Finally... > General Discussion

Re: Dungeons & Dragons / PNP games thread: COBRA!!!

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Okay, I've noticed a LOT of D&D/Pathfinder discussion of late, and it doesn't seem to fit into the Tabletop Games thread.

This thread is for D&D/Pathfinder players, DMs, and interested parties to share experiences, engage in some world building, and generally discuss the games.

From the outset I want a few things clear, DO NOT engage in 'version X is better than version Y' discussion/argument, I will lock down the thread and report the parties responsible. (Even if it's me.)

Sometimes games get graphic, try to be considerate of other forumgoers and keep more brutal/nasty/lascivious details spoilered, general descriptions of sex are probably fine, but not excessive detail (most people generally understand sex, right?), as for nasty and brutal, I'd just prefer that the gory details be kept spoilered, it's okay to explain that something was killed in a horribly violent fashion, but the details of the viscera are spoiler material, and it is fine to explain that the badguy's perversion include torturing children and raping them, but not okay to throw the details out in public.  Again, I will lock down and call the Toad.

Addendum 1: NO gods be damned alignment discussions, this subject has become less charged recently, but I will still ask you to use the alignment thread.  If you do not comply, I will have to call the Toad.  Bohandas has kindly put up a thread specifically to discuss alignments, and I am putting the link up right here for people Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Addendum 2: KEEP IT CIVIL, no attacks, no attitude (even me.)  If I issue a warning, it may contain vulgarity, this is facet of my baseline communication tendencies and is not likely to change ever.

Addendum 3: Try to keep discussion limited to actual game elements (rules, character creation, adventure/campaign ideas), I realize that discussions tend to range over a broad range of topics, but some are not acceptable for this thread.  If I ask you to drop a subject, please do so, I am just trying to avoid lengthy off-topic arguments.

Addendum 4: If you have concerns over how I handle curation of this thread then feel free to PM me, I appreciate feedback that can help me do a better job and keep me from being an asshole.

Addendum 5: Discussion of the literary merits and authorial intent of a PnP game, module, or related work are conditionally allowed, if discussion veers too far away from the actual game, module, setting, or authorial intent, I may ask you to stop.  In the spirit of this it is acceptable to discuss specific issues relating to the author in question, but if it turns into a hate train, I will derail with extreme prejudice.

(I may edit this post for further clarification, or add some quotes from interesting stories, I may also expand for other PnP games, if anyone is playing them and wants to share.)

