Since all the other fortress threads have been updating, I suppose it's time to give an update on Bastiongate. Many things have happened!

Firstly, Vucar had a son! A strong and healthy child, hopefully one of many to come.

The new hell worker, Kadol, married his sweetheart soon after I put him in the dorm. It was a good choice! I also discovered three of my hell workers are gay - two guys love each other, and one lady loves a non-hell worker lady.

One of my mechanics went fey and made an artifact mechanism. I usually don't talk about artifacts, but I laughed at the name.

Speaking of strange moods, Edem the Perfect Child became possessed. She started working on a woodcrafting mood right when the dwarves realized they hadn't heard anything out of the Hermetic Chamber in a while. Fikod was dead. She was hit by a nasty bug: tantruming dwarves will continue to try to destroy artifact furniture until they are either interrupted or die of thirst. Ustuth was claimed by the same bug earlier.
Everyone who entered the Hermetic Chamber came out a corpse.
Speaking of which (ha), I should probably explain where the title of Witch came from. See, way back when, one of my marksdwarves died of old age at right about the same time Fikod became possessed. He crafted some trinket out of wood, I'd have to look it up. Anyway, I named him Witch because that was pretty spooky and because he was a bitch. So when Edem became possessed probably around the time Fikod died, I figured it was about time to pass the ball. Edem is now the Witch and replaced one of my dead marksdwarves. She's doing pretty well. By the way, Edem was named Perfect Child because her stats were amazing as a kid. She's the daughter of one of my Beastslayers, so I guess that's to be expected.
I'm a bit sad at Fikod's death, though. He and his wife were among the first immigrants to Bastiongate, way back in 250. I can't remember what they started out as, but Fikod ended up being a furnace operator and Stakud became the broker, because he was the only one with social skills.

Speaking of Stakud, she didn't last much longer. They say she died of old age, as she was over 160, but I think she died of a broken heart. They'll be together in the afterlife. Now the only living members of the first migrant wave are Brewmeister Mebzuth and his wife Nil. They're only in their 90s, so they may end up outliving even the Founders.

Speak of the devil, and he appears. Vucar had another son.

On another note, I noticed something...
odd... in my prisoner stockpiles. Examining him reveals that said lord is my captive Avatar of Fire, who I was eventually planning to turn into a flame turret. He must have inherited the position while I wasn't looking. An examination via Legends Viewer shows neither of his parents was a noble. More investigation will have to wait for the next save.

I noticed a giant jaguar cub climbing down the Eyrie. I've seen it several times, though only two have actually fallen. I'm letting them breed because giant jaguars are my new bone source.

The first second-generation baby has been born! And to the hell workers that just got married, no less! His mother dreams of raising a family, and this dream was realized. This is the dawn of a new age in Bastiongate, with the original immigrants slowly dying off and their children getting married and giving birth to the new generation. I look forward to the future.

oh fuck

Oh, well, that's disappointing. A single recruit and her pet camel? Pitiful. But Hammerlord Ezum killed both of them and gained a title: Ezum Glazetyphoon the Grim Twist. Not bad, actually.

More marriages! Yay!

And rain? What is this, Christmas?

And a hydra! Jesus! Now all I need to complete my collection are a bronze colossus and a minotaur! By the way, this same hydra attacked me earlier in an alternate universe but my computer died.
I think I'll start trapping cavern wildlife.
Yeah, about that... I trapped a bunch, but then decided gladiator games were stupid and just murdered them all as target practice. I did save some naked mole dogs, which I didn't have yet, and some giant cave swallows, which I haven't got expert in training yet.
Instead what I'm doing is the opposite: constructive instead of destructive. I took 5 useless peasants and put them in a squad, each with a different melee weapon. When they all become legendary, I'm going to give them each a squad of dwarves, which they will train to legendary as well. Then they will be given a new squad. In this way, I will cycle through the entire fortress, training every dwarf to become a legendary warrior. I will continue the cycles when all dwarves are trained in order to keep them fresh.
This way, my dwarves will have amazing physical stats and therefore work faster and make better products. They'll also be able to kick the ass of any wayward critter that decides to pick a fight with them.

Also, this happened. Farmer Dakost is a legendary butcher and tanner and all-around hardass. Spearmaster Mafol is his son, so I suppose it runs in the family.
Unrelated news:
- The Grand Tombs were finished, smoothed, and filled. There were a few ghosts that briefly rose during the body transfer, but none caused any harm. Some tombs have statues if the dwarf was significant enough to have a statue made of them before death. I even learned a few things about my dwarves looking though those statues!
- When I made all the weapons and armor for 5 squads, the Blue Furnaces took the best parts and now they're all wearing masterworks. If they're wearing armor at all - several of them refuse to wear certain pieces of armor. It isn't fixed by adjusting the uniforms. I think my uniforms have become a tad corrupted in 54 years.
- I managed to breed some new jabberers just before the old ones all died of old age.
- The only haggard dwarf left is Mayor Domas. In fact, only he and Engraver Imush have any stress at all.
- Demon slaughtering has resumed. I've been collecting the biggest piles of meat in order to make the largest roast ever created. Right now the top four piles add up to 1647 units.
- Some of my older silk cloth, like my titan silk, was starting to rot away. I made it all into socks.
- The opportunity presented itself, so I now have three vomit monsters. They spit poison but I don't know what it does.