((Thanks Radio, didn't see my post get eaten there...who is Jack and 2 prisoners, and why are they with us, and what is going on with Denver? Last I read, he's ok but in a dilapidated building))
"We'd really benefit from some scaling equipment right now, or something to do with that bunker from the flank. Radio, how's the signal? Still static with all the rain?"
Err, proceed, while checking our gear if we're able to assault the bunker from this side (after the hill). Stick to cover.
Glory: 190
(E) Scoped Springfield M1903 A4 [5/5]; [5/10 ammunition total] {With a white cloth tied to it}
Silenced Pistol [8/8]; [8/8 ammunition total]
Equipped Weapon Skill: +3 [+0 if used in Melee/+0 in HtH]
Name: Tala Agata
Description: Tala was enlisted alongside her kin, for their renown in sharpshooting and rugged terrain survival. Being the one who had taught Joan how to shoot, she was only a year her senior before they had been separated in different brigades. She was recently transferred to the 888th after the Normandy landings.
Physical: -
Mental: -
Life: - {+Helmet}
Speed: +1
Dexterity: +1
Will: +1
Knowledge: +1
Senses: +1
+3 Sniper rifle
+2 First Aid
+2 Medical Training
+1 Camouflage
+1 Pistol
+1 Languages
Scoped Springfield M1903 A4 (5 shot, risk 5 at long range, risk 3 at medium, risk 2 at close)
2 springfield magazines
*Medic Bag
*Helmet {+1 Life}
*Silenced Pistol [8/8]
*Smoke Grenades (2)
*Military Beret
*Customized Gasmask
*CS Gas Grenades (2) [Edward has one of them]
Probably a lot of tinfoil
2 Medic Bags {3 total}
Mundane Journalism Uniform
A few pens, which can be used as lockpicks
1 First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid. Single use)
1 Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
1 Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
1 Clicker
1 L type Flashlight
1 Sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
"We seem to be split up. Everyone regroup under that cover of trees. I'll be heading back with another person to check for any stragglers. The storm above doesn't bode well at all."
And then get the heck to Denver's position to get him out 
With support. Preferably the strongest person available.
Uh. Well you ARE able to assault the base from the back but...well your post has completely confused me. You say proceed and then say to turn around and run back the exact opposite way and help Denver...who I'm pretty sure you'd have no idea in character was stuck. I'm...gonna let this sit and maybe see if the other character in your unit have something more easily understood.
No one else in your group posted. Oh wait, Radio did after I yelled at him on Discord.
Go help the Denver. He has a radio so I should be able to find him, I hope.
Name: Radioman
Description: A radioman.
Physical: -2
Mental: 0
Life: -2
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Dexterity: 2
Will: 0
Knowledge: 0
Senses: 1
Operator: +3
Rifle: +2
Camouflage: +2
Mechanic: +1
Melee: +1
Language: +1
1 First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid. Single use)
1 Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
1 Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
1 Clicker
1 L type Flashlight
1 Sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes
13 individual cigs
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
2 grenades
1 blowtorch
flyzapper gun (risk: ??)
trench knife (risk-3)
Ugh, whatever. I'll have you go back and try to help.
You run back to where denver is buried and start digging him out. You get some of the light stuff out of the way but there's still a rather big wood pillar sitting directly in front of his door.
((Denver is trapped in post-lightning rubble.))
"Hey, some help here!"
I had given my radio to Alice, for the record, so I could not have radio'd for help. Feel the conditions around me. Does the rubble feel stable? Are any sides of the cupboard not covered by rubble? Then, using my trench knife, attempt to lever any free sides.
Name: Denver Gaunt
Description: Denver Gaunt is an average man of average build from New York. His family ran a small bakery, but Denver was disenchanted with the working class life and took up boxing. After joining up into the army, he discovered a newfound love of war and was quite overeager, eventually being transferred into the 888th for insubordination after several men were killed due to his rashness.