101 wilderness encounters from the Bay12 hivemind:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)1.You find a concealed stone paved road leading off into the wilderness
2.You find the remains of another group's campsite
3.You see lights in the distance and hear the sound of music and laughter
4.You see a swallow tied to a coconut perched in a nearby tree
5.A body lays on the ground near a shallow hole with a shovel nearby
6.A travelling merchant sits by the side of the road next to a lame donkey
7.You see a barn on fire in the distance
8.Two men stand next to a wagon with a wheel that’s fallen off
9.Three boys are daring each other to climb a nearby structure
10.Two men are arguing about what defines good or evil
11.There is a toll booth ahead
12.An ornate sword is sticking out of the chest of a stone shaped like a monster
13.You find the hidden site of a poison maker’s hut
14.A trail of bones arranged like arrows points into the wilderness
15.You see a tree marked with druidic symbols
16.A glowing weapon sits in the centre of a large pond
17.A meteor crashes to the ground nearby
18.A sinkhole has opened and revealed the entrance to an ancient ruin
19.A secluded cabin is filled with undead cats
20.You hear crying from the bottom of a well
21.A mound with a stone marker that reads “What’s dead is best left buried”
22.A half-orc hangs in an iron cage at a crossroads, nearly dead
23.The road ahead passes through a well known ambush location
24.A young girl claims a witch has her brother and plans to eat him
25.A stranger begs you to willingly accept a cursed item
26. There's a big pit trap in the middle of the road, and inside it is a crashed wagon and a desperate tax collector.
27. There's a hole in a tree nearby and something very bright is shining out from inside it.
28. There's a literal hole a few metres up in the sky and water is pouring out of it at high speeds.
29. You meet a bear in the woods. She asks you if you've got any food to spare and if you know the way to the nearest town.
30. You encounter an orc fighting a tree with his bare hands, making mild progress. Several of his comrades are cheering him on.
31. An ancient tower leans precipitously over a meander. It ponderously collapses over the next hour, falling into the river piece by piece as it creates a new reef.
32. An elephant wanders the environs, looking out of place and confused.
33. The bottom half of a knight, neatly severed, lies in plain sight, still fresh and warm.
34. A zombie is sinking in quicksand, unable to process its predicament.
35. You kick a small pebble as you move about on your way. The ground starts to emit a progressively rising rumble.
36. You encounter a farmer tending his honey farm of giant wasps.
37. A bottle full of a shining silver liquid stands on a flat rock placed in the middle of the road.
38. you encounter two swordsmen - one dressed in red, the other in blue - locked in a duel.
39. You encounter the most cruel, foul, and bad-tempered rabbit you ever set eyes on.
40. Coming to a crossroads, you see the silvery figure of a ghostly woman, looking lost and upset.
41. The top half of a knight, neatly severed, lies in plain sight, still fresh and warm.
42.  A young man in a green cap runs past, being chased by a flock of angry chickens.
43. You find the site of a battle - the mud is churned and littered with broken arrows, weapons, and dried blood - but not a single body is in sight.
44. The dark figure of some vast creature crawls towards you from the path ahead before vanishing.
45. kobolds prance around a fire, a man trapped in a nearby wooden cage.
46. You find a grave. Seemingly from the ground, a voice loudly decries the vile traitor that betrayed him.
47. A dense mist descends and when it rises a character/valuable item has vanished.
48. You find a tree with disturbing faces carved into it.
49. You find a wandering fey, fresh into their first time on the material plane.
50. You find a trail of treats, strung from trees leading off into the deep forest
51. A boulder slowly rolls across the path, smashing through trees without slowing.  Its wake is perfectly straight, and long.
52. A goblin is climbing trees and debranching them.  It begs for assistance before nightfall.
53. A swarm of ants fills the path ahead, standing perfectly still.
54. A talking frog claims to be cursed, and begs to be taken to a prince for a kiss.
55. A hairy arm thrusts out of the ground, holding a shining battleaxe.
56. An old man sits beside the road, demanding a toll of "one riddle each".
57. At nightfall in a valley, ghostly coral and fish appear.  A glowing ship slowly floats above the path ahead.
58. The sound of clashing weapons is heard off in the trees.  But if approached, it remains equally distant.
59. An unarmed man lies in the road, dying of a sword wound.  He cannot speak, but refuses assistance as best he can.
60. A pillar of light from the full moon appears, touching down nearby.  Chanting can be heard through the trees.
61: You find a box of 3 magical equipment items; One of them is a great one that gives a major boost in damage. One of them is a "Girdle of Masculinity/Feminity". One of them is cursed and turns the wearer Chaotic Evil until it is removed.
62: You run into an old man in a cottage. He has dryads to help him tend his garden and he has a bit of a bug problem he wants you to help him with.
63. You come across a lake/pond/river. On the other side is a bear that appears to be made of some sort of roots. As it's swimming through the water towards you, you notice that the root bear floats.
64. You come across a Wizard on the road, arguing with their Familiar. Alternatively, a Druid and their Animal Companion. Or a Necromancer and an Intelligent Undead.
65. As you walk along the forest road, you begin to notice that colours, sounds, smells, and tastes are becoming much more vivid.
66. You hear what sounds like talking in the distance. As you approach, you see a number of woodland animals straining to comprehend their newfound intelligence.
67. The trees of this area seem peculiar to you. As you approach one to investigate, you realize that you have really been walking past the legs of giant creatures for the last half-mile.
68. You come across a man claiming to be a priest of a deity you have never heard of, asking for your assistance. Unknown to you, his powers are arcane in nature.
69. Thinly veiled innuendo.
70. The trees of this area seem peculiar to you. They appear to have thick vines hanging down each of their branches. As you approach, you realize that they are in fact the incredibly long arms of Moss Trolls. Seems you have stumbled upon a clan's territory. Luckily, they are currently asleep.
71. The weather becomes unpleasantly unseasonable.
72. A tree trips you over with a root, by accident.
73. A tree trips you over with a root, on purpose. It obviously grew that root in just that way for the sole purpose of tripping you over.
74. You spy an old man lying by the side of the road. He tells you that he was robbed by bandits, who stole his wheelchair. If you refuse to get it for him, he gets up, hits you with a stick and wanders off, muttering about the youth of today not respecting their elders, before falling over again because he's supposed to be in a wheelchair.
75. You have an uncomfortable feeling of being watched. You look around, but see nothing. Wait, did that pebble just wink at you?
76. You spot in the distance a man on horseback, clad completely in black with a long cloak. Although it is a breezy day, his cloak does not seem to move in the wind.
77. Suddenly, and very scarily, absolutely nothing interesting happens, throwing you completely off guard.
78. A shifty looking man sidles towards you and offers to sell you some cheap, "quality" magical artifacts from a totally legit source.
79. You spot a stairway carved into the side of a hill/mountainside/cliff leading up to a natural looking cave. As you watch, you see a metallic spring fall down the stairs.
80. A band of well dressed bandits accost you.
81. There is a large oak tree in the middle of the road ahead. In front of it is a picnic table with room enough to sit the party and no more, along with an assortment of food.
82. A garishly robed Wood Elf falls to his death from the sky.
83. There's a giant constrictor snake in the middle of the road, and someone (or something) is inside it, screaming for help.
84. While crossing a bridge, a troll leaps up and demands you pay a toll.
85. As above, but while the troll distracts you, another one sneaks up behind you and ties your shoe laces together.
86. You come across an elf engaged in a staring contest with a patch of nettles.
87. A pack of wolves is eating a recently killed deer. They won't bother you if you don't bother them.
88. Some wizard's cat familiar is in heat and trying to feed an aphrodesiac to a much larger wild cat like a lynx or a bobcat or an ocelot or something
89. Two elves seem to be playing a boardgame in a clearing, except that on closer inspection - and despite the fact that thir game seems to be progressing - they never seem to actually move any of the pieces.
90. An enormous swarm of panicked rats or snakes or other small animals scurries past going in the other direction
91. A raven pecks at a corpse by the side of the path
92. Shrines to two rival deities are located a short distance from one another along the path (really two seperate encounters, I guess). Both have been defaced.
93. A boat is half buried in the dirt far from any body of water
94. A boat is half buried in the side of a building, no one who lives around it seems to notice.
95. The party spots a ship sailing across the sky, using clouds as "waves".
96. Someone walks up to them and makes them take the GOAT from FO3
97. They meet a friendly troll in full plate, who is questing to become a knight of justice. The troll asks them if they've seen any fearsome beasts it could slay.
98. You encounter a hunting party carrying the body of a tremendous dire boar
99. You discover a wizard's tower. In the basement are a dozen locked cages containing strange creatures, and a open single cage. The wizard is nowhere to be seen.
100. With a very loud bang, a large chest containing a living halfling appears. The halfing is glad to be freed from inside, and gives the party a choice between two pouches.
101. The party stumbles across another party. Made up of dopplegangers of themselves. Claiming that they're the real ones.
101b. Flip a coin. On a tails, the dopplegangers are telling the truth.

