Welcome! After a long hiatus I have returned and am hoping to provide quality-ish AAR posts with decent story bits tacked on. Viewer participation may or may not be on my table of things to do, however I'm currently focused on getting the first part or two out before that, however depending on roleplay it may not come until later. Regardless, it's not dead! Posts will be done on here instead of linking to an Imgur album, as I partially feel that's why this thread stagnated to the point of death until I posted. I may be wrong on that, but who knows!
The Tchaaskeran People.
Their history is filled with conflict between the varying tribes. Every time a new advancement was made in one tribe, the other tribes felt the blow of it, only to have something similar the next year. Technology stagnated though. In their space age, they had reached their peak. Shuttles barely surpassing the Apollo 11 had been launched. The satellites that were in space only lasted mere months before plummeting to Screkan. However, one fateful flight made it to the moon of Screkan. It found the wreck of an ancient ship. The Hive Mother who owned the shuttle wanted to keep the discovery secret, however the drones did not heed her advice. The discovery spread. Soon, all of Screkan knew. It was going to be known by all soon enough. The tribes convened. The independence of the tribes would be recognized. They would not bow to one Hive Mother. The Republic is born.
Societal Structure
The Tchaaskeran people are weak, and thus look towards a higher being for protection. Whether it be religion or their Hive Mother, they will fight to the death against innumerable odds for it. This lead to many tribes being rather... Harsh towards religious enemies. Regardless, in a secular Tchaaskeran, they view the 'Hive Mother' at the top. A single female Tchaaskeran who is able to lay enough eggs to populate even the most desolate of plains into a bustling city in a year. While in their early years, much of the tribes were nomadic, once their populations grew too large to be supplied by the creatures of the land, they settled and began to develop agricultural systems and various domestication techniques.
Next in the pecking order is a 'Drone Ascendant.' The exact term is still debated in how its to be used, but in popular usage it signifies a Drone which has excelled in their abilities and is allowed to hold a governmental position. Usually they are female, though an occasional male Drone is able to become this. Other uses include religious positions, along with it being something akin to beatifying a saint.
Third in the line is a 'Breeding Drone.' As the name implies, it is the position that only one male drone is allowed to hold. They are both the personal bodyguard of the Hive Mother and the first when the time for breeding comes along. Captives of war may be referred to as these, however it is a derogatory use.
Lastly, the ever mentioned 'Drone.' The Drone is the lowest in the chain. They are simply male and female Tchaaskeran. The term does not mean the same as it would in our world. The Drone is simply a worker in the tribe. It will fight, it will build, it will herd. They are not brainless, but they are not geniuses. They are the grunts of the entire Tchaaskeran work force. Some debate if using the Drones as labor while disavowing them from holding governmental offices is akin to slavery, especially by one of their first contacts, the Ymacera. The main governmental force has given no comment on this.
This is some random stuff I typed up while bored. Will make improvements when I think of them. Just putting it here for safekeeping.
The Tchaaskeran language is a complicated thing. Due to their primitive nature and the fact that their written language was all but lost by the end of their early 'Modern' period, it is mainly a highly bastardized form of English, at least in the written form. It's almost unintelligible however, as unlike English it's written phonetically with only the alphabet and general grammar being taken into thought. The language itself is a lowery language where most of the length could very well be removed and it'd still be the same. Seeing as the written language does just that, a being who has not interacted with a Tchaaskeran in person would be quite confused by the language used. Most beings can learn it with ease, but to truly speak with the clarity the species can it would take much modification of the vocal chords.
Along with this, the tone of a sentence is determined by the position of the forelegs in relation to the forearms and mandibles. The front legs raised with the forearms and mandibles neutral imply either a joking or fearful tone. The relation between the two is unknown, as it seems to be a rule that even the oldest Hive Mother knows. The same, but with the mandibles inward implies an aggressive tone. This is due to the Tchaaskeran, along with generally being weak, have very weak jaws. It's obvious what the motion means. Other such relations exist and even a minor change in positioning during conversation can change the tone. Most Drones are unable to truly lie about tone as they are conditioned by birth to be truthful always. As they go up the hierarchy, lies becomes indistinguishable from the truth. Despite what their scholars say, lies seem to be integral to the leaders. After all, much of their leadership only had a small population meet their control. If they couldn't convince them to stay, why would they stay?