Physical: 0
Mental: 0
Life: +1
Speed +1
Dexterity +1
Will +1
Senses +2
Melee +3
First Aid +2
Camouflage +2
Traps +1
SMG +1
Operator +1
First Aid Kit (extra)
SCR 300 Radio Transceiver and Handset
Thompson SMG (25/25, Risk 2+1 for every five rounds in
burst )
Spare Magazine [5/25]
German SMG, 15 bullets
Flares (Red, Green, Black, Blue, and Yellow smoke)
Flare Gun
Trench Knife (Risk 3)
Universal Kit
GLORY: 160
Scouted a bunch
Lent radio out
Shot up Nazis with Bob, captured a truck and freed the prisoners
Dodged the Nazi lightning
The rubble feels distressingly stable. Like everything just fell in a nice pyramidal fashion down on the closet and locked you in on all sides. The best you've got is the back wall of the cupboard which feels a bit more flimsy than the other walls. You might be able to get out through it with enough force.
Ok so I'm gonna make the assumption here that Ti and friends move up towards the bunker. The back of the hill the bunker is on has a steep slope, just like everywhere else, but it is climbable. Just like Florian did. So I'm moving you up to the edge of the steep part of the hill.
Scream internally as I run towards the opening of the bunker and burn everything inside to little German bits.
Name: Florian De Greef
Description: Bald, fat, cigarette smoking Belgian.
Physical: Not yet
Mental: Not yet
Life: Soon none
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Dexterity: 1
Will: 2
Flamethrower: 3
Demolitions: 2
Operator: 1
Mechanic: 1
Camouflage: 1
Traps: 2
1 First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid. Single use)
1 Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
1 Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
1 Clicker
1 L type Flashlight
1 Sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
1 Flamethrower (Risk 8, expands to fill rooms)
1 Flamethrower Tank (5 shots)
Soot, Leaves and Dirt
Loads of Hatred for Germans
You run up to the bunker wall on the northish side. The guns are all on the westish side so they can't hit you from here, however thats also where the main entrance is. You could either rush the front and try to torch the guns before they can slice you to bits or move around the other side to try and find another entrance. As it is, all you'd be doing here is burning a concrete wall.
"Ah, so these orange tipped ones are the explosives... Which means the blue tips are... Not explosives... So the Armor piercing shells are the... Unpainted ones? (Grab one) LOADING ARMOR PIERCING! I think...
Load a shell. Now I know for sure which ones are HE, so the remaining possibilities are smoke, incendiary/White Phosphorous (which is almost deadlier than just a flat fire shell) or AP
Name:Tobeis ‘Toby’ Parrish, 20
Physical and Mental Description: Brown, almost black hair, exceptionally blue eyes, white skin, and numerous scratches. Wears glasses (which have as yet managed to survive without breaking) although he can see fairly well within about 50 meters. Pragmatic in combat, doesn't believe in fighting honorably, and very rarely ever stops moving, except to make a shot or pretend to listen to a superior officer. Has an amazing lack of respect for officers over the rank of 1st Lt. (unless they're serving on the front with him.) Prefers to use his bayonet instead of his pistol for close range, because the bayonet doesn't jam. Would rather hide in the mud than take his chances running for a better hiding place. Assigned to the 888th for assaulting a superior officer ("No, he inadvertently ran into my buttstock just before he could suggest a glorious charge towards a fortified position, clumsy sod"), shooting 3 prisoners whilst on a mission behind enemy lines ("What was I supposed to do, it was a behind-enemy-lines mission, and besides, those SS bastards had it coming to them") and failing to maintain a clean and orderly appearance during an award ceremony ("I guess 3rd strikes out, whoops, can't be any worse than have to serve under this idiot guess you'll have to transfer me to a different regiment.") Spends most of his time digging, building, or otherwise creating defensive positions to hide in when things inevitably go to shit. Is the type of guy who would tape 6 short-fused frag grenades to the inside of a blast door on the off chance that the enemy manages to open it.
