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Author Topic: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux  (Read 12659 times)

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:50:49 am »

Extraterrestrial Removal with Rectitude and Astro Navigation Team
Nearly a century has passed since the first human skirmishes with "UFO"s after the invention of radar. Since then, humanity has mostly lost interest in space, turning inwards to wage economic warfare among themselves while conditions of peace prevailed.

When aliens invaded in 2017, nations were already suffering from self-inflicted "budget cuts", "food shortages" and "refugee crises". The ruling corporations however, saw the opportunity for profiting from the UFO invasion and Created ERRANT to study the aliens under the guise of providing protection for the world.

The team starts with 10 million in pooled funds and 1 heavy helicopter for all their logistical needs. After that, they are left on their own to beg, borrow and steal their way to upgrades.

What the heck is this:
High mortality room clearing UFO boarding action simulation. ERRANT mercenaries are deployed to stop alien incursions and capture any tech they can find.

It's also a tinker simulation whereby players have to reinvent the space program to reach the alien homeworld and plunder it.

How do we start:
Get a character sheet and a list of personal equipment for yourself and 1 mook. All purchases are drawn from team funds. Purchase of serious hardware should come with team consensus.

The team doesn't need tanks yet. The team will need to find a way to fund their tank/spaceship armies when it comes to it. 10 Million is barely enough for an infantry company. You can however pack a jeep or several and mount heavy weapons on it.

If you acquire or steal a space worthy vessel, you might want to have spacesuits on hand for orbital combat.

Mission 1 will involve a UFO shootdown and subsequent boarding action.

Post actions with your character sheet in spoilers.

Player Character Sheets:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Roll d20 + Ballistic Skill. Difficulty 10 to hit at distances of 100 meters or less.
13+ to hit at 300 meters or thereabout
16+ to hit at 600 meters
+4 to difficulty under mists, night, underwater, claustrophobia.
+6 to difficulty under complete darkness (even with in-helmet nightvision and visual aids) or when engaged in melee.

Roll D20. Base difficulty of 10
Add the difference between the defender's weapon skill and the attacker's weapon skill.
Defenders counter-attack automatically before wounds are applied. No cover applies.


Zero Cover: Units have no cover if they are caught in the open (right after combat drops, ongoing movement), or are enfiladed by crossfires.

Natural Cover: 6+ save on a d6. All soldiers naturally find cover anywhere they can on a battlefield. If fire and movement is done properly, each attacking element will have the benefit of natural cover.

Light Cover: 5+ save on a d6. Includes hastily prepared field fortifications like sandbags and barricades. Includes light vehicle corpses, urban structures without skyscraper grade supporting pillars.
Smoke grenades can provide light cover to attacking elements.

Heavy Cover: 4+ Save on a d6. Includes well prepared trenchworks, solid urban cover, purpose-built walls and forts.

Defending units generally have the benefit of light and heavy cover.

Maneuvering units generally have no cover or natural cover. They can get light cover from smoke grenades.

Applying Wounds:
Roll D10+Strength of weapon + Skill vs 5 + Armor Toughness + Endurance Bonus
The difference is applied as damage.

All player characters start with 1 comrade.

Comrades have a simplified sheet:
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1

Toughness is the collective measure of the mook's physical conditioning.
Every 1 point on a mook's sheet is +1 on a d20. Mooks don't level up, but can have inventories.

Additional mooks can be obtained by rounding up "volunteers". These could be rescued captives, rescued military personnel, or simply people pressganged from settlements.


General Gear:
Entrenching Tool

Restores 2 Life points once a day. These are super rations filled with all the stimulants a soldier needs for rapid healing. Does not restore points given by armor.

First Aid Kit
Stops any bleeding effects. Consumed on use.

Medic's Bag
Restores 3 points of life up to 0 life. Does not restore points given by armor. Consumed on use.

Dwarven Beer in a Bottle
Restores 3 points of sanity up to 0 sanity.

Gas Mask:
An air filtration system to protect against most chemical attacks.

Pressurized Respirator System
A closed rebreather with pressurized air tanks.

