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Author Topic: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR  (Read 24403 times)

Loud Whispers

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The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:13:09 pm »

"The Miroslavs," or "Miroslav Universalis Crusader Space of Thrones IX"

What ensues is an edited AAR of my playthroughs of several Paradox Interactive games, namely CK2, CK2-AGOT, EU4 and Stellaris (so far). It started with the game Crusader Kings II, wherein you found a dynasty and attempt to steer it to glory and significance in the annals of history. There I started in the pagan duchy of Rashka, guiding a fictional duke through turbulent times, and from there things rapidly grew out of hand with the sheer infectiousness of the dynasty horrendously ruining history.

Story 2: A Miroslav in King Tommen's Court
"I don't even watch Game of Thrones and I can't understand how badly you fucked that 'verse up [...]
This is fucked up on levels your usual Crusader Kings "Black Jewish Nazi's Republic of Germany" game can't hope to achieve." - Karnewarrior, Jun 18 2015
"No. Fucking Words. [...] This is where you've sunk to. You are the bad guy. [...]
When you play the game of thrones, you win, or the serbians come." - Dorsidorf, Jun 18 2015

Chapter 1: Six Kings, Two Queens, one Miroslav. The great Lords, Kings and Queens wage terrible war and shady schemes. The Kingdoms united, are now divided.
Chapter 2: Climbing the ladder. Lord Vojislav begins his career as a warlord, tries to be a good father.
Chapter 3: Firestarter. Introducing Blaz Miroslav, heir to Lord Vojislav.
Chapter 4: Ambition requires no limits. Oh the times, they are changing.
Chapter 5: I thought this was the balkans. Mistakes were made but I regret nothing
Chapter 6: With great responsibility comes great opportunities to get screwed over by power-hungry warlords. Also introducing: Dragons and Ice demons
Chapter 7: The Seven years war to break the Seven Kingdoms. Blaz leads the Gusars for one last charge, King Rupert reveals his secret Knight.
Chapter 8: Son I am disappoint. Blaz fights to end the Seven Years war, has some words with his son Prince Vojislav.
Chapter 9: THE DEVIL WILL BE MY CONCUBINE. Blaz just wants to have fun.
Chapter 10: No Summer for Old Serbian Homosexual Warlords. Blaz tries to find a holiday home in the Summer, but is preoccupied with meeting old friends in old age.
Chapter 11: Winter for Vale and Riverlands. Nikodim comes of age amidst the long winter.
Chapter 12: Everything changed when the Aztecs attacked. The seasons change
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 12:39:08 pm by Loud Whispers »

Loud Whispers

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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 05:13:26 pm »

Story 2: A Miroslav in King Tommen's Court
Chapter 1: Six Kings, Two Queens, One Miroslav
I am getting ahead of myself by starting with Story 2, chronologically the 3rd let's play of the Miroslav dynasty, but it is altogether appropriate that this is the first story read for those who have no idea why they should for any reason read this After Action Report - years after the let's play in question ended. Story 2 begins in Westeros, using Crusader Kings II and the Game of Thrones mod - with the small addition of modding in Serbian culture, and with it, the Miroslav dynasty.

The Seven Kingdoms were dying and all the noble Lords and lowborn cutthroats couldn't put it back together again. After the suspicious death of King Robert Baratheon, claimants to the throne and ambitious Kingmakers erupted from the woodwork like fresh worms after a rainstorm to bring a divided Realm to its knees, seeking to rule over the ashes. To the East, claimant Danaerys Targaeryan the exiled Queen held in her power 3 world-conquering dragons, promising to one day irrevocably alter the course of the world. In the North, the Winter was moving south with cold winds, unnaturally cold wind. The Night's Watch request for defence against the oncoming cold, heralding with it an apocalyptic force of the dead clutching weapons with frozen hands, fell upon largely deaf ears.
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Amidst all of this bankruptcy, civil war, suicide, banditry, piracy, dragons, prophets and icy spectres, a little noticed development occurred on the 1st of March, year 8,000. In the Vale of Arryn, on the northern face of a most defensible mountain, the Lord of Newkeep fell off the mountain and in his place arose Lord Vojislav Miroslav, former Lieutenant in the Lord Newkeep's army.

