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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 6386484 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27315 on: January 13, 2013, 09:29:28 pm »

It's a barrel with a wheelbarrow in it, which has that barrel in it, which has a barrel with a wheelbarrow in it- BARJAFUADWADAWDW *shits bricks*


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27316 on: January 13, 2013, 09:31:16 pm »

It's a barrel with a wheelbarrow in it, which has that barrel in it, which has a barrel with a wheelbarrow in it- BARJAFUADWADAWDW *shits bricks*
Schist blocks?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27317 on: January 13, 2013, 09:34:17 pm »

That was...
YEA- *explodes*


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27318 on: January 13, 2013, 11:15:49 pm »

Well, found a nice new embark location on a fresh world. My civ has no access to iron, but has steel, is at war with the elves, and I fully expect to be beaten (somehow) with wooden swords since my first year has been dedicated to getting through the aquifer present using the land-mass-drop method, because I want a nice, even hole right through the aquifer and a spiral ramp going from the surface as far down as I can get it. That is as far ahead as I've planned, since the lower caverns contain 2 magma pipes and a clown fort right next to each other (maybe 4-5 tiles apart at the top). Oh, did I mention the necro tower nearby as well? Yeah.

Looks good so far, almost had a food and drink crisis but managed to avoid that while getting the aquifer dealt with. The sides and ramps of the hole will be paved with granite until a more accessible material becomes available. Maybe silver, since there is a metric ton on this map, but that will be dealt with eventually. The animals migrants brought were slaughtered and turned into bolts or crafts, and certain essentials bought from the caravan.

Right now I'm worried an early elven ambush could mess with me, so the initial 2 axedwarves and 2 competent marksdwarves are training on buzzards and sparring. Since everything is so open and accessible, any invaders will have a straight shot to the juicy innards of my fort for now... probably just a retracting bridge over the temporary main access to the fort, then a more grand defense around the aquifer-hole, not sure.

Time will tell... and since I have a 6 hour break between classes on Wednesdays, I have plenty of time to work this thing out.



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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27319 on: January 14, 2013, 05:46:47 am »

Just completed my entry for the Poor Dwarven Losers Challenge.

The challenge: To attract the monarch to your fortress in as little time as possible in game.

My time: Just over 5 years.

Looks like I'm the only one to complete the challenge too, unless someone else submits their save before the 17th.

Debating whether to continue the fortress now I've completed the challenge.

Dwarf Fortress Map Archive Link


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27320 on: January 14, 2013, 02:59:44 pm »

Ok, Urist McO7Mechanic. Thanks a ton for getting a mechanic mood and making me a lovely artifact mechanism, but next time can you NOT grab the only 3 native silver ores that I've mined? I wouldn't mind normally, but you just increased the fort wealth 4 times over with your little stunt, and we only have a few axe- and crossbow- dwarves to defend our walls.

Time to get some wood burning going, and get a few more dwarves geared up... at least there have been a competent spear and sword user, and skilled hammer user in the last migrant wave.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27321 on: January 14, 2013, 03:16:32 pm »

Cursed by a vampire. I don't know how to identify him, but since I have more Urist than I need...
Tai'shar DwarfFortress

I've heard Minecart Airlines Express offers nice trips to nobility. Alternative trips include a voyage over the volcano. Call 1-800-I-THE-GUINEAPIG-VOLUNTEER and book now!
My fucking armok, you broke the game.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27322 on: January 14, 2013, 05:02:08 pm »

Got my first legendary migrant ever, ecstatic that she was a legendary +1 macedwarf, legendary armor user, legendary shield user, and legendary dodger. Since this fortress is going to be dedicated to building temples of my dwarves' various deities, I am thinking about dedicating a temple specifically to this dwarf as the physical embodiment of whatever deity is the most warlike.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27323 on: January 14, 2013, 05:32:44 pm »

I started on the "pathetic dwarven loser challenge" a few days ago... having considerable difficulties keeping dwarves fed, due to the lack of surface crops, and the incessant migrations.  Seems I go from plenty of food and drink to near zero almost instantly. Planning to expand the agricultural district.

Issues with keeping stupid dwarves off the surface, insufficient time to train military, and continual incursions by goblins. Tried resorting to turtling, but the migrants cause trouble outside, trying to get in.

Not being able to grow multiple food crops has been causing issues. Trying to get massive poultry production started, as I have a matched set of guineas. Dwarves keep coming, and overruning the stockpiles faster than the little birds can grow up.

I am wondering if vek modified the raws to make the dwarves into voracious eaters.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27324 on: January 14, 2013, 06:03:58 pm »

I started on the "pathetic dwarven loser challenge" a few days ago... having considerable difficulties keeping dwarves fed, due to the lack of surface crops, and the incessant migrations.  Seems I go from plenty of food and drink to near zero almost instantly. Planning to expand the agricultural district.

