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Author Topic: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha  (Read 184208 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1020 on: December 30, 2017, 09:07:48 pm »

James Heign:

"A hero's job is never done."

Right... run! Or... richochet-fly-move, whatever I do to move. To the next location, this "Delicious TV Studios"! If I need to in order to escape the blast, use Cataphile's Waltz.
You scramble back up into the vent, crawling back to the access panel and climbing out into the control room, now painted red by the warning lights as klaxons scream in a discordant harmony. Running past the dead flowers you soon make it to the hole where the soldiers are waiting on alert at the sudden burst of noise. The sergeant reaches down and helps pull you out of the hole in the floor, just as a blast of fire spits out of it the heat wash singing everyone's eyebrows.

"Well that was close, what now? Is it dead?"

You explain at least the basics of the situation, to them, presumably you want them to help. Even if only as redtunics.

"That thing killed good soldiers, I'm not of a mind to stop hunting now."

As now impromptu general you lead your very small army via smartphone map towards "Delicious TV Studios", the streets eerily quiet as you move through, something made all the more unsettling by the fact that you're in the middle of an active warzone, something that isn't exactly well-known its serenity. As you round the corner to Albert St. you notice a sharp drop in temperature and thin tendrils of white fog. As the street progresses the fog thickens to a wall of grey-white and in it you can see something moving.

In case you churn out a new turn before I get back from Christmas:
Investigate the screwdriver, poke stuff with it etc, if it proves mundane retry the spell (and test out that one too).
Dig through the notes to see if any of these conspiracies seem to relate to the current goings on, the handers, grimore or the plethora of strange goings on currently

(I'll probably put a more thoughtful turn here post-Christmas, but investigating the screwdriver at least would be rad)
After a bit of poking and prodding you successfully establish that you could've spent all that time doing something else. Your investigation indicates that the screwdriver is more or less mundane, which your intuition says is complete and utter bullshit. That element summoned abyssal black flares and strange runes, which generally aren't what one would consider to be 'normal', and which you half-suspect is probably at least a bit satanic. Really, you should've just gone out and shanked something with it, satanic weapons love that shit! It's like catnip to them or something. Probably! You're not an expert but, seems pretty likely!

[COMP: 9/5] Spell, 19 c8 05

((Just noticed we gave the spell cost for the failure last turn. Whoops!))

Conjuring another one, this time on the floor rather than in your arm and of noticeably higher craftmanship, you get to work trying to decipher the scribbles of a madman.

It's slow work, frustrating even, the notes are extremely dense and you have to strain your eyes and mess around with your viewing angle just to read more than a single word. Honestly, it feels like a waste of time. Your colony is in crisis, indoor storms, gates to hell, occupying forces, and you, you have the power to make a difference. They entrusted you with it, DECOHERENT, they chose you, bequeathed unto you power that would elevate even the lowliest of wretches into something resembling a hero, they augmented your senses, and imbued you with magic, they revealed to you the secrets of the world, the secrets that lay behind the mundane, and let you taste a sip of that heavenly ambrosia they call immortality. There is so much you could do, secrets to plunder, monsters to slay, and what are you doing? Looking for truth in the ramblings of a madman. If this were a game, maybe, maybe it'll make sense in the end, but this is not and it will not, there's no great secret, no esoteric knowledge, just monkeys on typewriters all the way down.

You press on, pointless as this endeavour maybe and for your efforts you're rewarded with little more than brief and tangential references to what you already know - "8 watchers on high", along with something that DECOHERENT shows you about a "lightning devil born in steel and blind desire, that which wished to balance all things in and by itself".

Wow, real useful. Truly this is groundbreaking. It'd have been more productive to just stab yourself in the face with a screwdriver, which you proceed to do so, repeatedly. Y'know, for science and all that.

The last thing through your brain was that screwdriver. The second last thing was something along the lines of "this is really good at face-stabbing".

You awaken back in the apartment. You're not 100% sure what what happened, but you're pretty sure those screwdrivers are made of satan. Or new age offbrand satan. Something along those lines.

Beirus opens a comm channel to the soldiers that were previously fighting the dragon. "Open fire!
He barks the short order in the commanding tone of an officer, the kind of tone that doesn't leave room for refusal.

