Dwarf Fortress > Utilities and 3rd Party Applications

Dwarf Therapist v42.1.5 | DF 50.12

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Dwarf Therapist – 42.1.5/b]Home page – Releases – Changelog
Compatible with Dwarf Fortress from 50.04 to 50.12 (some versions may be missing memory layout depending on the operating system).

Download the latest release here

DFFD Alternative Downloads

* Stand-alone Manual
Linux packages and repositories

* COPR Repository for Fedora users
* AUR package for Arch Linux users
Dwarf Therapist Guide: Github Repository – Latest Release

About labor management

If you don't want to use work details and set labors manually instead, there is a "Allow labor changes" button in the tool bar. It disables the in-game work details so you can keep your manual labor assignments. But it is not saved. You may lose your labor assignments if you don't re-enable it after restarting the game. I recommend using DFHack to set it on startup: save this file in DFHack init config directory (dfhack-config/init).

For Dwarf Fortress 0.42.06 to 0.47.05, use Dwarf Therapist 41.2.5.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Known issues

Happiness thresholds have changed since DF 0.44.10. When using Dwarf Therapist 40.0.1 or newer with DF 0.44.09 or older, happiness levels (miserable, unhappy, fine, happy, ...) will not be displayed correctly. You need to add a modified game_data.ini in DT's data folder (use "Open data directory" in the "File" menu, if you don't know where it is). Replace the happiness_levels section with (add a zero in each threshold):
--- Code: ---[happiness_levels]
miserable/threshold = 500000
miserable/desc = "is utterly harrowed by the nightmare that is their tragic life"
very_unhappy/trhreshold = 250000
very_unhappy/desc = "is haggard and drawn due to the tremendous stresses placed on them"
unhappy/threshold = 100000
unhappy/desc = "is under a great deal of stress"
fine/threshold = -100000
content/threshold = -250000
happy/threshold = -500000
ecstatic/threshold = -1000000
--- End code ---
Remember to delete your modified game_data.ini, when you want to go back to the latest version.

Older versions can be found in Splinterz's topic.

New version released: 39.0.0

Add support for DF 0.44.02.

* added memory layouts for DF 44.02 (Windows 32/64 and OSX 64)
* 64 bits Dwarf-Therapist can now be used with 32 bits Dwarf Fortress
* remove requirement for Windows string offsets
* fix writing string on Linux leaking memory
* replace many uses of skill name with skill "noun"
* make space between paragraphs in dwarf tool-tip thinner
* hide highest moodable skill in dwarf tool-tip when the dwarf already had a mood
* OSX is untested. Help for maintaining, building or testing DT on OSX would be appreciated.
* If you used Splinterz version before, the memory layout updater may be configured to fetch updates from splintermind repository (which is no longer updated). You need to check the updater settings: in "Options" → "General" tab → "Updates", click on "Restore Default".
Windows builds are also available on DFFD (win32, win64).

Cheers and thanks a lot for this.

Praise the gods!

many thanks for the update!


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