Unfortunately for Westeros this unknown cutthroat, possessing sharp wits, a Valyrian sword and a dragon egg, was somewhat of a dick. Ruthless, cruel, deceitful, stubborn, gluttonous, lustful, clever and worst of all pretty, Vojislav at once set about consolidating his hold over Newkeep and its courtiers, eyeing the lands of wealthy heiresses and his hapless neighbour or (justifiably) angry Liege Lord. All of that took time however, as at this point Vojislav remained an inconsequential count in the Game of Thrones, so insignificant that he was as of that moment, a pawn of a pawn of a pawn of a pawn. It would take time to join the players in their game of thrones.

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The players meanwhile set about making their moves. King Stannis Baratheon marched north and defeated Lord Ramsay Bolton in battle, smashing his armies and capturing Lord Roose Bolton, exiling him to the Wall. The High Lordship of the North was passed to Lord Harrion Karstark, and their allied hosts marched south to take the Iron Throne and reunite the Seven Kingdoms. Fighting against King Tommen, the boy-King, should have been an altogether simple matter - yet King Tommen had serious help from Petyr Baelish, Sir Jaime and Mace Tyrell, commanding the forces of the Crownlands, Westerlands, Vale, Riverlands and the Reach against Stannis's Northland and Dragonstone forces.

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The result of such a vast discrepancy of forces was that Stannis was defeated and exiled to the wall, his daughter Shireen used as a marriage token to win over a Pirate Lord and his fleet to keep King's Landing safe. Stannis's religious fervour was put to good use on the wall, as he in a funny way, got to fight the ice zombies he tried warning the Westerosians about in the end. Part of why Stannis lost was that the Karstarks didn't really commit much in the way of troops to his aid, instead securing their own power-base. They were preparing to make their bid for independence, and from one defeat came opportunity:

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King Harrion Karstark, King of the North made his bid for power. It wasn't long before he was assassinated by some of his own men on the behest of Petyr Baelish, King Tommen's ridiculously shady and moustached spymaster. After the assassination, the Northern lords submitted to the Iron Throne once more - needing only a bit of persuasion from the Iron Throne's armies occupying the North. In the South, the Dornish Prince Doran Martell made his bid for the Iron Throne, pressing the claim of Myrcella to the Iron Throne - against her brother Tommen. By this point Tommen had grown into a ruthless and decisive executioner of dissidents and traitors, despite still being a boy, and acted immediately.

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The Dornish did not last long.
In the West the hard as nails raiders of the Iron Islanders remained Independent, Tommen unable to assassinate or invade a foe which had mastery of the seas. He did not have to fear Iron Islander raids however, as the Iron Islanders surprisingly went to the aid of Lord Commander Jon Snow of the Night's Watch, lending the beleagured military order the assistance of the Iron Island's elite troops to defend the wall from the apocalyptic ice demons and the innumerable hordes of the dead assaulting the wall.

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All in all the Iron Islanders seemed to have their priorities set straight, but none of the other Lords joined in to help them.

In the far east of Essos, Danaerys Targaeryan, her host of elite heavy infantry and her three infant dragons waged war upon the slaver city of Yunkai. Aiming to free all the slaves of Yunkai and establish her powerbase there before pressing Westwards, she was rather unfortunately defeated in battle having failed to secure the loyalties of her hired mercenaries.

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Captured in battle, she was rescued by Magister Illyrio "Mo Money" Mopatis, one of the merchant nobility of Pentos, who paid a hefty ransom to get her back to safety with her three infant dragons. Through persistence and patience, with aid from the purse of Pentos, Danaerys mustered a second army this time aiming to strike at Westeros while it was still in turmoil, seeking to relive the victories of her ancestor Aegon the conqueror. She was joined too by an unlikely ally, a Pretender with his own army claiming to be Aegon Targaeryan - thus her success seemed even more likely, especially since Tommen was dealing with the Northmen and the Dornish insurrection.

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Her battles were at first initially successful, and where she led her men through the northern crownlands she saw victory after victory. Tommen may have even felt fear, as Danaerys marched upon King's Landing itself. Yet if the Crownlands were weak, it was because the Iron Throne's armies were elsewhere.

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It wouldn't be long before Danaerys heard news of Aegon's death, finding out that the Pretender had been slain by a one-armed Champion of King Tommen, his uncle Sir Jaime Lannister. Once Jaime Lannister's forces entered the field, Danaerys was hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched by bitter veteran Knights and peasants, and captured once more - her dragons too young to affect the battle.