Cyrogenic Stasis Pods:
Blood is drained from the organism and a cyroprotectant fluid is injected into the bloodstream. This then enables the organism to be deep frozen without suffering tissue or cellular damage. To reawaken: Blood is reinserted and the organism is reanimated by electric shock to the heart. The procedure has a 100% success rate... so far. The fluids are all recycled each time, making this the most economical way to travel in space.

Hibernation Pods:
A more tasteful way to travel in deep space - The subject undergoes chemically induced hibernation sleep and is kept alive by intravenous systems that give it the neccessary nutrients for metabolism, as well as to process waste products and filter the blood. The flow of sleep chemicals are simply stopped to reawaken the subject.


General Purpose Armor:

Boiler Suit:
Unit Cost: 100
Toughness: 1
Life: +1

Multiple layers of thick treated fabric. Protects to a degree against fire, chemical and abrasion. Comes with a plastic hardhat or hardened fabric pith helmet.

"Flak" Armor:
Unit Cost: 2000
Toughness: 2
Life: +2

Layers of heavy ballistic fabric over plates of ceramic and superalloys. Comes with a ballistic helmet. This is the standard protection for most massed-produced soldiers in the 21st Century.

Combat Hardsuit Mk1:
Unit cost: 500,000
Toughness: 4
Life: +5

Contains a full body exoskeleton, internal power supply, ventillation system and a biosign monitoring.
Outer layer is an armor carapace of segmented alloys over treated fabrics.
Exoskeleton allows the user to run as fast as a horse, and lift things like a forklift.
Does not work in vacuum and extreme environments.


SK-1 Pressure Suit
Unit Cost: 1000
Toughness: 1
Life: +1

A nylon oversuit, with a helmet. Comes with an inflatable rubber collar, leather gloves and leather heavy boots. The helmet also comes with a radio.

Can be painted bright orange to give enemies targets to shoot at.

A7L Apollo-Skylab Spacesuit
Unit Cost: 2,000,000
Toughness: 3
Life: +3

The pinnacle of spacesuit design in the 20th century before funds were diverted to bank bailouts and a general loss of interest in space travel.

Under layer is a liquid cooling and ventiallation garment. A light garment houses tubing for heat exchange liquids. The liquids are cooled in a heat exchanger before being recirculated.

Inner protective layer consists of 11 layers of treated heavy fabrics designed to protect against radiation and micro-meteor abrasions that might penetrate the outer hardplates. There is a triple cover layer over this of more treated fabrics for fire and abrasion protection.

The outer protective layer consists of a nickel-steel alloy wire woven over teflon. The woven armor covers the entire body.

Later EMU models contained hardplates for the chest made from the best ballistic ceramics money could buy. The hardplates alone were produced at a cost of $40,000 each.

Other features include pressure controls for the oxygen and cooling systems. A communications suite. And an injection patch to facilitate medical injections under extreme conditions.

Each suit comes with 8 hours of life support and coolant fluid. It also has a power supply of 390 watt hours or 1404 KJ.

Unit Cost: 10,000,000
Toughness: 4
Life: +5

Based on SpaceX's first prototype space hardsuit of the human race.

Underlayers containing the usual liquid cooling and ventilation systems.
Midlayer of treated fabrics with reduced thickness.
Outer Armor of segmented lightweight superalloys forming a hardsuit.

Contains a full body exoskeleton, internal power supply, ventillation system and a biosign monitoring.
Outer layer is an armor carapace of segmented alloys over treated fabrics.
Exoskeleton allows the user to run as fast as a horse, and lift things like a forklift.


Improvised: Includes entrenching tools, crowbars and the like.
Cost: Usually negligible
Strength: 1

Katanas, Longswords
Cost: 1000
Strength: 2


Small arms:

Unit Cost: 1000
Strength: 2
Ammo: "Bullets" $1 each. Firing an autogun can use a random amount of ammunition from single shots to spray and pray fiascos using hundreds of rounds in a single attack.