Stats: +2 speed, +1 Dex, +2 Senses
Skills: +3 Rifles +2 Languages +2 Melee +1 Demolitions +1 Camo +1 Traps
Life: + 1
Inventory: 1 First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid. Single use)
1 Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
1 Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
1 Clicker
1 L type Flashlight
1 Sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
Helmet and flak vest (+1 life)
M1 Garand (8-8 shots, Risk 3)
1 SturmGewehr 44 (22-30 shots, Risk 4)
1 Gewehr 43 (10-10 shots, Risk 3)
1 STG magazine (30 rounds)
1 G43 magazine (10 round clips)
5 M1 8 round clips
Bayonet (risk 3)
Fancy SS Dagger (Risk 2)
2 Frag Grenades (Risk 7)
Fancy SMG (0/30 shot,s Risk 3, +1 for every 5 shots)
You grab what you're pretty sure is the AP round and load it. You tap the gunner on the back of the helmet and imitate gun noises to let him know its ready. You're sure there's probably a more fitting protocol but fuck if you know it.
Ed fires on the next machine gun nest as soon as the cannon is reloaded.
Description: average height, average build, brown hair, brown eyes, plain face.
0 Physical
0 Mental
0 Life
2 Dexterity
2 Will
1 Senses
3 mechanic
2 tank
2 trap
1 camouflage
1 operator
1 demolitions
Universal Equipment: 1 First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid. Single use)
1 Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
1 Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
1 Clicker
2 L type Flashlights
1 Sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes(9/9) + 1 additional cig
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
1 pair spare socks, wool, warm
Engineer’s EquipmentMechanic’s tools
Trap making Kit
3 2 Satchel Charges (Risk 7) (1 used in IED)
1 gas grenade, courtesy of Tala
Knife (Risk 2)
Gewehr (10 ammo) (looted from Organ transport truck)
nazi talisman (looted from Organ transport truck)
Nazi Commander Luger 7/8 ammo (Risk 2)
One of the Nazi angular guns that Simon looted (I believe this is in use by Radio at this time)
Nazi Officer's Uniform, gently used
One fancy (Nylon!) hat with ear flaps
1 comically oversized rubber ducky (0 GLORY)
One fully autonomous Radio:
Pretty sure I gave it to Oz since he was the first to answer. Not that he can't be used by multiple people.
We've been tasked with helping clear a section of city and then to remove the "Fort du Roule", a heavily fortified hill top bunker, from the list of enemy held positions.
Its position on the hilltops above the city makes it too good of a strategic position for them to just bomb it to gravel.
Taking it won't be easy though; its got at least 5 heavily fortified firing positions and a tunnel system in the stone.
Intelligence indicates there's an entrance on the west side of the mountain, though getting to it might be harder than just getting to one of those fortified positions and blasting on through. Your call.
We're going to drop you off by boat and the local boys will bring you where you need to go. We're told they'll have a map for you but don't expect anything amazing.
This is a simple job, lads: Kill any Kraut that still has some fight in him, spare any citizen of the town, and try to keep that fort as intact as possible." He waves his hand dismissively at that last part, but doesn't say anything more.
You track the turret over to the next machinegun nest, not easy to do with the tank zipping around like this, and take a shot. The nest explodes into smoke and dust, that entire section of the bunker totally obscured by the destruction. The machinegun continues to fire but it no longer aims at you; instead it just sort of lazily tracks upwards, hits its maximum upward range and stops there, still chattering away.
"Ahahahaheh! Charge!"
Bob stays in the tank, manning the radio. Also, move to the machinegun when the bunkers seem down, so he can shoot people.
Name: Robert McKinley
Description: McKinley was about ten years old when WWI ended, and his brother returned with innumerable stories of gore and glory. Robert desired to fight for his country in the same way. There was, however, no immediate war in which he could partake. He considered himself to be one of the few to hate the Roaring Twenties. They were a time when the people wallowed in extravagance and purposely forgot the horrors, but also the sacrifices and heroism of the great war. And then came the depression. He found himself liking the depression, though of course, he didn't admit that. Mainly because it seemed like fitting retribution for the excess of the previous years. it might have also had to do with the fact that he managed to retain his job and keep up a standard of living. In any case, 1939 was a year almost of rejoicing, and after he had settled his affairs, he signed up for the battle which he had lusted for.