Issues with keeping stupid dwarves off the surface, insufficient time to train military, and continual incursions by goblins. Tried resorting to turtling, but the migrants cause trouble outside, trying to get in.

Not being able to grow multiple food crops has been causing issues. Trying to get massive poultry production started, as I have a matched set of guineas. Dwarves keep coming, and overruning the stockpiles faster than the little birds can grow up.

I am wondering if vek modified the raws to make the dwarves into voracious eaters.
I always found it pretty easy to keep the fortress fed. Traders bring far more food than you need each year in the caravan, just buy their meat and fish. You really just want a few underground farms for making brewing crops.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27325 on: January 14, 2013, 06:14:10 pm »

The challenge has the dwarven caravan as the *ONLY* yearly caravan. There is no surface food. No merchants to purchase surface food.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27326 on: January 14, 2013, 07:01:08 pm »

... I am wondering if vek modified the raws to make the dwarves into voracious eaters.
Nope. No mods, no changes. It's all default/vanilla raws.
Underground crops should provide far more than you need for food & drink, as Jimmy has mentioned.
All the seeds brought with the initial embark can be planted in Z-1 and Z-2 immediately after unpausing the save.  Nothing special required, no irrigation required, etc.

I am glad to see it is providing SOME challenge, though.  8)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27327 on: January 14, 2013, 07:02:02 pm »

Urgh. Stupid kobolds and goblin snatchers.

One kobold managed to KILL my O7 mason, and I used DFHack's die command to kill the game right then and there.

Then a goblin with a large iron dagger crippled one of my axedwarves by stabbing him in the shoulder and arm, thankfully no permanent damage, but still takes him out of commission for a while. I think I need spotters and some cages thrown up, this is getting irritating.

Damn you, artifact mechanism, you are gonna be the DOOM of us all!

Mr Space Cat

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27328 on: January 14, 2013, 07:10:57 pm »

Oilfin is going pretty swell, now that I've stuck with it past two years. We've got soap industries, glass and kiln magma furnaces slowly working, plenty of food and booze, and sunshine berries are slowly multiplying from the starting 5 we seized from the first elven caravan along with errything else they had. The surface defenses and military tower of barracks is set up, fortifcations put up overlooking the front death corridor leading to a chokepoint for the melee squads always training close by in the tower. All other industries are running, we got cows, turkeys, lotsa cloth and thread, and a well close by the hospital located right next door to the currently unemployed prison.

We're at 83 dwarves, and several children have grown old enough to join the squad of useless engravers. One of the starting miners has been elected mayor. He seems pretty happy though, so no risk of him starting a tantrum spiral by picking somedorf in the head yet due to some unfulfilled mandate.

The military is set up and almost all melee squads are armored and equipped in full bronze since it looks cool and steel isn't in plentiful supply. A squad of 2 speardwarfs, 2 axedwarfs, and four hammerdwarves for running down and distracting fast prey. See, the spear and axe squads are using my modded in armor and mechanical super weapons. I miscalculated some armor weight though. A bronze "heavily plated chassis" has been suitably named, for weighing 47 Urists. The full body suit of chainmail to wear under it weighs about a much, then there's the powerhelmet weighing 9 Urists, chain hood and pants weighing more or less as the helmet, and powered greaves weighing 28 Urists. Powered boots and powergloves weigh 3 Urists each.

Untrained armor users are quite slow, as a result. I like to imagine them looking like walking tin cans slowly heaving after goblins who are smart enough to run right past them. Of course, goblins aren't that smart. a squad of hammerdwarves suited in lighter metal will be for running down and weakening/crippling/distracting fast targets.

We're eagerly waiting for our first siege, or even an ambush. One of the peasant children supposedly shows promise as a hammerdwarf, according to Dorf Therapist. He's the head of the hammersquad, maybe he's the future champion or something.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #27329 on: January 14, 2013, 07:23:58 pm »

I expected my current fortress Doomedbones to basically be a massive failure, since I embarked in a savage/evil biome.  But for the most part it's surprisingly tame.  No clouds of huskifying mists are hordes of skeletons.  Honestly the only frightening thing about it is the extremely common message of "It's raining dwarf blood!"

It makes the dwarves damn nervous.
Quote from: StLeibowitz
Quote from: Yuli Vlasi
It's probably worth mentioning that AnimaRytak is the only ecstatic dwarf in the entire fort.
Quick, check him for rum! The bastard's probably spirited some off to his lair office, to act as pleasant refreshment as his evil scheme unfolds!
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