I signal for a taxi.
2. No taxi in sight. However there's truck driver (who a moment ago ran over Tomasque) signaling you to hop in. He looks like very trustworthy person!
I pay careful attention to the pro's advice.
The dice don't seem to be cooperating and it's definitely a long term plan, but I'm planning to eventually attempt to use picks to burn out every low roll in my queue.
And then bowl a perfect 300 game.
4. He shows you how to hold the ball properly, how to take steps properly and how to not throw the ball as much as let it swing and release. Now, try it yourself.
Combine sixes, and go wander around looking for loot.
This'll be fun.
Two red dices are combined into new blue one. It rolls
3. You hear a
sound. Many somethings fall from the sky down on the soccer field rising lots of dust into air. After it finally ends an old man nearby stands up and shouts: "I knew it! Russians are coming!" Dust is preventing you seeing what exactly fell from the sky.
Grab a 4 and wait/regenerate
4. It is unpleasant feeling then your intestines slurp up into proper cavity. Ugh, your pants are wet and full of shit. But on positive side, you are in perfect health!
I signal for a taxi.
I pick one of my 6s... Oh wait, one is already at the front of the queue, lets use that one!
act as taxi for salsa, because why the heck not.
6. "Hey there, friend! Come here, I'll give you a ride anywhere you want to go! Even to the graveyard, if that strikes your fancy! Don't worry, I'm not a murdered despite the fact that I just ran over an idiot! See? He's totally fine! Come on!"
Roll queue: 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 2
Free picks: 1/5
Roll queue: 6 6 2 3 3 2 2 4 1 5
Free picks: 5/5
Bowlers hints.
Roll queue: 4 4 3 5 4 1 4 2
Free picks: 2/5
Sprained ankle.
Dustan Hache:
Roll queue: 3 6 2 5 6 5 2 5 5 5
Free picks: 5/5
Roll queue: 3 4 3 2 2 1 4 1 4 3
Free picks: 4/5
I join!
If I can!
If not, PTW! This looks like something fun!
The game is joined by me if possible.
I like this. Sign me up plox. Other wise PTW.
I'm satisfied with 5 test subjects for now, but I keep you in mind if any of them manages to run out of dice.
So, combining dices. You probably noticed, but Tomaesque's and Whisperling's roll queue is shorter now. That's because Tomaesque tried to do something impossible, combining and therefore consuming dice caused supernatural effect ignoring laws of physics. So that in mind Whisperling also produced supernatural effect, something beyond possible.
Be carefull to not run out of dice.