Huge thanks for all the replies! The pixel artist who's working on the death animation system for human sprites sent word that it should be ready within the next 2 weeks, and I should be able to post a pretty compelling demo once that's up and running. Hopefully a better update with more concrete stuff will follow in this thread soon.
Your video has been flagged for kid again. Might want to check that out.
YouTube just baffles me at this point. I just want to upload a video the internet so people can watch it. At some point, when I'm really trying to reach a wider audience, I'll see if I can square this stuff away. Thanks for the heads up, man.
"Dawn has broken."
I hope you are feeling this. 
I'm certainly trying to. Thanks for your post, you made me smile!
Tchey, what's up, man? You're on the short list for early release distributions. I can't yet say a definitive time frame, but I hope at some point in the next 6 months, I can send you a fresh installer.
In a lot of ways this project reminds me of the golden age of Maxis.
Oh man, this might be the highest praise I've ever received. Can't tell you how good that makes me feel. I grew up playing SimCity 2000, Sim Tower, Sim Ant, Sim Farm. I had them all. I think Sim Earth is one of the overlooked gems of the collection, and the game and its concept were decades ahead of their time. As a software engineer, Will Wright has kinda' been the guy I've aspired to be. I'd be so proud if this project gets compared to the great Maxis games after release.
Whenever I need inspiration, or just want to relax and have some fun, you know what I load up:

Something about a world of intelligent plants developing atomic weapons and nuking each other...I can always enjoy that. And I really can't believe what was accomplished with this game on computers with such incredibly limited memory and processing resources. It's one of the weirdest, most fascinating "games" I've ever played. The software is a masterpiece.
If it helps, these times have been rough on a lot of people.
Thanks, man. It has blown mightily, and it's sucked a lot worse for tons of other people than it has for me. I've still got my day job, and I haven't had my hours or pay cut or anything like, so that's very fortunate.
Agreed. Glad you're still getting some work on this in, despite everything!
Thanks as always for your support, Mephansteras. When it comes time for release candidates / previews, all you guys who've been with this for years can get binaries.