...I hadn't quite realized how much money we get. Huh. Well, I talked to Aigre in IRC, and got us an extension to the armory.
Frag Grenade: $25
Smoke (Chlorate) Grenade: $50
Smoke (WP) Grenade: $50
Teargas grenade (acts as smoke): $300
Thermal Imaging Camera (Sees through non-WP smoke): $10,000
Mi-34 Light Helicopters: $1,000,000
Anti-Somalian Pirate Merc: $250 (per mission day)
Trained Helicopter Pilot: $10,000 (per mission day)
Four Mi-34 light helicopters, with four pilots to fly them, and thirty-six anti-pirate mercs (four exploded while arming their C4, had to get replacements). The helicopters have big glowing pepsi billboards on them, and the soldiers are mostly there to make it look like the copters are more than a way to get more advertising money from Pepsi.
Pepsiman Loadout ($6k, including $250 hiring cost):
$1k - Autogun
$200 - 200x Autogun rounds
$2k - Flak armor, painted with Pepsi advertisements. That's why it's red, honest.
$500 - C4 backpack, remotely detonatable by Trump.
$100 - First aid kit
$100 - Gas Mask
$1.8k - 6x Teargas grenade
$50 - A beer and a ration
An additional cost is $3k, paying for the four idiots who blew themselves up while arming their bombs for remote detonation.
And I'm redoing my inventories:
Money left over, subtracting cost of Trump's original loadout:
Per player:
Both Trump and Sokolov get a copy of this:
$10k - Thermal cam
1x ration
$200 - 8x beer
$3k - 12x medic's bags
$3k - rebreather
$2k - 2x katana
$12k - lasrifle (30 shots)
$3k - 10x teargas
$350 - 7x WP smoke
$250 - 5x Ch smoke
$200 - 8x frag
Sokolov additionally gets:
$2k - Flak armor
$10k - 10x laser batteries
Trump additionally gets:
$500k - Combat Hardsuit Mk1
$90k - Light autocannon
$400k - 4000 Light Autocannon bullets
$24k - x80 more teargas nades
$2k - x40 more WP nades
I take no responsibilty for any mathematical errors within this post. I've already spent enough time bean counting, not gonna go over it all again just to make sure.
MI-34 light copters can only carry 6 combat troops. So 4 copters can stuff 24 in them. Another 8 can ride in the Mi-26 heavy copter.
I guess I'll adjust the price of c4 to $50 per kg rather than 500. The modern military bulk price is about $30 per kg. 1 kg of C4 also does jack shit. Real bombs are in the hundreds of kilograms for good reason.
So... The numbers work out.
We have 32 Pepsimen as per Trump's template.
200x Autogun rounds
Flak armor, painted with Pepsi advertisements. That's why it's red, honest.
C4 backpack, remotely detonatable by Trump.
6x Teargas grenade
First aid kit
Gas Mask
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Toughness: 1+2
$50 - A beer and a ration
New Trump sheet, who needs inventory limits anyway edition.
Name: Actual President Donald J. Trump
Description: That must've been one yuge rock you've been living under.
Reason for joining: "Join?! Hah! I created this great organization, it's mine, nobody else is as smart as I am, I knew how much of a threat the aliens were, I've known for so long, nobody else knew, those liberal morons especially, they kept screaming about abortion and global warming and their other stupid stuff, but I've been working on the real problems, the real disaster of this century, I knew the aliens were coming, and I'm going to get rid of them, send them back to their disgusting home!"
Combat Hardsuit Mk1 (equipped)
Light autocannon
4000 Light Autocannon bullets
80 more teargas nades
40 more WP nades
1x VSS Vintorez (Silenced Autogun)
100x 9x39mm (Ammo for VSS) - $200
1x Flak Armor - $4000
4x medic bag - $2000
5 Smoke Grenades: $500
10 Hand Grenades: $500
Thermal cam
1x ration
8x beer
12x medic's bags
2x katana
lasrifle (10/10) + 2 spare batteries
10x teargas
7x WP smoke
5x Ch smoke
8x frag
Life: +4
Sanity: 0 seems like an accurate assessment, yes.