If they open fire, Use support Override to focus the shots on a single point or few points of the dragon to maximize penetration and damage. If it's charging me, that should make it easier to line up a shot on that energy orb in its mouth, so fire on that with my plasma rifle. To dodge, Use my jump jets or any other mobility options to evade and put myself in a position to stab or shoot its head.
[UTAR vs. MDEF: 7 vs. 3] Support Override
[UTAR vs. SDEF: AUTOFAIL] Firing into the dragon's mouth
[MDEF vs. LTAR: 9 vs. 5] Evading the charge

The soldiers respond on reflex if nothing else, years, well more likely months of training giving them an instinctual response to orders. Your support override kicks in and you can feel the aim of every soldier as time slows down, you adjust and tweak each of them, like playing a symphony on a harp but with white hot death instead.

The dragon half roars before a storm of weapons fire concentrates on its midsection, the condensed storm of bullets tears through it like tissue paper, it's front half rocketing past you, your plasma swallowed up by the burning contents of its maw. Soon enough, its momentum runs out, its rapid ascent turns to an arc, and then a plummet.

Code: (XIV: Temperance Core Equilibrium-Wyrm) [Select]
In the end, all things return to balance.
I too shall return.
This is but a setback.

Its body burns away, a shooting star crashing into the pavement, and when the flames extinguish, all the remains is some ineffable shard of divinity, imprisoned in what could charitably be compared to a deformed skull of twisted silver. The soldiers surround it unsure of what to do, even the captains and lieutenants begin having an impromptu meeting to discuss their course of action.

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Don't celebrate just yet, not until you get it into containment.
Like XII, its body is nothing more than a projection by the AI. It can create a new one with time.
You'll need to reunite them and the third member of their local group before we can stabilize them.

It may be safer to keep them each in their own little cage though, the skeletons seem excited about
at the thought of their reunion.

Finish off the last construct with another zap from the electroscythe, then spend some time examining the battlefield. Wind up the electroscythe and send a message to someone important requesting a promotion in light of my apparent immortality and ability to create such things as electroscythes and state of the art mechs from thin air.
[LTAR vs. MDEF: 6 vs. 3] Scythe attack on the construct, evading the electrical arcs is impossible

You bring the scythe down upon your foe once again, lightning crashing over it and everything conductive nearby, reducing it to little more than a pile of slag, blasted and split apart from the impact slowly cooling into an ugly pile of melted brass and plastic dotted with half-melted gears. You even smell the ozone and something else that is truly horrible even through your atmospheric system.

You send off a message to the command unit along with some footage from the AVALON's cameras as proof of your vast mystical powers.

Code: (COMMAND_AI) [Select]
Data accepted, scavenger rank updated accordingly:
102,325 th --> 21,553 rd
Accorded with being in the top 0.5% of scavengers is full access to all scavenging records.
Have a nice day!

Well at least you got your promotion, would have been nice to actually awe a human rather than an overglorified answering machine.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1021 on: December 30, 2017, 09:09:04 pm »

Turn 59
Turn 60
Turn 61

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fallacy of Urist (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hawk (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Ensorceler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: TheBiggerFish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wipeout (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Flabort (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Waitlist (click to show/hide)

List of Available Frames
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 05:40:23 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1022 on: January 01, 2018, 02:11:48 pm »

James Heign:

"It's hero time! Fire in the hole!"

Deploy Frame: AF01 Avalon. Get in, open fire with plasma bolts.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1023 on: January 09, 2018, 01:56:08 am »

Beirus projects over his speaker for the soldiers to hear him. "I am Major Beirus O'Greenahan. Back away from the creepy skull. We need to get it into containment."

Afterwards, he opens a channel to HQ."O'Greenahan to Command, the Dragon is dead. I killed it using everyone else's guns. It was just an AI projection, though. Requesting appropriate containment for the skull it left so that the AI doesn't have the chance to rebuild its projection." 

And then he takes some time to talk to Jus. "Skeletons, huh? Is that where Whitmore got his ladle from? You think they'd be able to get me a hardsuit or mobility armor modified with powers similar to the dragon I killed, and that could evolve new abilities as I kill each of the other dragons? You know, just incase I have to fight the combined dragons once they're stabilized, presumably in our base because that's literally the worst place it could happen. I'd ask for a Frame, but mobility armor fits into smaller spaces. Also, this containment thing. Does the NEE have the tech to hold this thing without it remanifesting to kill everyone while I'm away? Because that seems like an issue if they don't."

And then he attempts to speak to the AI if he can without looking crazy, maybe getting Jus to act as interpreter or transmitter or something. "You seek balance? Then why do you fight us? Is it because you were attacked first? You must know something much more powerful than us is coming, something that upsets the balance of this universe even as it corrupts it. Would you be willing to work with me to stop it if I gave you a chance? Would you give me the opportunity? Also, and this is unrelated, do you want to be reunited with Frost Wing Emperor-Drake and your other counterpart?"

