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Author Topic: Legends Viewer Next (win-x64|linux-x64|osx-x64) | DF classic|Steam|  (Read 245096 times)

Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2016, 12:29:49 am »

Is there any way to parse relationship information (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances, enemies, etc)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2016, 03:15:17 am »

Noticed this while browsing competitions:

The history of Itni Dashedorgan - competitive bard:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I didn't notice the second line at first and thought it was pretty funny that Itni was beaten repeatedly by his apprentice and finally got rid of him. Checking Legends reveals that in 49 Itni actually ceased being the apprentice of Thudu Strifeulnourished, not the master.
I try to fix this bug in the next version. Thanks for reporting!

Competition is 'involving the Berry of Lyrics" according to Legends. Is it possible to get the poetic and musical forms yet? Everything's listed as "UNKNOWN POETIC CONTENT" right now. Some, but not all of the books are "UNKNOWN CONTENT" too for some reason (using Dfhack legends-plus xml)
Recently Karater did an outstanding job in expanding the exportlegends script with additional information for the legends_plus.xml.
The next version of DFHack will include this script and I currently work on handling all the new data.

Is there any way to parse relationship information (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances, enemies, etc)?
Some of this information already gets parsed and is displayed. But if the related person is not a historical figure (hasn't an entry in DF legends mode) the information is simply not available.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2016, 11:50:03 am »

Hi there.

There was interesting discusion on reddit today about how great it would be to have family tree to keep track who is related to who. Since legend viewer already tracks this information do you think it would be possible to add function like this to it?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2016, 01:45:42 pm »

Hi there.

There was interesting discusion on reddit today about how great it would be to have family tree to keep track who is related to who. Since legend viewer already tracks this information do you think it would be possible to add function like this to it?

Yes I did something similar for the lineage of werebeast curses!

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This will be in the next version.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2016, 07:26:03 pm »

This is great you are amazing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.15.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2016, 10:12:33 am »

Thanks to the awesome enhancements Karater made to the exportlegends script of DFHack a lot more data is available.
Big THX to him its really cool!

A lot more available data leads of course to a new release of Legends Viewer.  :)

So here is version 1.16.00 with family trees, curse lineages, maps for regions, caverns, landmasses, icons, written content and a lot more!

The enhanced exportlegends.lua script from Karater comes not in the current version of DFHack [DFHack 0.42.04-alpha2].
Till it is integrated in DFHack you can get it here: EXPORTLEGENDS SCRIPT.
You don't need it but without it you will see a lot less content!


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Curse Lineage:
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Sites with Structures:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

World Constructions (Roads, Tunnels):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Structures (Taverns, Libraries, ...):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Written Content:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Leadership Information:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

# Enhanced Support for new DFHacks' LegendsPlus XML & Familytree + Curse Lineage

### DFHack LegendsPlus XML Support
* Additional information for existing event log texts.
* New pages and navigation tabs for
  * World Constuctions (roads, bridges, ...) + map.
  * Structures (Taverns, Libraries, Keeps, ...) + map.
  * Written Contents (Autobiographies, Poems, Manuals, ...).
  * Landmasses + map.
  * Mountain Peaks + map.
* Maps for overworld and underground regions.
* Leadership information for entites.

### Familytrees
* Display of family relations zoom and dragable.
* All ancestors of a historical figure are displayed but only its first child generation.
  * A historical figure can easily have 10-20 children and if I would include also its grand, grand, grand, ... children the family tree could get extremly huge.
* Cursed family members are highlighted with special node shapes.
* Indicator if alive or dead.

### Curse Lineage
* Display of the lineage of werebeast and vampire curses.
* Indicator if alive or dead.

### Bugfixes:
* Crash fix for Conquering Pages.
* Display of slayer race now takes the right text.
* Former apprentice/master event entries are now correct.
* Ex-Spouse relation of historical figures was broken.
* SeatOfPower site link type got proper text.

### Tweaks
* Icons for linked objects in all texts
* Skill display shows skill level in written text again
* Event date display with ordinals

_The new legends_plus.xml features require [DFHack]( which is usually included in [Lazy Newb Pack]( for exporting the additional XML file!_
_The enhanced exportlegends.lua (THX @robertjanetzko) script comes not with the current version of DFHack [DFHack 0.42.04-alpha2]._
_Till it is integrated in DFHack you can get it here: [EXPORTLEGENDS SCRIPT]( )
_Since v1.14.02: To display the new population chart correctly you will need IE9+ rather than IE7+ as previously._
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 10:18:38 am by Kromtec »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Proficient Laughingdwarf
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2016, 11:25:40 pm »

This is incredible. I don't have the chance to test this now, but does this include sitemaps yet?
Ever wanted to see your DF world Google Earth-style? Check out my Satellite Map Maker!

