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Author Topic: What's going on in your modding?  (Read 285433 times)

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1815 on: November 11, 2024, 05:57:48 pm »

Not sure, but I would double and triple check you got the correct item ID (grab it from the txt file in the vanilla items folder) and no other typos.

Also, the creature and entity questions thread and at least one other questions thread in this board too.
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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1816 on: November 11, 2024, 06:03:37 pm »

Not sure, but I would double and triple check you got the correct item ID (grab it from the txt file in the vanilla items folder) and no other typos.

Yeah that's the source of my confusion. I keep checking it to make sure I'm not misreading it but the vanilla item entry is:


Which by all accounts means it *should* be working. I've been left scratching my head at this. I'll try the other threads as well. I wonder if this is some weird back-end issue that would require changing the game's code. Like, for instance, civilizations have a "clothing limit" that It's reaching or something odd like that.


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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1817 on: November 12, 2024, 03:15:11 am »

Feels great to finally finish a project.

Testing the Dredge mod was sort of annoying because I made all the creatures in one batch, so the errorlog was substantial.
There was a few common problems:
-teeth not connected to creatures without heads;
-guts not connected to creatures without lower bodies;
-scales not defined;
-typos off the wazoo; seriously, I managed to misspell adamantine twice despite the fact that the word appears only three times.

The most troublesome error was the issue of the horns in the Cystic Trilobite. Turns out the exoskeleton tissue layer forces shells to be made of chitin, and I wanted the horns (defined as shell) to be made of shell. I just switched to mollusk tissue layers.

Now I'll get to updating the Fortress of the Apes, because it's gonna be the simplest. Would be nice to get Rhenaya's Drow updated as well.

Edit: Both Fortress of the Apes and Rhenaya's Drow were updated. The drow mod has a special place in my heart, so I'm really happy I can keep it going.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 06:48:43 am by SQman »


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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1818 on: November 23, 2024, 03:09:41 pm »

I accidentally made my modded blue whales waaaaaaaayyyy too large. I fixed it.

I can only imagine the size of Giant Blue Whales before the fix.
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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1819 on: January 05, 2025, 10:39:58 pm »

I am unreasonably happy to report that I have, for the first time ever, managed to implement graphics into a mod I worked on or updated to v50.

While these showcase screenshots of the testing can be found in the mod thread itself, I'll post them here too.

Basic Spawn

Greater Spawn


Pulsates and Nothings

*HUGE* thanks to Enemy Post, because if it weren't for his help, I never would have figured this shit out.

The mod's thread and download link can be found here.

DPh Kraken

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1820 on: January 09, 2025, 01:54:51 pm »

Less so a "what's going on", and moreso a sign of things to come - but I'm quite excited to start proceduralizing entities. I think before I start doing crazy variable stuff, I'll test out my dynamic rarity idea with forest civ animal people. This should allow me to vary the weights per-world.
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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1821 on: January 09, 2025, 03:03:47 pm »

How's your dynamic rarity idea work?

DPh Kraken

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1822 on: January 09, 2025, 09:35:26 pm »

How's your dynamic rarity idea work?

So, the preliminary concept is that all the entities are going to be generated from a script, instead of there being a single static definition. I could, say, generate 1d8 dwarf entities, and the script should make 1 to 8 dwarven entity defs with some randomized attributes and [MAX_STARTING_CIV_NUMBER:1]. That way each civilization has a unique entity definition, and the amount of each creature is randomized per world. If it generates only one, then there's only going to be one dwarven entity.

There's some additional math I plan to do with querying the "Number of civilizations" worldgen parameter, to get everything properly proportional, but that's math for me to worry about.
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Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1823 on: January 09, 2025, 10:48:51 pm »

I wanted to do something similar with my modded civs; make them a possibility not a guarantee and ensure they're not crowding put the vanilla civs, especially in small worlds, and also give them more variability. If you get it figured out, would you be willing to share?
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DPh Kraken

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1824 on: January 09, 2025, 11:25:24 pm »

I would love to share my work! I guess I should just go and do a lightweight release that's just dynamic rarity for vanilla entities + animal people on the elf setup, to get the research out there.