Strength: 0 (-1)
Dexterity: 0 (-1)
Endurance: 1 (+0)
Charisma: 19 (+6) ( Can talk his way into being leader of the free world on a hate platform )
Intelligence: 0 (-1)
Willpower: 0 (-1)
Intuition: 0 (-1)
Ballistic Skill: 7 (+2)
Weapon Skill: 0 (-1)
Occult Knowledge: 0 (-1)
Engineering: 0 (-1)
Auxiliary: 1 (+0)
Medical: 0 (-1)
!science!: 0 (-1)
Name: Nickolai The Mook
Silenced Autogun
100 Bullets
Flak Armor
4 Medic Bag
5 Smoke Grenades
10 Hand Grenades
Flak armor
10x laser batteries
Thermal cam
1x ration
8x beer
12x medic's bags
2x katana
lasrifle (10/10) + 2 spare batteries
10x teargas
7x WP smoke
5x Ch smoke
8x frag
Life: 2
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Name: Vladimir "Nox" Golubev
Description: Expert sniper, claims seniority from a previous, similar organization.
Reason for joining: He's good at it.
10 Power packs
Flak Armor
Gas Mask
Life: 2
Sanity: [does this also start a 0?]
Toughness +2
Intuition: 6
Ballistic Skill:6
Weapon Skill:0
Occult Knowledge:2
Name: 1st Mate Nox
1000 Bullets
1000 Rubber Bullets
Boiiler Suit
Fighting Knife, Strength 2
Life: 1
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Name: Emma Ace
Description: Emma is annoyingly cheerful and has absolute confidence in her piloting skills. She has never turned down or lost a game of Chicken. She is also an adrenaline junky, and swears she flies better after a drink.
Reason for joining: She wants to be the first to fly the fastest alien ships, and 'knows' she will survive this.
Flak Armor +2 Toughness
200 bullets
Gas Mask
12 Beers
Helicopter Repair Kit & Manual
Life: 2
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 2
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 6
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3
Intuition 6
Ballistic Skill 1
Weapon Skill 0
Occult Knowledge 0
Engineering 1
Auxiliary 6
Medical 0
!science! 0
Name: Halthor
Flak Armor +2 Toughness
200 bullets
Gas Mask
Combat Knife: Strength 1
Life: 1
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+2
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Name: Han Jee-Han
Description: A professional gamer (South Korean), Tall, lanky, and geeky, he built his own custom laptop and taught himself programing. His experience with guns is limited to what he learned in training and playing first person shooters. He does have some medical training as his parents wanted him to be a doctor and he went to school for it before entering the professional gaming scene.
Reason for joining: I have a sponsorship from a gaming company, they want me to get some hologram technology they can work in to their new system.
Gas Mask
2 Medic bags
2 First Aid Kits
Boiler Suit (+1 Toughness)
1000 Bullets
3 Kg Plastic Explosives
2 dwarvern beers
Life: 0
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+1
Ballistic Skill 1
Weapon Skill 0
Occult Knowledge 0
Engineering 1
Auxiliary 0
Medical 3
!science! 3
mook: Shin Sun-Il
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Flak Armor
Lasgun (10/10)
Name: Nina Goredaniels
Description: Little Redhead of irish descent, fresh out of grad school. Passionate about science and also a great many other things. Enjoys stabbing things, but is terrible at combat so better get people to round up some corpses.
Reason for joining: Turns out that getting funding is actually a little hard. From a certain point of view, getting shot at isn't worse than being homeless. And hey, aliens! Very exciting science. But please hand out the paychecks first. Oh, and Pepsi is pretty good.
Life: none
Sanity: who needs it
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3
Intuition: 3
Ballistic Skill: 0
Weapon Skill: 0
Occult Knowledge: 0
Engineering: 1
Auxiliary: 0
Medical: 1
‼Science‼: 6
Flack Armor
Belt of ~5 WP smoke grenades
Hand Cannon (Desert Eagle. Cool looking and stupid and impractical.)
1000 Bullets
Sharpened Machete
First Aid Kit
Bag of "Sciency Stuffs"
Walkie-Talkie (Tuned to Helicopter Radios)
Gas Mask
Thermal Goggles
Walk-In Freezer 10,000
Surgical Theatre 2,000,000
Surgical and Autopsy Tools - included in surgical suite cost
Decent Supply of Body Bags - complimentary with the surgical suite
Sciency Centrifuge - 20,000 - you got the kind that can enrich uranium
Reserve $500,000 to buy stuff I suddenly realize I need
Mook: Alexandria Goredaniels
Description: Nina's sister. She's more down to earth, and also a bit stronger. From a certain point of view, shooting xenos for money is better than shooting humans for money, though if you happen to need that she's happy to help.
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Light Autocannon
1000 25mm rounds
Gas Mask
Thermal Goggles
Total 714675
Team Funds remaining: $1,159,525