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Author Topic: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM  (Read 142357 times)


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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #375 on: May 15, 2018, 02:08:31 am »

Your totem is your purest manifestation of your innermost self, which in this case happens to be a machinegun identical to the one on your mantelpiece, probably because you've looked at it a lot during your lifetime. The actual object being destroyed will not change this.

This is exactly correct.


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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #376 on: May 26, 2018, 05:16:48 am »

Find my school friends and just walk with them.  Maybe some window shopping.  It'd be nice to talk with people who aren't mixed up in this crazy magic, after that week and that man I injured.

Saturday evening, you end up going out with Finn and Kim, who you usually walk to school with, to do some window shopping.  Finn starts out loudly complaining about how he just has nothing better than do--which Kim relentlessly teases him about--but ends up enjoying his time with you all the same.  Kim, for her part, somewhat misses the 'window shopping' part, and insists on buying something for the both of you.  You're both initially resistant to letting her spend money on you, but you eventually let her buy you a new pair of shoes, since you only really have one good pair.  Then she convinces Finn to let her get him a faux-leather jacket by insisting that it makes him look manlier--though as soon as he tries it on, you joke that he almost looks like he's stronger than you, which immediately takes the wind out of his sails.  He's long been annoyed by the fact that he's weaker than you.

The rest of the day goes well, towards the end you think to yourself that you should do this more often.  As much as you love your family, they can be really stressful to be around sometimes, and it's nice to just stop forget about things for a little while.  Your thought's interrupted by something you barely notice out of the corner of your eye--it's a television in an electronics store, arranged to face out the window so passers by can see it.  Oddly, it's set to the news--and is currently displaying a glamour shot of a particularly photogenic young man.  You stop and stare for several seconds, feeling like you recognize person, before it hits you: you remember him from the labyrinth.  Though his face was disfigured and distorted by the wires that had been wrapped around him, you're sure this is a picture of the wireman, before he was captured by the witch.  A small shiver runs down your spine as you recall the other machines that he'd been protecting, which had been reeling in cables that lead outside.

You hear Kim chuckle behind you, and she comments that you've never been the type to stop and stare at guys before.  You quickly say that she's misunderstanding, you just thought you recognized him from... somewhere.  She says that you probably just saw one of the earlier reports on him; apparently he's some moderately famous model or actor or something, and he went missing a week ago, with nobody having any idea where he went.  Apparently, the police investigation found out that he was involved in some really violent crimes of some sort, which the news has been going crazy about, though she hasn't really been paying attention.  You nod, then change the topic to something which bugs you less, and resume your walk.

You end up being preoccupied with thoughts about the witch's labyrinth.  It still stresses you out to think about it, though there's also excitement too.  You mostly have a lingering fear of the wireman, and the pain of the wounds he caused--even though you hadn't been afraid at the time, it feels like you were just saving the fear up for later.  You feel worried about the next witch too.  Pumsy said there would be more, but he never said how long it would take for another to appear.  You haven't seen him since he brought that Russian girl to meet with you, but you're pretty sure he'd come to tell you about any witches.  You think.


More to satisfy your anxiety yourself, you concentrate, and try to visualize the flow of magic around you, like you did before with Mina.  It takes a couple tries, but eventually it works, and you see both your friends light up with a warm glow of contentment in front of you.  You focus, and start to sense more emotions in the background: The anger of a tall man passing by, the satisfaction emanating from the patrons of the restaurant you're walking past... and a barely-noticable flow of despair oozing across the ground, just like you sensed from the witch before.  It's coming from the the direction of the ocean and the docks.  You and your friends are already heading back home, which is almost in the opposite direction.

You look up at the sky above.  The first stars are just starting to appear, you're expected home soon.  You idly wonder whether witches always appear at night, or if it's just an unfortunate coincidence.

Asha attempted to speak. Her voice was weak and raspy, just like that of someone who emerged from a tomb. "Leave me." The burning pain in her head and the pummeling ringing in her ears made her barely to hear her own words. Dream, delirium, reality, what difference? The pain was here, and wasn't going away. "It hurts it hurts it hurts. Shit shit shit-" She thought on a loop. Those eyes made her forget the pain for a fleeting instant, and once it came back it felt worse than ever. She didn't care why, all that mattered was that she was hurting.

"LEAVE ME GODDAMNIT!" she shouted. She managed to scare herself with that distorted, monstrous voice of her. But it was all swept away by the spliting pain anyway.

