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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress  (Read 3218251 times)


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4875 on: October 12, 2022, 02:09:49 pm »

I wonder will the myth and magic update have stuff like people who became saints or siddha and will you be able to become one how do you make this lime green?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2022, 10:48:15 am by Bloodwarrior »


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4876 on: October 12, 2022, 02:21:48 pm »

I wonder will the myth and magic update have stuff like people who became saints or siddha and will you be able to become one how do you make this lime green?

Either select the text and use the "Change Color" drop-down menu, or put the color tag/ending tag before the text
Code: [Select]
[color=limegreen]like this[/color](becomes "like this")


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4877 on: October 13, 2022, 11:30:38 am »

Are there plans to add more gameplay features for forts with 'Mountainhome' status, e.g. ability to direct the overall civilisation, declare wars, expand the civ, etc? Or is there any other 'end-game' type content you have been thinking about?
Thanks and much love

Having an optional 4x strategy game would be cool, But this would probably tie in better with Adventure Mode IMO. Becoming king could allow you to manipulate things on a larger scale.
"Civilization mode" would be so cool, worldgen is already kinda like an AI-only 4X game. And think of the possibilities for adventurers like court intrigue to become king or simply staging a coup and then fighting a civil war against the now-dead king's loyalists.
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4878 on: October 14, 2022, 08:01:29 am »

Was diagonal gaps removing water pressure an intentional feature, and if not, do you feel like you can't change it now?
"Even if they are natural laws, I cannot allow it!"


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4879 on: October 14, 2022, 09:43:29 pm »

Will the appearance description of any dwarf/human/elf/etc. receive an overhaul as well in preparation for the myth and magic update? The thoughts and preferences of any individual goes in-depth into any particular dwarfs personality but doesnt really describes their build or physique other than saying they are weak or strong. As there been any thoughts in simplifying the personality lore and adding more depth to physique descriptions?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2022, 10:06:49 pm by BlackAion »


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4880 on: October 14, 2022, 11:17:13 pm »

Will the appearance description of any dwarf/human/elf/etc. receive an overhaul as well in preparation for the myth and magic update? The thoughts and preferences of any individual goes in-depth into any particular dwarfs personality but doesnt really describes their build or physique other than saying they are weak or strong. As there been any thoughts in simplifying the personality lore and adding more depth to physique descriptions?

It actually goes into detail, it's just that the extremes are rather rare, so you don't see them that often. But there are a lot of physique descriptors, like, a whole lot. Here's all of them:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4881 on: October 14, 2022, 11:32:35 pm »

Will the appearance description of any dwarf/human/elf/etc. receive an overhaul as well in preparation for the myth and magic update? The thoughts and preferences of any individual goes in-depth into any particular dwarfs personality but doesnt really describes their build or physique other than saying they are weak or strong. As there been any thoughts in simplifying the personality lore and adding more depth to physique descriptions?

It actually goes into detail, it's just that the extremes are rather rare, so you don't see them that often. But there are a lot of physique descriptors, like, a whole lot. Here's all of them:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yes but each line is just that. One singular line describing that particular dwarfs physique. Considering this is Dwarf Fortress, I was honestly expecting it to go in depth into the fat to muscle ratio of a single arm, how long that arm is, how thick his/her arm bones are etc.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4882 on: October 15, 2022, 12:28:51 am »

Simplifying personality to add random shit like "his left arm is slightly more muscular than the rest of his body" sounds atrocious. Either have both at the same time or change nothing.
Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar?


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4883 on: October 15, 2022, 09:24:01 am »

Simplifying personality to add random shit like "his left arm is slightly more muscular than the rest of his body" sounds atrocious. Either have both at the same time or change nothing.

Fair enough. I would take both over nothing any day.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 10:02:55 am by BlackAion »


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4884 on: October 17, 2022, 01:28:24 am »

Will the appearance description of any dwarf/human/elf/etc. receive an overhaul as well in preparation for the myth and magic update? The thoughts and preferences of any individual goes in-depth into any particular dwarfs personality but doesnt really describes their build or physique other than saying they are weak or strong. As there been any thoughts in simplifying the personality lore and adding more depth to physique descriptions?