I'm really excited to finally defeat the one-culture-per-species (well, founders at least) paradigm. I made an attempt (Dwarven Animism) after learning about how the pantheon token is a weighted choice, but that and variable values are just scratching the surface. If you've had DMs open with me, you might have heard me toss ideas for different sorts of cultural divergences.

The preprocess hook is going to be quite exciting, that's for sure.
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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1825 on: January 10, 2025, 04:43:34 pm »

In a similar line of "what might be going on later", I'm excited to try out procgen beast generation which looks more at existing raws. Basically, making it pull templates from the raw files rather than a hard-coded list. So that if you add a critter to the game, say a marmoset, then a possible Forgotten Beast will be "a humongous scaly marmoset twisted into a humanoid form. It has three eyes, and it squirms and fidgets. It's green scales are broad and overlapping. Beware its poisonous sting!". Or the like.

Both because it mixes well with additions of mundane animals, and because (if the requirement of MUNDANE is turned off) it could lead to some very fun results in modded worlds. Beware the kryptonite Snorlax!


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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1826 on: January 10, 2025, 07:38:22 pm »

So, the preliminary concept is that all the entities are going to be generated from a script, instead of there being a single static definition.

I would love to share my work! I guess I should just go and do a lightweight release that's just dynamic rarity for vanilla entities + animal people on the elf setup, to get the research out there.

I guess this an external script that you run before generating a world. Does this mod make the animal people become a major civ, or is it making them worship a regional force like the elves?

I'm really excited to finally defeat the one-culture-per-species (well, founders at least) paradigm. I made an attempt (Dwarven Animism) after learning about how the pantheon token is a weighted choice, but that and variable values are just scratching the surface.

Does Variable Values & Dwarven Animism work by making 5 entities for each race? I've never really played anything other than Dwarves. Is having different values on a civ very noticeable?

DPh Kraken

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1827 on: January 10, 2025, 11:49:22 pm »

I guess this an external script that you run before generating a world. Does this mod make the animal people become a major civ, or is it making them worship a regional force like the elves?

Does Variable Values & Dwarven Animism work by making 5 entities for each race? I've never really played anything other than Dwarves. Is having different values on a civ very noticeable?

1. The Lua stuff that Putnam designed is going to be part of the game, actually! It makes [GENERATED] raws stored inside the save, and stuff like forgotten beasts will run on that system.
As for animal people, my plan is to add animal people civilizations, which would usually worship a force. I guess that might count as being a major civ in some regards. They feel like a logical choice to make into something uncommon - with so many different creatures, it's a lot harder to give them the same level of polish I'd hold my other civs to.

2. Dwarven Animism doesn't add any copies of entities, you can download it and see that I only used SELECT_ENTITY to add the variable stuff.
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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1828 on: January 11, 2025, 03:38:51 am »

I think maybe being able to make sites on the world map is what makes it a major civ, which might just require a start_biome. Kobolds count because they make sites, even though they are hidden until discovered. But maybe sending seasonal traders to player fortress is what makes it a major civ.

I downloaded Dwarven Animism to see how its features work. Here's snippet of the first fourteen lines and the final four.

Code: [Select]


*** Religion

*** Values

*** Values
"later" - Toady One

The 4/5 confused me at first with only 4 religions listed there, then remembered that it's adding this to the already-existing religion in the vanilla file.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your modding?
« Reply #1829 on: February 10, 2025, 08:27:44 pm »

Been messing with secret interactions, did a rework of the Birth sphere; now instead of summoning a creature they make a female unintelligent for like 2 weeks. Any male can impregnate them in this state, and the pregnancy doesn't terminate when they get their intelligence back. It doesn't interrupt their ability to do work or anything, though technically they won't gain any skill experience.

But, it works better than summoning to get 1) an actual child, born to the woman in question and 2) the child will be a member of your fortress from the get-go, unlike summoned units that have to petition and are technically pets.

Technically, I can also turn men into women for the duration of a pregnancy, which is 6 months since they're considered an animal when they become pregnant.
I make Spellcrafts!
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