Also, many creature graphics were drawn rather hastily. Feedback on designs would be appreciated.
Horses have a pack on their back, which makes sense for traders arriving with them as pack animals, but not for horses pulling carts, horses you buy or wild horses.
Same for donkeys.
Bows at the bow-dwarves should face the other way (?)
Elves have grey/cyan armors/weapons. That's fine for dwarves, because they use metal and later on adamantine, so the colors fit. Elves on the other hand attack with wooden armor and weapons. The colors should be brown, with a bit of green to it (?)
Alll your characters look to the left. Maybe mirror the animated/undead sprite to make them look the other way... because they have turned. Get it? Dont kill me.
Elite goblin soldiers also have the cyan color. Maybe a different one, red (aggressive?).
Same for humans, they also have the cyan color, but no access to adamantine. Traditionally human officers/high ranking soldiers were noblemen, so maybe purple instead? Or keep the grey (metal) armor and add a purple coat/feather to them?
Kobolds cyan colored elite soldiers too, I'd use a different way to distinguish them. I personally find them a bit too dark and aggressive looking. I'd imagine them cuter, large eyes, without the aggressive eyebrows. They also seem to have albino-soldiers (?)
The hippo coloration seems a bit off and reminds me more of a cow.
The deer looks a bit off. The ears are very large in comparison to the antlers. The antlers also look like elk antlers, and the fur does not have spots. Sorry to sound a bit harsh, but it looks somewhat like a dog with antlers.
The alligator is brown... RL they are more dark-olive/green. (or it's my screen, but it looks like the same color as the buzzard next to it. Curiously enough, the DF alligators have GRAY scales in the raws. O.o
The cheetah is missing the very unique eye-markings that RL cheetahs have. The black-tear like marking. The orange shading/fur on the neck also makes it look like it has a mane, like a lion.
The saltwater croc is blue?! I assume that's on purpose to show it's connected to ocean/saltwater? RL it's again olive/greenish on top, with beige stomach scales.
You seem to have made creature sprites for vermin too. They are currently unuseable, because vermins use TILE_NUMBER ingame. I hope that Twbt will enable you to overrite these, but I think mifki would have to add some more functionality to Twbt for that. This sadly counts for most of the fish too. (creature files small ocean and small riverlake mostly)
Goblins have RED eyes. They even glow red in the dark in Adv Mode.
The rat man (subterranean creature file) has grey fur in the face, brown fur on the rest of the body. I assume that was a copy/past mistake?
The Giant cave spiders are BROWN, not white like you made them. I do like that you made many cave animals white (lacking menalin/albino), but the spiders are not one of them.
Hope these help.