It actually goes into detail, it's just that the extremes are rather rare, so you don't see them that often. But there are a lot of physique descriptors, like, a whole lot. Here's all of them:


Yes but each line is just that. One singular line describing that particular dwarfs physique. Considering this is Dwarf Fortress, I was honestly expecting it to go in depth into the fat to muscle ratio of a single arm, how long that arm is, how thick his/her arm bones are etc.

I mean, the game doesn't go into specific detail like that, uh, anywhere much at all? Technically it stores all that info (e.g. a random dwarf I made just now in the arena has a skin:fat:muscle:bone ratio of 17:89:446:446), but it doesn't show you much of that at all.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4885 on: October 20, 2022, 10:38:13 am »

I know it's probably a ways off but if you're considering any alternative social structures and government structures and economic stuff I have some resources to kick start your research.

My degrees are in economics and political science and both topics have also been hobbies of mine for years. Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of . . . malarkey? for lack of a better term . . . in both fields.

I know you tend to do a lot of reading. Regarding economics and political science, it seems like most of the literature is either heavy personal opinion or straight up textbooks (econ textbooks are notorious for being outdated in content among academics). I wanted to offer up (from someone with inside knowledge) some books which would let you jump into the nitty gritty of the fields and which don't lie about their biases or hide alternative viewpoints (everything in political science and economics will always have a bias. many works people think are "not political" or "unbiased" are often just works that they already agree with lol).

Some works to give you a nice breadth and depth and with linkages to other areas would be:

Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber
     (a complete history of money and debt from before writing to the present across the world. incredibly good read, incredibly well researched and cited, and incredibly transformational in understanding debt, money, finance, economics, etc.)

The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow
     (David and David are both anthropologists by training which gives them incredible insight into things which many economists and political scientists lack (speaking from experience and personal reflection). This book is a huge look into how the standard view of where society came from is oversimplified and outright wrong in many cases. it traces the history of how our modern thoughts on "society" and "civilization" and "equality" came about along. it's also a culmination of tons of research from across many fields all put together in one place for the first time. another fantastic and easy read and well cited.)

Debunking Economics by Steve Keen
     (a clickbait title to be sure lol. This book is rather heavy on the math and i only bring it up so if you ever plan to implement neoclassical economic models (which i highly don't recommend, speaking as someone with a degree in neoclassical economics) it will be obvious why a lot of them don't seem to work)

Principles of Comparative Politics by Clark, Golder, and Nadenichek Golder
     (the only textbook on the list. viewed within the empirical political science field as somewhat of the gold standard for a textbook in poli sci. the chapter on "Veto Player Theory" is particularly worth checking out.)


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4886 on: October 22, 2022, 07:03:54 am »

Here comes an old question, but if I'm not mistaken it's been a while since this question has been asked. Will the new raw formatting be released before the game is, so modders get a chance to prepare their mods?


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4887 on: October 23, 2022, 04:48:24 am »

Simplifying personality to add random shit like "his left arm is slightly more muscular than the rest of his body" sounds atrocious. Either have both at the same time or change nothing.

Unintentionally hilarious image, bit like the time you could get super strong from just swimming. Imagining that swinging a pickaxe all day just over-develops a dwarfs personal preference for right or left handedness leading to beefy mono-arms.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4888 on: October 23, 2022, 09:22:15 pm »

In a similar vein as to the recent (Oct. 22nd) devlog, is it possible to clean up some of the decoration jobs? Right now there's a twofold issue: inability to specify exactly what object to decorate, and inability to avoid "repeat" decorations. The former means you have to set up very specific stockpiles to decorate, say, a very specific statue, and the latter means you can only decorate one thing at a time— if you try to queue up decorating, say, several statues with gemstones, you'll instead just decorate the first one with all the gemstones.

The rest of that devlog made me incredibly excited for the release; thank you so much for your hard work!


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4889 on: October 23, 2022, 09:37:59 pm »

Quote from: Devlog
bin storage jobs no longer stop other jobs from using the bin

I was just thinking about asking if you had any plans for fixing this bug before the Steam release.  It’s what has been keeping me from using bins at all.  The bugs concerning bins (especially that one) were said to make bins all but unusable and the general advice was to avoid bins like the plague.

Thank you for fixing it!

On a side note, I saw something about a “vermin catcher’s workshop”.  What’s that about?
Really hoping somebody puts this in their signature.
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