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Author Topic: The Opinionated Bastards: a BattleTech/MekHQ Mercenary Campaign (Mar. 22, 3054)  (Read 100053 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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I agree that taking is slower for a few weeks to get the scout lances rested back up makes sense. If anything shows up that the heavier lances can take care of we can always do that.

For Faceplant I'm inclined to say the Ostsol. Quickdraws are just Jenners that are better at punching, and I always find them disappointing for the tonnage.

I'm fine with either of those PH builds. Could always kit out one of each and see how they perform on the field.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Ahh - more battle reports to catch up - what a nice treat - welcome back bastards! :D

Agreed on taking it slow - no sense running everyone ragged unless we really need to, yanno?

Also Agreed on the Ostol - Seems like a solid choice!

Re P-hawk build - no strong feelings either way - Meph does raise a good point - we have lots of them, we could try out both, though overall they probably won't be too different!


  • Bay Watcher
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The Action of February 1, 3054
Eight mechs stomp through a foggy swamp as the sun rises, splitting off into two forces to flank the Capellan force defending a grounded Leopard. Drake's Destroyers and Bear's Bruisers make up the heaviest force we've deployed since landing day—only a month ago, although the operational tempo has been high enough that it feels like longer.

The Capellan force occupies the center of the field, leaving the DropShip exposed from the direction of our approach. (Bear's Bruisers will arrive from the northeast in three turns' time.)

Round 1

The heavy fog makes movement difficult, but the looming silhouette of the grounded DropShip is too big a target to miss.

Among the Capellan vehicles on the field is a Padilla artillery tank, mounting an Arrow IV missile launcher. Those heavy missiles can cause whatever they hit to have a very bad day, so once someone has line of sight on it, it might be worth finishing off before the DropShip. (The DropShip is the only objective, beyond preserving our own forces—the defenders don't matter.)

Round 2

We do have line of sight onto the Padilla, but the shot difficulty is a bit too high, so for the moment, we continue to focus on the DropShip.

Over the last two turns, we've done significant damage to the Leopard's nose armor, but haven't quite punched through yet. Next turn seems likely.

Round 3

The Bruisers arrive, having picked the most easterly flavor of northeast for their approach to the field. Teddy Bear jumps toward the nearest Maxim hover transport and engages it with all of his medium lasers. He can't quite destroy it outright, but a hit to the engine disables its hover fans, and it splashes into the water and begins to sink.

Linebuster pops the Padilla with accurate LB-10X autocannon fire, two slugs impacting on its left side and punching clean holes through the armor. He takes a fair bit of fire in return, however, and the impacts topple his Emperor.

Round 4

Turning to face the Bruisers was probably not a good choice from the Leopard's crew; they're closer and have at least as hard a punch. Teddy Bear goes in search of another hovercraft to hassle.

Wizard ends up with the kill on the Leopard, but truthtfully, it's a group effort between her, Hanzoku, and Euchre, who gamely puts some laser fire into the Leopard's exposed engines.

Pepper and Teddy Bear damage two of the remaining vehicles on the map, and Linebuster nearly takes the Capellan Awesome's head off with a well-aimed LB-10X slug.

Round 5

No reason not to stick around and finish off the Capellans, at this rate. I'm wondering if the Arrow IV launcher in the Padilla survived, and if so, if we can do something with it.

Drake has a keyhole view to the opposing Awesome, and the heat capacity free to fire all three of his PPCs, which he does. The Bruisers all jump toward the enemy, sacrificing some accuracy for improved evasion.

Pepper knocks out the Vedette in the center of the field, while Linebuster and Drake combine to knock down the Awesome. It goes limp as its pilot blacks out, her neurohelmet losing its connection. Drake gets the provisional kill (if the pilot doesn't wake up and we capture the Awesome mostly intact), having done more damage in the round than Linebuster.

Woad immobilizes the center Maxim transport; it'll be easy prey next round. Teddy Bear dings up the one nearest him, but it survives.

Drake picks up a kill on a Maxim transport from across the map, Teddy Bear uses the machine gun and flamer on his Vulcan to deadly effect against some Capellan infantry, and the Capellan Awesome pilot does not wake up.

Surrounded by mechs and lacking in anti-mech firepower, the remaining two infantry platoons surrender.

Damage, Injuries, Salvage
We took armor damage, but none to internals, and none of our pilots were injured.

The Bastards lean heavily on our good relationship with our Davion employers to do this:

Don't worry, Hauptmann Toman, you know we're good for the difference if we don't make it up on salvage in future scenarios.

In salvage of a different sort, the Bastards' honorable conduct relating to the Capellan Awesome (namely, not standing around it and unloading weapons fire into it until it is an unrecognizable scrap heap) convinced its pilot to sign on with us. Gia-Anh Park, a veteran +3/+4 pilot, is assigned to the Awesome she had shot out from under her in the last battle.

Kill Boards
Last Mission

The Awesome wasn't claimable as a kill because it wasn't technically destroyed. I'll take the opportunity to introduce half kills for scenarios like this, where the post-battle tapes do not reveal an individual to take the credit.

