Other Projects > Curses

LCS 4.12.68

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Thanks to jonathansfox

*Fixed special editions not affecting public opinion

With Music and source code:

7 years, since I started)

Savefile Editor!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)art/debug_defines.txt
Uncomment the line VERBOSESAVEFILES (uncommented by default)

If you save your game, in addition to the save.dat file, there will be a save.verbose file.
This file contains plaintext data to be easily edited by any text editor, like notepad.
You can't change everything, just:
LCS Fund level
Police and other faction HEAT level
Political alignment of all senators, congressmen, and supreme court justices,
Names of supreme court justices and executives,
Public view on all issues (0 ~ 100)
All laws
Names and codenames for all LCS members
All attributes, skills, and outstanding crimes for all LCS members
And a few other things I included without understanding
Those who'd like to help debug can look at the Unstable build.
Available on github.
Updated to 4.12.67
Older Changes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thanks to jonathansfox
* Fixed probability calculation of augmentation to match displayed chance of success and limited the maximum displayed chance of success to 100%
* Chanced "Chance at Success" in augmentations to "Chance of Success"
* Fixed car crash and augmentation injuries to apply intended body location injuries instead of flagging special wounds
* Altered the various injuries applied by augmentation success and failure somewhat
* Increased experience and juice rewards for augmentation significantly; added -5 juice penalty for murdering a liberal using augmentations
* Added cost feedback and expenditure of money to augmentations
* Fixed display bug with augmentation injuries
* Prevent success text from showing when liberal dies under augmentation surgery
* Cost information shown in UI for augmentations
* Changed lethal skin mod failure from rip all body parts off to tear and cut all body parts
* Cleaned up squad status for deceased victims of augmentation
* Gave thick skin augmentation the ability to make a Liberal completely immune to special attacks
* Gave augmentations diverse difficulty and cost and altered some of the descriptions

* Added Shift+Tab for reverse squad selection
* Paraplegics and Quadriplegics characters can still use special attacks
* Removed "char force_melee" variable from attack function (discovered that attack function called itself recursively for counter-attacks)

With Music, crimesquad_big, and source code:


Once again, thanks to jonathansfox

Make Liberalizing the President Actually Do Something (#9)

* Made it so if you convert the President, they will change alignment on the Liberal Agenda screen, and change how they vote on bills

* Fixed logic around the President being out of the oval office after being recruited or kidnapped

* Newspaper Crimes Only Affects Writers, Unless There Is None.
* Mask Overhaul
* New outfits : Black Bloc Outfits
Added larger font option (crimesquad_big.exe)
fixed window console dimensions for Windows 10 console
Unavailable options in shops are now greyed out, rather than omitted entirely

Fixed gamecrash if Augment is attempted without sufficient skill

Quite a few bugfixes, and now ability to modify special editions in xml, thanks to noop

Fixed display error for character 'ô'
Found in names Itô and Satô

Finished String transfer
Fixed error where SiegeMode Cover Fire may shoot at dead targets

Removed unused preprocessor statements
Added Discord Link
Major Refactoring

Fixed Movies 067) No ASCII Animations Playing

Reconstructed includes.h to allow compiling in 1/5 the time
Massive Refactoring
Added noop3451 contributions

4.07's Thread (Saves incompatible)

Does this mean that I'll finally be able to do things like editing combat messages, car chase messages, nerf Secret Service agents always seeing through disguises, etc without having to recompile, and that there will be less hardcoded stuff in LCS? Having creature weapons be hardcoded because that creature is affected by weapon laws when you could just do <WeaponAtLawX>WEAPON_SEMIPISTOL_9MM</WeaponAtLawX> instead(rather than hardcoding) is frustrating.

