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Author Topic: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5] - Turn 6  (Read 44774 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5] - Turn 6
« on: September 29, 2017, 08:17:57 pm »

At some point, in a galaxy somewhere in some universe...

A space RTD following our ragtag bunch of misfits calling themselves crew in their adventures.

Before getting started:
1) Create a character
2) Choose a Captain (if no agreement can be reached, a battle royale may ensue)
3) Choose a vessel, and christen her/him!
4) Activate Thrusters!

Spoiler: Setting (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rules (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

More will be added. If you have questions, feel free to ask!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 12:37:52 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [0/5]
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2017, 08:18:26 pm »

Players List

Spoiler: Katerina (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Jim J. Barkley (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Edwin 'Starbeard' Tex (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sneed the 38th (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Thomas Whitney (click to show/hide)


1. sprinkled chariot

2. Ultramarine Prime

3. Paxiecrunchie
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 01:47:42 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [0/5]
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2017, 08:18:49 pm »

And reserved, just in case.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [0/5]
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2017, 09:00:54 pm »

Name: Katerina
Species: Human
Job: Asteroid-Miner, past-tense; she was fired from her post for improper conduct
Age: 29
Description: Katerina is a tall person, standing at 6'3", with her brown hair tied in a short pony-tail. Her body was once finely toned, but she has slightly increased in weight recently. She wears surprisingly comfortable clothes, often walking around in pajamas.

Background: Katerina is a lazy person. She was fired from her job because she barely did her job. She hails from the systems of X-786, formerly part of the Russian Star Corporations until the entire cluster rebelled and formed their own alliance. A child during the war, she was emotionally scarred by the horrors she witnessed, and presently she barely feels any emotions at all; or any drive to excel, hence her lack of motivation.


Strength: 5                   
Constitution: 5             
Dexterity: 6                 
Intelligence: 5             
Fortitude: 4                 
Luck: 3                       

Psychopathy: Will never hesitate to pull the trigger on a life form, or to do something that would cause others even a moment of pause.

Improvised weaponry

Special Skills:
Operating mining tools

A small ruby ring, looted from a body she found on her homeworld
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [0/5]
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2017, 12:29:50 am »

Ptw. I definitely want to submit a character sheet, but I probably won't have time until roughly 16 hours from now.
Insert witty signature here


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [1/5]
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2017, 02:07:00 am »

Name: Katerina
Species: Human
Job: Asteroid-Miner, past-tense; she was fired from her post for improper conduct
Age: 29
Description: Katerina is a tall person, standing at 6'3", with her brown hair tied in a short pony-tail. Her body was once finely toned, but she has slightly increased in weight recently. She wears surprisingly comfortable clothes, often walking around in pajamas.

Background: Katerina is a lazy person. She was fired from her job because she barely did her job. She hails from the systems of X-786, formerly part of the Russian Star Corporations until the entire cluster rebelled and formed their own alliance. A child during the war, she was emotionally scarred by the horrors she witnessed, and presently she barely feels any emotions at all; or any drive to excel, hence her lack of motivation.


Strength: 5                   
Constitution: 5             
Dexterity: 6                 
Intelligence: 5             
Fortitude: 4                 
Luck: 3                       

Psychopathy: Will never hesitate to pull the trigger on a life form, or to do something that would cause others even a moment of pause.

Improvised weaponry

Special Skills:
Operating mining tools

A small ruby ring, looted from a body she found on her homeworld
I really like your sheet Coolrune!

Ptw. I definitely want to submit a character sheet, but I probably won't have time until roughly 16 hours from now.
Sure thing, there is no rush :)

Harry Baldman

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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [1/5]
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2017, 06:34:15 am »

Name: Jim J. Barkley
Species: Canis lupus familiaris, var. hyperintelligent Great Dane
Job: Holistic Security Expert
Age: 9
Description: A grizzled yet energetic gray-coated Great Dane descended from a long line of thoroughbred cybernetically enhanced, genetically tailored canines, Jim J. Barkley is for all intents and purposes a large dog, if one that's noticeably more clever than an average person and able to speak by virtue of a thought-to-speech module installed in his throat (assisted by the regular dog noises he can naturally make for the twofold noble purpose of making him sound cartoonishly approachable and give no indication of how intelligent he genuinely is).

Background: For the past 7 years of his life after graduating from one of Milwaukee 5's Integrated Police Institute Jim has worked a large number of jobs - first he did a spell in the K-9000 police unit he was assigned to after graduation before being quietly let go for certain disagreements with the authorities, leading him to his true passion - private security. Specifically, holistic private security, or the business of explaining to customers why it is absolutely integral that Jim and a variety of ultimately disposable partners he keeps misplacing would be best able to provide you security by being off the premises ('working behind the scenes', if you will) and, indeed, off the planet they were hired on. You never know what kind of insights with regards to safety of a noted figure or installation you can come upon when pursuing a matter that, to unskilled eyes, would seem entirely unrelated. That's what makes Jim the expert, you know - he's got a nose for these things.

For instance, right now Jim is busy guarding the life and livelihood of the High King of the asteroid Helsinki-1991 after he started developing the suspicion that his claim on exotic Tzo crystals was going to make him a target for people such as his Tylflgrlian ex-wife, his Glarzanian former partners (one of which he suspects might be sleeping with his ex-wife) or that shady guy from Van Diemen's Planet who led him to buy the asteroid to begin with. This would appear to be an open-and-shut kind of case to the untrained security person, but Jim is certain that the matter requires nothing less than a space journey to parts unknown to get to the bottom of the risks and parties involved. And, of course, a generous advance to help his partner Ralph Rabbit keep his office going and cover travel expenses.

