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Author Topic: Am I a grammar nazi? (Should that be a capital 'N'? What about the 'g'?)  (Read 10022 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • General Nuisance
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If you really can't stand someone, you ignore them. No, not add them to your personal blacklist, ignore them.

I don't see the difference here.
Basically, blacklisting someone using the forum software completely blots them out; if this place works like others I've been to, you have to actively select individual posts to override the blacklist, but it may just be a simple "this post has been blocked" grep-rep with no such feature.  It's not quite an outright "unpersoning" to borrow from Orwell (and his own apparent inspiration for the phenomenon, Stalin), but it's closer than the principle of a Puritan "shunning."  Actively ignoring each and every post they make requires greater mental effort to recognize the poster as well as making it easier to recognize the content if it has changed accordingly from what the user was originally being ignored for (f'rex, given the discussion, whether they're shitposting or making an attempt at serious discussion).  While, as noted, I do disagree with that, what Flying Dice opposes seems to be the all-encompassing blanket nature of the former when compared to the latter, and I suspect what is perceived as the intellectual sloth of the former as well.


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The idea of intellectual sloth is of course, ridiculous, and I'll give the benefit of the doubt that's not what was meant. I'm not sure I agree on the other part though, although it seems more reasonable. Of your actually automatically ignoring and not reading someones post, and not like, you know, reading it put prerolling your eyes or whatever, it really should have the same impact as ignoring it...


  • Bay Watcher
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I use the ignore feature of the Bay12 forums as a "I need to stop fighting with people here, I have a problem" feature, and it helps with my anger management.

Allow me to wave my middle fingers prominently at people who demand that I waste the precious little time I have in a day to actually be productive on my compulsive need to fight that I am trying to curb.

And to honest, it would probably keep my blood pressure lower if the ignore feature didn't have a handy, prominent way to unignore a specific post.
In the wells of livestock vans with shells and garden sands /
Iron mixed with oxygen as per the laws of chemistry and chance /
A shape was roughly human, it was only roughly human /
Apparition eyes / Apparition eyes / Knock, apparition, knock / Eyes, apparition eyes /


  • Bay Watcher
  • General Nuisance
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The idea of intellectual sloth is of course, ridiculous, and I'll give the benefit of the doubt that's not what was meant. I'm not sure I agree on the other part though, although it seems more reasonable. Of your actually automatically ignoring and not reading someones post, and not like, you know, reading it put prerolling your eyes or whatever, it really should have the same impact as ignoring it...
I rather disagree on it being ridiculous.  I think that the state of being an actively engaged reader is very important in a more general sense, so that is one of several points on which I could, irrespective of the particular reasoning behind Flying Dice's opinion, come into accord with their conclusion.  While I believe Willfor's stated use of the ignore list is proper behaviour as well as one of the original intentions behind it, as a tool, it can be misused to simply, as LW and FD both observed, dismiss all opinions not in accord with one's own.  This is intellectual laziness in its truest form; a quick and knee-jerk rejection of a statement based on who is stating it, made easier by the ability to blank out posts from that user without even taking the effort to recognize that user.  Flying Dice went on to state that in their particular case, they do still read the posts; they skip only if they recognize from past experience that the post they are reading will not end well.  That is to say, when they say that they ignore posts, it is still an active and involved thought process rather than a quick "nope skip".  Not all people can do this, however, just like not all people can ignore words in spoken conversation or song while they're working or focus on a single conversation in a crowd; some people will already be getting upset by the time they realize where the post is going, or else they won't be able to just stop reading and step back due precisely to emotional investment, or else they'll feel some obsessive need to "correct" perceived faults (this last one's my problem).  Those, though certainly not exhaustive, are some of the other cases in which I consider it a reasonable use. 


  • Bay Watcher
  • Minister of Love
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I am laughing at the idea that there is a morally superior way to ignore people on an internet forum. Everything is political nowadays, I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Inscrubtable Exhortations of the Soul
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I am laughing at the idea that there is a morally superior way to ignore people on an internet forum. Everything is political nowadays, I guess.

