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Mad Arms Race - Aratam Design Bureau (Fall 1965 - Final Design Phase)

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Several ideas have been posted onboard the discord channel with regards on the whole eight problem, I'll go ahead and post the eight of them.

* Make some kind of machine or process to feed N-space energy to a Merethian machine
* "Throw wizards and robots into the gateway to fix the problem" - Madman198237
* Go into the Astral and take back the physical laws we put in there / create a new physica law - Ensorceler
* "combining a computer and brute psychic power would probably be the best way to handle it" - Madman198237
* "I really do think we have the tech to make a golden throne kind of machine to stabilize the astral, given a psychic source" - Andrea
* there wasnt actually eight of them
* woops
* 8A design idea while I think on some more.

The situation  that we have found ourselves has necessitated the acceleration of the deployment of high level projects ahead of schedule.

* To that end, the DOMAIN project is a work in creating the "next step" of both the Storm Caller Circle as well as a quick and dirty adjusted process to provide the "motor" to the impending solutions problem solving.

It is in our best interest to provide the power, or perhaps the foil to to whatever hellish Merethian process that is baking in their skunkworks, so the quick and eight of it is that the DOMAIN project covers the process by which a wholly new entity is born or fabricated after receiving feedback from astrally active individuals who were augmented with a astral shunt pointed at the  astral-based formation core for the new entity. It then goes to form it's own "network", which can then include individuals who are not quite astrally active enough to project useful abilities. These networks are also fluid, and can join or separate from eachother after a reformation process to allow for reorganization, though more mature networks are naturally more powerful and efficient in their operation.

What is important is that it results in a qualitative leap in the sophistication in the usage of astral "energy" thanks to the gestalts backing intelligence (the collective will of all involved individuals, with the only apparent capability of enabling astral operations) intuiting efficient and capable solutions to operational tasks. It is also capable of gathering a wide net of energy and using it, originally intended on upcasting the weather effects of the storm caller circle into a precision weapon.

If nothing else, the final goal of project DOMAIN is to create a Domain that consists of the entire, literal brain power of Aratam and brave this calamity, together.

Man of Paper:
Bah, I don't trust a merethian as far as I can throw them, and that's not very far on account of the heavy power armor. Therefore I propose that we offer our hand in friendship while we jab them in the kidneys with a knife in the other hand. Let's see what the two teams can come up with together, then make our own changes on our end to ensure Aratamite supremacy over whatever remains, if anything remains.

I'm not so sure I like the idea of a era of eight enfolded darkness, and that might occur if we do a backstab before the whole world is saved, but I agree with the general sentiment, Man of Paper.

I too would prefer not going insane to the Astral, though I don't mind a bit of backstabbing if we can get away with it. Also, BL, this is kind of typical to this AR, but I have no idea what your suggestion is or what is it trying to achieve. Anyway, here's my take:

Solution Theta Prime

The Astral colliding with our world seems to be caused by it's increased presence here, and thus our top SEEMs came up with a suggestion. Dissimilarity and distruption. The current cirumstances affecting reality are greatly useful to this plan, as the Stormcaller Circle is more powerful than ever, with the rules not applying all that much.

Eight times eight of our strongest Astral users are to use the energy of the Stormcaller Circle to create what is effectively a "Spiritual Bomb of Will", and use it to remove the number 8 from our world. This effect would hit Aratam and Mereth first, then propagating over the rest of the planet (and even further beyond) with some time. 7 being the number before 9 may have drastic consequences, but less so than everyone going insane as the Astral eats Earth.

This however might not stop the Astral by itself, and so another solution is needed. One of our madder than the rest scientists used the current chaos to research number theory, and came to a conclusion. In the currently Astraled region, there is an extra integer between 3 and 4. This by itself is not useful, but combined with mathematically trained Guardians, and the energy of the 8 removal effect, a new 'Theta Prime' based pattern can be introduced to the Astral, distrupting it enough that with 8 no longer being a thing, the collision will be avoided and the Astral's effects on our country will greatly lessen.


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