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Spending the rest of her days under house arrest on Dragonstone, rather ironically the founding site of her dynasty, she died of depression with no heir and her dragons scattered across the world wild and untamed, growing larger by preying upon travelers, livestock and farmers, burninating the countryside with their thatched roof cottages. All of these wars and schemes eliminated so many players and so many soldiers that in the end, of the original heavy hitters, only Baelish, Tommen, Robyn (of the Vale) and Mace Tyrell remained, and nearly everyone everywhere was lord of ravaged lands and tired or depleted armies. This was the perfect time for Vojislav to begin his ascent up the ladder of chaos.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 05:18:38 pm by Loud Whispers »

Harry Baldman

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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2017, 04:08:52 am »

Finally my inexorable appetite for insane alternate Serbian history will be satisfied! I look forward to seeing as many of these as you can conceivably put out.


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2017, 04:28:06 am »

Oh this looks fun. PTW.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Loud Whispers

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Story 2: A Miroslav in King Tommen's Court
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2017, 09:28:33 pm »

Chapter 2: Climbing the Ladder
In times of chaos great men can achieve great things, for chaos presents a ladder. All one need do is climb.

In the span of a few years nearly a dozen monarchs and princes had been assassinated, killed in battle or imprisoned, their allies destroyed and the Seven Kingdoms' armies laid waste. Grain stocks were depleted, young men taken from the fields, rogue bandits roamed the land and wild dragons soared over the skies, hunting from their home in Dragonstone. The Chief Architect of this Chaos was the Hand of the King, Lord Petyr Baelish, Guardian of the boy-King Tommen and Hand of the King, executor of his will. Petyr Baelish led Tommen's vast spy network, collecting useful blackmail or assassinating what few persons were capable of mounting immediate resistance, all the while amassing the forces of the Vale, Riverlands and Northlands to his own banner. When King Tommen grew too old for Lord Baelish to control, when Tommen increasingly grew wary of this exceptionally powerful Lord, he sought to rid himself of Lord Baelish.

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King Tommen died in uncertain circumstances, stepping on a weakened platform atop his castle, plummeting to the ground below. His son and heir Tyros Lannister was declared King of the Seven Kingdoms, Lord Baelish declared regent of the Seven Kingdoms and guardian of the King. In this era of swords, daggers and dragons, the political situation of the Seven Kingdoms was frenetic at best, where only the most paranoid could survive. In order to solidify his hold upon the Seven Kingdoms, Lord Baelish relied heavily upon his own Riverland and Northland soldiers, supplemented by all the forces under the command of his two pawns - the young Lord Paramount Robyn Arryn, and the even younger King Tyros Lannister. His forces remained continually under brutal pressure from pirates, raiders, rebellions and rivals drained troops from the higher Lords in the Vale, leaving a power vacuum ready to be exploited by a certain Lord called Jon Lynderly.

Lord Vojislav Miroslav sent forth his chief councilor to begin fabricating claims upon a rival Lord, of equal strength in terms of manpower, but no equal in terms of martial skill. If Vojislav took that castle he would surely have enough troops and castles to challenge his nominal liege, Lord Jon Lynderly, for supremacy over the Lordship of the entire High Lordship of Northweald. After waiting a great deal many months, months turning to years, Vojislav felt disheartened. His window of opportunity was decreasing as the Lords (relatively) recovered from their wars and hardship, and winter was encroaching upon the mountains of the Vale. A critical setback would occur when Vojislav's chancellor died - not slain or assassinated, he was simply an old frail man who could not survive the harsh winter that had descended upon the land. His mission to expand would have ended in complete failure were it not for High Lord Lynderly being even more ambitious than he.
Lord Lynderly was evidently rather angry that Vojislav refused to marshal his armies, only reluctantly gave a few troops as levy and was obviously making moves to eventually usurp him - not to mention, Vojislav's castle was very nice. Thus one fateful day, Lynderly declared war upon the Stepstones, a bunch of insignificant islands to the North. Vojislav took no notice of this until Lord Northweald's armies were the gates of Newkeep.