Depends on if you subscribe to the idea that the internet is the way it is today because people insulate from opinions they disagree with, or not.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti


  • Bay Watcher
  • Minister of Love
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And whether you subscribe to the idea that random internet feature X is contributing to this worldwide societal issue.

edit: Is it immoral to minimize a Reddit thread instead of scrolling past it? Minimizing it is an implicit judgment that the conversation is worthless. There could be a post at the end that changes my worldview completely but no, I'm too lazy to scroll down and see it. It's just easier to remain in ignorance and have a machine erase the words before I see them. Hiding an internet conversation is a direct attack on the free exchange of ideas.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 03:04:15 pm by penguinofhonor »

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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It's immoral to use reddit


  • Bay Watcher
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I am laughing at the idea that there is a morally superior way to ignore people on an internet forum. Everything is political nowadays, I guess.

Depends on if you subscribe to the idea that the internet is the way it is today because people insulate from opinions they disagree with, or not.
I have a real-life friend whose opinions, if I were to hear them on a forum, would severely reduce my enjoyment of the forum. He's a friend from before we even ended up going to the same school, and as such I enjoy his company in other matters enough to remain a friend despite said opinions. Starting from scratch, I'm sure I would dislike my first impression of his character. It's a tough philosophy, knowing that there's either someone whose friendship is conditional on a certain amount of filtering, or else that I'm potentially filtering other (platonic) soul-mates because of less extreme disagreements than in the former case.

As far as I know, though, he occupies his own echochambers of opinion and I (so he would say) frequent my own echochambers.  I don't expect to meet him in 'opinion-based' areas, because the kind of opinions around which such fora occur just don't mix. I don't follow his accounts on Facebook or Twitter because I don't follow anyone.

But that doesn't mean that we might not see each other (probably unknowingly) on a forum surrounding something apolitical (say a game) which has side/lower-forums within which a mix of persnalities who came here for the game end up arguing politics/religion/etc.  I'm fairly confident that this isn't happening here (with me and him) because he doesn't play DF (although he knows it exists... and always a slight possibility that he's cyberstalking me).

Anyway, I perhaps use my experiences in the real world to try to pursue a policy of not pushing my opinion on others (not the same as not exhibiting my opinions, please note) and trying to first understand when there's a disagreement whether the problem is with my understanding of others or the others' understanding of me. I sometimes feel that my 'opponent' isn't appreciative of this, or is but takes advantage of it, and of course what is my subjective reasonableness might will, objectively, be seen as stubbornly missing the point.

But I don't like ignoring people. That's either a virtue (no reagquitting) or a problem (I don't leave well enough alone), but I try to look (and actually be!)  reasonable, and I do get hurt when it appears my efforts are in vain.  That's probably the trigger for this thread and, like others who have pulled triggers, I'm not entirely sure I should have done it. But 'tis done, so...

Sorry, a diversion through my soul, there.

The Internet is a funny thing. (Funnier in some places than others.) People diversly geographical can 'unionise' around a common ideological interest and chat away to their hearts' contents towards making the world right whilst near-neighbours can accumulate 'elsewhere' and create their own concensus of an entirely opposing kind, all the while never the twain shall meet.  In this manner, it is an insulated set of disconnected garherings.  And yet all but the most single-minded individuals surely have other interests, which enforce gathering around nodes such as this, a form of the Small World Network1.

I think it's probably ok to be cliquey, but bear in mind your audience.  Cries of MAGMA!!! rebound fitfully outside of Bay12, the relevent Reddit subfora or quite specifically the DF-related threads created sympathetic but otherwise unrelated BBs. Other localised memes from elsewhere probably don't work too well outside of their core audiences, either.  The main complaint I had (finding myself trepidatiously heading back to the issue I may have erroneously originally tried to raise) to start this very thread was that in-joke terminology from a different 'crowd' was being repeatedly used in a (what I perceived as inappropriate) situation outwith the core audience.

