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Author Topic: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.  (Read 340653 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2016, 04:57:00 am »

Conquest of Elysium 4 is very entertaining. Feels more fast paced than Dominions, which is nice when I want to play a game without long term commitment. The added planes and particularly the new combat system help make this game nicely involved and replayable.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2016, 08:18:11 am »

Have you ever been in your room trying to sleep but the residents somewhere around you demand on partying at 3AM? Have you then wanted to sneak around with a large knife and fix the problem?

That's Party Hard.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2016, 09:09:41 am »

Survive Me Miolhr is one of the most unbearably awful games I've seen on Steam in a long time.

I played a little of it.  The English is incomprehensible, and I attacked a tree with an axe and it dodged.  I attacked that tree again and scored a headshot.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 09:24:01 am by Bouchart »


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2016, 10:31:11 am »

I don't really want to start a new thread, but I'm not above resurrecting a dead one of my own making.  Plus, there really is no appropriate thread for something from what I can tell.

TEW2016 demo is gonna drop sometime today.  You'll be able to play 2 months and the save can be carried over to the full game.  The full editor will be available too, I think.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2016, 11:12:33 am »

Original War is an older game that I've never heard of until I saw it on Steam and, on a whim, decided to buy, and it quickly became one of my favorite RPGs ever. It is colored by the idea that you have limited resources. Think of any classic RTS, except you play it like Fire Emblem. That is to say, you can't make any new units. Your human troops can be assigned different jobs based on what you need them to do and the longer they do it the better they get. Actually I lied a little, in that later on you can build custom built robot units to do the dirty work so that you don't have to risk your people directly, but it takes a person to operate them remotely, just like a UAV, so people never stop being a valuable resource and you will always be jealously guarding their lives.

There are a couple alternate endings but, though this game has no sequel and thus no need for a canonical ending, none of them actually happen at the end of the game, so they're more like a bonus if you decide to take the treacherous path, but I respect the fact that the game does more than pay lip service to your choices by actually acting out the consequences for you in-game and in cutscenes. Not to mention the campaign has a huge branching path full of choices for you to make. I'm fairly sure that there are even missions that you have to play the game multiple times to experience, but I'm still only on my first playthrough because I've been spending so much time going back and trying different choices, as well as trying to complete optional objectives to see how they influence future missions.

Another huge thing is that in the campaign missions, almost all of the human units have their own dialogue. Even in Fire Emblem there are mooks here and there, but not in Original War. Everybody's got a name, a job, and a personality. It's amazing I tell you.

I haven't even gotten to the premise. You're an American soldier who is part of a special force assigned to go back to prehistoric times to seize this priceless mineral before those dirty Communists even exist, and move it to America for it to be discovered two million years in the future. Did I also mention that you can teach ape men to use M16s? Be careful with them though. Ugg could be your great-great-great-grandfather!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2016, 11:23:34 am »

Have you ever been in your room trying to sleep but the residents somewhere around you demand on partying at 3AM? Have you then wanted to sneak around with a large knife and fix the problem?

That's Party Hard.
I remember really liking that game's art style and kinda wanting to play it... but the premise was just too awful for me to swallow. :-\
I think I'd feel less uncomfortable/evil playing a gosh-darned Hitler simulator.

Now if they made a flipped version of the game where you track down the neighbours who called the cops and ruined your party and apply to them a most totally glorious horrendous cascade of serious-nasty beatdowns, well I would buy that for sure. Hell, I'd probably even pre-order it. :P

Survive Me Miolhr is one of the most unbearably awful games I've seen on Steam in a long time.

I played a little of it.  The English is incomprehensible, and I attacked a tree with an axe and it dodged.  I attacked that tree again and scored a headshot.
That's amazing. You should post the second line as an actual Steam review for massive damage.   
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2016, 02:13:02 pm »

God Field is flash not-CCG game. There's no deckbuilding--It's sorta like that Magic variant where everyone shares the same deck. If you can get past the engrish, it's a darn cool game. I've played it on and off for years.

The basic premise is simple: thwack each other with weapons and use armor when being thwacked. But it's got this understated slightly bizarre Japanese style. There's a typical elemental alignment system to the weapons/armors, but then there's Dark Weapons, which are instant death if they hit. Most cards are one-use, except for Miracle cards, which cost MP but stay with you. Some cards can reflect attacks, or "flick" them at some random hapless player, which might be you. You can summon Gods for meatshields. There's bunch of wacky status effects, one of which heals every turn, with the increasing risk of instant death.

There's also an economy--you can buy and sell cards to each other. In fact, you can force another player to buy your stuff, and if they can't afford it, it absorbs MP and then HP. Yes, that's right. You can sell someone to death. You can call it capital punishment.

I'm sorry.

It's got plenty of weird interactions for my inner Johnny, with 0% of the price of actual M:TG. It's also chaotic enough that it's still fun just against the AI.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2016, 07:48:00 pm »

Here's a remake of an old Commodore 64 game called Space Taxi. It's only got the first few levels. I don't really know or care much about C64, but this is a pretty fun arcade-style game. If you know Lunar Lander, it's a lot like that but without the endless frustration and hatred.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2016, 07:52:43 pm »

God Field is flash not-CCG game. There's no deckbuilding--It's sorta like that Magic variant where everyone shares the same deck. If you can get past the engrish, it's a darn cool game. I've played it on and off for years.