Powerless and suffering, Asha closed her eyes. "Leave me alone..." She kept muttering to herself, eventually starting to sob. Even the pain of the fever couldn't make her forget the pain of loneliness.

Asha suffered in silence, deep inside desperately asking for help.

The golden eyes widen and retreat away from you when you shout.  "Wh-what?  Asha?  What happened to you?" it says, voice full of concern.  You just moan for the creature to go away again, wishing you could fall back into sleep and blissful unconsciousness.


The golden lights wink out and leave you in the dark.  For a moment you think their owner has left, leaving you with an unpleasant mix of relief and regret.  Then, the darkness deepens in the center of your vision, lengthening and stretching across your vision, consuming the space around you.  You can feel it reach down and touch your face, a sensation like icewater being dumped on your head, washing all sensation aside from the piercing cold away.  It runs down your neck, and as it reaches your chest you lose the ability to breath.  You try and struggle against whatever is happening, but can only weakly reach your left arm forward, blindly groping for... anything.  Then the freezing cold washes down your arm, and all sensation ceases..


<Asha, what happened?  Are you okay?  There's a witch, you can't die yet, the others need you!>

Honestly, I'm not really sure about what to do now. I was hoping you would lead me in the right way last turn.

You spend the next couple days worried about when Pumsy will reappear.  You keep expecting him to visit you in the morning, or evening, or... something, to take you to find some other cool magical girl, but he never appears.  Your mind whirls with reasons why you're not being visited.  Maybe the other girls are really busy with witches, and just don't have spare time?  Or maybe they're setting something special up?  ...Or maybe you failed somehow, and Pumsy gave up on you?  You don't think you really did anything wrong, but the thought keeps returning.  At the very least you could have tried to get Alida's phone number, so you could ask.  It's frustrating to not be told anything.

Over time, your anxiety fades, mostly because you have to spend a lot of time taking care of your sick grandfather.  His condition is continually degrading, and he spends most of his time either asleep, or too delerious to really be considered conscious.  Nobody else helps you with him, and most of the time when he is partially lucid, that's what he decides to rant about--the fact that you're alone, that the rest of the family isn't doing anything, that they treat the both of you like dirt.  He goes on and on about how horrible they all are, how they've been corrupted by this horrible country, become soft, vindictive people.  Consciously, you know that he's just worried about you, and is angry for you, but you often find yourself disappointed to find him lucid, because it means you're just going to listen to him rant about everything that's wrong.  It's disheartening, especially when he starts talking about his own death like it's inevitable, but you can't bring yourself to not stay with him and talk about it anyway, he means far too much to you.  And it's not like he's wrong, anyway--the rest of the people in this house are horrible people, whatever your father may have said about them.  The fact that they're just trying to ignore the fact that your grandfather is lying here, slowly dying day by day, is proof of that.

Saturday evening, like most evenings this week, you find youself listening to one of your grandfather's half-cohenent rants as he eats the soup you brought him.  He's talking about how moving here was a mistake, that it was the greatest mistake your father ever made.  Back in Russia, you had family--true family, not the rats that live in this rotten mansion--and they would take care of you, after he's gone.  In a rare moment of unmasked compassion, he tells you earnestly that he's worried for you, that no young girl your age should live alone, and that if you had any less of your father in you, he wouldn't believe you could make it.  Then he shifts to talking about that being a hidden benefit of this soft country, that you have an advantage here because you're better than these people, you're a strong daughter of Russia, and you can carve yourself a niche here, because you're better than these people.  He starts to deleriously list out the types of people here, and their flaws, and then his eyes roll up into his head and he falls back into bed, unconscious.

You immediately rush to his side, panicked and trying to figure out what's wrong, and what happened.  Then a small pink tiger cub hops onto his chest in front of you, and proudly announces "He's just asleep, don't worry!  I'm good at this!".  You ignore Pumsy's sudden appearance, and roughly shove him off of your grandfather, paying intense attention to the old man.  After a few seconds your panic starts to abate, and you begin to think that he really is just asleep.  You breath a sigh of relief, and look up at Pumsy, who's shooting you an indignant look while agressively licking a paw.

"That was mean of you."

((Incidentally, if anyone wanted to start RP with Mina, she did give her phone number to all the girls before she left the labryinth. Since she left before any of them could give her their's, they'd have to initiate))

Mobility to 2 - In the last labryinth, Mina's lack of speed compared to the others was a major hindrance! She won't let that happen again!
Close Combat to 2 - Mina needs to be able to hold her own in a fight, and help protect others!
Sixth Sense to 3 - A greater understanding of the world, in her mind, would have two main benefits - using her powers more effectively, and being able to easily detect if something's trying to trick the girls like they did last time.

