Intro Turn 1:
We started with 10,000,000, donated generously by the ruling corporations through anonymous channels - trust funds, "structured investments" and the like.
Total purchases come up to $60,775
We have $9,939,225 remaining. Before buying heavy hardware.
Helicopter loadout:2x heavy autocannons,
620 2000 bullets
30x first and kits, 30x medic bags.
130x rations.
10x smoke grenades.
1.3 Million for the guns
10,500 for medical kits
3250 for rations
500 for 10 smoke grenades
for another $1,311,325
We have $8,627,900 remaining
Try to get corporate sponsorship.
I bet we can get money if we plaster the side of our helicopter with Pepsi logos :v
Emma makes a phone call to Pepsi marketing...
"We're saving the world from aliens, and YOU can have your brand at the forefront of humanities efforts!" We roll on her charisma with a bonus of 0. (20)
The team gets an overwhelming response from the eager soda company that wants to be seen to be saving the world. Our HALO heavy helicopter now mounts a neon billboard with pepsi on it. We have lights flashing their red and blue logo for all to see. Now the whole world will know that Pepsi has come to their rescue in their darkest hour... We are also informed that we will be rewarded if we can find materials that might be beneficial to the soda industry.
Emma then has to negotiate the terms of the payment She adds her intelligence and willpower bonuses and talks tough. (18+2).
We'll be given 2 million dollars per mission day per vehicle that mounts neon billboards with pepsi logos. We're being paid like football stars! Of course the neon billboards will completely nullify any attempts at stealth.
With a normal sniper rifle (i.e. with normal bullets, not lasers), do some target practice at 700 meters, with moving targets, and a fog machine on. Because firing practice.
BTW, I failed to mention this, but Nox is from Ukraine.
Your ballistic skill of 6 gives a bonus of +2
You sight a target at extreme range, 700 meters. Which adds 6 to the difficulty. The target moves about, simulating a target sprinting from cover to cover, adding another 2 to the difficulty. Furthermore you decide to simulate low visibility, adding another 2 to the difficulty.
You roll d20+2 against DC 20.
(12+2) You miss. You have to roll 21 or 22 to hit. No real ammo was used in the simulation.
Player List:
Name: Vladimir "Nox" Golubev
Description: Expert sniper, claims seniority from a previous, similar organization.
Reason for joining: He's good at it.
10 Power packs
Flak Armor
Gas Mask
Life: 2
Sanity: [does this also start a 0?]
Toughness +2
Intuition: 6
Ballistic Skill:6
Weapon Skill:0
Occult Knowledge:2
Name: 1st Mate Nox
1000 Bullets
1000 Rubber Bullets
Boiiler Suit
Fighting Knife, Strength 2
Life: 1
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Total Cost: 27,200
Name: Emma Ace
Description: Emma is annoyingly cheerful and has absolute confidence in her piloting skills. She has never turned down or lost a game of Chicken. She is also an adrenaline junky, and swears she flies better after a drink.
Reason for joining: She wants to be the first to fly the fastest alien ships, and 'knows' she will survive this.
Flak Armor +2 Toughness
200 bullets
Gas Mask
12 Beers
Helicopter Repair Kit & Manual
Life: 2
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 2
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 6
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3
Intuition 6
Ballistic Skill 1
Weapon Skill 0
Occult Knowledge 0
Engineering 1
Auxiliary 6
Medical 0
!science! 0
Name: Halthor
Flak Armor +2 Toughness
200 bullets
Gas Mask
Combat Knife: Strength 1
Life: 1
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+2
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Total Cost: 7900
Name: Actual President Donald J. Trump
Description: That must've been one yuge rock you've been living under.
Reason for joining: "Join?! Hah! I created this great organization, it's mine, nobody else is as smart as I am, I knew how much of a threat the aliens were, I've known for so long, nobody else knew, those liberal morons especially, they kept screaming about abortion and global warming and their other stupid stuff, but I've been working on the real problems, the real disaster of this century, I knew the aliens were coming, and I'm going to get rid of them, send them back to their disgusting home!"
1x VSS Vintorez (Silenced Autogun)
100x 9x39mm (Ammo for VSS) - $200
1x Flak Armor - $4000
4x medic bag - $2000
5 Smoke Grenades: $500
10 Hand Grenades: $500
Life: +2
Sanity: 0 seems like an accurate assessment, yes.
Strength: 0 (-1)
Dexterity: 0 (-1)
Endurance: 1 (+0)
Charisma: 19 (+6) ( Can talk his way into being leader of the free world on a hate platform )
Intelligence: 0 (-1)
Willpower: 0 (-1)
Intuition: 0 (-1)
Ballistic Skill: 7 (+2)
Weapon Skill: 0 (-1)
Occult Knowledge: 0 (-1)
Engineering: 0 (-1)
Auxiliary: 1 (+0)
Medical: 0 (-1)
!science!: 0 (-1)
Name: Nickolai The Mook
Silenced Autogun
100 Bullets
Flak Armor
4 Medic Bag
5 Smoke Grenades
10 Hand Grenades
Life: 2
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Purchases: $9200
Name: Han Jee-Han
Description: A professional gamer (South Korean), Tall, lanky, and geeky, he built his own custom laptop and taught himself programing. His experience with guns is limited to what he learned in training and playing first person shooters. He does have some medical training as his parents wanted him to be a doctor and he went to school for it before entering the professional gaming scene.
Reason for joining: I have a sponsorship from a gaming company, they want me to get some hologram technology they can work in to their new system.
Gas Mask
2 Medic bags
2 First Aid Kits
Boiler Suit (+1 Toughness)
1000 Bullets
3 Kg Plastic Explosives
2 dwarvern beers
Life: 0
Sanity: 0
Toughness: 1+1
Ballistic Skill 1
Weapon Skill 0
Occult Knowledge 0
Engineering 1
Auxiliary 0
Medical 3
!science! 3
mook: Shin Sun-Il
Toughness: 1
Ballistic Skill: 1
Weapon Skill: 1
Flak Armor
Lasgun (10/10)
Total Cost: $16,475
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