Ballistic weapons were the bread and butter of warfare for the last 500 years. You will be using one of the most robust and mass produced designs carried over for arming militia and the like.

They fire lead, copper or steel projectiles using a propellent based on either organic materials treated with nitric acid, or a mixture of the above with plastic explosifves.

Weapons are highly customizable, assassins are known to use hollow point bullets with chemical payloads sealed with wax. Silencers are readily available for most guns.


Military Pulse laser Rifle "lasgun"
Unit Cost: 10,000
Strength: 3
Ammo: Battery Pack $1000 for 10 shots

Lasers can focus their destructive power by being compressed in space and time. The same energy being delivered in a short pulse is generally more destructive and penetrative than a laser beam, and this has been the principal for military lasers since.

The Lasrifle delivers 20 kilojoule pulses fed by a capacitor matrix and battery pack. Each shot can cut through about an inch of the densest metal alloys. A beam laser of equivalent power would take dozens of seconds to achieve what a pulse laser can do in a single shot.

The laser is always silent. But enthusiastic combatants often make "pew pew" noises for psychological support.

Gauss Rifle
Unit Cost: 50,000
Strength: 3
Ammo: Battery Pack and slugs $1000 for 10 shots

The Gauss Rifle is a miniaturized railgun that uses electromagnets to propel 50g armor-piercing tungsten-iron slugs with about 20 Kilojoules of kinetic energy. This is about the exact performance of a 20th Century 0.50 BMG round.

The power and velocity of the Gauss Rifle is variable, allowing for silent subsonic projection. The ammunition can also be hollowed out to carry chemical payloads.

Support Weapons:
Light "Autocannon":
Unit Cost: 90,000
Ammo Cost: 100 per round. Ammo for automatic weapons may be consumed randomly.
Strength: 4
Attacks: 5
25x137mm cannon delivers about 40 KJ of Kinetic Energy

Heavy "Autocannon"
Unit Cost: 250,000
Strength: 6
Attacks: 3
30x173mm cannon has about 225KJ of Kinetic energy
Ammo Cost: 400. Ammo for automatic weapons may be consumed randomly.

Missile Launcher: (FGM-148 Javelin)
Cost: 126,000+78,000
Antitank - Strength: 8
Fragmentation - Strength: 4

Smoothbore 120mm Cannon Sabot:
Cost: 1,500,000
Strength: 12
10kg Depleted Uranium rod fired at 1555 m/ to deliver 12MJ of energy
Ammo Unit cost: 10,000

Hand Grenade:
Strength: 1 Blast

Artillery Shells:
Strength: 5 Blast (M795)

HE tank Cannon shells:
Strength: 4 Blast

Tactical Missile:
Strength: 7 Blast (M270 MLRS)

Plastic Explosives:
Cost: 50 per Kg, 500 per 10 Kg satchel, 4,000 per 80kg demolition pack

80 Kg of plastic Explosives
Strength: 7 Blast

10 Kg of Plastic Explosives
Strength: 5 Blast (M795)

Vehicle Mechanics

Ground Vehicles:
M1161 Growler light strike Jeep
Unit Cost: $200,000
Armor: Uses driver's Endurance. Provides a +1 bonus to Toughness.
Agility: Uses driver's Dexterity.
Armament: 1 weapon mount, may mount autocannons and missile launchers

M1A3 Abrams
Replacement Cost: 5 Million
120mm Smoothbore Cannon
Co-Axial Autogun
Active Defense System
Armor: 16/16/10

M2A3 Bradley
Replacement Cost:1 Million
Heavy Autocannon
Armor: 10/10/8


Mi-26 Heavy Helipopter
Max Passengers: 63
Speed: As fast as the plot allows
Armament: 2 door gun positions
Armor: 6/6/6

« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 11:52:35 pm by Aigre Excalibur »
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 09:54:03 am »

Player List:

Spoiler: Glass - Nox (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Nirur Emma (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: syv Trump (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: SmokeMirrors Han (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 11:53:54 pm by Aigre Excalibur »
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2017, 09:54:21 am »

Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2017, 10:12:49 am »

Heh heh, this is gonna be XCOM, aye? Count me in.