Life stuff

The boredom had been getting rather suffocating, although it could have been so much worse. She could be stuck in the house because she physically couldn't leave instead of being stuck there because she didn't feel like leaving. The fact it was an option meant quite a bit. She was staring out the window and dreaming of adventure when a certain pink feline strolled across the windowsill.

She bolts to her feet. "Hey! It's been a while, good to see you Pumsy!" she says cheerfully (but quietly! Can't let the parents hear can we?)


You smile and open the window for the small feline, and it immediately leaps forward into your arms while loudly shouting "Minaaa~!  I missed you too!".  You grab the rowdy cub and hold him close while frantically shushing him and reminding him that your parents are still awake downstairs, which makes him quirks his head to the side.
"Do you want me to put them to sleep...?  Humans are really easy, I could make them sleep as long as you want!"
You quickly say that no, no he doesn't have to use magic on them, just be quiet.  He nods, apparently understanding, then snuggles into your neck cutely.  You pet him for a couple seconds, then awkwardly ask him why he visited, hoping he came for something more than petting.  He immediately perks up and wriggles out of your grasp, nimbly leaping back to the windowsill.  He speaks in the same loud, overly-excited tone he always uses, and you wince a little at the volume, hoping your parents can't hear.

"A witch of mania opened her labyrinth nearby!  It's really weird, so soon after the last, but there's a lot of magical girls around here so I guess it isn't that weird... but you can deal with her, right?  I can go get the other girls, you don't have to fight alone if you don't want to!"

Will do some RP things later. Not that she's likely to survive long at this rate, because I fucked up my build and made it so she hemorrhaged mana everywhere during the first labyrinth.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

((Two things: First, I'm gonna try and post responses to any simple talking quickly, outside of proper turns, because writing Pumsy's responses really doesn't require much time at all.  Second, I'm giving myself a deadline for the next update: Aug 1st Edit: June 1st, I don't know how to use calendars  :-[.  Though I may end up splitting the writing over two days if there's a lot, that ain't missing the deadline IMO.  I would like to update more often than weekly, but weekly's better than monthly.))

Spoiler: Asha Tia (Nakéen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mina Ross (TwinWolf) (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #377 on: May 26, 2018, 05:47:35 am »

<Asha, what happened?  Are you okay?  There's a witch, you can't die yet, the others need you!>
Witch. There's a witch.

Something triggered in Asha, and all the pain she was feeling suddenly became secondary, meaningless even. Actually, all her sensations were gone, but she didn't realize. Asha still in her fever-induced craziness had a very simplified train of thought, and all that was on her mind now was one word: 'Witch'.

"Where is the Witch?"

Witch hunting time!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #378 on: May 26, 2018, 06:03:01 am »

You try and speak, but you can't.  You have no lips to speak with, no form that you can feel at all.  You try to look around, but there's nothing to see--or, rather, you have nothing to see with.  There is nothing here, you're not floating in a void, you're simply existing somewhere without form.  At least the pain, and the exhaustion, both seem to be gone...

<I, I don't know where the witch is, I can't sense witches!  Only you girls can sense them!  I could take you to someone else, but, can you even walk?  Asha, what happened to you?  Are you okay?>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #379 on: May 26, 2018, 06:43:41 am »

Asha slowly returned to her senses. Or rather, to her sense of self. She just started to realize her condition, and this oblivion began to terrify her. She tried to articulate something. "I don't know."

Nothing came out, probably. Terror was starting to grip her. "Calm yourself Asha, calm yourself..." she thought. She attempted clearing her mind and focusing on anything remotely close to a sensation, magical or physical, to use as a tether to pull herself back.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 07:57:24 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #380 on: May 26, 2018, 01:55:15 pm »

((I don't have enough time to do a proper action and rp for this, expect something later.))
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #381 on: May 26, 2018, 07:37:00 pm »

Wait, getting responses from Pumsey is quick?
I attempt to ask Pumsey what the hell is up with this boat thing.
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #382 on: May 26, 2018, 07:46:05 pm »

((I wasn't trying to bellyache, really; the only thing I was honestly annoyed by was the unexpected tax on mana bolts [as I hadn't thought I'd need to pay full totem summoning costs to immediately shoot mana bolts. . . or physically throw them at things, for that matter.] As far as actual RP goes... I have no real excuse, I just couldn't particularly think of anything to do.))