Jon accused Vojislav of aiding the enemy, outrageously in disregard of the fact that Vojislav had never communicated with anyone from the Pebbles before. His siege continued unabated and it seemed he was determined to imprison Vojislav, which if successful would allow him to force Vojislav to surrender the castle and his Lordship. Lord Northweald had over 900 men at his command, Vojislav had 457. Still, this situation was far from hopeless. Vojislav was a brilliant strategist whilst Jon Lynderly had few military merits about him at all, being nothing more than a misguided scholar more suited for incompetent study than competent warfare. His few merits, of being an honest, kind man who believed family was important, could not translate into success. Vojislav adopted the most mundane but most effective of plans: Do nothing.
Unable to assault the walls of Newkeep and win, Lynderly attempted to starve the defenders out. When Winter set upon them, very soon their men started dying of exposure to the unnatural cold. This they perhaps could have tolerated were it not for Lynderly's coffers running empty, his gold flowing like wine down an alcoholic's gullet. Seeking loans from the Braavosi, he was given a healthy injection of gold to revitalize his stalling campaign, convincing more men about the exciting merits of standing outside Newkeep's walls all day. Despite all this, Newkeep still stood impervious to his attacks. Failing to steal Newkeep and her treasures, Lord Lynderly found himself unable to repay his Braavosi creditors.

These Braavosi creditors offered Vojislav an offer he couldn't refuse. They would give Vojislav some gold, some mercenaries, and the chance to take the High Lordship of Northweald for himself. Of course, they wanted Vojislav to repay Lord Jon Lynderly's debts too, but Vojislav thought those were details for dealing with later.
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Lord Jon's armies were depleted and stiffened by the cold, whilst Vojislav's were all fresh from the hearth's fire or tavern's warmth. They routed Jon Lynderly's forces, laid siege to his castles and forced his surrender. Vojislav became High Lord Vojislav of Northweald, which then gave him the legal basis to reunite all of Northweald, conquering the Lord he previously tried to fabricate claims upon. Newkeep, Snakewood and Coldwater all fell into Lord Vojislav's hands, though in uncertain terms - the Valelanders distrusted him, both within and without Northweald. Thus Vojislav saw something unique when a foreign Red Priest arrived on his door.
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Vojislav converted from the faith of the Seven to the Red God, using the religion of Rh'ollor to unite his lands under a new creed, a new purpose. Being the fire in winter certainly created a definite mystery with which to attract support from zealous peasantry and nobles alike. This religious magnetism was greatly aided by the relatively bloodless takeover of Northweald and its intense consolidation under one man, where other realms were still split by damage and feudal infighting. Where before Vojislav was insignificant, now others were beginning to notice him. The Braavosi were the first to notice after Vojislav declined to repay his predecessor's debts off, musing that he never promised to repay them to begin with. The second was Lord Paramount Robyn Arryn, ruler of the Vale, who wished to employ the Warlord of Northweald as the Vale's own Marshal of the Knights. The third was Petyr Baelish after Lord Vojislav declared a war for independence against Lord Robyn.

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By declaring his independence from the Vale, Vojislav immediately rose in ranks to become one of the key players in the game of Thrones, a direct vassal of the King in King's Landing. Legally, Vojislav still was not of the same rank as any of the great Lords, and certainly he possessed less troops than many of the Great Lords' vassals, but with one declaration he could be answerable only to the King. This same King was a boy who was unconcerned with what the people in the mountains did for as long as they were loyal, thus Vojislav gained immeasurable freedom to increase his power in the Vale. The flipside of this was that Vojislav had to expand his power in the Vale or else his family would surely be stripped of all their lands, or even exterminated. Jon Lynderly was surely incompetent, but surely also had powerful friends ready to back his claim to his ancestral holdings. Moreover by consolidating his hold upon his lands by adopting the fiery rhetoric of the Red God, all the Lords of the Vale and the faith of the Seven turned their backs upon him, and readied their pitchforks. It seemed that any time soon, the frail Lord Robyn Arryn would die and be replaced by a more virile Lord, one ready to revoke all the titles of heathen Miroslavs. Thus Lord Vojislav had to strike first, and inflict as many casualties as possible.

From his three castles and his vassals Vojislav could muster 4,000 men, notably with 300 Knights and Gusars, whilst Lord Robyn could call upon the support of 28,000 soldiers, amongst them hundreds of Knights. The Vale was damaged by the wars of the many Kings, but clearly one of the least damaged Kingdoms. If it should seem hopeless that 4,000 men could ever defeat so numerically superior a foe, Vojislav realized that if he did not strike then, then the Vale would only vastly widen the gap between Arryn and Miroslav forces - this would be the smallest the power gap would ever be. In addition although Vojislav's forces were smaller, they were also more consolidated and more mobile. Where it would take months for the Arryn army to unite into one grand host, Vojislav could raise and disperse his army in a matter of days, launching devastating raids against isolated Arryn units and retreating into the fortified walls of Northweald's castles whenever too large a foe approached. Lord Vojislav held the castles firm in the face of adversity and siege warfare whilst his firstborn son Nenad Miroslav marauded through the Vale, emerging from the snows to wreak havoc on Arryn supply lines. Even the larger hosts which were simply too large to risk fighting were eventually worn thin by attrition, the unnatural winter intensifying immensely upon the land and causing many to starve or freeze to death.