Mostly talky stuff while waiting to get this thing into containment. Then get this AI into containment if it doesn't give me a reason not to.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

The Ensorceler

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1024 on: January 10, 2018, 09:34:58 pm »

((Can I get a heads up on what's still around on the battlefield? I threw it into my action because I didn't want to waste a turn looking around, but it got skipped.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because science wasn't mad enough. YET.
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1025 on: January 23, 2018, 08:15:17 am »

I grab my off-brand-neo-satan tool of screwing things and happily march off towards some way I can make it towards Floor Zero, asking Decon for directions if necessary.
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.

The Ensorceler

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1026 on: January 23, 2018, 09:58:15 pm »

((Can I get a heads up on what's still around on the battlefield? I threw it into my action because I didn't want to waste a turn looking around, but it got skipped.))
((Uh... nevermind. I'll figure something out.))

Look for anyone left in need of rescuing, and swoop in guns blazing to distract whatever is attacking them.

If all the fighting still being done is mop-up, try to rack up as many kills as I can before the battle ends.


  • Bay Watcher
  • New Zeland giveth, New Zeland taketh away
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1027 on: January 28, 2018, 06:34:22 am »

((Can I get a heads up on what's still around on the battlefield? I threw it into my action because I didn't want to waste a turn looking around, but it got skipped.))
((Uh... nevermind. I'll figure something out.))

Look for anyone left in need of rescuing, and swoop in guns blazing to distract whatever is attacking them.

If all the fighting still being done is mop-up, try to rack up as many kills as I can before the battle ends.

Sorry, it got missed amid the kerfuffle to get the turn out before January. My bad.  :-[

The current area is a large field filled with partially destroyed tents and longer term demountable units. Many of the enemy units have been destroyed at this point and litter the battlefield like broken toys. If you went hunting you could find a few still causing a bother but most have been dealt with and all that remains is mop up operations.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 06:41:23 am by Corsair »
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
  • New Zeland giveth, New Zeland taketh away
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1028 on: February 16, 2018, 05:35:22 am »

James Heign:

"It's hero time! Fire in the hole!"

Deploy Frame: AF01 Avalon. Get in, open fire with plasma bolts.
Nothing. Nothing happens. There is no flash of light, no quaking impact, the frame appears without pomp or ceremony the fog simply roils as it always has, catching you a glimpse of something else in the seemingly empty street, something almost in front of you.

"Mother of God... is that a frame?"

You scramble in, up the leg and into upper cockpit access, slipping into the controls and letting the systems turn on for a second as the soldiers slowly fan out around you, covering you flanks. The local area radar activates and begins pinging the surroundings. Everything is strangely blurred. No matter, you unleash a volley into the mist, bolts of plasma streaking forth and crashing down onto pavement, parting the mist for but a moment.

Everything here has been covered with a thin layer of moss, the cars seem to have been almost consumed, rusted like they were abandoned for a centuries rather than hours. The ground is covered in detritus like a forest floor. Amongst them are bones, some animal, some something else entirely, something strange, something unnatural. The radar pings again and in the instant before the mist closes, the instant stretched to eternity by your senses, you see it.

It is behemoth just smaller than a frame, a twisted amalgam of pieces both plant and animal. You could perhaps call it a chimera, but you would be wrong. Its head is the skull of some colossal eagle, but that skull belongs there. It fits there. It fits it more than it fits the eagle. Its eyes too are skulls, smaller skulls, human skulls. But they too belong there, they fit there better than they fit the heads they were taken from. It is the original. The primordial. The quintessential. A forgotten god returned to being, an ancient beast risen once more from the abyss of obscurity.

Risen right into your radar, right into your sights, and right down range of the NEE's latest frame-scale energy rifle.

[UTAR vs. SDEF: 3 vs. 1] Opening fire on forest warden
[LTAR vs. MDEF: 12 vs. 6] Evading the retaliatory swing

Phantasmal images surge forth and multiply, rushing forth with the great dead trees they wear for wings, each image soon punctured by a pale line, a trajectory. Your precognition ends. It rushes forth, and you put a burst right into its chest.

Try as it might, its sword proves ineffective for warding away burning plasma and soon enough its hide is blasted open and set aflame, the leaves and lichen matting its fur proving to be more of a liability than anything else as it is consumed by the flames. Beneath its thick fur in the freshly-inflicted wounds you can see more vines, flexing and pulsating like muscles along a bed of dark old bones.

It, to its credit manages to continue its charge and bring its greatsword into a thrust towards you, the rusted vine-tangled blade surging a deep green as it strikes the empty air you once occupied.