All Time
  • "Rook" Ishikawa (34, 11 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Drake" Halit (31.5, 11.5 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Woad" Kohler (20, 9 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Carcer" Ngo (18, 9 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Linebuster" Atkinson (17.5, 10.5 mechs)
  • "Teddy Bear" Jamil (16, 8 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Severe" Payne (11, 8 mechs)
  • "Wizard" Que (11, 7 mechs, 6 Clan kills, 1 DropShip)
  • Simona (10, 2 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Hanzoku" Yuksel (9, 6 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Ker-Ker" Ec (8, 5 mechs)
  • "Euchre" Kojic (8, 3 mechs)
  • "Blinky" Stirzacre (8, 2 mechs)
  • "Milspec" Ortega (7, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Double Dog" Dare (6, 3 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Pepper" Popalzi (6, 2 mechs)
  • "Faceplant" Farooqi (4, 2 mech)
  • Sgt. Philippa "Khad" Khadjikyriakos (4, 1 mech)
  • "Wojtek" Frajtov (3, 3 mechs)
  • Pvt. Erine Forakis (2, 1 mech)
  • Pvt. Lise Selvåg (2, 1 mech)
  • Cpl. Margita bin Ala' al din (2)
  • "Kicks" Hernandez (1, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • Pvt. Mats Johansen (1, 1 mech)
An unusual battle comes up on February 11, which is enough of a foregone conclusion that I won't drop into turn-based mode, but the narrative version goes like this. On advance patrol, Fourth Lance picks up communications that sound like battle chatter on an open channel. After conferring with headquarters briefly, they go to investigate—and, arriving in a small city center, find a group of horse-mounted pro-Davion partisans being harrassed by a Capellan mechanized infantry force. Another brief conference, and they get clearance to engage. With mech support, the partisans prevail. Khad picks up two kills on Vedettes, the short-range environment suiting her Thunderbolt's eight medium lasers very well, while Severe scores on an LRM-equipped Maxim hover transport by jumping inside its minimum range and alpha striking it.

With February dedicated to rest and refit, the Bastards have some time to train up or pursue side projects. Simona spends some time drilling in the simulators—determined, perhaps, to find a few more mech kills the next time he sees the battlefield?

Euchre spends some time in the field workshop with the techs, further developing his knack for working on the unit's mechs. Lead Technicians Orel Pestunov and Kesare Rodriguez begin the refits on a pair of Phoenix Hawks, with some occasional assistance from Euchre.

Rook and some of the administrative team lean on our FedCom contacts to finagle some space on the next Davion transport for a small consignment of Artemis-capable LRM-15 ammo. The finagling costs more in ComStar bills than the actual parts (for bulk data, the "shoebox full of datacards via JumpShip" method is, like the real world, more cost-effective than sending it over the network, but the HPG network can't be beat for time), but by the end of the month, Rook's Stalker has the option to shoot plain LRMs (16 shots) or Artemis (8 shots) in any upcoming deployments.

Drake takes an informal tour of the Mule which delivers supplies to the airfield base. It has, he observes, features that make it very mercenary-friendly, with a little imagination. The first is the massive lower cargo bay. Pacing out distances on the floor, he estimates it could hold about a company and a half of mechs, and since it occupies a torus around the engineering core, the outer bulkhead could probably fit six deployment doors.

He takes a personnel lift to the upper cargo hold, watching a pile of crates descend on the cargo lift on the opposite side of the window. Four of those cargo lifts surround the engineering core, each large enough to move a mech. The upper cargo bays flash into view—here, there would be room for the rest of a battalion's worth of mech bays, plus about 1500 tons of cargo—and then the lift slows as he arrives at the habitation section near the Mule's nose. He shows his credentials to the sentry, and takes a quick loop around the main deck. There, through an open door, one of the crew cabins: large and well appointed by military standards, and moderately sized but luxuriously single-occupant viewed with a civilian's eye. Toward the center of the deck there are lounges, a mess hall, and a companionway down to a circular observation platform overlooking the upper cargo hold, shielded from the noise of its operation by thick windows. A good spot, perhaps, to impress customers, if it could see into mech bays.

Finally, Drake climbs to the upper deck. He peeks briefly into the bridge, which seems adequately bridge-like (according to his character sheet, he isn't exactly an expert on naval matters), and also stops by the two comm rooms. One has a bevy of displays, wall-mounted flat panels and a central holo monitor. In private merchant service, they're often set up to display market information, but reconfiguring it as a combat command center seems perfectly doable. Radio stacks fill the walls of the other comm room, along with enough operator stations to maintain individual communications with a battalion's worth of lances.

Between the remaining contract payout, and the handful of Clan XL engines (each of which could buy a company of Inner Sphere mechs) secreted away among the cargo containers with 'O.B.' stenciled on the side, the unit could pay for both a Mule, and the work to convert it. As he takes the lifts back down to the lower cargo hold and strolls down one of the massive cargo ramps, Drake wonders if the expense would be worth it, and if he ought to ask our Davion liaison for an introduction to some honcho or another at Federated-Boeing Interstellar. We'll have the money; maybe we can trade some work for some yard time...

Back to Business
It takes until February 20 for the scouts to get back to neutral fatigue, but once they do, they're back in the field twice before the end of the month. On a recon run on the 28th, Sixth Lance uncovers the second objective facility in Sector 0, a data center whose garrison of light mechs has been intruding on scenarios in this sector on a regular basis.

Also on the 28th, Federated Commonwealth command radios to point us toward a Capellan picket line they'd like us to break through. Fourth Lance draws that mission. Rook's Raiders will support them.

TO&E and MechWarrior Claims
Anybody without a bolded callsign is available to make your own!

  • First Company
    • Drake's Destroyers (Fire Lance)
      • Major Huri "Drake" Halit (Mephansteras) - Awesome AWS-DRAKE
      • Cpl. Ferdinand "Woad" Kohler (A Thing) - Grasshopper GHR-5KOB
      • Pvt. Jan "Euchre" Kojic (EuchreJack) - Lancelot LNC25-0B
      • Pvt. Abdul-Hafiz "Pepper" Popalzi (mrkilla22) - Archer ARC-2K

    • Ortega's Outriders (Scout Lance)
      • Lt. JG Jose "Milspec" Ortega (milspec) - Crab CRB-30-UK
      • Pvt. Kevin "Blinky" Stirzacre (moghopper) - Ostroc OSR-2D
      • Pvt. Erine Forakis - PXH-1Kk
      • Pvt. Ik-jun "Wojtek" Frajtov (Blaze) - Phoenix Hawk PXH-1

    • Bear's Bruisers (Battle Lance)
      • Lt. SG George "Linebuster" Atkinson (Hasek10) - Emperor EMP-6A
      • Lt. JG Tedros "Teddy Bear" Jamil (Knave) - Vulcan VL-5T
      • Pvt. Ed "Hanzoku" Yuksel (Hanzoku) - Crockett CRK-5003-1
      • Pvt. Xue-Min "Wizard" Que (Rince Wind) - Guillotine GLT-4P