Tooru was. . . more than a bit concerned, at the moment, and her uncharacteristic lack of sunny smiles was likely not going unnoticed by her family. She'd realized that her soul gem was darker than she remembered it being; in fact, she could barely see it at all. As far as she knew, she didn't go out and fight witches in her sleep or something like that, and she didn't remember using magic for anything in particular, yet there it was. The inner glow barely visible any more. Hopefully her and Asha could find another witch, hopefully with a bit less exploding this time. And the other girls there, too. Still, the gem's darkness by itself wasn't the only concern: had she used magic unknowingly somehow? Or did she just lose that much magic over time?

Try to relax a bit; maybe one of the other girls knows what's up with Asha?
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pumsy's Seeds - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #383 on: May 26, 2018, 08:36:11 pm »

"You think that was mean?! Grandpa is slowly dying and there's nothing I can do about! My family sucks, my life sucks, everything sucks! Only thing I have left after Papa left is him, and every second he is closer... C-closer to..."

Sasha kneels in the ground and starts crying. She tries to cover her face with her scarf to avoid having Pumsy see her in such a weak state, but the checkered scarf and the meaning behind it only makes her cry even more than before.

"God, I'm failure... Should have disappeared, just like Papa. No one would care if I did..."
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #384 on: May 26, 2018, 09:50:19 pm »

Make some excuses, saying that I'll just look out at the water for a bit, and head down in the direction I'm feeling the despair flowing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #385 on: May 26, 2018, 09:57:58 pm »

"Uh, yeah! I think I can, at least... I just need to figure out how to get out without getting in trouble again." Mina said. "And maybe we should get it fast so they don't get worried..." Some reason to go out... she couldn't well have them going along. What to do... or was it better to ask forgiveness than permission? But then, she'd done that once before, and wasn't sure it would work again. Would they believe her going out with some girls she'd talked to when she went out before? Which was the truth, but would they consider that reason to go out for a couple of hours when it's so late?

Try to think of something that'll convince the parents to let me go out. Maybe if one of the others would come (with Pumsy's urging perhaps) she could convince them in order to let her start trying to be social, which she hasn't really had the chance for?
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #386 on: May 27, 2018, 11:10:41 am »

Asha slowly returned to her senses. Or rather, to her sense of self. She just started to realize her condition, and this oblivion began to terrify her. She tried to articulate something. "I don't know."

Nothing came out, probably. Terror was starting to grip her. "Calm yourself Asha, calm yourself..." she thought. She attempted clearing her mind and focusing on anything remotely close to a sensation, magical or physical, to use as a tether to pull herself back.

You focus on the closest thing to a sensation that's coming from outside your own mind: Pumsy's voice.  It echoes inside your thoughts, alien and strange, but seemingly comes from everywhere around, all at once, from behind boundaries that exist despite the lack of orientation or shape.  His influence rings around, and as you focus on it, one tone gets louder--brighter? harder?--and you try to drag youself closer, digging into it.


<N-no!  Asha, stop fighting me!  You'll hurt yourse... NO!>

He shouts into your mind, and the sound is deafening--or, rather, it's like his shout became you for the briefest of moments, reshaping you temporarily.  You retreat away without meaning to, and then he's quiet.


<Asha...> his voice echoes again, mournful.  You try and listen, focus on where it came from, without dragging yourself along this time.  Slowly, forms take shape outside, blurry visions that flicker around you, shifting and swimming like candles behind frosted glass.  It's hard to focus, but they do have distance, relation to you, and after a couple seconds you start to recognize them.  They're the emotions of the other three girls sleeping in your room, arranged around you just as they are every night.  You can't see Pumsy, though, even though you thought he was right atop you...

<Asha, please don't!  Your body is really hurt!  You'll just stop thinking again if I let you connect to it!>

Wait, getting responses from Pumsey is quick?
I attempt to ask Pumsey what the hell is up with this boat thing.

((I wasn't trying to bellyache, really; the only thing I was honestly annoyed by was the unexpected tax on mana bolts [as I hadn't thought I'd need to pay full totem summoning costs to immediately shoot mana bolts. . . or physically throw them at things, for that matter.] As far as actual RP goes... I have no real excuse, I just couldn't particularly think of anything to do.))

