Yeah, the replies there are about all we have, just the current dev notes. If things like hugging and so forth join, uh, pet animal and spit in the interaction list, that wouldn't surprise me, but I doubt it would get incredibly far beyond that in terms of those options in local play. Having a short 'wait screen' style bar pass for the rest is fine, probably. Though, yeah, we haven't made specific plans or had Kitfox conversations about this.
Thanks for the answers, as always it is much appreciated.

The thought process that lead to this was reading Shonai's question about childhood friends becoming lovers.
- I read Shonai's question about childhood friends becoming lovers.
- I wondered if the same was true for battlefield friends.
- Adventurers party are a type of battle brothers/sisters which should lead to the same type of friendships forming.
- Not being able to form such friendships in adventure mode is a noticeable discrepancy.
- If childhood friendships and battlefield friendships result in increased chanced of becoming lovers then adventurer party friendships should too.
- How do Toady and Kitfox think the issues around adventure mode romance should be handled.
So I did what I've always done and jumps start to the end and forgot about the in-between stuff, I actually wanted to ask about battlefield friendships effect on romance/lovers and their place in adventure mode but got distracted and forgot.

I guess I'll just ask now for next month
So I forgot some questions I had, I'll ask them now for next month, if they get answered in the mean time no biggie.
-Edit- removed redundant question -Edit-
Do you think Battlefield friendships fit adventure mode party dynamics or is the relationship between the members of a long term adventurer party its own unique thing?
I personally haven't found a case in legends yet but do people seek revenge on the behalf of family, friends and lovers or do they only avenge themselves?
-Edit- removed answered question -Edit-
-Edit- Removed leading question -Edit-I let my mind runaway again.

Probably in exactly the same way as Fortress Mode (as far as the sex part goes anyway). That is, invisibly. Easily managed while passing time while in the company of a spouse/lover in Adventurer or while retired.
As for actual romance and such, Toady has threatened bad poetry recitals and there are pages of suggestions over in the suggestions forum on procgen cultural courting rituals.
While it's in the dev notes, it's all so far in the future that it's not likely to have been considered in such great detail yet.
There are multiple ways to implement romance and reproduction, off screen/loading bar/wait screen, a dance style performance "you make love to Urist mcLover", I while I didn't really think that a play by play sex mini game was in the cards but it is technically a possibility, Steam does allow pornographic games in their store now so its not a issue there.
I remember reading a suggestion discussion on adventure mode romance/sex and it quickly became a debate about how much abstraction was acceptable and the risks of adding too much detail, mostly because of
He who must not be named and how any addition to romance, like hand holding, hugging or kissing would make
his inevitable return easier.
I just wondered where Toady stands, do you not have any of these options because of the risk? do you mitigate those risks by cutting some options but leaving a romantic "wasteland" with few mostly "sterile" options or do you just say "fuck it" and go balls deep into the controversy for those click baity news articles because there's "no such thing as bad publicity".
This is why I included Kitfox in the question, as a publisher they'll have a much better understanding of how much detail Toady can put into DF before it becomes a untenable risk to the product, It seems like the direction Toady is leaning is "off screen/loading bar" which is perfectly understandable given the sensitivity of the subject and the risks of getting it wrong in the court of public opinion.
I guess that while I accept that this is how it works I do find it weird that gouging people eyes out, disembowelling them and systematically breaking all their limbs is acceptable but Sex isn't, so I wondered if, given that DF is moving to be more commercial product with a professional publisher, there had been consideration given to this issue.
How do you best handle the implementation of romance and reproduction without burning DF to the ground while still allowing enough options to make romance a fun and engaging enough activity for adventure mode players to actually use? seem like walking a tightrope.

Yes, by the time adventure mode romance is implemented it's likely to be against a backdrop of full myth, magic, and law frameworks.
Given that Toady quoted you as well as Shonai I'm guessing he also sees it as a long ways off, which is fair and up until he announced steam I would have agreed without question, but now that Steam is getting "DF premium" version I just can't help but wonder how releasing on steam and getting an influx of new players will effect those priorities, I can see a subset of new players clamouring for friendships and romance options/companions as it is something that has become kind of standard for RPGs, hence my short list of games with romance options.
But FotF isn't really the place to discuss this in depth and I'm not going to be the guy that Necros a sex thread, I'll leave that job to the more sexually adventurous of us.

I'll see myself out.