  • Second Company
    • Fourth Lance (Battle Lance)
      • Captain Sung-min "Double Dog" Dare (a1s) - Warhammer WHM-6R
      • Sgt. Philippa "Khad" Khadjikyriakos - Thunderbolt TDR-5S-T
      • Pvt. Lise Selvåg - Raven RVN-2X
      • Pvt. Mats Johansen - Trebuchet TBT-5S

    • Sixth Lance (Cavalry Lance)
      • Sgt. Elroy "Faceplant" Farooqi (NickAragua) - Dragon DRG-5N (temporarily Ostsol OTS-4D)
      • Pvt. Gwenael "Kicks" Hernandez (Sheyra) - Phoenix Hawk PXH-1Kk
      • Pvt. Catherine "Severe" Payne (Burnt Pies) - Koshi/Mist Lynx
      • Recruit Simona - Ryoken/Stormcrow

    • Rook's Raiders (Fire Lance)
      • Captain Mariamu "Rook" Ishikawa (Culise) - Stalker STK-3Fb
      • Cpl. Damayanti "Carcer" Ngo (Dorsidwarf) - War Dog WR-DG-02FC
      • Cpl. Margita bin Ala' al din - Trebuchet TBT-5N
      • Pvt. E-Shei "Ker-Ker" Ec (Kanil) - Lancelot LNC25-0B

  • Reserve Company
    • Pvt. Dobromila Vdovin - Awesome AWS-8Q
    • Pvt. Gia-Anh Park - Awesome AWS-8Q

Action Items
We already have one deployment imminent, but if we strike twice today, we get extra effect on further draining Capellan morale. Should we attack the Capellan facility? Bear's Bruisers and Drake's Destroyers would do the lifting on this one, and securing or destroying the facility will satisfy all of Sector 0's contract requirements.

n.b. next update probably won't be for a week or two; I have a big event for most of this week that is likely to occupy all of my waking hours.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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I love that our reserve is a pair of Awesomes.

I say we hit the second objective as well. We've got the manpower for it, might as well make use of the opportunity!

As for the Mule, I'm definitely in favor as a future thing. We obviously won't need it during this overall Operation since we have Davion to shuttle us around as needed. However, it opens up a lot of freedom for us in the future.

Also, here is how the recruitment of the new pilot went in my head after reading about it.
Park sat on the ground after the battle, nursing a headache and staring wistfully at her Awesome as the Bastards' techs went over it.

Drake understood. Losing a mech is hard for any mechwarrior, and he had to bet that losing that one hurt a lot. He'd certainly hate to lose his. He walked up to the captured pilot.

"You know, you don't necessarily have to lose the mech." he opened rather nonchalant as he sat down next to her.

"I...don't?" she seemed rather surprised. Whether at the mercenary commander addressing her, at the statement, or both he wasn't sure.

"Well, see, the Mech is coming with the Bastards. A functional Awesome like that? That's a rare opportunity. But we're also in the market for pilots right now, and I happen to have a new awesome that could use an experienced pilot."

A range of expressions, from shock to doubt to relief washed over her face in a matter of moments.

"You, you mean that? I could stay a mechwarrior? Keep my family's mech?!" she sounded like it had to be too good to be true.

"Yeah, I'll have Rook draw up the paperwork." He clapped her on the shoulder and rose to his feet. "Now get some rest, you've had a rough day."

I'll leave it up to Fishbreath if that's canon or not.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm generally pretty wide open to your interpretations of your claimed characters, and events in which they're involved—feel free to provide any little vignettes you like, or even bullet points for me when I get a little more fictional.

Re P-hawk build - no strong feelings either way - Meph does raise a good point - we have lots of them, we could try out both, though overall they probably won't be too different!

My first impression is that I'm likely to prefer variant two (ERLL, 2ML, MPL): 2ML+MPL hits harder at medium pulse laser range, can also hit outside of MPL range, and has the ERLL for long-range poke damage.

On the flip side, the 2MPL variant will be much more accurate after jumping, and the jump jets allow it to get into the right range bracket for medium pulse lasers.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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I always love the Flashman forever.

Glad to see the unit doing so well.


  • Bay Watcher
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It's a double-header combat day for the Bastards: Bear's Bruisers and Drake's Destroyers aim to prevent the evacuation of sensitive data from a Capellan facility, while Rook's Raiders and Fourth Lance assault an enemy picket line.

Evac Prevention
In all likelihood, we did not need two lances to finish this mission, but it will reduce the chance of serious losses at an increased chance of wear and tear on the mechs.


Ares is a manufacturing center, and this looks very much like a factory complex. The Destroyers arrive first, north of the field, while the Bruisers will show up two rounds in. Federated Commonwealth artillery fired in support of this mission, scattering minefields rather than landing shells. Their targets were roadways leaving the complex, which may snag a fleeing Capellan vehicle in the event that our mechs do not.

The Destroyers deploy as far south as possible. The targets are the two battlemech recovery vehicles, along with the J-37 ordnance transport. Should they escape, we still have a shot at capturing this base, which would permit the FedCom invasion force to base some scout mechs here and pitch in on our missions now and again.

Round 1

The evacuating Capellans are already packed, it would seem, and well on their way to fleeing before the Destroyers can catch them. The Bruisers will be arriving from that direction momentarily, however, and may be able to catch what the Destroyers can't.

Shooting through a dust storm, Euchre puts one hit on the ordnance transport, and Drake takes the killing blow with a PPC shot that turns wisps of sand into drops of glass in its wake.

Round 2

The Bruisers arrive, and Linebuster and Drake coordinate the handoff of targets. The Bruisers will now take out the objective vehicles, while the Destroyers focus on the enemy defenders, who we will need to attrit substantially to capture the base.

Weaving around the scrap piles to the east of the main factory complex, Hanzoku delivers the killing blow to the first retreating recovery vehicle, while Bear opens up the second with a few medium lasers and eliminates it with bursts of machine gun and flamer fire through the rents in its armor.