He he, yeah, I was like, "how are we going to be sure the leader will die in the trap?"  And then I saw the 10 adamantine weapons in the trap.  Then I was like, "but what if they live through the fall if they dodge?"  Then I saw the giant magma pool.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2016, 04:13:24 am »

This is incredible. I don't have the chance to test this now, but does this include sitemaps yet?

Sorry, sitemaps will have to wait till next release.

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« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 05:58:44 am by Kromtec »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2016, 04:20:07 am »

Where would you like us to post bugs, text issues, strange occurances and so on? This thread, github or someplace else? Seems like each time I browse a new world I spot some new issue I hadn't noticed before. But I don't really want to fill up this thread with my posts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2016, 04:27:13 am »

Please post issues on github.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #55 on: January 27, 2016, 12:36:05 pm »

Just released 1.16.01.

If you had problems loading exports of the enhanced legends_plus.xml this release should help.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


# More Robust XMLPlus Parser + Site Maps

### XMLPlus Parser
* fix reading claim coordinates.
* fix for objects with negativ IDs.

### Site Maps
* Read site maps if exported with DFHacks' `exportlegends all`.
* They are loaded when navigating to the page of the site not at startup.
* They have to be in the same folder as the XMLs (Archive not supported)

### Event Enhancements
* Diplomat Lost
* Masterpiece Dye
* Masterpiece Food
* Assume Identity

### Tweaks
* Entity Type filter


  • Bay Watcher
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    • burnedFX
Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2016, 01:25:46 pm »

### Site Maps
* Read site maps if exported with DFHacks' `exportlegends all`.
* They are loaded when navigating to the page of the site not at startup.
* They have to be in the same folder as the XMLs (Archive not supported)

I understand why the size of the site map thumbnail matches the other two images when they are displayed together, but wouldn't the site maps be more useful if they actually lead to the file's original resolution? Right now it just leads to the default map just like the other two. I'm not sure I see the point of viewing a 50x50 pixel image of the site map when the image is 816x816 at it's largest. Even on the smaller end the image is roughly three times larger than the thumbnail presented.

Otherwise, I'm happy it works with the exported site maps sans DFhack. Thanks!

Edit: Or maybe the problem is on my end like the family trees and circular graphs and this only works if you have IE?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 01:29:21 pm by burned »
DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.00 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #57 on: January 27, 2016, 01:55:21 pm »

I understand why the size of the site map thumbnail matches the other two images when they are displayed together, but wouldn't the site maps be more useful if they actually lead to the file's original resolution? Right now it just leads to the default map just like the other two. I'm not sure I see the point of viewing a 50x50 pixel image of the site map when the image is 816x816 at it's largest.

They are displayed in 250x250 pixel  ;)

This release is more a hotfix for crashes with the new legends_plus.xml than about the sitemaps. I will enhance the sitemap behaviour in a future release.

If anybody finds a save where loading the export still crashes Legends Viewer, please upload it to DFFD!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • burnedFX
Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.01 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #58 on: January 27, 2016, 02:03:43 pm »

They are displayed in 250x250 pixel  ;)

Ha! You're correct! But, the critique still stands. =]

I will enhance the sitemap behaviour in a future release.


DFMA Profile | burnedfx Graphic Set

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft
The Delvers
. . .the middle ground between light and shadow . . . - Rod Serling
The Delvers' Podcast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legends Viewer 1.16.01 (0.42.XX Compatible) Unoffical Branch
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2016, 11:39:02 pm »

Hi. Just wanted to say thanks for making the changes.  I've actually been maintaining my own version locally for a while and have merged in most of the recent changes as you have been updating it recently.

I was doing some work with ObjectListView to have a better list control for filtering and sorting. I also did my own legends_plus xml merging.  Quite a bit is incompatible with the current release so the merging work is getting to be quite a bit. 

Anyway I'm just making you aware of it if you are interested in merging it in.  The change history is not really useful since I was maintaining it for myself but felt I should at least post it back to see if you are interested.  Also helps me if merges are less painful in the future.  Some of my approaches to events and strings may be less error prone and useful but I'll let you determine that for yourself since you seem to know what you are doing.

Additional Information:
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 11:40:46 pm by figment »
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