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Author Topic: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.  (Read 340651 times)


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2016, 08:51:56 am »

For those of you who like action RPGs, I'd highly recommend taking a look at Fortune Summoners. It's a sidescrolling action/adventure game with highly technical, challenging combat, translated by the same people who worked on the delightful capitalism simulator Recettear.

I've been playing for three hours or so, and goodness me the combat in this game is better than 90% of games I've played, requiring you to actually string together a variety of moves via directional inputs + attack button rather than jamming one button to perform easy-bake combos. Each attack is easy to pull off, but they function differently enough to make them all useful in particular situations, so combat becomes more of an art than rote memorization of powerful combos.

It's also very lighthearted, unlike most dungeon crawlers; You're not a hero on a quest to save a world - you're just an adventurous little girl who wants to find a magic stone so she can do magic with her classmates.

Fun stuff all around. It's very likely to go on sale again at some point, at which point you'll be able to grab it for $5 like I did, though if I'd known it was this good, I might have grabbed it sooner for $20.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 08:54:16 am by Nighthawk »


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2016, 09:25:42 am »

Moth. Bees. Mothbees. The game has mothbees.

Also N may be downplaying the challenging combat bit a lil', heh. Game gets freaking brutal in relatively short order. Lovely game, though, and I would also totally recommend it to just about anyone that can stand the gameplay, particularly if you can get it on the cheap.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2016, 01:27:19 pm »

Niffelheim -- yeah, it is spelled that way. 
It's early access off steam.
Kinda like Craft The World, but you only control 1 guy. 
He's a norse guy, but looks like a dwarf to me, so good enough. 
Graphics are nice enough.
There's multiplayer co-op but I play solo while watching Netflix on the other monitor.

It looks slow from walking around the side scroller to get from the free chest in the base, but the slow pace is actually nice for that casual play. 

You do the usual gathering of resource to upgrade home, walls, tower, 2 coop/farm, carpenter, forge, kitchen, and alchemy. 
There is mining, spawning of monsters, some mini-bosses, wild animals, herbalist.

You attack in range if you have arrows, or melee with your sword, or even axe or pick. 
You get armor pieces: helm, shoulder, chest, bracer, belt, skirt, boot, shield.
You gain health from food, and/or potions.

There is a central town with a temple, small kitchen, and store merchant. 

There are sigils you find that gives small buff to specific skills, i.e. 5% change ore drop when mining, etc; 5% better trade.

An arena is in development.

I think dev is russian, but there is an English forum in steam now.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2016, 04:25:23 pm »

Speaking of Populous, Reprisal Universe. It basically is Populous, pretty much. I think there were some minor differences in terms of controls.

I haven't played it much though. Didn't even finish the initial series of missions that teach you about the game; I was about four in? I think I stopped because I expected it to end completely once the story missions were over, with only rote vs AI, or multiplayer, available for further playing.

Kyn. Somewhere across between Black Isle D&D RPGs (adventuring party) and ARPGs/Diablo et al (real-time combat, gear, abilities). Seems more story heavy than ARPG-ish. Haven't gotten far (again) but gameplay seems mostly linear; that is, you can only advance to the next zone/mission and not backtrack or farm old zones/missions. Combat is also a little weird because I felt overwhelmed controlling even just two characters in (difficult) combat, where there appears to be space for two or four more (I don't remember). There is a "slow time" option to give yourself more time to micromanage issue commands, but could maybe do with an actual pause option.

Dawn of Magic and Dawn of Magic 2. ARPG (Diablo-likes) games, pretty traditional fare, buggy and poorly received. But the games had one major innovation: the types of magic you spec in to changes how your character looks. Like, spec'ing into various Nature/Earth flavours made your character look more like a rock or tree. I don't recall if it was purely cosmetic but it was innovative enough that it did make me remember the game. I think I stopped playing because of either a bug in the main quest or the power-to-difficulty curve was off, feeling like I had to farm old boring areas to grow strong enough to advance.

Been thinking of looking Around for these to try them out again, just to see if they are as bad/suck as I remember.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2016, 09:03:30 am »

I played this right around the time they added a new server, managed to create one of the first refineries in the sector, and that was kinda cool...

The energy system ruins it for me though.  I understand why it's there, but I need to be able to play a game when I want to play it, and not play it when I don't want to, and the energy system prevents that.  Still, it's the best game with such a system that I ever played.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2016, 12:57:58 pm »

Reprisal has a free online flash game version, which is actually the original.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2016, 08:28:59 am »

One Troll Army.
Free on Steam, it's a base-defense game where the player controls a troll avatar. Players build up the fort, and upgrade the troll, to fend off increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

Fun game, especially for a freebie, but it could use some work. In particular there doesn't seem to be enough time between waves, causing me to inevitably fall behind a little bit more with each wave until I inevitably lose, after which I'm allowed to keep going and the waves just get easier for a while...not the most satisfying gameplay. Also the troll controls are just a bit rough for my taste. Still, overall, it's fun for a while and well worth the download.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2016, 03:04:41 pm »

So, Gangsters: Organized Crime

Apparently people got into some of the data files and made it somewhat moddable.