Round 3

With the objective targets dispatched, the objective now is to knock out 75% or more of the Capellan defenders without destroying either turret, and thereby secure this facility.

Drake leverages the extended-closer rather than the extended-farther range of his ER PPCs to punch through the armor of the previously-intact Bulldog tank closest to him. The rest of the Bastards trade fire with the Capellans without taking any of them out, or taking serious damage in reply.

Round 4

The Capellan Wasp jumps behind Woad and Drake, which may well be the last mistake its pilot makes. Teddy Bear runs further south to deal with an infantry platoon there—his mech, with its machine guns and flamers, is well suited to the task.

Drake fires three PPCs at the Wasp, but only needs one.

Machine guns and flamers from Teddy Bear's Vulcan make short work of the Capellan infantry; those who survive the onslaught flee before it.

Round 5

Capellan resolve appears to be wavering, at this point. Euchre cycles all his lasers into the front of the LRM carrier before him. Smoke rises from the gashes cut into its armor, and the crew bails out a moment later.

Pepper, a bit too bold in passing the Manticore, takes a PPC hit, an SRM-6, and an LRM-10 from it, impacting all over his rear armor. Alarms go off in his cockpit, and a status indicator shows one of his LRM-15 launchers offline. Linebuster lines up a shot as Pepper clears his view, getting revenge on the Manticore with an LB10-X slug through its left side.

The remaining Capellan forces break, fleeing the field; the Bastards let them, content to secure the facility for their employers.

Damage, Injuries, Salvage
Very little, none, and none, respectively.

Picket Line Breakthrough
Elsewhere in the area of operations, Rook leads her lance into battle. Despite the Bastards' usual preference of blasting enemies to smithereens in preference to completing non-destructive objectives, sensor readings suggest to her that this one might actually be worth trying the 'run' half of thunder run rather than the 'thunder' half: the Capellan force is widely scattered, and a breakthrough would be easily obtained. She sends Ker-Ker and Ala al' din to the east, and keeps Carcer with her. One or the other will break for the far side of the field, if conditions look good, and Fourth Lance can deal with whatever remains.

Round 1

Weather conditions preclude quick movement without moving recklessly, but as an elite unit, the Opinionated Bastards are up to the challenge. The Lancelot and Trebuchet are the faster mechs by far, so Rook sends them to complete the breakthrough.

Good shooting by the Raiders to start things off: Carcer immobilizes a Vedette with a Gauss slug, Rook pings a large laser off of the Packrat's armor, and Ker-Ker takes a chunk from one of the road wheels driving th Hunter's tracks.

Round 2

The Capellans are collapsing hard on Ker-Ker and Ala al' din, so Rook and Carcer pour on some speed in hopes of dissuading them.

Carcer continues to be a menace with her Gauss rifle, punching entirely through the front armor of the SRM carrier. It rolls to a stop, turret searching for a target. Rook rains LRMs down on the immobilized Vedette, but can't quite finish the job. The other two Raiders exchange fire with nearby Capellan units, but none of it connects.

Round 3

A Capellan recon detachment arrives on the field at the same time as Fourth Lance, so Severe and Selvåg will work on that, along with Khad, while Double Dog advances to assist our breakthrough element.

From across the map, Carcer puts a Gauss slug through the rear of the Predator tank destroyer, eliminating an AC/20 from the battle. Rook finishes the off the Vedette that Carcer immobilized earlier.

The Capellan Wasp, Raven, and Hunter pound Selvåg's Raven, and her cockpit fills with alarms and a worrying amount of smoke. Khad fires a barrage of eight lasers into the Capellan Raven, however, and removes its leg for the kill. Selvåg and Severe kick the Wasp that jumped between them. Both hit, but the Capellan pilot keeps his feet.

Round 4

Ker-Ker will be joining Ala al' din in pushing the breakthrough further momentarily. The Capellans look to be going all out to stop her, but I don't think they have the forces on hand to make it happen.

Rook and Carcer each dispatch one vehicle. On the other side of the field, Khad takes the leg off of the Capellan Wasp for her second mech kill of the battle.

Round 5
Severe puts enough lasers into the Hunter tank in front of her to notch the kill. The rest of the Capellan forces begin falling back. The Bastards pursue, but more with an eye toward herding them clear of the breakthrough, supporting Ker-Ker and Ala al' din, and securing the way for the FedCom forces coming up behind us.

Damage, Injuries, Salvage
Selvåg's Raven will need some time in the shop, but the warrior herself is unharmed. We deliver two lightly-damaged mechs to our employers on the salvage screen, which brings us back to par on that term of our contract: 39% vs. the 40% we're allowed.

Kill Boards and Awards
Last Missions
It looks like MekHQ counts an infantry platoon kill as one kill, so to keep the bookkeeping simple for me, we will do the same on Teddy Bear's record.

Rook still maintains a narrow lead over Drake in overall kills, although Drake has the company's lead in mech kills now.

  • "Rook" Ishikawa (36, 11 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Drake" Halit (35.5, 12.5 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Carcer" Ngo (20, 9 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Woad" Kohler (20, 9 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Linebuster" Atkinson (19.5, 10.5 mechs)
  • "Teddy Bear" Jamil (18, 8 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Severe" Payne (12, 8 mechs)
  • "Wizard" Que (11, 7 mechs, 6 Clan kills, 1 DropShip)
  • "Hanzoku" Yuksel (10, 6 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • Simona (10, 2 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Euchre" Kojic (9, 3 mechs)
  • "Ker-Ker" Ec (8, 5 mechs)
  • "Blinky" Stirzacre (8, 2 mechs)
  • "Milspec" Ortega (7, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Double Dog" Dare (6, 3 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • Sgt. Philippa "Khad" Khadjikyriakos (6, 2 mech)
  • "Pepper" Popalzi (6, 2 mechs)
  • "Faceplant" Farooqi (4, 2 mech)
  • "Wojtek" Frajtov (3, 3 mechs)
  • Pvt. Erine Forakis (2, 1 mech)
  • Pvt. Lise Selvåg (2, 1 mech)
  • Cpl. Margita bin Ala' al din (2)
  • "Kicks" Hernandez (1, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • Pvt. Mats Johansen (1, 1 mech)
Drake earns a Bronze Star for three kills in a mission.

