As my computer is still in a cardboard box, I took my laptop and played a bit with it. That should help us wait for our next pirate adventures.
A little git update...

A little make not-install...

Alright, let’s play it from start to finish!
Ironman Superhuman run, with better gauss and enhanced
magma magna pack.

Gave my base a good name that will sure motivate the troops.

And a good save name.

I got the choice between a line of weapon that gets obsolete immediately, a medkit that I cannot use because soldiers dies at the first stone throw, and a new radar. Since I activated enhanced Gauss weapons, why not give it a try?

After a couple of weeks, I got pistols with more stopping power than dart rifles. It was not as accurate as a rifle, but the gauss rifle was nearby.

I also used the time to buy a tank and some supplies. After a couple of more days, an alien sub finally touched down.

And here was our dream team, they courageously spent the first turn crying in their sub while the enemy moved around.

Angel spotted the first alien and blew it up into pieces.

Prince(ss) Expendable tried throwing a grenades are a couple of aquatoids but it did nothing! Nothing at all! (The grenade we 1 z-level higher but I am sure I added multi-level explosions)

So he tried finishing them with an explosive shell from her cannon but screwed up and shot at his feet. It was the first time I see aquanauts survive any wound.

I had to finish the mission before two of my soldiers die of their wounds so old tactics were used. Enemies spotted were shot by snipers from the transport sub, those who were too far were taken out with grenades and a trio of aquanauts rushed the alien sub to kill the survivors.

What a good start!

Uh oh…

Since the engineers made gauss pistols and ammo, I loaded it up and went for the terror site. This is when I realized I did a big mistake. It was a night terror and
I FORGOT TO TAKE THE FLARES! To add insult to the injury, the Triton transport sub was in the middle of the playfield, in case I manage to evade an ambush.
Reaction shots were everywhere, despite passing the first turn. The aquanauts could not even get far from their submarine. To make matters worse, the gauss pistol barely did anything to the enemies. Grenades did not help either.
The result can be summed up with this picture.

Not a good start at all. The council told me to eat a bag of dicks.

So I decided to give the Gauss weapons the finger and try to get a basic armor. The problem was that I did not accomplished it before the second terror mission, and I detected no USO at all, even despite building a better radar.
And guess how well the terror mission went.
This was my second attempt, but I am not finished.
“Je vais te trouver, Cthulu! Et quand je te trouverai, je te péterai ta sale gueule!”Me: 0, TFTD: 2