The first page has people talking about getting into the data files and the 2nd page has the latest cracked data files. 
It definitely works far as I can tell.  Now I can go into total war mode without having upstanding citizens get gunned down by 20some pigs swarming in after the dust clears.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2016, 09:51:50 pm »

The Underground Man.
Looks like a pretty cool little adventure/RPG thang. I haven't actually played it, mind you, but I'm thinking of buying it.
Not sure why but it just appeals to me somehow.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2016, 10:59:36 pm »

This... thing. Soul Armor Recollect. Android app. Action RPG... sorta'. What it is, is a ARPG by way of arkanoid, with the player playing the part of the ball, sans bumper. Enemies are made of blocks. You flick your character at the blocks, and win when you smash them all away with your face, aided by weapon-locked skills of varying complexity and a limit break that turns you invincible and shoves a rocket up yer arse for a few seconds. While you're doing that, the enemies are jumping around, firing projectiles at you, occasionally shooting lasers and whatnot... it's not quite bullet-hell level (at least up to the point I've played... it might be later on), but it's definitely the same ethos. Other than that, you move around a map clearing it out, fighting occasional multi-fight battles, collecting loot and mastering your equipment, (theoretically) trying to find out what the hell happened to you, the empty suit of amnesiac armor walking around that's had a talking flying cat(?) take up residence inside your body.

There's not really much too it, just a rather impressively engaging battle system and basic loot/grind/repeat mechanics... but the battle system really is engaging and quite nice for a pick up and play, put down and come back sort of thing. Plus it's free, so there's that.

Various other considerations... there are ads. Small banner at the bottom, video ones you can opt to do for extra loot, the rare push to review (or "revue", as the game calls it). Overall pretty unobtrusive by mobile app standards, but it's there. Beyond that, the overall gameplay and whatnot is pretty shallow and definitely same-y, and even the considerations added by your ever increasing menagerie of weapon skills doesn't do much to change that -- what you get an hour in will probably be mostly what you get ten or twenty later, too. And the writing... well, it's pretty obviously translated. And the translation is... not good. I've definitely seen worse (much worse) but if spelling/plot/grammar/etc. problems trouble you this is definitely something to avoid. You're not here for the plot, regardless.

Anyway, tiny thing, surprisingly engaging/well done combat of a style I've not seen much of, wrapped in a light crust of RPG, served cold on your mobile. Decent way to burn a few minutes if you feel like doing something fun and fun to watch that doesn't take much in the way of thinking.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2016, 12:48:56 am »

Any of you heard of this Shock Tactics game that's coming out soon? 
Seems like a pretty decent XCom/Jagged Alliance-alike. Looks like it's far too flash for my computer to run, but I figured I'd share it here in case anyone might be interested. I only watched the one trailer on Steam, though, so I know very little about it.
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2016, 12:59:43 am »

At least in Warcraft 3 it was called "Night of the Living Dead" or "NoLD", and it used a starcraft Marine model (presumably fan-made?) for the player characters. Warcraft 3 had the inventory system for hero units which made it possible. I didn't even know something like Red Solstice existed in Starcraft.

I found that style of game to be pretty cool, controlling a single guy RTS style. I didn't even know what DOTA was until League of Legends came out, even though it was pretty much the only thing that showed up in Use Map Settings and I had to sift through pages and pages of that crap to find the interesting maps. Probably would have preferred it to be more like what Alien Swarm became in terms of controls, but it's close enough.

But yeah, I have a group of friends to play this and other games on rare occasions when we all feel like it. (We also sometimes do things like Guns of Icarus Online, sometimes Interstellar Marines, and we're thinking of doing Polaris: Lost Colony at some point when it gets a bit more features and polish.) The problem with doing these kinds of things on Bay12, in my experience, is that interest is high near the start but we all have different schedules and tastes so interest wanes pretty fast. Unless you manage to find a group that's really dedicated and interested in playing.

On a side note, I have a copy of Red Solstice available in the Christmas giveaway thread if you're interested in a free copy.

There wa salso one called I think Operation Raccoon City, which was a lot more RPG-esque with more dramatic character progression and powers.

My favorite warcraft 3 map was Parasite though.  If you played Parasite at all in the 2005-2007 region there's a pretty good chance I was the host.

Another good one was Ragos ORPG, which was basically the same as the other ORPGs with a couple unique features that made me like it.  Level cap was only ten but there were big skill lists which meant you could specialize your class, all of which were lifted directly from world of warcraft.  Then since the level grind was so short most of the main map was dedicated to endgame dungeons which were actually pretty well done.  And the best feature was a bunch of raid dungeons which were completely separate maps that shared the same password feature.  Finding groups for it was pretty hard though, of course.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2016, 10:09:56 am »

I remember playing stuff like Raccoon City all the damn time when I was into SCI and WCIII.  (And siblings kept playing the DotA stuff instead.) 
I don't remember any specifics about NoLD, since it fit in the same genre as Raccoon City, shoot up zombies and get stronger.

Anyone know how the online community of Red Solstice is doing these days?
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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2016, 07:00:32 pm »

It's dead last time I  checked it. Maybe two or three players online.


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Re: Blurb on Games that probably don't deserve their own threads.
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2016, 07:57:22 pm »

I actually have my W3/TFT installed (thanks to blizzard allowing downloading installers for classic games once you've registered them), but I have never heard of 'Red Solstice' before.
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