The calendar rolls into March, and Drake takes a few minutes at the start of the month to hand out marksmanship ribbons to Kicks and our new recruit Gia-Anh Park, based on their performance in the simulators this month and (in Kicks' case) their growing skill. The unfamiliar observer might wonder whether the Opinionated Bastards are totally honest in awarding those ribbons—only the better gunners in your average mercenary outfit would wear them, but almost every Bastard has one.

Our usual Department of Mercenary Relations liaison, Catriona Toman of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth, stops by headquarters on the first to share some intelligence updates. The usual suspects hang around the hastily-erected Quonset hut not far from the airfield the Bastards captured on D-day that serves as headquarters, a few hundred yards from camo-netted maintenance bays where the techs are putting the final touches on armor repairs and weapons reloading from late February's deployments. Drake reads reports; Second Company commander Double Dog Dare talks with Rook and Faceplant, his subordinate lance commanders; administrator extraordinaire Rick Papatamelis confers with some of his colleagues over wrangling more support from the FedCom command structure.

All that business stops when Toman arrives; everyone wants to hear the news. First up: the Capellans are now decidedly on the back foot, and the fighting probably gets easier from here out. Davion forces are advancing across the front, and the Bastards are ahead of schedule (says Toman) in our sector.

Second: Toman relates that the ComStar representatives on-world declined to send the invasion force's last batch of messages through the HPG network. "Again," she adds bitterly, perhaps remembering ComStar's communications blackout of the Federated Suns during the Fourth Succession War, although she looks like she would have been, at the oldest, an early teenager in 3029. The upshot is that offworld communications are now by interstellar pony express, and parts and supplies will be even more limited than before.

Third: although the Capellans may be on the back foot, intelligence suggests that they're also shifting to a less direct footing. They may attempt to hassle reinforcements, or stymie larger forces on the way to our objectives.

Taking those last two factors together (fewer spare parts, more chances for the Capellans to engage one lance at a time), it seems likely to our top brass that the longer we dawdle in finishing this contract, the more likely it is that our mechs get worn down. Finishing this contract (due in July) by the end of March seems like it might be the wisest course.

Sixth Lance makes such a course possible:

On their first scouting sweep of March, they come across both of the objective facilities in Sector 1.

Action Items
Do we go all in on the objectives this week, or take a slightly more measured one-per-week approach? Sector 1 is two days of travel away, so anything we deploy is unavailable for that duration; sending two lances to each, both leaving at the same time, would leave us with only two scout lances on security duty near headquarters.

On the flip side, tackling one objective this week and one next week leaves the Capellans time to regroup, and that could lead to more combat in total.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
    • View Profile

I'm inclined to hit hard and fast.

Any reason we can't also have our two reserve pilots, and their Awesomes, as part of the base defense? They would increase our defensive capabilities considerably.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Any reason we can't also have our two reserve pilots, and their Awesomes, as part of the base defense? They would increase our defensive capabilities considerably.

Good point! Recruit Park is still recovering from a broken hand, so she won't be hitting much, but two scout lances plus two Awesomes does make for a much tougher defensive force regardless.


  • Bay Watcher
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Do the different lance roles spawn different scenarios when deployed on a hostile facility? I think I remember scout lances can sometimes have a scenario where the base isn't destroyed if the defending base units are able to flee the map, but you can still take salvage if you win. That might have changed since the last time I landed a scout lance on a base though.

There is a convoy system and resupply module that was merged:

It sounds like it would use units with cargo capacity if the module is enabled.

Training role will work by lance commander, won't require the commander to be an officer, and will train personnel to the lower of either Regular or whatever is one below the commander skill level.

For the part about transferring to another Stratcon track taking two days, is that a new thing? I haven't expanded past the size of the starting company so I'm only on one Stratcon track still.

If the two tracks are on the same planet and conventional aircraft can fly in the atmosphere, there is a conventional aircraft I just looked at for the cargo capacity called the Planetlifter whose MekHQ fluff says it can transport a prone 70 ton mek or two prone 20 ton meks. I don't know how much runway availability is to be abstracted for against the bot.

The fluff for the Planetlifter even says a unit had a custom version that could be used to drop two Stingers or Wasps from the air, but I didn't see a variant that could do that when I opened up the Megamek to check. Also, prone 20 ton meks can't be loaded into it in Megamek either so I guess having a mek or two dropped out or to jump out when it crashes won't work. I do that with hovercraft and infantry, especially the Maxim hovercraft since it's fast and shootey and I usually play from 3000 or 3015 or so. I think there was a change recently where loaded units take damage if their transport is destroyed now, so maybe not anymore.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2024, 04:27:12 am by Duuvian »
FINISHED original composition:

Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit


  • Bay Watcher
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Mid-March, and Drake pulls the trigger. Bear's Bruisers roll out toward the Capellan industrial facility with Drake's Destroyers in tow, and Rook's Raiders lead the way toward the comms center, backed up by Fourth Lance.

Playing the nightly build as I am, I get to see a new mechanism: reinforcement rolls!

No longer automatic, now we have to roll to get reinforcements into place, and reinforcement attempts cost support points. (We'll look into that a bit more next time I'm deploying for scenarios.)

Comms Center Attack
Rook's lance is first on the scene, with Double Dog and company arriving before turn 3.

The enemy facility is located in the heart of a large city. The Raiders arrive in the northeast corner of the map, facing off against four heavy vehicles. The turrets may not even be in play—the Bastards may be able to capture this facility intact. (The Federated Commonwealth will probably like that.)

Round 1

Ker-Ker, who drives the Raiders' quickest mech, runs forward and radios the Behemoth tank's position back to Rook and bin Ala' al din, who will make indirect attacks on it. Carcer runs northwest, hoping to find a shot from the other side of the block.