Plans for the Future (At Least, The Complaint List): 55


080) Bug: After escaping a safehouse siege, a hostage that was at the lost location 'regained contact' with the LCS and is currently at the shelter. Still registered as a hostage


--- Code: ---063) When you have 2+ squads in a siege, breaking out with one squad deletes the other

064) Can Farm the FIRST CCS Safehouse (Desert Eagle Bar and Grill) Seducing, Datenapping, and Enlightening the CCS Boss, as Long as you Never Kill Him

065) 2nd Squad Attacks SCRUFFYUNNAMEDJANITOR in CIA Break Out

068) Counting Up Votes During the Elections Gets Stuck Instead of Counting up Fluidly

069) Augmenting liberals can have a Probability of Success Above 100%

071) Raiding armories is Treason

076) Unable to Enter University Apartments Once Moved (National Mode, NYC, After Injury)

077) Prison Sometimes Cannot be Exited

078) Prison Sometimes Spawn in Wall

079) Graphical Glitch in Newspapers, Appearance of Accented I

--- End code ---
Quality of Life: 1

--- Code: ---029) No "Assign All Clips to Liberal" Option, instead needing to Press "9" every Time, Also Add/Remove All Liberals from a Vehicle

--- End code ---
Cosmetic: 2

--- Code: ---036) "X gasps and soils the floor" Appears too Often

055) Specialized Death Messages e.g. Burning to Death

--- End code ---
Improvements or Balance: 41

--- Code: ---002) Liberal Weapons cause Instant Alerts unless "Holstered"

004) Lack of Stealth Options to Defeat CCS, Casualties Inevitable

005) Automatic Target System Prioritizes Enemies who are "Dangerous" even once Badly Wounded

007) No "Less than Lethal" Option in Combat

010) RNG-based Datenapping, Failure even if Heavy Armor with a M249

011) "Wasted Potential" with CCS Safehouse, Unused Alternate Entrance (CCS Boss should Attempt Escape)

012) Skill Grinding, Skill Progression set to "Fast" does not affect Most Skills, Including Seduction

014) Assault Rifles are the only Weapons worth using (Knives should Penetrate Armor)

015) SMGs are useless, Inferior to ARs in all ways, and yet have their own Skill

016) Prostitution leads to Automatic Arrest, Unlike Drugs and Graffiti

017) "Protects Against Kidnapping" for Syringe and other Light Weapons, Prevents Kidnapping even against Assault Rifles

018) Compiling the Game is Impossible for anyone without an Enormous Investment in Time, and Specialized Training

019) Gun Control Legislation does not significantly impact Gun Ownership, especially at Arch-Conservative Levels

021) M249s are too Rare, especially Compared to Assault Rifles

022) Cannot Visit Closed Locations, even though the Court System still Functions when Closed

023) Unable to Surrender to Police after First Turn, even if Non-Violent

024) Police Respond with Lethal Force at All Times, no matter how Inappropriate

025) Police Negotiators Turn Liberals into Conservatives, despite being Moderates Themselves

028) Computer and Writing Skills largely usable Only for Illegal Activities, no Profitable Legal Options

030) CCS Only Capable of Violence, Absence of Conservative Guardian or Equivalence

031) Broken "No Reply" option with Hostages, Should at Least take you back to Encounter Screen

032) Overpowered Violence, Destruction  never leads to Escalation or Balkanizing, no Martial Law

033) Juice can be Boosted Most Reliably through Violence, no Other way to Reach the 1000 Cap as Quickly

035) Lack of Harassment on Approaching Site, only when Leaving

037) Stalinist Comrade Squad will Never be Finished

038) Lack of Weapon Variety for Enemies

039) Judicial Nerf makes it Impossible to Avoid Execution, Even with Sleeper Judge, Jury, and Master Attorney

040) "Snowballing", the Game gets Progressively Easier, no Late-Game Threat outside CCS

041) Judicial System is Largely Unaffected by Laws, Should scale from Salem-Witch-Trials to (Effective) Rehabilitation First with Kind Words