He's a tall, blondish man who fancies himself to have a certain rakish look. His eyes are deep set under a heavy brow, but full of disturbing light. Call him Bob.
Physical: 0
Mental: 0
Life: +2 (Iron Heart Medal.)
Glory: 5
Strength: +1
Dexterity: +1
Will: +1
Senses: +2
Hand to Hand: +1
Exotic Melee: +1
Machinegun +3
Pistol: +1
Car: +2
Language: +2 (Fluent in french, small amount of Italian)
First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid)
Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
Rations (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
MP-34 (2 risk, +1 for every seven shots)
1x 34 round ammo box
Browning Auto Rifle (20 shot, risk 3, +1 risk for every 3 shots fired in a burst)
4 BAR magazines
1 BAR mag with incendiary rounds.
M1910 pistol (9 shot, risk 2)
Supressor (makes pistol risk 8 if unnoticed)
2 pistol magazines (One full, other 8/9)
1 first aid kit
1 trench knife
1 radio (Unbroken)
3 german medals
1 strange medallion.
1 Iron Hear Medal
1 Clicker
1 L type Flashlight
1 sewing kit
1 Mirror
1 razor set
1 Bar of soap
1 Toothpaste and toothbrush set
1 compressed TP roll
1 Pack of Chesterfield Cigarettes
1 Lighter
1 Mess kit
1 Knit cap
1 Notepad and Pen
1 Haversack
1 Gunbelt with Magazine pouches
1 Canteen and Cup
1 Compass
Survived Injuries+Missions+Accomplishments:
Hit in the forehead with machinegun fire on D-Day, helmet broke his nose, but saved his life.
Clipped by machinegun fire from main bunker on D-Day.
Caught in part of the fuel explosion in Poland: Large burns on exposed skin, but survived.
Survived the attack on the USS St. Elijah.
Proudly displayed his nude form in the Park Crescent Hotel Lobby, and acted as an excellent getaway driver.
Shot out some random Nazi vehicle's tire.
Shot 3 or so Nazis in an ambush with Denver, and stole a truck, and in doing so, saved three french civilians from death.
You shout manic laughter into the radio, broadcasting your mirth on all the channels you can.
((Doomblade, you could try going through the roof or something. Maybe try smashing the top portion of the doors open, it might be relatively fragile.))
"Ahahaha! Again! Come on guys, let's keep up the momentum! Sid, if you're bored, help uh, the guy who doesn't want to be called Bitey. Loady? Help loady."
Cackle and encourage the crew as the tank continues to charge forward. Start slapping people if the tank slows down or the rate of fire lessens. No cowardice allowed in Simon's metal box!
Simon, the Happiest Commander!
Relevant skills: +3 Sniper Rifle?
Alice, the Aggressivest Driver!
Relevant skills: +2 Operator, +2 Mechanic
Ed, the Incidentalest Gunner!
Relevant skills: +2 Tank, +3 Mechanic, +1 Operator
Parrish, the Greediest Loader!
Relevant skills: +3 Rifles?
Sid, the Bravest Deserter!
Relevant skills: +2 Explosives, +1 Mechanic
Robert, the Newest Machine Gunner!
Relevant skills: +3 Machine Gun
((You're all free to leave, if you want. To get filled with bullets.))
Name: Simon Smith
Description: A short and somewhat stocky man with
a thick beard and a bulky gasmask. His looks are deceptive, as he's actually quite agile. He has nine firearms chained to him, along with an assortment of knives and a sniper rifle he's always carrying around.
Physical: +0
Mental: +0
Life: +0
Stats: Strength: +1
Skills: Sniper Rifle:+3
First Aid:+1
Class Inventory: First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid)
- Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
- Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
- A bunch of useful bits and bobs
- Scoped Springfield M1903 A4 [5/5] (5 shot, risk 5 at long range, risk 3 at medium, risk 2 at close)
- 2/2 Springfield "magazines"
- Binoculars
- Spare Scope (Mounted on Gewehr)
- 2/2 Smoke grenades
- A "mag" of incendiary rounds for the Springfield (loaded in spare Springfield)
- Scoped De Lisle carbine [11/11] (silent)
- A mag of incendiary ammo for the De Lisle [10/11]
- Trench Knife (Risk 3)
- Gas mask (Not worn, but ready)
Looted Inventory:- Two spare First Aid Kits.