with thanks to : Twinwolf, FallacyofUrist, GiglameshDespair, Greatorder, Sirius, Kilakan, Bohandas, Dutrius, Gentlefish, Scriver, BlackFlyme, Kadzar, Rolan7, sjm9876, Harry Baldman, and Jimmy who started the whole thing.
The link below is provided courtesy of My Name is Immaterial, it goes to a googledocs spreadsheet that contains the names of Bay 12 members who are looking for D&D and Pathfinder games:
Bay 12 players

If you are hurting for players, let me know, and I'll put up some free advertising (in the form of changing the title, not going crazy here).

What do you think the limit on the brutal/nasty/lascivious details are? Give us an example of something just skirting the edge of acceptable, plehz. I mean, if someone frequents /d/, aint nothin' gonna phase 'em, but otherwise it varies.

PTW. I've got some semi-decent stories that I'll type up later. Nothing approaching BlackFlyme's DM, but still.

To be fair, there isn't much that approaches the level of BlackFlyme's DM.

That's a bit hard to pin down, I'll admit, general descriptions of sex are probably fine, but not excessive detail (most people generally understand sex, right?), as for nasty and brutal, I'd just prefer that the gory details be kept spoilered, it's okay to explain that something was killed in a horribly violent fashion, but the details of the viscera are spoiler material, and it is fine to explain that the badguy's perversion include torturing children and raping them, but not okay to throw the details out in public.

Edit: I'll add this to the OP.


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