Strength: 4
Constitution: 4
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 6
Fortitude: 4
Luck: 6

No Hands: look, ma, genetic modification will only take you so far. Jim does have double the number of legs, however.
Cyberhound: all the incredible powers dogs are known for (mostly smelling things good, biting, digging holes and making noise) but enhanced further with the eldritch science and technology of the IPI!
Man's Best Friend: inherently trustworthy and liked by humans everywhere.

Ex-Cop: familiar and proficient with high-tech government police work.
Security Expert: knowledgeable and skilled in the use of surveillance and security technology both planetside and in space.

Special Skills:
Holistic Insights: for something that looks like completely random chance, Jim has a shockingly good track record with serendipity.

Voice-Activated Claw Drone: it's not quite a pair of hands, but it does serve as one hand in a pinch.
(Anti)Bugging Tools: all the tools you need to make a solid enough bug out of consumer electronics and/or check for bugs in your vicinity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [1/5]
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2017, 11:34:28 am »

Name: Edwin 'Starbeard' Tex
Species: Space pirate (They are born with big beards. They can survive in space a little bit more than the common human.)
Job: Space Pirate Pirate
Age: Probably arround 30 or 40, you can't ask him because he can't count. And he can't talk either.
Description: Stout and robust, bald and with a enormus black beard. His left eye is covered by a black eyepatch and has a gold tooth.

Background: A common space pirate. He has raided multiple ships and stations across the universe just like any other space pirate. Until he suddenly lost his voice, fortune and luck for stealing cursed gold from a cursed space temple, which then caused the loss of ship, his old crew and his left eye. He now looks for a new ship and crew to find a cure to his bad luck in the endless universe. Also to raid more ships.


Strength: 6
Constitution: 6
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 2
Fortitude: 6
Luck: 2

Missing eye: His left eye is missing.
Greedy: He likes shiny things like gold and jewels.
Cursed: Can't talk.
Ambidextrous: Using both hands, can wield two weapons.
Kleptomaniac: No loot must be left unlooted.

Good at using most weapons that are either guns or swords. It's very easy for him to steal and loot enemy ships. Good at fighting in outer space and breaking inside ships.

Special Skills:
Dual wielding: He can use both a space pirate sabre and a space pirate flintlock gun at the same time with both hands. And he is good at it

Space pirate flintlock gun: Uses special bullets and powder that can work in the void of space and at great distances.
Space pirate sabre: Specially made to be able to cut ship hulls and breaking in.
Space pirate clothing: Doubles as a basic space suit. Has a cool space pirate hat too.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 11:59:12 am by randomgenericusername »
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [1/5]
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2017, 11:39:19 am »

Posting to create a character
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2017, 12:17:29 pm »

Dang it nakeen, you're starting another new game and leaving zethe to be forgotten? I am disappoint now.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2017, 01:17:05 pm »

Alright, we should be able to get started! First off, here are your sheet with skills added.

Common Skills:
Leadership: the art of making yourself looks more capable than other by ordering them around.
Diplomacy: the art of avoiding needless conflict. Drop that tri-barreled blaster Zortron.
Trading: the art of bamboozling the money out of civilized beings.
Ship Operating: the art of knowing when and why to push some buttons, and why not to push some others.
Navigation: the art of not sending your ship into a collision course with an asteroid field, and choosing optimal travel routes.
Piloting: the art of barrel rolling.
Artillery: the art of blasting objects to smithereens.
Mechanics: the art of keeping your ship in a flyable state.
Medicine: the art of knowing where to stab someone with the healing nanobots syringe.
Science: the art of understanding the phenomenons of the universe.
Combat: the art of hand to hand diplomacy.

Spoiler: Katerina (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Jim J. Barkley (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Edwin 'Starbeard' Tex (click to show/hide)

Now then, it is time for you to choose a captain. You know, the one who will boss you around. Or maybe you follow the concept of democratic crew? Or you could wait for NAV and GigaGiant, I will leave that up to you.

Dang it nakeen, you're starting another new game and leaving zethe to be forgotten? I am disappoint now.
Sorry to disappoint Dustan! Zethe will have to wait a bit, I don't feel confident enough to resume it. I'm still seeking a balance gameplay wise.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2017, 01:33:08 pm »

((So far, both humanoids have worse leadership and diplomacy than the dog.

This will be interesting.))

("Send over your negotiator!"
"Okay, but lemme warn you, he bites.")
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."

Harry Baldman

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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2017, 01:40:13 pm »

Let's wait until the other sheets come in - right now Jim's looking like the best candidate on a skill basis, although the others might have differing opinions.


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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2017, 01:59:53 pm »

I would like to vote myself as a leader. My leader skill is the same as the dog, and everything is better with pirates. The dog could be a tactician, engineer or a doctor.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sailing on the Sea of Stars [5/5]
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2017, 02:04:13 pm »

I would like to vote myself as a leader. My leader skill is the same as the dog, and everything is better with pirates. The dog could be a tactician, engineer or a doctor.
Your leadership skill is one below the dog's. Also, your lack of int and luck worries me, as both seem valuable for a ship captain; the dog has 6's in both of those. Also, I'd prefer our captain able to speak to us.

No offense in any way; simply strategically speaking, the dog seems like the most viable candidate.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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