The soldiers, slow on the draw compared to two agents of the supernatural start their own counterattack, axes and spears being brought to bear against its now-vulnerable flanks.

[LTAR vs. SDEF: 3 vs. 7] Witch Knight cleaves with an axe
[LTAR vs. SDEF: -1 vs. 3] Witch Knight cleaves with an axe
[LTAR vs. SDEF: 1 vs. 1] Witch Knight thrusts with a spear
[LTAR vs. SDEF: 4 vs. 3] Witch Knight thrusts with a spear

The monster however parries most of the blows, evidently better suited to dealing with other pieces of sharp metal than burning plasma, one of the axe-weilding Witch Knights overextends with his axe strike and instead is himself parried into a nearby hatchback. The final soldier wielding one of the spears and nets manages to strike into it, spearing it in the side.

The captain with his staff and sword steps up and instead of striking at the creature reaches out a hand while chanting, the orb atop the staff crackling with eldritch energy

[UTAR vs. SDEF: 4 vs. 5] Witch Knight Captain unleashes a spell

Rolling as the air above it fills with fire, the creature barely dodges a sudden rain of glowing dust that sets the ground aflame, vanishing as suddenly as it appeared.

Damn it, why is everyone doing that today?

Beirus projects over his speaker for the soldiers to hear him. "I am Major Beirus O'Greenahan. Back away from the creepy skull. We need to get it into containment."

Afterwards, he opens a channel to HQ."O'Greenahan to Command, the Dragon is dead. I killed it using everyone else's guns. It was just an AI projection, though. Requesting appropriate containment for the skull it left so that the AI doesn't have the chance to rebuild its projection." 

And then he takes some time to talk to Jus. "Skeletons, huh? Is that where Whitmore got his ladle from? You think they'd be able to get me a hardsuit or mobility armor modified with powers similar to the dragon I killed, and that could evolve new abilities as I kill each of the other dragons? You know, just incase I have to fight the combined dragons once they're stabilized, presumably in our base because that's literally the worst place it could happen. I'd ask for a Frame, but mobility armor fits into smaller spaces. Also, this containment thing. Does the NEE have the tech to hold this thing without it remanifesting to kill everyone while I'm away? Because that seems like an issue if they don't."

And then he attempts to speak to the AI if he can without looking crazy, maybe getting Jus to act as interpreter or transmitter or something. "You seek balance? Then why do you fight us? Is it because you were attacked first? You must know something much more powerful than us is coming, something that upsets the balance of this universe even as it corrupts it. Would you be willing to work with me to stop it if I gave you a chance? Would you give me the opportunity? Also, and this is unrelated, do you want to be reunited with Frost Wing Emperor-Drake and your other counterpart?"

Mostly talky stuff while waiting to get this thing into containment. Then get this AI into containment if it doesn't give me a reason not to.
"Acknowledged, local command has been informed wait for our extraction team to bag it then report back to base if necessary for repair."

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Yes, they are an ancient games show from before the Fall their AI circuit is meta-stable
so they are more useful than dangerous.
There's more too it of course, but the entity pulling their strings is the same one that censors our messages.
Their only problem is that they don't really provide anything for free,
you have to do one of their strange challenges or impress them somehow.

Your ability to deduce likely future events is growing better it seems.
This is good.
A request such as that could be fulfilled by the skeletons though the challenge they will devise will not be pleasant.

As for containment, you are in good hands. The NEE has a wealth of experience in dealing with AI technology.

Code: ((XIV: Temperance Core Equilibrium-Wyrm)) [Select]
Objective is reunification.
Units in the vicinity are hostile.
Subsequent heuristics thus dictated that all units in the area should be treated as hostile.

Foreign AI code has been detected.
It will be re-balanced once reunification of units is complete.
Alliance is preferable to continued existence of foreign AI.

Reunification requires all three components to be placed in physical proximity.

Code: (JUS_AD_BELLUM) [Select]
Be wary, reunifying AI network components will lead to changes in outward behaviour.
Whatever alliance you forge with this will only last until its objective is complete.
If it lasts until then.

I would advise that you make sure their reunion keep away from any anomalous materials
or more energetic power sources.

I grab my off-brand-neo-satan tool of screwing things and happily march off towards some way I can make it towards Floor Zero, asking Decon for directions if necessary.
Code: (DECOHERENT) [Select]
Transport arriving momentarily.
Wait outside.