Rook toggles her LRM launchers over to the Artemis ammo, but her shots go a bit long. bin Ala' al din also misses; despite serving as spotter, Ker-Ker is the only one to get a hit in, damaging the Capellan tank's tracks.

Round 2
With a bit of heat build-up slowing her mech, Ker-Ker takes a step back, out of view of the Capellans. Nobody has a line of sight this round, so we roll on to the next round.

Round 3
Double Dog's lance arrives, cleverly choosing to enter the area of operations from the west, and thereby capturing the Capellans in a pincer.

Severe and Selvåg charge down the western boulevard, while Double Dog and Khad move forward to engage the damaged Behemoth. Rook and bin Ala' al din will tackle the Partisan tank, now that it has exposed itself.

Letting that Demolisher get behind Ker-Ker was a mistake, but not a fatal one, thanks to the Lancelot's low profile. She's taken quite a bit of damage, however, and it knocks her mech onto its left side.

Rook takes down the Partisan tank, and Khad immobilizes the Behemoth behind it—it'll be an easy shot next turn for someone.

Round 4

Ker-Ker finds the one spot where she is out of sight of the Demolisher's twin AC/20s, and Rook and bin Ala' al din get into position to answer it. They trade fire with it; Rook takes a pair of hits but stays on her feet, and knocks out half of its firepower in response.

In the north, the PPC carrier fires three wild shots at Severe's Koshi, missing all three times, and takes moderate fire from Severe and Khad in return. Double Dog can't quite finish off the Behemoth, but it should fall next turn.

Round 5

Even with the Demolisher still at half strength, we're likely into cleanup at this point. Ker-Ker stays out of sight, while Khad, Rook, bin Ala' al din, and Selvåg move forward toward the enemy.

Severe, running down another block and shooting at the Behemoth's rear armor, gets the kill, carving it up with her Clan-spec lasers. Meanwhile, Double Dog gets the PPC carrier, eschewing his PPCs for the Warhammer's extensive array of short-range weaponry. The Demolisher, though much the worse for the wear, survives the round. Rook may need to duck out of sight next turn, at this rate.

With the very first medium laser shot of round 6, Selvåg punches through the the Demolisher's tattered frontal armor, taking the kill and ending the scenario with a victory for the Bastards.

Damage, Injuries, Salvage
Ker-Ker's Lancelot took light damage, including to an ER Large Laser (which may be a challenge to get a hold of on contract, if we're out of spares), and bin Ala' al din's Trebuchet has no component damage but has lost a lot of armor. Both pilots survive uninjured.

There may be some good weapons in the wrecks of the Capellan vehicles, so we'll pick up three of them and see what the techs can scavenge.

Industrial Facility Assault
Bear's Bruisers lead the way on this one, with Drake's Destroyers reinforcing. A hidden bunker in the Destroyers' approach to the area of operations slows them somewhat: they'll arrive, but not until turn 7.


Another city battle. The facility is located at a major four-way intersection in the center of town. The Bruisers considered deploying along the main northeast-southwest road, but decided it would be better to hold back slightly to suss out the OPFOR's deployment.

Round 1

With the concentration of enemy firepower along the main road, Linebuster's original plan (split into two elements, advance from two directions) seems less advisable now, and the full lance moves north to fight its way down the road.

The Padilla artillery tank in the defending force will cause some heartache if we stay still, so steady advance is going to be the story of the day.

Round 2

Teddy Bear sees a chance to get stuck in against a solo Crusader, jumping inside its LRM range and (perhaps?) avoiding its leg-mounted SRMs because of the geometry of the line of sight between them. Though the Vulcan excels at hit-and-run stuff like this, luck isn't on Teddy's side today: the ER PPCs in the opposing siege turret both make contact with his mech, the gunners just lucking into it, while only one of his laser shots connects.

Round 3

Teddy Bear beats a retreat to rejoin the rest of the lance. His Vulcan is still in acceptably good shape, but he'll do better as a flanker from here out.

Nobody is in line of sight to shoot.

Round 4

A foot platoon on its own (dropped off from the Maxim hover transports) is Teddy Bear's bread and butter target; the flamer and machine gun mounted to his Vulcan make it the best anti-infantry mech in the whole company, except possibly Double Dog's Warhammer. He'll scoot in that direction, as the rest of the lance advances.

Linebuster has a shot on the Crusader and unloads with an alpha strike, connecting with both his autocannons and both his medium pulse lasers. Teetering under the impacts, the Crusader's gyro can't quite compensate, and it falls to left—luckily for its pilot, remaining on the building where it perches.

Round 5

The eastern half of this downtown area is full of little plazas and parks between the buildings, perfect for sneaky hit-and-run maneuvers, and for dodging fire. The enemy artillery tank makes use of one such nook, while Linebuster makes use of another.

Weapons fire is inconclusive. (I thought I had placed Linebuster in a spot where he could collapse the building the Crusader is standing on, but sadly I was one hex off.)

Round 6

The Capellan forces commit to an advance. Teddy Bear gets into perfect position to take down the artillery tank, while Linebuster rectifies the position error that prevented him from dropping a building on the Crusader last turn.

The Crusader does indeed tumble five stories to the ground as the building under it collapses thanks to some precision shooting from Linebuster's autocannons, taking 40 damage as it does. Hanzoku immobilizes the Maxim transport that tried to sneak behind him, and Teddy Bear, between medium lasers and a kick through its side armor, takes the Padilla's engine offline.

Round 7

The Crusader attempts to stand up, slips in the rubble of the building, and falls again... setting off a massive fireball as broken rebar sparks off its shattered right torso armor and cooks off its stock of SRM ammo. Kill to Linebuster, extra credit for creativity.

The two vehicles fall to Hanzoku and Euchre, respectively. Teddy Bear routs the Capellan infantry without breaking a sweat.

Round 8

The Capellan Striker (an 80-ton assault mech, armed with an AC/5, a PPC, a large laser, and some medium lasers) represents about 38% of the starting strength of the defenders, so by the terms of the mission, we can't claim victory and let it retreat, at least not without damaging it first. Wizard and Teddy are first in line, but the latter ducks out of the line of fire with an eye toward getting in behind the Capellan mech on a later turn.

