Dwarf Fortress > DF Modding

Soo.. them necromancers.

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I was just snooping around in DF for the necromancer I understand it's a secret but I can't find it anywhere to edit necromancy (becoming necromancer, the secret itself), or even the spell which animates the dead. I am wondering if anyone knows how to edit the spell, and the secret of necromancy, and of course where the location for the spell and secret is in DF. Aye, many thanks,

Happy genocide!

Enemy post:
You can't edit necromancers or the other night creatures, they are hardcoded. However, copies of their raws are in raw/interaction examples/interaction_secret.txt. Thus, if you change the name and copy that to the main folder, you can have custom necromancers. What did you want to change?

How custom can you make the necromancer?

I wanted to just snoop around, see what I can change rather than change anything at all.

Enemy post:
You can make your custommancers do pretty much anything.

Well, lets start a little ambitious then. Editing to make either the ability to summon a spiritual being (still keeping the previous spell that just normally raises dead). Then if that's possible maybe it's possible to preset something to being a necromancer, so you don't have to go to a tower you can start as one. As you can see, all of this is in Adventure Mode. That's a little bit as of now, see if that's possible and if it is I would like to know where I can edit to do that.


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