Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding

DFHack questions


Can I get some assistance using DFHack's spawn-unit? I have tried everything I know to do. Thank you

spawnunit is a wrapper for modtools/create-unit.

the latter can be used to spawn hostile creatures by pressing 'k' and positioning your cursor in DF, and then entering the following command into dfhack:

modtools/create-unit -race HYDRA -caste MALE -age 10 -civId [ -1 ] -flagSet [ active_invader marauder ]

the names of the different races that you can spawn are found in the /raw/objects folder.

hope that helps!

Hmm ...

I just tried to spawn a breeding pair of GCS ( I had even caught some, but while hauling them some dumb humans killed them :( ) with modtools/create-unit -race SPIDER_CAVE_GIANT -caste MALE -age 5 and
modtools/create-unit -race SPIDER_CAVE_GIANT -caste MALE -age 5. But instead of doing some sweet, sweet love they instantly started fighting.

Can you or anyone else enlighten me how to stop this ?
P.S. I don't want tame ones they have to be wild. Also, what does the civId do ? Sorry, I'm a total noob with that stuff ^^ When I added the -civID, it showed a lot of red text...


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