Name: Vladimir "Nox" Golubev
Description: Expert sniper, claims seniority from a previous, similar organization.
Reason for joining: He's good at it.

Life: 0
Sanity: [does this also start a 0?]

  • Strength:1
  • Dexterity:3
  • Endurance:3
  • Charisma:1
  • Intelligence:3
  • Willpower:3
  • Intuition: 6
  • Ballistic Skill:6
  • Weapon Skill:0
  • Occult Knowledge:2
  • Engineering:0
  • Auxiliary:0
  • Medical:0
  • !science!:0

Additional notes: Nox is a sniper. Can we get some modifications to how the range modifiers work for people like him? (i.e. better at long range, mods down as get closer)
Background notes: Nox comes from an actual game of XCOM I played; he was psionic, and personally killed more than 200 of the 400+ aliens that got killed over the course of the game. I happen to have grown attached to him. :D

EDIT: I'll start with a lasgun, flak armor (can I get camo mods for this?), and a gas mask.
My Comrade 1st Mate has a boiler suit, a well-made knife, and two autoguns, one with the normal bullets and one with rubber bullets (for subduing and capturing).
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 11:48:15 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2017, 11:31:21 am »

Heh heh, this is gonna be XCOM, aye? Count me in.

Name: Vladimir "Nox" Golubev
Description: Expert sniper, claims seniority from a previous, similar organization.
Reason for joining: He's good at it.

Life: 0
Sanity: [does this also start a 0?]

  • Strength:1
  • Dexterity:3
  • Endurance:3
  • Charisma:1
  • Intelligence:3
  • Willpower:3
  • Intuition: 6
  • Ballistic Skill:6
  • Weapon Skill:0
  • Occult Knowledge:2
  • Engineering:0
  • Auxiliary:0
  • Medical:0
  • !science!:0

Additional notes: Nox is a sniper. Can we get some modifications to how the range modifiers work for people like him? (i.e. better at long range, mods down as get closer)
Background notes: Nox comes from an actual game of XCOM I played; he was psionic, and personally killed more than 200 of the 400+ aliens that got killed over the course of the game. I happen to have grown attached to him. :D

Range modifiers will still be the default. A laser gun or gauss rifle will still be just as effective from 300 meters or 3000. It's the user that makes the difference.

I may plan to implement damage typing. Lasers working better against shields. Projectiles better against armor. Maybe ion guns disrupting computer systems and active defenses.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2017, 11:48:36 am »

Ok. Also, set up my starting inventory.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2017, 05:22:23 pm »

Transactions done. Total cost so far 27,200
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2017, 06:17:07 pm »

Hi, I'm you're pilot!
Spoiler: Emma Ace (click to show/hide)

Note: If I don't need both dexterity and intuition for flying, please shift them to the one I need.

Just under $750k on heavy autocannons and their ammo, $10.5k on healing for anyone who makes it safely to the helicopter (I'm an optimist!), 2 days worth of rations for everyone who can fit (I'm still an optimist!), and a few smoke grenades might help with disembarking.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 07:22:47 pm by Nirur Torir »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2017, 07:03:55 pm »

Yo, Torir, you also get to start with a comrade mook. Did you set that up?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2017, 07:20:41 pm »

Yes, they have half my non-alcoholic stuff. Guess I'll specify that.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2017, 10:51:15 pm »

Yay for doorgunners.

I do envision early game dedicated close air support to the tune of commanches/cobras as vietnam style helicopter fire support.

But first, we need moneys.

In the terrestrial warfare age, military budgets would be in the millions. When we start going into spess, it has to scale to the billions, and the money has to come from somewhere.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2017, 11:21:04 pm »

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2017, 02:59:11 am »

Added Emma Ace

I'll fit the autocannons to the team chopper later.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.

Aigre Excalibur

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2017, 03:10:51 am »

Will start once syv and egan make their characters.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: ERRANT: UFO Defense Redux
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2017, 07:58:46 am »

Will start once syv and egan make their characters.
Who are syv and egan?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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