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Author Topic: Flight of the Twelve Behemoths 2024  (Read 578 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Flight of the Twelve Behemoths 2024
« on: February 18, 2024, 07:04:17 pm »

Every year I think of twelve avenues of focus that I want to use to facilitate growth. These can be New Year's Resolutions; they can be bucket list items you're almost ready to cross off; they can be career-related; personal; profound; small; pointless; silly.

I'll put an example in my next post, but this is how it works:
- Spend some time thinking of 12 things you want to attempt in 2023.
-----> In practice it helps to have your goals be concrete enough to determine whether you have succeeded.
-----> Think carefully about whether your goals are, at the least, small enough to start working on.
- Write your 12 things in a list format in this thread.
- Post updates as you work on and complete goals.

If you wanna do a fractional-Behemoth, that is between 1 and 12 goals you intend to regularly check in on, that's also fine. Done is better than perfect. More importantly, everyone has bumps and surprises in their life. There are some things that we will never achieve, and that's okay. The goal is to struggle, together, for a year.

You can see last year's thread here.
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flight of the Twelve Behemoths 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2024, 08:41:35 pm »

*inhale* HOLY SHIT I'M OFFICIALLY MIDDLE-AGED! Here's last year's post:

I think I'm going to need more time to figure out a full list. I know that these four points are on it:

1. Try for 8 - 12 opportunities that seem uncertain.
2. Earn my driver's license.
3. Participate in the Hot Fresh Reading Challenge.
4. Participate in and document Full Moon Teas throughout 2024.

Looking at last year's goals, a few of the points can be folded into some large projects that I'm working on:
- Unfucking my life post-pandemic, post-no longer being an unstable 20-something, and post-escaping my family. Time to be a real adult.
- Doing the "buying stuff and crying about hair" part of my gender transition.
- "Grad" "school." Just... grad school.

There's some categories of my life that I've never been able to make real progress with--or that are suddenly more relevant in this chapter of my life--that I really want to have some firm growth on before 35:
- Publications, speaking at and attending conferences, learning the responsibilities and habits of a public intellectual (or whatever).
- Working on relationships, whether friendship, found-familial, romantic, or otherwise. There's a kind of "learning how to live life as an uncloseted gay" thing that I need to learn how to do.
- Learn more about how to make and appreciate artwork in various mediums. This is my gift to myself for surviving.

I do need to continue working on my health but I'm not sure about keeping it as a Behemoth. My physical health is mostly "fine" now except for all of the usual ramifications of having had uncertain healthcare access due to being trans, and the added burden of side effects from pretty severe PTSD.

So I'm going through 5 or 6 medical specialists I've been referred to right now trying to fix things, making sure I get enough sleep, improving my diet, and a bunch of stuff like that. I paid for a martial arts course this quarter but haven't attended it at all while I got onboarding paperwork and my HRT sorted out. I guess that's the next step.

I'll be back in a month-ish to check in on Behemoths 1 through 4 and see if it's gotten any easier to tease proper Behemoths out of those other projects.
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flight of the Twelve Behemoths 2024
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2024, 05:16:56 am »

I can't believe I missed an entire year, sigh...

2024 wasn't a great year in the later months, and 2025 promises to be harder in order to obtain the same as I have now. But there is hope: I am sure that I will at least be able to survive with some sort of prosperity, and I feel like I might just be able to figure out personal relationships.

I'm also going to turn 40 in 2025, so I sympathize with Vector on the Middle Aged part. I'm accepting it a lot better than a few months ago.

!!Bumping this as hype for the 2025 thread!!