All of Robyn's bannermen calling for Nenad or Vojislav to fight honourably in the field of battle were ignored, as were personal challenges to a duel. Frustrated, freezing and poor, eventually the Arryn resolve turned to demoralization, and capitulation. To the absolute surprise of the Lord Paramounts of the Seven Kingdoms, a warlord with 4,000 men had defeated a Lord Paramount and won independence. The hand of the King Petyr Baelish noticed this turn of affairs, and saw a talented individual ripe to lead the King's armies against his, er, rather the King's enemies.
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Thus all of Robyn Arryn's attempts to legally force Vojislav into accepting Arryn suzerainty went down the drain. Chief General of the Seven Kingdoms > Frail child

Fresh from victory, a somewhat inglorious and prestige-less one, Nenad nonetheless felt the glory of victory. His time campaigning had made him cruel, wroth and cowardly, A considerably deadly mix, armed with just the right amount of competence to be dangerous, but with the right amount of incompetence to not be indispensable.
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Thus Nenad was disqualified from the line of succession very directly, via castration.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 04:06:46 am by Loud Whispers »


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2017, 12:30:31 am »

Nenad got Reek'd.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2017, 01:15:41 pm »


Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2017, 12:33:19 pm »

PTW. Been looking for a United Miroslav Chronicles for a while now.


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2017, 01:19:05 pm »

Nenad got no 'nads.

Are you copy-pasting this or are you writing it fresh? It feels different than last time.
Quote from: SalmonGod
Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
Quote from: Myroc
Descan confirmed for antichrist.
Quote from: LeoLeonardoIII
I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2017, 08:39:00 am »

Pretty sure it's mostly fresh.

Loud Whispers

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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2017, 02:46:39 pm »

Nenad got no 'nads.
Are you copy-pasting this or are you writing it fresh? It feels different than last time.
Rewriting it from fresh


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2017, 09:33:38 am »

"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2017, 03:34:30 pm »

Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: The Miroslav Dynasty, Paradox Interactive AAR
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2017, 05:11:46 pm »

P to the T to the Double U
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write

Loud Whispers

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Re: Story 2: A Miroslav in King Tommen's Court
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2017, 09:14:51 pm »

Chapter 3: Firestarter
For them, the future was as laid out as the burnt path he swathe
And so the damned remaining lot knelt before the red behemathe
And as they prepared for afterlife there appeared the endemic monstrosity.

Nenad Miroslav's disgraceful treatment of the peasantry resulted in him getting the snip. Some saw this as a sign of Vojislav learning how to be just, to apply laws to all appropriately, even family and nobility. Others simply saw it as removing an inadequate son, but whatever the reasons believed in gossip, most all breathed a sigh of relief. The line of succession would avoid the tortuously evil and arrogant Nenad, who regularly abused his power when he was Commander of the Miroslav forces, and with hope they all looked to Blaz Miroslav.
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Little Blaz Miroslav presented much to be hopeful for. By the age of 12 he was entrusted with managing the affairs of the Lordship of Snakewood, there he demonstrated exceptional competency at all affairs of state presented to him. He was hard-working, putting all effort into adjudicating and seeing to the needs of his Court and people. He was temperate in consumption, avoiding the excesses of aristocracy, he was well-liked and good conversation with the other nobility - and best of all, it was clear even in his youth, he had inherited the wonderful and attractive looks of his father. A true young Vojislav - it certainly made arranging marriages easy, as he was a very eligible suitor.
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The perfect match was found in Donyse Baratheon, a daughter of Stannis Baratheon. Donyse was clever. Smarter even than many adults despite being a child, worshiped the Red God and had strong claims to the entire realm of the Stormlands. It was a match made in heaven; Donyse gained protection from the many assassins seeking to eliminate her, Vojislav strengthened his dynasty's hold upon Westeros.