Tooru was. . . more than a bit concerned, at the moment, and her uncharacteristic lack of sunny smiles was likely not going unnoticed by her family. She'd realized that her soul gem was darker than she remembered it being; in fact, she could barely see it at all. As far as she knew, she didn't go out and fight witches in her sleep or something like that, and she didn't remember using magic for anything in particular, yet there it was. The inner glow barely visible any more. Hopefully her and Asha could find another witch, hopefully with a bit less exploding this time. And the other girls there, too. Still, the gem's darkness by itself wasn't the only concern: had she used magic unknowingly somehow? Or did she just lose that much magic over time?

Try to relax a bit; maybe one of the other girls knows what's up with Asha?

((Tooru--and all other characters with ranged totems--actually is capable of throwing manabolts without using her totem, they just don't get the level boost, and are more akin to generic lasers than powerful bombs.  To my recollection, you simply never tried to use manabolts without throwing talismans, though my memory could easily be spotty; I apologize if I wrote something which implied otherwise.

Also, I honestly have no idea what you want with this action.  Is Tooru calling someone else on her phone?  Asking other students after school?  Idling at home until some exterior force pushes her?  Please clarify.))

"You think that was mean?! Grandpa is slowly dying and there's nothing I can do about! My family sucks, my life sucks, everything sucks! Only thing I have left after Papa left is him, and every second he is closer... C-closer to..."

Sasha kneels in the ground and starts crying. She tries to cover her face with her scarf to avoid having Pumsy see her in such a weak state, but the checkered scarf and the meaning behind it only makes her cry even more than before.

"God, I'm failure... Should have disappeared, just like Papa. No one would care if I did..."

You hang your head low as you fall to the ground, interposing the bed between your face and Pumsy, crying into your clothes.  You haven't let yourself cry in over a week, despite everything, despite feeling abandoned, despite having to watch your grandfather die...

"Sasha, I don't want you to go!  I would be sad!  If you're worried about Grandpa, one of the other girls can fix him, easy!  She has to fight the witch first, but he'll survive that long.  Sasha?  Are you okay?"

You look up for a moment, and see Pumsy peering over the edge of the bed at you, head tilted oddly.  He sounds worried.

"Uh, yeah! I think I can, at least... I just need to figure out how to get out without getting in trouble again." Mina said. "And maybe we should get it fast so they don't get worried..." Some reason to go out... she couldn't well have them going along. What to do... or was it better to ask forgiveness than permission? But then, she'd done that once before, and wasn't sure it would work again. Would they believe her going out with some girls she'd talked to when she went out before? Which was the truth, but would they consider that reason to go out for a couple of hours when it's so late?

Try to think of something that'll convince the parents to let me go out. Maybe if one of the others would come (with Pumsy's urging perhaps) she could convince them in order to let her start trying to be social, which she hasn't really had the chance for?


You try and think up some excuse to go out, but... it's getting pretty late.  Your parents are reluctant to take you anywhere even during the day, you'd have to think up something really important.  Maybe you could say one of your friends had something bad happen and you need to go see them?  No, that's too dramatic... maybe you could say you were invited out, because of you suddenly recovering..?  You have the feeling that wouldn't work.

You ask Pumsy whether he could have another girl come visit.  He reluctantly says that he could go lead one of them over here, but it would take awhile, he really doesn't think that it's a good idea.  He says you shouldn't worry about your parents, at most they'll just get mad and yell.  Witches are way more dangerous, and you can beat witches, worrying about your parents is silly!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #387 on: May 27, 2018, 12:54:00 pm »

"You can't even ensure their safety! If they're going fight, why aren't you with girls? If you have so much power to make any girl's wish true..."

"You said one of magical girls can cure him? ...What if she dies fighting witch?
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #388 on: May 27, 2018, 02:28:00 pm »

(("Imminent". Now you're just teasing me.))
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


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Re: Perpetually Stalled - A ~MAGICAL GIRL~ game inspired by PMMM
« Reply #389 on: May 28, 2018, 11:09:36 am »

"You can't even ensure their safety! If they're going fight, why aren't you with girls? If you have so much power to make any girl's wish true..."

"You said one of magical girls can cure him? ...What if she dies fighting witch?

Pumsy practically starts wailing at you, his voice distraught "I can't go into a witch's labyrinth!  I wish I could protect the girls in there, but I just can't!  That's why I made four girls here, so they can protect each other!  Asha won't die, girls on teams don't die!  They won't let each other die.  You would see that, if you'd just make a wish!"
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