To analogise, a guy in a club goes up to a group of girls and says to one of them "I really like your dress....  on my bedroom floor!". A variation on the lad-chat langage he's just been having with his mates on the other side of the dancefloor in the pre-'pickup' male bonding routine, perhaps. The girl says no, rolls her eyes, calls him a creep or perhaps just ignores him enough that he gets the smallest hint that the 'conversation' isn't going further, so he turns to the next girl and, being witty as a newt, says rhe line again. He's proud of the line. It's his new favourite, and even better than the "how do you like your eggs in the morning?" one, that he can never quite remember whilst drunk.  Rinse, repeat. He gets asked by the fifth girl why he's sayng that, and he says it's because it's funny.  Or 'legendary bants', perhaps.  But in such a real-world scenario, the group of girls would probably move away or push their erstwhile serial-suitor out of their personal spaces with positive discouragement, whilst maybe trying to catch the attention of the venue staff to see about making a complaint, or at least increase the heaviness of the hint.

Perhaps it's not quite the same, and perhaps 'bants' are to be expected in this 'nightclub', but what if I came in for the music (there's a live band on tonight, that I like) and it's not a rowdy place. I can chat with the girls or the boys, as I like, above the background of significantly but not over-whelmingly amplified rhythmic bass, and it' s going well. There's this guy trying to chat me up, after a bit too much Dutch Courage, but I don't want to get him thrown out by the door-staff... When I voice my opinion that that I'm not in tne mood for bad pick-up lines, his retort is that they're good pick-up lines. So I turn to my girlfriends and ask "do you hear this guy?" and perhaps I do expect some solidarity, or perhaps I'm willing to be told that I just need to chillax a little and have another drink, because I'm several shots behind the others and we're supposed to be here to PARTY!!!...

Awful parable, especially near the end there.  I didn't even mean to meander into the original issue again.  Consider my arguments about that to be closed, but I'll keep the thread open (just like I didn't want to close the thread after my initial realisation that this might be a mistake) because I can see some side-conversations developing that I don't mind seeing continuing, whether or not I join in with myself). Magmanimous, aint I? Well, I just don't like shutting conversation down, albeit I can see "please don't say that" in private and then bringing it out into the public eye might be interpreted as exactly that...

1 Rather than nodes being individuals, connections being relations and hub-nodes being the more well connected nodes, instead consider nodes as meeting-places, connections being each pairing of places that one or more individuals co-participates in and hub-nodes have more diverse crowds of visitors than a sub-network of "if you're on the Pin Lovers site, then you're probably a contributor to Encyclopedia Acuphilia"2, whose combined membership is small so that even though the lines between this grouping are equally bold from the weight of the 'shared shared interests', only a few links to actual hubs are made outwards from either individual member nodes or the constellation of largely incestuous co-membership locales.

2 Both made up/partially plagiarised from someone who did make up the idea, as fictional examples. But if Rule 34 hasn't yet been invoked, I am dissapoint...


  • Bay Watcher
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foaming with outrage
I ignore it
you're probably part of the problem

I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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ayyyyy lmao


  • Bay Watcher
  • Miaou~
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The best thing about this thread is that as much as I turn over the posts in it in my mind, I have no idea what's going on.
I can't tell if it's the level of memetic recursion or if I'm just not aware enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Starver was not happy about some previous posts and in a better move (imo, of course) than ignoring or reporting has attempted to discuss the matter.  Lord Whiskers has (rightly, again in my opinion) held their ground.  Various others have contributed more or less spiteful, thoughtful or humourous comments.  But feel free to spin it another way... since nobody really knows what a conversation is.  :)

Part of the problematic is that the discussion is about language use - free speech, toxic discourse, memes and political correctness all being involved.

It is good that your lack of omnisicience is admitted and even better that you are enjoying yourself! 

Apologies for my low brow approach.  Here's something to throw into the alphabet soup:


  • Bay Watcher
  • Miaou~
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    • My DA

Starver was not happy about some previous posts and in a better move (imo, of course) than ignoring or reporting has attempted to discuss the matter.  Lord Whiskers has (rightly, again in my opinion) held their ground.  Various others have contributed more or less spiteful, thoughtful or humourous comments.  But feel free to spin it another way... since nobody really knows what a conversation is.  :)

Part of the problematic is that the discussion is about language use - free speech, toxic discourse, memes and political correctness all being involved.

It is good that your lack of omnisicience is admitted and even better that you are enjoying yourself! 

Apologies for my low brow approach.  Here's something to throw into the alphabet soup:
Solid analysis! And nifty link about tomatoes, too.


  • Bay Watcher
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I don't even what a cuttin "bsnts" are
Love, scriver~
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