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In the peacetime that followed, Vojislav contented himself with stewardship of Newreach, training his son for rule and marshaling his people to prepare for future campaigns to come, giving him the best possible education available. They were as peaceful as times were to get, with only two grand attempts at usurpation in the Seven Kingdoms occurring - once, when a Lannister from the Westerlands tried seizing the Iron Throne, another when the Queen Mother Margaery Tyrell tried seizing the throne from her son. Lord Vojislav never joined these wars, there was no need to disturb the peace of Newreach over such nonsense. It also allowed him to consolidate his rule over his court, converting some to the faith of the Red God through sincere and solemn piety...
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Or through the fires of sincere and awesome piety.
Fear and fire silenced all those who would otherwise have considered rebelling against Vojislav, known through the Seven Kingdoms as Lord Vojislav the Usurper.
Perhaps this incendiary turn of events was a straw too far for the Iron Throne, or perhaps the death of the elderly spylord Petyr Baelish caused the Iron Throne Court to swing decidedly against Vojislav. Likely both.
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It was an outrageous affair for the Lord of Newreach. War fought so hard and well to escape the clutches of the Arryns, and in a moment - with but a few words, he was humiliated and subjected once more. The elusive scheming of the Arryns had conquered the Miroslavs where swords could not, for the King saw the Lord Paramount of the Kingdom as an infinitely more useful ally than the warlord of the valley. Left in a cold war with the far more powerful Arryns, Lord Vojslav decided to do all he could to make things colder.
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This entailed attaching messages to ravens and sending them north of the Wall to insult the frost-demons causing the unnatural winter. It is unclear whether this had any effect on the white walkers, however it is known that after these messages were sent, winter did indeed increase in severity and snowfall.
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The Miroslav-Arryn feud ended up somewhat distracted when Lord Vojislav commissioned a specialist blacksmith to decorate his Valyran steel sword - a precious treasure to be sure. Things would go particularly sour when the blacksmith ended up stealing the sword, fleeing all the way to Essos. The last Lord Vojislav heard of he sword, it was in the hands of a distant Qohorik Lord on the other side of the world. While he would never get it back, he did requisition one he found in a tomb to replace his lost one, and after months of tracking his spies finally located and kidnapped the blacksmith Tycho, who was subsequently tortured to death. The effort and gold spent on finding Tycho sent the message aptly: Nowhere in the world is safe for traitors.

This business concluded, Lord Vojislav fabricated a tenuous claim to the capital of the Vale. The capital of this mountain-realm was a splendid fortress called the Eyrie, whose approach was a narrow defile marked by sentries, fortifications and precipitous drops. A terrifying castle to besiege, the Arryns never expected an attack to come from behind. Their other mistake was in assuming the Miroslavs would not attack when they were so vastly outnumbered. Vojislav argued: It is because we are so vastly outnumbered that we must attack. The Arryns must be made to bleed continually, for to allow their forces to build up will mean certain extinction of the Miroslav family. And so they went to war.
The Arryns mustered their forces from the capital, sending them out to meet the Newreach army while the rest of their forces were still marching to the Eyrie. Lord Vojislav would lead the attack with Nenand Miroslav on one flank and Blaz Miroslav on the other, routing the Eyrie forces. While the Vale had suffered minimal casualties from this engagement and still possessed more than enough forces to wipe out the Miroslav army, on the retreat the Arryn forces were ambushed by an invasion of native barbarian hill-men led by Shagga of Two Axes. This led to the total annihilation of the Eyrie's forces, caught between the barbarian invasion and the Miroslavs, who both occupied and blocked critical mountain passes.
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Of exceptional note is that the militiant order of the Night's Watch fought against the Miroslav forces, despite being locked in a life-or-death battle against the very apocalypse itself and oathbound to not interfere in southern wars. This would develop into a recurring theme of worry, that when presented with the chance of certain death or opposing the Miroslavs, for some reason many picked the second choice...
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Post-battle, Blaz and Nenad Miroslav would discover their father Vojislav was killed in battle. Having fought beyond his bodyguard, Lord Vojislav found him looking up and facing a giant of a Knight called Ser Jaden. Outmatched in skill and brawn, Vojislav was slain. Thus the Lordship of Newreach passed to Blaz Miroslav, whose first act of Lordship was to conclude the war by storming the Eyrie. Poorly-garrisoned after the disastrous destruction of its army, the Eyrie was taken with minimal casualties. Seizure of the Eyrie granted the Miroslavs control over two of the only ways in and out of the Vale, and the most strategically important Fortress in the entire realm. That it was also the ancestral keep of the Vale Arryns did much too to shatter the prestige of the once proud Lords!
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The second thing Blaz did as Lord was shag the court fire priest.
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