The basic premise is simple: thwack each other with weapons and use armor when being thwacked. But it's got this understated slightly bizarre Japanese style. There's a typical elemental alignment system to the weapons/armors, but then there's Dark Weapons, which are instant death if they hit. Most cards are one-use, except for Miracle cards, which cost MP but stay with you. Some cards can reflect attacks, or "flick" them at some random hapless player, which might be you. You can summon Gods for meatshields. There's bunch of wacky status effects, one of which heals every turn, with the increasing risk of instant death.

There's also an economy--you can buy and sell cards to each other. In fact, you can force another player to buy your stuff, and if they can't afford it, it absorbs MP and then HP. Yes, that's right. You can sell someone to death. You can call it capital punishment.

I'm sorry.

It's got plenty of weird interactions for my inner Johnny, with 0% of the price of actual M:TG. It's also chaotic enough that it's still fun just against the AI.

I think I'm sold.


Ha, or not. Definitely was not the format I expected.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2016, 10:53:58 am »

I know there's a Yandere Simulator thread from ancient times somewhere, but I can't be asked and I'm not sure how much interest there still is:

After a long period of minor updates, Yandere Dev is within months of adding the first rival to the game.

Quote from: YandereDev, emphasis mine
I’ve been very satisfied with my progress recently! I’m really happy with what I’ve been able to add to the game over the past 11 days. I feel confident that the next build will probably be ready on May 1st. After that, there are really only one or two other elimination methods I can implement without a rival present at school…in other words, I won’t be able to continue adding new elimination methods without adding a rival. So, within the next few months, it will become necessary to add the first official rival in order to continue development! She’s coming soon!

I've long since stopped downloading builds of Yandere Simulator, so the news that it might actually be a game soon is pretty exciting.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2016, 12:46:41 pm »

Lord Monarch is an old, freeware hands-off real strategy game about territory control. The core gameplay is always the same: build bases to control adjacent tiles to have more minions to make more money and expand expand expand.

You can command all of your units, but are likely better off setting some default orders and doing some fairly occasional important meddling, like blocking off a bridge or building a new one, to access new areas.

Also, depending on the map, you're either in feudal japan, building a fast-food empire, in space, or whatever weird tileset that map has!

I've come back to it every few years for over a decade now :) And if the game freezes every now and then, just disable music and sounds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2016, 01:43:03 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Lord Monarch is an old, freeware hands-off real strategy game about territory control. The core gameplay is always the same: build bases to control adjacent tiles to have more minions to make more money and expand expand expand.

You can command all of your units, but are likely better off setting some default orders and doing some fairly occasional important meddling, like blocking off a bridge or building a new one, to access new areas.

Also, depending on the map, you're either in feudal japan, building a fast-food empire, in space, or whatever weird tileset that map has!

I've come back to it every few years for over a decade now :) And if the game freezes every now and then, just disable music and sounds.
Sounds like Populous.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2016, 02:40:16 pm »

Lord Monarch is a great game, just unfortunately short. Or so I suppose, because it's really hard and I've never gotten past level 6 or so on the actual story campaign. But in how many can you engage in single combat with another chef, fueled by the power of your respective restaurant chains? (Meanwhile, mobsters.)

(nitpick: The feudal tileset is actually Three Kingdoms period China.)

Another free game by Falcom is actually a complete full retail game in Japan, released for free in English online. Vantage Master!

It's an isometric tactics game similar to Chess, in that you have a "king" piece (the Master) and you're trying to kill the other dude before he kills you. You summon monsters to take Mana Stones, to get more Mana, to summon more monsters, to eventually smash the other Master's face. Except what's more likely to happen is that the other master will have gotten that Ae-Farrion in range and NOO INSTAGIBBED! Yeah, it's hard.

It's remarkably well balanced, and the extremely important elemental rock-paper-scissors keeps the monsters in check. The best monsters aren't necessarily the most powerful in combat, but the most useful for the current situation.

Another odd feature is that the game is almost completely or completely (I forgot which) deterministic. There's just so many tiny factors (experience, position, day/night cycle) that influence attacks and make it interesting.

By the way, the "easy" mode campaign is not actually easy. It just means that the enemies will be slightly underleveled. It's better to just tough it out on Normal. (It builds character, ding dang it!)
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2016, 03:08:33 pm »

Sounds like Populous.
It's almost nothing like populous :P

Definitely pretty fun for a short go at it, though. Also yes, the later levels get brutally hard. Feels good when you figure out how to cheese the hell out of beat it, hehe.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2016, 03:26:02 pm »

(nitpick: The feudal tileset is actually Three Kingdoms period China.)

Another free game by Falcom is actually a complete full retail game in Japan, released for free in English online. Vantage Master!

Thanks for the heads up on both counts! Will have to look into Vantage Master!
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