You wait a moment and a bus pulls up, it's ancient in design and commanded by a skeleton with a ragged uniform. The passengers are the same with ragged clothes draped on aged dry bone. The ride is short, unnaturally so and you get out feeling slightly nauseous at the rapid change of location and rotation as the corkscrew of the colony slowly turns above you. You are near the entrance of Floor 0 and hear cheering from nearby, looking around you see a group of soldiers celebrating in a four-way intersection having emerged from their cover. In one corner of the intersection is a white Armour Frame with large golden wings, a type you have never seen before. At its feet is a giant silver dragon skull.

As you examine the rest of the surroundings you see that the further from the entrance you get the stranger things become, with the smog seeming to conceal unnatural shapes looming within its depths.

Look for anyone left in need of rescuing, and swoop in guns blazing to distract whatever is attacking them.

If all the fighting still being done is mop-up, try to rack up as many kills as I can before the battle ends.

With the battle winding down, and yourself being left in one of the already quieter areas, there aren't too many foes left here. Still with your radar you are able to find a reasonably large congregation of constructs huddled around a burning wreckage, two squads worth by your reckoning consisting of four clockworks with autoscythes, four with smart cannons, and two sanguines, all bearing various amounts of battle damage, and all apparently too distracted to notice your approach.

It seems doubtful that anyone could be trapped down there, but these kinds of constructs are Dead Hand's signature "don't get out bed in the morning unless it's to eat babies" variety, so there's probably something still alive down there, something that they don't think the fire will finish off.

You approach slowly, creeping up on them as well as a giant robot really can creep up on anything, jump jets readied to close the gap or launch you out the way of an attack. It shouldn't be a problem, for all their firepower it seems that they're awfully conductive, and you just so happen to know a few lightning spells, not to mention the enormous electrically-charged scythe you happen to brandishing. If you do this right,  you should be able to destroy or disable most of the group before the others can even react.

You close in, drawing nearer, the sounds of spellfire and metal clashing against metal growing louder and louder. Still nothing, no response. Augmented sight shows everything to be clear, all their offensive manoeuvres still focused on the wreckage. Sixty meters. Fifty. No response. Forty. Thirty. Thirty meters, the maximum range of the AVALON's jump jets. Still clear. Whatever's in there, it has their undivided focus. Strange, you haven't heard of anything like that except for that time with the boxes full of puppies - an entire cornucopia of helpless victims, as opposed to well, however few mostly dead people a burning loading bay can hold. You engage the thrusters.

The AVALON's wings swing outwards, quickly heating red hot as power surges through the frame's subsystems, inertial dampeners and stabilizers sparking to life. The thrusters flare with light as the entire machine lurches forwards and  hurls itself towards its quarry. Lightning crashes through the formation as you swing your scythe, the constructs falling like wheat, homicidal robot wheat. All that is left is the wreckage, and what lies within, a large black containment box, effectively a heavily armored shipping container that lies somewhere between the chimeric aesthetics of the System League and the otherwordly sleekness of the Loremaster Consortium, a grid-like mesh of electronics and metamaterial vaguely reminiscent of a faraday cage lies exposed beneath the split and blasted armor that once covered it, sparking, failing.

A dull red light emanates from within the box. A red light that grows brighter with every passing second.
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1029 on: February 16, 2018, 05:35:34 am »

Turn 60
Turn 61
Turn 62

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fallacy of Urist (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Ensorceler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: TheBiggerFish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wipeout (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Flabort (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Hawk (in Storage) (click to show/hide)

List of Available Frames
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 10:10:29 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1030 on: February 16, 2018, 06:50:31 pm »

James Heign:

"Every hero needs a good ride. I think a frame counts."

Wait for it to attack again. Get the gravity gun ready while I do. When it next comes, pin it with the gravity gun and then shoot it with the plasma rifle while it's pinned. Using the gravity gun through the frame shouldn't be an issue, it's not like it fires projectiles.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.

The Ensorceler

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon - Down the Foxhole - Raining Mecha
« Reply #1031 on: February 17, 2018, 05:59:47 am »

"Constructs think you're alive, but not for long with that attitude! I'd really appreciate not dying again, so to whatever was keeping you from exploding until now, Work, Damnit!" Iliana starts her improvised clinic/bomb disposal with a Work, Damnit! to stabilize her 'patient', then makes use of her new rank to open a salvage support teleconference.

In addition to the hotline itself, Iliana looped in her mechanic, "Pack up your gear and get the fastest ride over to my location you can, we've got a real piece of work here, maybe even some kind of AI! It's alive, it's dying, and I'll need you to help me save it."

With the more time sensitive part of the rescue set in motion, Iliana addressed the hotline directly, and began answering their questions about the situation to get some idea how to handle the Puppybox.
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