Take the gun the agent threw down, and any clips of ammo on his person. Load the pistol, test-fire a shot, then crouch and begin to move out of my cubicle. Shoot any agents I see.
(4) You pick up the gun and find two clips, you reload and test it to see if it still works, it does indeedy, you move out and look for agents, (1) you found 'em mate, you stumble onto the main body and get turned into an exciting cannibal friendly variant of Swiss Cheese with high iron content before you can even point your gun.
You probably shouldn't have been shouting your lungs out asking for help.
Dead.Pick up a letter opener and look for the restroom.
"It can't be the CIA. That's too obvious. It must be the USPS! Their own foul tools shall be turned against them!"
(3) You accidentally pick up your letter opener blade-first, (2) it spins out of control and relieves you of your pinkie finger, you hastily pick it up again and make a bee-line for the nearest restroom, (3) you find it but someone beat you to it and the door into the room proper is locked!
Take his gun
(1) Speaking of that gun, it tumbled through the air and is now discharging as it hits the floor, (5) fortunately you do a
SWEET DODGE and it completely misses, although it seems rather broken and useless now.
(2+1) Lord of being mediocre, you slam him in the face again and he reels back, at least he's not shooting you.
FINISH HIM!2+ On next attack."Calm down, people! Jeez! You'd think it was clocking-off time and this was the nearest exit. Let's be sensible and not die, alright?"
Use my +1 to direct excess people to start building another set of barricades nearby, rather than overfilling mine.
Close and lock the gate once they're out, ready for defence. Make sure there are plenty of armed people atop the walls.
Attempt to inspire my allies to repel the attackers with a rousing speech:
"Ready yourselves, O valiant co-workers! We fight, not merely for our cubicles, a semi-fair minimum wage and the last mug's worth of coffee in the break room, but for our very lives! Do you want to see your friends and family again? Do you want to get out of here alive? Or do you want the last thing you see to be the bleak, bland confines of a modern workplace?! No! Let's show them how an office drone can fight when it needs to, like a cornered rat!"
Once they're (hopefully) ready to fight to their last breath, calmly sit back down at my desk and finish my coffee.
((I think I rambled. I'm pretty sleepy. Sorry. Feel free to just go with the 'rousing speech' if I have too many actions.
Incidentally, I am drinking coffee right now! It's only instant(which I personally don't mind), and not my favourite brand of instant, but it's still nice.
(1+1) Action heroes or not, this is still a building full of disillusioned office workers, none of them feel like going and making their own barricades, (3+1) you lock the gate anyway, at least to prevent the rest from getting in.
(4+1) You inspire them all with greatest words their dull little lives have ever heard, they all arm themselves with broken chair legs and the like in preparation and man the walls.
You sit back on your desk and drink your coffee, although it's not quite as magical as the first taste.
Name: Cho K. Point
Postion: Data Entry Zombie
Pull the Batteries out of the clock on my desk in attempt to freeze time!
(5) Time is frozen!
On the clock at least.
Fred Jones.
That Guy In The Basement.
Activate the CIA-tracking autoturrets from my secret lair in the basement! Which is somehow on the 37th floor!
Weird spacetime stuff!
(4) So far you've managed to keep your stair-case to the unused floor 36 a secret, and you've lurked in there preparing for just such an attack and when you don't feel like working.
(3) You activate the turrets! Armed with the most high-tech tracking software known to man, they open up on the CIA with the best quality Nerf bullets money can buy! Your remote cameras show them getting absolutely pelted!
Boss roll:6What you thought to be a helicopter now proves to be a giant VTOL straight out of a Military Sci-fi movie! As it opens fire with rockets and machine guns the CIA make a push!
Defense rolls.Nerf Gun turrets:(5) Despite the rather soft projectiles, the guns have illegal modifications causing them to be fired at much higher velocities then intended, paired up with high-quality tracking no eyeball is safe, the charge falters somewhat as many agents lose their eyes to shattering glasses and Nerf bullets.
Fort full of murderhappy office workers:(4+2) The workers take the attack with gusto, many of them are too impatient to wait and climbed the walls to engage the enemy in close combat, many brave office drones fell to the machine gun fire but they're disposable anyway, the attacking agents are entirely pulverized, unfortunately the fort itself is almost completely destroyed from all the incoming rockets.
You're gonna have to deal with the VTOL yourselves.