Wizard gets the better of the exchange, but damage is light on both sides.

Round 9

Wizard and Teddy Bear box in the Capellan mech, and Linebuster cannily finds a spot where he can hit the Striker's hiding place.

Round 10
Hanzoku takes out the Striker with a surgical large laser to the head.

Damage, Injuries, Salvage
A successful outing from the Bruisers and the Destroyers: no significant damage, no pilot injuries.

Sadly, although Drake argues to the best of his ability, our mercenary liaison won't let us go over our salvage limit again to pick up the Stalker—another relatively easily repairable assault mech for our forthcoming Third Company. We do at least secure both turrets, one of which has a pair of ER PPCs that may go toward upgrading one of the new Awesomes.

We also pick up another Arrow IV missile system and some medium pulse lasers out of the wreck of the Padilla.

Kill Boards
Last Missions

All Time
  • "Rook" Ishikawa (37, 11 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Drake" Halit (35.5, 12.5 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Linebuster" Atkinson (20.5, 11.5 mechs)
  • "Carcer" Ngo (20, 9 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Woad" Kohler (20, 9 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Teddy Bear" Jamil (19, 8 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Severe" Payne (13, 8 mechs)
  • "Hanzoku" Yuksel (12, 7 mechs, 2 Clan kills)
  • "Wizard" Que (11, 7 mechs, 6 Clan kills, 1 DropShip)
  • "Euchre" Kojic (10, 3 mechs)
  • Simona (10, 2 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Ker-Ker" Ec (8, 5 mechs)
  • "Blinky" Stirzacre (8, 2 mechs)
  • "Milspec" Ortega (7, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • "Double Dog" Dare (7, 3 mechs, 1 Clan kill)
  • Sgt. Philippa "Khad" Khadjikyriakos (6, 2 mech)
  • "Pepper" Popalzi (6, 2 mechs)
  • "Faceplant" Farooqi (4, 2 mech)
  • "Wojtek" Frajtov (3, 3 mechs)
  • Pvt. Lise Selvåg (3, 1 mech)
  • Pvt. Erine Forakis (2, 1 mech)
  • Cpl. Margita bin Ala' al din (2)
  • "Kicks" Hernandez (1, 1 mech, 1 Clan kill)
  • Pvt. Mats Johansen (1, 1 mech)
Two missions in one day (March 13) concludes our contractual obligation to the Federated Commonwealth. Hauptmann Toman stops by headquarters to congratulate us on a job well done, but points out that there isn't much in the way of transport offworld for a mech battalion and a thousand tons of cargo right now, what with the active warzone and all.

The rest of the invasion is proceeding well ahead of schedule, in no small part due to our successes. Latest projections, according to Toman, say that the main Capellan resistance likely won't last beyond mid-April, and the final surrender may come earlier than that. If the Bastards are willing to stay on until then, running security in our sector...

That kicks off the negotiations. Drake calls some of the unit's administrators in to hammer out some details, and what emerges after a bit of haggling is this: we stick around until the Capellans throw in the towel, we do not take on any additional objectives but merely secure what we've already captured, and in return, we can hitch a ride on Federated Commonwealth transport to a destination in their space of our choice—Outreach, if we want to look for contracts; Galax, headquarters of Federated-Boeing Interstellar, if we want an introduction to an executive who could, perhaps, sell us a DropShip; somewhere else, if we have other plans, subject to Toman's veto if we try to get cute with the deal.

Ares: the double-yellow-circled (newly) FedCom system bottom center. Outreach: the gray system top left. Galax: the double-white-circled world at center right, one jump away from Davion capital New Avalon.

Negotiations complete, the Bastards kick back; op tempo ought to be slow for the next few weeks. Not totally stationary, though: on March 20th, Sixth Lance and Ortega's Outriders are in the field for a recon sweep, and spot the torch of a DropShip's landing engines coming down not far from them. A quick radio to headquarters confirms it isn't FedCom, so the two lances move in to investigate...

Action Items
Once we wrap this contract, where do we want to go?

Do we think it's worthwhile to rebuild our fleet of Awesomes to a slightly-less-than-Drake's spec, with one or two Inner Sphere ER PPCs instead of Clan tech? (We may have some downtime after this contract, depending on what direction we want to go.)

We ought to know a little more about Phoenix Hawk variants after the forthcoming engagement; getting those upgraded would probably make a difference to the more junior mechwarriors currently driving them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm in favor of heading to Galax to see about a dropship. This little bit of 'forced' extra work is a good example of why it's bad to be limited to what our employer is willing to do for us. FedCom has been perfectly reasonable, but we can't expect it to always go that smooth.

If we have the parts for it, I don't see any reason not to upgrade our Awesomes.

Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Do the different lance roles spawn different scenarios when deployed on a hostile facility? I think I remember scout lances can sometimes have a scenario where the base isn't destroyed if the defending base units are able to flee the map, but you can still take salvage if you win. That might have changed since the last time I landed a scout lance on a base though.

Unsure—I kind of play it as it lies, so to speak, without digging too much into whys.

There is a convoy system and resupply module that was merged:

It sounds like it would use units with cargo capacity if the module is enabled.

Yup, that's present in the existing save, but not quite active yet. MekHQ/Stratcon developer extraordinaire Illiani is working on documentation, which I'll read prior to the next contract.

For the part about transferring to another Stratcon track taking two days, is that a new thing? I haven't expanded past the size of the starting company so I'm only on one Stratcon track still.

I think deployment time is semi-randomly determined per track, but I'm not sure.

In re: training role, that's good to know. There's also a whole new education system. If we go the DropShip direction, we might also have some downtime to explore that—sending officers off to service academies while we wait for shipyard time, for instance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, deployment time for scenarios, my bad. I thought there was some sort of travel time between moving lances to a different stratcon track now. I think I mistook narrative language for game mechanics, sorry.

