First lets take the kid back to whoever he belongs to so we can get that award.
Your party goes to the keep. The boy runs to his father.

The law giver says, "You are a brave bird. My boy means everything to me and I don't think I will ever be able to repay you. However." He pulls out a piece of paper. "This deed is for a plot of land to the south west. It is yours now. I hope you can master this land and put it to good use."
"Thank you! I have a map can you point it out for me?"
You place your map on the ground and he labels it with a red x.

Try this cheese these humans and dwarves are so interested in. Can't be better than bread!
"I want to go to the market and spend some of our shinies." You say to your companions.
"I would go with you but it looks like it's going to rain soon and I'm tired of carrying this chest. You can meet us at the
The Berry and Cinnamon when you are done."
It is indeed starting to rain outside as you make your way to the market.

You go straight to the cheese stand, eager to try cheese for the first time.
"Would you like a free sample?" the cheesemaker asks.
"Yes please." you say and she hands you some cheese and crackers. You throw away the crackers, slightly offended.

It is one of the best things you have ever tasted! So rich, so smooth! Now bread seems so boring!

"I'll take 2 wheels!"
"That will be ☼20."
You hand her a gold coin and a silver coin and add the cheese to your inventory. Just then you hear some commotion coming from the direction of the temple.
"Get your hand off me. Behold! These charlatans are nothing more than a bunch of thugs. When the end comes their gods will not protect you. Fools!" the man in red robes shouts.
"You can't be hear any longer. Don't make me hurt you." the other robed man says.