Oh dear the intermission was longer than an update.
The baseEve Jobs-sama and her gals escaped imprisonment and found what was once the X-Com base. From there, she attacked any ship foolish enough to stop by, made contact with the mutant population, started to learn about the different factions on Earth and became the only defense mutants could hope for against violent outbreaks from pureblood humans.

The base held a great treasure, the last laboratory in the world. This place shelters tools to allow many researchers to work together. Without this, the alternative would have been to build libraries at over a million apiece. And for each room, only one brainer can work.
Since the ethereals conquered Earth, they made sure to cut what was last of humanity from their biggest weapon, by keeping the humans divided and giving it technology without means to study. While Eve Jobs-sama mainly want to kick ass and take name, she and her brainers are slowly turning into the last guardians of knowledge of the world.

There is also two new bases in production. Hell Hole, designed to be an interception base, crashing ships for the Bonaventura in ‘Australasia’ and Wako Base, a long term investment that will house the B team in due time to take on Fuso and the Asian countries.
The main base is expanding too, a second Hangar has been started as well as a large vault. Let’s hope that the large vault will solve the space issue for good.
WorkshopsThe place also have a still, allowing to make X Grog. It’s not a lot of money’s worth but this reimburse the runts upkeep when they don’t have orders.

The workshop can produce basic weapons, plus acid flasks and poisoned daggers. They recently added the ability to produce assault and sniper shells, permanently putting muskets into retirement, and manstopper/snubby bullets to replace flintlocks.
There have been research on ship tech but no direct result yet. I can research ‘New fighter craft’ now so I guess we’ll have an upgrade soon. This is good because the Bonaventura had a bad time against a medium ship.
Currently, the runts can produce TAC vests and basic armor, plus smokey suits. The basic armor protect the best despite TU cost. TAC provides no benefit beside on the front and because their wearers are faster, they have the higher chance to not take straight hits. I know they can be upgraded later so I prefer to equip the rookies with smokey suits instead. Only Hat Hat wears a TAC now, to make her easier to spot. Hopefully I will be able to research better protection soon.
The galsIt is surprisingly easy to keep the gals alive. I mean, there is losses all the time but after grenades or other dickish moves are spent on the first wave, gals wearing basic armor can take a lot of hits. There is a few one-hit-kill weapons but it’s easy to recognize them and position to their owners are offed by overwatch.
Darkening Kaos
The higher ranked gal, Darkening Kaos is a great jack of all trades and has been doing well with rifles, flamethrowers, heavy lasers, bombs and daggers. She’s been wounded a lot but her high health (and Angel) kept her alive and kicking. Her increase of energy added mobility to her many useful skills. However, every time she gets wounded, you can be sure that at least one gal freak out. And by one gal, I mean Rince Wind.
She has used mostly a grenade launcher and a lot of explosives and is the reason that most of my screenshots and covered with smoke. With her strength increase, she will soon use rocket launchers. The problem however is that she has the lowest kill count. She fires a grenade at groups of enemies and the other gals gets the kills when they finish them off. Grenadier is an unrewarding job.
Euchre Jane
Just look at the strength bar, and that energy bar. She is changing from being a scout to an heavy weapon… scout. She sniped a lot of enemies with her lasgun and saved many mutant lives. I am considering upping this to at least the heavy laser, or perhaps a minigun. I’ll avoid explosives however because her bravery is almost the worst of the team and I do not want her to go berserk with a bazooka.
Rince Wind
She has the highest mission count. Of course that is because she was mostly far away from action, sniping isolated targets one at a time. She almost never missed a shot unless it was out of her field of view, and even then she can score impossible kills. With her good reflexes she can fire at running targets before they get close and her accuracy rises every battle. However look at that bravery! She is prone to panic often, hopefully never for long.
Fatima Ann
The queen of misfire. Her reaction is bad, her accuracy is meh and that’s why she shot her teammates often. Submachine guns are oddly suited because it compensates accuracy with number but on the other hand but her perfect 100 melee accuracy along a nice strength growth will more likely see her back to pistol + melee once I get an upgrade of strength based melee. Because ball bats wouldn’t be the best on armor, I need some kind of mace, with spikes, and lightning bolts coming out of it.
She was the gal of the match last pogrom, pretty much reducing everyone’s wound recovery by a half. The mutant medic is getting better and better at sprinting, patching the wounded in the frontline. She still uses a combat shotgun because it has a great accuracy, even when holding the medipack on the other hand. Her strength allow her to bring more and more stuff over time so she’s often packed with missiles, panzerfausts and other stuff to toss at hey teammates.
Never seen without her spear, Bushmeat also go into combat with a pistol on her belt and as you can see on the ranged bar, it went well for her. A spear is a deadly weapon in her hands, ignoring armor partially, and perhaps if she practise throwing it will be even more deadly. Should the enemy too far, she usually draw her pistol, line up a few shots then put it back. In short, she’s great at approaching enemies, thinning them then skewer them.
Hat Hat
And finally, Hat Hat.Who always have good idea but no one to tell it to. I think she’s the one who got the most sick leave, maybe it’s because she forget all sense of self preservation whenever she see a mutant die. She owe her life to her TAC vest because she took more than one shot in the face. She currently uses a Fuso sword and a pistol that is almost never drawn. The damage she does with that sword is incredible, making her the only gal with a kill count higher than mission count.