Name - Vrillith, goes by Vril
Race - Gretanar
Title - if character possesses any title (nobles can specify this, players of other castes must acquire it in some way)
Heraldry - Not one, not that it hasn't stopped him from trying to use this as heraldry:

Land owned - none
Origin - Commoner, border of Skraelan and Gretanar
Religion - Undecided
Appearance - A tall man on the more lanky side with long legs compaired to the rest of his body. He has dark brown hair, almost black. His eyes are brown.
Biography - A commoner of a small village near the border of Gretanar. Due to getting harrassed by bandits the town decided to work to form a simple town militia and simple wooden walls and barricades. Vril ended up getting banished from the town after some time due to conflicts that arose between him and another member of the town militia over being apparently abandoned by the man during a small skirmish. This conflict came to a head with the two trying to punch each other in the street and in the process knocking a cart lose and down a road onto a bystander nearby. He was somewhat rightfully expelled from the city as he was the one who started the fight. Since then he's wandered about trying to fin what money and food he can.
Strenght: 5 [#######-----------]
Dexterity: 4 [#####----------]
Intelligence: 3 [###------]
Vitality: 2 [---------]
HP: 14
Health status: Bruised
Head: Bruised
Torso: Bruised, Slight Burns
Hands: Scratched, Bruised, Slight Burns
Legs: Bruised
Personality - Manipulative, distrustfull,
Advantages and disadvantages - While good at planing things and manipulating people he often comes off cold and lacking in morals.
He is one who will go for ends justify the means viewing a horrific action as worth it if it leads to some favorable outcome.
He also rarely trusts people, being quite paranoid and fearfull that someone he is with may well be plotting against him or may abandon him at the first sight of trouble.
Leadership: 2 [---------]
Persuasion: 2 [---------]
Short blade: 2 [####-----]
Light armor: 2 [###------]
Dodge: 2 [######---]
Running: 2 [---------]
Exquisite quality shirt, pants, shoes, belt, gloves {worn}
Blade of Blackwill [Ar 24, Dr 12] {weilded} {-Gives Blackwill's Bless-} {-Fireblade: +10 AR fire damage-} {-Inner Light: Illuminates dark areas-}
Skraelan militia shortsword [Ar 10, Dr 6]
Sturdy skraelan aketon [Dr 18] {worn}
Skraelan militia light armor [Dr 6]
Out-Realm Armor [Dr 42] {Gives Out-Realm Influence, Sunrise Bless}
Sigil Stone piece
175 Florins
Faction: Order of The Rising Sun
Rank: Wandering Hero
Fame: None
Bounty: None
Active effects:
Blackwill's bless
Energy Shield - a shield composed of blue whirls of energies, forming around when an extremely strong attack is made against protected one. It can work twice during whole battle, and is able to backfire some damage against the attacker.
Buff of Gods: Increases character and weapon stats upon killin out-realm and otherworldly enemies. Buff disappears with end of battle.
Out-Realm Influence
Lightweight - the armor seems light as a feather for one wearing it, but at the same time greatly increases his poise.
Reshape - armor reshapes itself to it's owner
Infusability - enhances ability to infuse armor with other effects.
Sunrise Bless
Protection from Fire - fire is less deadly, allowing one to quickly run through walls of fire unscathed (once per two turns)
Stronger in sunlight - the light of sun strenghtens protection given by armor
Fire Aura - sends a fire surge that repels enemies when surrounded (once per two turns)
Fire Shield - damaging the armor, enemy gets slightly wounded by fire
The Rising Sun - improves The Rising Sun combat style damage protection