I played this with friends in the past, and unfortunately, probably won't be playing more of it unless they make some pretty big changes. The whole real-time skillpoint gain(like in eve online) system ruins it for some of us. You'd hop on the server, do whatever work you need to do to make sure others have what they need for today, spend skillpoints, and then you have no purpose, there's nothing to do because nothing you do past what's needed means anything since progress is real-time. Without the skill system you blow right through everything in no time flat, it only serves to stretch out what little content the game has. It doesn't feel like a real game, aside from maybe building for the sake of building, there's no reason to do anything once you've met your quota, feels like those limited daily playtime korean or cellphone games with artificial minecraft flavoring. :/
Even the whole premise, eco-friendliness, doesn't matter too much. Since you've got no reason to over-produce, unless you're on some server with a ridiculous amount of people, you're not really going to wreck the planet as long as you don't do anything obviously stupid like completely strip the world of a certain plant. Speaking of stupid, pollution code is linked to the block coordinate system. Once we found out the smithing byproducts that were sent to a stockpile were spreading pollution through the ground, we tried a few things and it seems that if you put it in a cart, it stops affecting the world since the cart is not a block and therefore not part of its coordinate system. The carts were getting filled up and would be in the way so what did we end up doing? We dumped them all into a deep river with no adverse effect... :|