 Cultists and any others: I am ashamed of you lot but I will give you another chance, Repair and improve the base (remember you can use the forge concrete and explosives), I want to see a underground complex, I want to see mini gun and missile turrets on a huge concrete wall, I want to see lightning rods, I do not want to see it's destruction in a thousand years.

Recruit: [5] You and your cultists recruit like there's no tomorrow. You won't be short on people for a long time... well, unless you make a REALLY big mistake... (+530 cultists)
PR: [6] You try to give the inquisitors some benefits from your popularity, but it seems you overestimated your popularity a bit and the inquisitors have no use for PR. (you now have moderately bad PR, Unescargot now has bad PR)
Repair and upgrade: [4] They repair the base and install a few upgrades, such as lightning rods and put up a chain link fence with barbed wire to keep intruders out. A few gun emplacements are built and must be manned, but given how many cultists you have that shouldn't be a problem. (base now has lightning rods, defensive wall, and 30 gun turrets) ((Gonna say that guards are effectively heavily armed as long as they are manning a turret))


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #739 on: May 18, 2015, 08:11:07 pm »

My Horror
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 09:56:14 am by fillipk »
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #740 on: May 18, 2015, 08:19:37 pm »

My Horror
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Oh, this next game's going to be Fun, I can already tell...


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #741 on: May 18, 2015, 08:28:33 pm »

It may not be of use, but I created a generator specifically for this stuff.

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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #742 on: May 18, 2015, 08:34:06 pm »

My Horror
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Oh, this next game's going to be Fun, I can already tell...


((I'll let you get back to the present game now))
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #743 on: May 18, 2015, 08:44:22 pm »

((I would like to join the next game, this is my horror))
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I should probably introduce the actual plot soon
7/11 guy, bringer of the apocabeepse. Uplifter of threads. Herald of the hive.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #744 on: May 18, 2015, 09:02:13 pm »

It may not be of use, but I created a generator specifically for this stuff.

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I don't know if that'll see much use either, making the horror is part of the fun, but I suppose if someone's played several games and is running out of ideas or I start having trouble making subhorrors it'll see some use

((I would like to join the next game, this is my horror))
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Giant puppeting hands and a miniature sun, nothing to see here people...

I think Adragis/Smiley hasn't had their turn yet (or the actions have fallen more than two pages behind and I don't want to go searching for something I don't know is there)


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #745 on: May 18, 2015, 09:13:16 pm »

((Will post tomorrer.))


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #746 on: May 19, 2015, 02:48:50 am »

Half of the cultists: Research on the Orb of Stability.
Other half: Reinforce base.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 05:12:24 pm by wipeout1024 »
Ain't nobody got time for that.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #747 on: May 19, 2015, 09:24:45 am »

Half of the cultists: Research on the Orb of Stability.
Other half: Perform the ritual.
((You probably don't have the materials to actually do the ritual yet, perhaps those guys would be better used elsewhere))


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #748 on: May 22, 2015, 03:39:04 pm »

Do I have 1155 cultists? can you make a report? who hasnt gone? if less or more than 1155 plz tell me I will edit this.
55 Cultists and 50 armed cultists: 30 man the turrets and the rest stand by to repair any damage.
100 Cultists: Arm Unescargot's inquisitors.
400 Cultists and 10 in high places: Found an institute dedicated to the scientific study of magic, orb based powers and the eldritch in general. In particular study of the orbs of stalwarts(where did they come from, how were they created, can we make some, are there 5 in total or just 5 accessible so are there hundreds deep in the earth's crust, is there 5 on each planet or 5 total in the universe if so whats so special about earth, can the fragments be repaired, can the fragments be used in other ways, can other types of orbs be turned into orbs of stalwart?)
Me: Use the powers carp misplaced to drown Unescargot's cultists then give the powers back to CARP.
200 Cultists and 40 recogniseable cultists: Recrute.
300 Cultists: KI industries are still a thing, operate the recycler and get a steady stream of metal bars and items flowing out and a steady stream of money flowing in.(Make a few missiles while you're at it.)
10 hallucinating cultists: Spread the joy to Unescargot's cultists.
One old cultist: Stand around outside the base and ask puff-puff nicely to go away.

Koshu I will summon you in exchange for some favors and an alliance.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:46:11 pm by Evonix »
Has descended into madness


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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #749 on: May 22, 2015, 08:23:22 pm »

((Still Adragis, if he/she doesn't take action before noon tomorrow I'm moving forward without him/her

Also you need to actually take an action to find out Koshu's language if you want to summon him, I don't know if I've been keeping on top of that but it's meant to keep people from just pulling "summon-obliterate" stunts like you tried earlier))
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