042) Unarmed Stealth Kills count as Murder, while Knife Stealth Kills do not

044) Teaching Skill is Useless

045) Death Squad Uniforms are Unarmored

046) Augmentation is Unfinished, namely Some are Free, and Exactly one has a Max-Age Requirement

047) Weaponry Sets based on Gun Control is Hard-Coded, Making New Weapons Unable to Spawn with Existing Creatures

048) CCS Should be Buffed, Possibly with a "Confederate Gazette" and CCS Hackers to Publish LCS Membership

050) Criminal Investigations lack Substance

051) Police Stations are Responsible for Military and Army Raids, Rather than Army Bases

052) Unarmed Persuasion Attacks Drain Juice, but do not Grant Juice to the User

053) Attacks on the Firemen HQ Should Raise Free Speech Support

054) Firemen HQ and Other Locations are Inaccessible Except at Specific Policy Levels

061) Absence of Prison-Based Protest (Gandhi, Anyone?)

--- End code ---
Fixed: 25

--- Code: ---001) Car Crash Victims Teleport to Safehouse

003) Car Chases with Four Vehicles, Six Conservatives Each, Inevitable Total Party Kill

006) Mistakenly Attacking Innocents during Stealth Melee

008) Repeated Raids even when Police Station is Closed

009) Lack of Raids outside Police and CCS

013) No Individual Reloading Outside Combat, Especially Problematic when using Thrown Weapons alongside Assault Rifles

020) Seeing Through Disguises is Hard-Coded

026) Inability to Repair Clothing in Bulk

027) Inability to Sell or otherwise Dispose of Damaged Clothes

034) Limited University Skills

043) Expensive Suits are Valid Disguises at Bank, but not Expensive Dresses

049) If Only One NPC can be Kidnapped, that NPC is Targetted for Kidnapping without Notifying the Player There is Only One

056) Heat Suddenly Vanishes

057) Secretary of State and Other Cabinet Members Randomly Switch to Arch-Conservative

058) Referendums/Propositions Disproportionately Conservative even when Population is Over 70% Liberal

059) Buildings Don't Change Names after Policy Change

060) Repair Clothing is Bugged, Cannot Dispose of Damaged Equipment

062) Business Front does nothing for the Crack House

066) 24/22 Stealth STILL Getting Caught while Sneaking

067) No ASCII Animations Playing

070) Cars Not Showing up on Vehicle Screen, Can See Letters but not Names

072) XML Errors in Sleeper Theft

073) Drug, Military, and Immigration Issues Often Cannot Become L+

074) See Through Disguise Default Behavior is X-Ray Vision

075) LCS Safehouse Still Listed as Under CCS Control After CCS Defeated

--- End code ---

This is an interesting idea, but will be a great deal of work and require some tricky design decisions. For example, there are a lot of instances where the in-game text refers to the character, the location, the laws, etc. For example, when you refer to the courthouse, is it the courthouse (death penalty laws L+ to C) or the Hall of Ultimate Judgement (C+)?


--- Quote from: SlatersQuest on July 23, 2016, 11:45:15 pm ---This is an interesting idea, but will be a great deal of work and require some tricky design decisions. For example, there are a lot of instances where the in-game text refers to the character, the location, the laws, etc. For example, when you refer to the courthouse, is it the courthouse (death penalty laws L+ to C) or the Hall of Ultimate Judgement (C+)?

--- End quote ---

This is part of why I dropped it last time, as I didn't have the expertise necessary to answer that.
Currently I plan to have it use either XML or custom escape characters.  I'm leaning towards the latter, like every time the string "\S" appears, the game will replace it with the LCS slogan.
There are definitely specific instances of greater difficulty, such as the various words that get replaced when free speech is especially low, or like the CEO code that rejects seduction attempts based on the seducer's gender.  These especially specific cases are where I expect to find the greatest difficulty, but many of the simpler cases can be transferred to external files first.

Long term there are quite a few changes, but right now I'm focusing on custom messages that rely on little or no internal logic, such as the pickup lines (excluding when CEOs are involved).


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