Tchaaskeran culture is a vague topic. Each tribe had its own distinct culture. Each Hive Mother gives their own views to their young. Each region is unique. The most common similarities are a distinct aversion to most common drugs such as alcohol and mundane things such as painkillers. Theories range from genetic conditioning to simply a religious reason. Whatever that may be, this means many natives are rather boring to tourists. The difference between space dwelling Tchaaskeran and planet based is large though. Their culture is closer to galactic norms. Acceptance of many things and generally more personable by travelers. Despite this, the dislike is still there. Only those not born to a Tchaaskeran family. Which is rather difficult considering adoption is a stain on a Drone's reputation and the Hive Mother. Despite this, the leaders engage in the drink in the form of fermented milk from their life stock mixed with various other fruits and spices. It's a difficult taste to overcome, but many espouse the drink is rather soothing and is barely an alcoholic beverage at all. Almost in spite of that, Tchaaskeran who consume it exhibit symptoms akin to drunkenness anyway.
The Tchaaskeran religion holds five gods and godesses in high regard while also engaging in ancestor worship, though that is mainly for the Hive Mothers. Each god has two names, the classical and the modern form. The classical forms were only discovered in the past few years after a tablet etched in stone was found in a cave on Screkan. The meanings for the classical forms are lost on modern Tchaaskeran, due to the language having died out. The modern forms were chosen to console with that fact.
The highest is 'Lo-Tan-Wa' or 'Lotanwon'Sreth.' This goddess is held in high regard by many and it is no accident. She represents three main things. Diplomacy, Fertility, and Unity. In Tchaaskeran mythology, she is often the one to resolve conflicts among the five and/or seen tending to her many children, usually meant to represent the race as a whole.
The Second-Highest is 'Ta-Wok-Ili' or 'Tawokili'Srethid.' This goddess is the third most popular, mainly due to being the goddess who governs the afterlife. Most Tchaaskeran holy people speak of the afterlife as a horrid place, only seeing it as punishment for those who did not die in Lo-Ta-Won's grace. She also represents disease, and love. The latter is due to her portrayal in the mythology. She is the one who is most commonly seen consoling the bereaved.
The Third-Highest however, is a strange beast. 'Ka-Zon-Wi' or 'Kazonwi'Srethid' is commonly portrayed as a Tchaaskeran containing both male and female biology. Many scholars believe the reasoning being that, due to the matriarchal status of the Tchaaskeran, this god is neither low enough to be considerd male, yet not high enough to be considered female. It is usually portrayed with male mannerisms, but holding the positions a female would hold. They represent only one thing, however. War. The association has been lost to the Tchaaskeran people, as many holy people refuse to speak on that. Many believe the reasonings, however, to be as followed. The god represents War as a consolation of the peaceful nature of most Tchaaskeran and, as both genders are capable of it, this god is bigendered to represented that. In mythology, they are portrayed as an outcast, though they are always called upon when conflict comes around, usually by Ta-Wok-Ili.
The Fourth-Highest is a 'Ka-Yon-Ili' or 'Kayonili'Srethid.' They are a male god who represents servitude, duty, and honor. He is commonly portrayed as the body gaurd of Lo-Tan-Won. In mythology, he is a stoic, only speaking when spoken to. Only acting when told to act. He shows no emotion besides a sense of duty, if that can be called an emotion. Due to this, not much information is available.
The Fifth-Highest is 'Za-Ton-Lij' or 'Zatonlij'Srethidil.' They are a male god and are commonly portrayed as a distrustful, untrustworthy, and most of all unkind Tchaaskeran. They represent subterfuge, trickery, and hate. They are the one to cause most trouble in the mythology. It is said that a militant group of Tchaaskeran follow him as the true leader, due to being declared an illegitimate child of Lo-Tan-Wa, thus the additional suffix. Only one temple exists dedicated to him. It is used as a prison.This is more of a testbed for the mods I'm planning on using. I know this isn't the latest update. I haven't updated and I would prefer to get this over with before updating. Plus, I maaay have been putting this off for a bit too long. I'll go on for a few parts before deciding if I like the pacing and then going on with the space foxes. Because it's something other than more space bugs