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Beginner Emblem: Call of Kovitz IC thread. The End.

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1. All non-IC stuff is to be posted at the OOC thread. Violators will be spanked.

2. Post formatting mandatory. As such:
Colored normal text for PC speech!
Colored italized text for PC thinking.
*Colored small text or between asterisks for PC whispering*
Normal text for generic descriptive text.
Bolded text for PC actions and orders!

3. Order of battle posts:
Players' actions -> GM resolves -> Player's actions -> GM resolves ... until all player actions have been posted -> GM posts Enemy/Ally Phase and new turn map -> Start again
If you need an action resolved before making another ask in the OOC thread.

4. Don't post until your character is properly introduced!

5. Be active if you can! I don't care if you don't want to RP, but try to post your action within a reasonable time. If you have to be warned several times your character may be automoved or put in the away list.
If you can't post for personal reasons, try to warn the rest in the OOC thread. Delegating actions to other people is also allowed.

~~~~Prologue: A Warm Welcome~~~~Slowly but surely, the stagecoach carries the few people that took on Kovitz's offer. Alongside the coach, a horse, a pegasus and a wyvern advance at the same pace. Inside the coach, the adventurers wait for the arrival.We're close! Only an hour left until Kovitz.

The driver yelled so that the travelers could hear. They'd been in the coach for some time, and with nothing else to do, it was about time for them to get to know each other.

//Everyone is in!

Anna, who had her eyes mostly focussed outside the stagecoach to look at the various mounts who accompanied them, kept to herself for most of the trip for now. The other travellers didn't interest her, but wondered who would eventually learn to fight with the wyvern and the horse, but especially the wyvern.
She would share the air space with that person, after all.

Anna sighed. She hoped to complete her training to become a full fledged pegasus rider before embarking on the journey, but she couldn't quite gain the pegasus' trust. Eventually, she gave herself a pep talk, that would change.

*Soon, we'll fight together.*

To be honest, the atmosphere in the coach seemed rather hard to break. It didn't matter how soft and low, yet uncalming the steps of the feet outside sounded. It must mainly be the wyvern, Vincent thought, I've never had the chance to get even this close to one, and I feel the others haven't, either. Save their rider, of course. Vincent felt like he himself ought to be the one to speak first, setting the tone of the coming conversation. He just wan't sure what to say. Ask if any of the others had been on such a mission? Of course they haven't; this was the sort of job for the weaker warriors, or those more desperate for money. Mentioning his own name wouldn't be too wise; he needs a good first impression, and the name should come at the pinnacle of taking each other in..if things go well, that is.

*Soon, we'll fight together.*

The lady's thought crossed his ear. Barely saying anything toward the others, this was the sort of ice-breaking spring-board he was looking for.

"That's not all we'll do together, miss. At night, we ought to be finding ourselves in rather close quarters.."

...Of all the ways I had to say it.

Felecia looks a little uncomfortable in the carriage why did I have to accept the carriage ride?

The young lady in turquoise armour speaks up

"You know, that could be misinterpreted ... May I ask what each of your specialties are?"


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