- MG 15 [75/75]
- A spare box of ammo for the MG 15.
- Scoped Gewehr 43 [10/10] (Risk 3)
- Two Gewehr Magazines
- Four Mauser C96s [10/10]*4 (Risk 2)
- Four Mauser C96 mags
- Angular Nazi Lightning Rifle [10/10] (Risk 4, hopefully silent)
- A spare Springfield M1903 A4 [5/5] (Loaded with incendiaries)
- Three spare Springfield "magazines"
- Six spare knives (risk 2)
- A collection of "Chains, rope, small knives, and other things" looted from a Nazi supply depot.
- Two grenades (Risk 7?)
GLORY: 105!
Current mission accomplishments (So I don't have to go back over things later):
- Scouted out the northeastern Nazi positions, has now informed everyone. Including the Nazis, probably.
- Set fire to a Nazi-occupied building, which five Nazis then fled from. Then snuck past without issue.
- Partially scouted the bunker, from the north, found three machine gun nests which have a good view of the entrance switchback, and 180° coverage otherwise. Saw that the northern slope terminates in a 25-foot high cliff, making it near impassable.
- Got caught near a house which was struck by machinegun lightning and detonated spectacularly. Survived with -2 life.
- Killed an entire tank crew. In melee. Without taking any wounds. ALONE. Then stole their Panzer IV and drove it home.
- While riding in that tank, survived a massive targeted lightning bolt through no fault of his own. Ed rolled a one and utterly failed to dodge.
- Was commander of the tank when it managed to destroy one bunker with the main gun. Let's hope this bullet point get longer.
You brandish your trench knife and put one boot up on the back of Alice's chair, shouting murderous encouragement to the rest of the crew.
"I'm pretty sure you've killed more people with your knife in one mission than with your rifle in all the other missions. You're a very odd sniper."
"Noted and ignored. Forward, guidance goblin! Onward until we can taste the whites of their eyes as they explode into our mouths."
"Are you having a stroke?"
"I was saving it for after this is over but honestly, I'm considering just doing it now."
"Please stop."
"Just like drivin' a car, 'sept you don't have ta stop when you hit something."
No, I don't have a driver's licence, thanks for asking.
Name: Alice Gwerhierhwaer
Description: Short blue dyed hair, shiny orange eyes. Tallish, and not thin. Hairy.
Physical: +0
Mental: +0
Life: +0
Speed 1
Dexterity 2
Will 1
Knowledge 1
Senses 1
Plane 3
Operator 2
Mechanic 2
Melee 1
Pistol 1
First Aid 1
GLORY: 230
Fancy Hat
First Aid Pouch (Allows First Aid)
Entrenching Tool (A folding shovel)
Ration (Restores up to -2 on physical dice)
Mechanic’s tools
Flare Gun (1 shot, risk 2)
Knife (Risk 2)
Silenced pistol (2 risk normally, but 8 if unnoticed. Does not draw attention by sound. 8/8 shot)
Gas mask
2 pistol magazines
Joan's Radio
Police baton
Coffee maker
Some dude's diary
You lean on the accelerator even more, though you're not sure it really does anything, and steer the tank straight up towards the bunker. You completely ignore the winding switch back road and instead slam straight into the hill between each section of road, ramping up it and bypassing large sections of the road with sick ass tank jumps. You land after the second of these, everyone bouncing around the tank cabin like marbles in a tin can, and cut right to continue up the hill. There are trees between you and the last machinegun nest for the moment, but you should pass them soon.
To your left a tree detonates as either an RPG or recoilless rifle round slams into it, and above you the cloud spike drifts past. It glides over you and further up the hill before unleashing a burst of concentrated electrical power that explodes some part of the hill further up.