What does finance tab say? Dropships are expensive, especially the big ones. Has the ship search changed? I haven't used it recently. It had an option to hire a dropship but which would not be owned by the unit. That was much cheaper when I used it some time ago, at least until the dropship's owning personnel retires. I dunno how it works but that personnel's retirement bill that time might be since I also use era modifiers for maintenance. I tend to not use dropships because the parts, they melt away in the 3rd succession war.

Are you able to do factory refits? IIRC that also allows refurbishment of units that have decayed in quality, if you want to make the Awesomes shiny. I think it costs 10% of unit value to make a refurbish roll. I bet it would be a good idea for expensive clan tech since it would make repairs easier if they are only damaged, and inflate the payout for damage coverage if you luck out and get a 100% payout contract.

Also, a trick I use once I get to a place to do repairs or sit for a contract is that I change the status of all not in use personnel into the On Leave status. That saves their wages. It also removes them from turnover rolls which is probably a bug, possibly they could get a smaller percent of pay or something too. Either way it improves the situation a bit while doing repairs or I would guess ship search. Switching them back to active before the end of month is a good idea once ready to roll contracts though. IIRC setting the status to On Leave can't be done as a group and requires Y/n for each personnel, so it's not as usable with a lot of personnel. Setting them back to active can be done as a group so that takes less effort.

If you hire infantry units, depending on the campaign options for personnel secondary skills you can find some people with dropship skills sometimes. If you have a few infantry platoons it's sometimes worth sorting through the other displays for tech skills or whatnot and sorting by those columns to see if any of them have usable skills. This is useful with the education for Admins for example as their education choices split some of their skills; or at least they do if using Scrounge skill rolls so maybe not as useful here if it's Admin skill. Finally, you can also sort your personnel by intelligence score so you can find education candidates easier. I set the radius for education options up as well, the default is a little too short imo since the better options still have the entrance exam.

EDIT: Also, if you will be sitting between contracts for a while, boot camps reward a medal that grants +1xp for 70ish days of education period, while NCO training also gives a different +1xp medal for 70 days. Sending any personnel without Small Arms skill to infantry bootcamp is a free xp, and almost everyone doesn't start with the Leadership skill and can go to NCO training. They are local and seem to be available everywhere I've checked, too.

The bootcamp would have been useful in a game I had a lot of versions back where I put the support crews and admins and such into their own infantry units (which requires Small Arms skill for placement into the unit) and flew them away on a Karnov VTOL when the scenarios started after I ran them to the chopper. The generator was pulling those units for scenarios too frequently though; it would probably be better with Stratcon.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 05:57:49 am by Duuvian »
FINISHED original composition:

Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit


  • Bay Watcher
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What does finance tab say? Dropships are expensive, especially the big ones. Has the ship search changed? I haven't used it recently. It had an option to hire a dropship but which would not be owned by the unit. That was much cheaper when I used it some time ago, at least until the dropship's owning personnel retires. I dunno how it works but that personnel's retirement bill that time might be since I also use era modifiers for maintenance. I tend to not use dropships because the parts, they melt away in the 3rd succession war.

A refit Mule would be about 230 million C-bills to buy outright as a new construction, so within reach if we sell a few of the Clan parts in our warehouse that we probably aren't going to use. (A few big XL engines, specifically.)

Percent-based maintenance finally works reasonably well for large craft, so having a DropShip would roughly double our monthly maintenance expenses, and add a fair bit to personnel expenses with crew cost.

Are you able to do factory refits? IIRC that also allows refurbishment of units that have decayed in quality, if you want to make the Awesomes shiny. I think it costs 10% of unit value to make a refurbish roll. I bet it would be a good idea for expensive clan tech since it would make repairs easier if they are only damaged, and inflate the payout for damage coverage if you luck out and get a 100% payout contract.

So far I haven't limited the refits I allow us to do—the time cost (and fully occupying a tech, and the potential of longer time cost on failed rolls) seems sufficient.

(Also not doing maintenance rolls or accounting for quality at the moment—when I started in 2017, it wasn't recommended, at least when starting out.)

Also, a trick I use once I get to a place to do repairs or sit for a contract is that I change the status of all not in use personnel into the On Leave status. That saves their wages. It also removes them from turnover rolls which is probably a bug, possibly they could get a smaller percent of pay or something too. Either way it improves the situation a bit while doing repairs or I would guess ship search. Switching them back to active before the end of month is a good idea once ready to roll contracts though. IIRC setting the status to On Leave can't be done as a group and requires Y/n for each personnel, so it's not as usable with a lot of personnel. Setting them back to active can be done as a group so that takes less effort.

If you hire infantry units, depending on the campaign options for personnel secondary skills you can find some people with dropship skills sometimes. If you have a few infantry platoons it's sometimes worth sorting through the other displays for tech skills or whatnot and sorting by those columns to see if any of them have usable skills. This is useful with the education for Admins for example as their education choices split some of their skills; or at least they do if using Scrounge skill rolls so maybe not as useful here if it's Admin skill. Finally, you can also sort your personnel by intelligence score so you can find education candidates easier. I set the radius for education options up as well, the default is a little too short imo since the better options still have the entrance exam.

I have some ideas about personnel, but they'll likely be a little more RP-centric/GM-driven than the actual hiring rules.

EDIT: Also, if you will be sitting between contracts for a while, boot camps reward a medal that grants +1xp for 70ish days of education period, while NCO training also gives a different +1xp medal for 70 days. Sending any personnel without Small Arms skill to infantry bootcamp is a free xp, and almost everyone doesn't start with the Leadership skill and can go to NCO training. They are local and seem to be available everywhere I've checked, too.

The bootcamp would have been useful in a game I had a lot of versions back where I put the support crews and admins and such into their own infantry units (which requires Small Arms skill for placement into the unit) and flew them away on a Karnov VTOL when the scenarios started after I ran them to the chopper. The generator was pulling those units for scenarios too frequently though; it would probably be better with Stratcon.

There's also a 'non-combat' flag now, which will prevent units from being used to generate scenarios altogether.
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