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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress  (Read 3219170 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2595 on: November 22, 2019, 12:12:01 pm »

I love the artifact thief deciding to go visit the tavern after getting his artifact.  Fleeing the map is probably wiser, but it paints an awesome picture.

Ditto for me. And if the justice system needs a few baked-in delays to give the overseers time to notice events, this sounds both dorfy and like real life. "Who, me? I'm just having a pint or three before going back to my hamlet, officer."


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2596 on: November 22, 2019, 01:09:00 pm »

Sorry for the large amount of questions this time around, in your talk you mentioned how mannerisms dont really effect things in the current version of df, now that you have added interrogation, will mannerisms come up?  Will you add this for fort mode investigations/adventurer investigation? That would make it impact the story Alot. Also when will clapping be added, it is defined in the raws but ive never seen it happen. Unlike spitting which happens all the time.
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2597 on: November 22, 2019, 01:24:17 pm »

I could easily see clapping as being sort of the "antithesis" reaction to spitting in adventure mode, I've always found it strange that there's no mannerism that NPCs use to express great approval and admiration towards an adventurer even though there's been one for disgust and hatred for a long time.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2598 on: November 22, 2019, 01:41:23 pm »

Artifact hunters aren't spies. They're completely open with what their objective is, although the ones I've termed "infiltrators"* cause a mess when one of them leaves and returns to sneak in and attack, in particular since their hordes tend to come shortly after the tavern opens, and then thin out over time as they gradually change to other military types (mercs and cavern litter) on later visits.

*Have to come up with a new name, as Toady will use it for some villains.

I gnerally call all Artifact hunters "questers" in the current version as tahts what toady calls them, because they actually get tasks from lords to retrieve artifacts and slay beasts and travel the world map to gather info and gather info about it like a person in d&d would. (They even go to taverns and such outside of your fort and it simulates that as you play and you can intercept them on their quest in adventure mode) They aren't really spies s much as NPC Ai adventurers trying to gather info to complete their quest. Much like player adventurers.

 Infiltrators as in the upcoming version are then completely different.

My old "infiltrators" are the subset of questers that send one of their number out to come back to try to steal the artifact/attack, activating the rest of the group. You obviously don't know beforehand whether a quester horde will turn your fortress into a mad/slaughter house or behave in a civilized manner (with or without demanding that an artifact is handed over to them). Thus, I'm using the Quester term for the overall category, but there's a need for a term for the mayhem creators (as well as fixing the bugs if their existence is intentional, and removing the whole mess if it's not).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2599 on: November 22, 2019, 01:48:24 pm »

Artifact hunters aren't spies. They're completely open with what their objective is, although the ones I've termed "infiltrators"* cause a mess when one of them leaves and returns to sneak in and attack, in particular since their hordes tend to come shortly after the tavern opens, and then thin out over time as they gradually change to other military types (mercs and cavern litter) on later visits.

*Have to come up with a new name, as Toady will use it for some villains.

I gnerally call all Artifact hunters "questers" in the current version as tahts what toady calls them, because they actually get tasks from lords to retrieve artifacts and slay beasts and travel the world map to gather info and gather info about it like a person in d&d would. (They even go to taverns and such outside of your fort and it simulates that as you play and you can intercept them on their quest in adventure mode) They aren't really spies s much as NPC Ai adventurers trying to gather info to complete their quest. Much like player adventurers.

 Infiltrators as in the upcoming version are then completely different.

My old "infiltrators" are the subset of questers that send one of their number out to come back to try to steal the artifact/attack, activating the rest of the group. You obviously don't know beforehand whether a quester horde will turn your fortress into a mad/slaughter house or behave in a civilized manner (with or without demanding that an artifact is handed over to them). Thus, I'm using the Quester term for the overall category, but there's a need for a term for the mayhem creators (as well as fixing the bugs if their existence is intentional, and removing the whole mess if it's not).

Am pretty sure its intentional. It makes sense for the mayham to be an option, brings me back to murder hobos from d&d.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2600 on: November 22, 2019, 02:17:58 pm »

Patrick, Ah, that might be correct yes. I guess most of us don't see spies because it requires artifacts others want, which seems to be mostly caused by raiding artifacts, but then you have a chance to come across the corrupted equipment bug...

The talk is pretty interesting too, mostly in terms of stuff people do something with and the things people ignore, and how that seems to have been an inspiration for emphasizing the investigation element of interacting with villains. And also just general acknowledgement that the thoughts and description screen for dorfs needs better UI :D
Stonesense Grim Dark 0.2 Alternate detailed and darker tiles for stonesense. Now with all ores!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2601 on: November 22, 2019, 05:48:26 pm »

1. In a previous FOTF you mentioned the DEMON tag would become usable by modders. Would this allow modders to create their own dark fortress rulers or just make demons that live underground? There seems to be a difference between the two, but I might be overthinking things.

2. My memory might be betraying me here but was it mentioned that caravans would spawn in the world now? Not to like actually serve as an economy yet but just travel between towns as a flavor thing. Could I rob them?

3. So necromancers will teach their secrets to willing co-conspirators if their personalities allow it. Would a type of secret holder who does not live in a tower also be capable of gaining disciples? Like, if I were to make a worldgen secret that did not make the user immortal but taught them how to throw fireballs and the like, could that person teach others how to do it? Right now, that sort of thing only happens in towers to my knowledge, so I'm curious.

4. On a similar note, it was mentioned how necromancers could reanimate sapient undead or special experimental monsters, which could gain independence and flee their master to wander the wilderness. Would it be possible to repurpose these interactions for transformed beings rather than reanimated ones? Like for example, say I made a wizard who could transmute corpses into, just for example, elves, would they function the same as a conventionally reanimated lieutenant? Or some other monster. Essentially, would it be possible to create wizards who create new forms of living monsters and races in addition to the vanilla undead ones?

5. What compels an NPC to wear gloves/armwear/cloaks? I've noticed some of them do, but some of them don't. I can't seem to find an underlying logic to it. Is it random?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 11:39:50 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2602 on: November 22, 2019, 06:04:09 pm »

1. In a previous FOTF you mentioned the DEMON tag would become usable by modders. Would this allow modders to create their own dark fortress rulers or just make demons that live underground? There seems to be a difference between the two, but I might be overthinking things.

2. My memory might be betraying me here but was it mentioned that caravans would spawn in the world now? Not to like actually serve as an economy yet but just travel between towns as a flavor thing. Could I rob them?

3. So necromancers will teach their secrets to willing co-conspirators if their personalities allow it. Would a type of secret holder who does not live in a tower also be capable of gaining disciples? Like, if I were to make a worldgen secret that did not make the user immortal but taught them how to throw fireballs and the like, could that person teach others how to do it? Right now, that sort of thing only happens in towers to my knowledge, so I'm curious.

2. Caravan robbing and playing as either guard or bandit is in the dev notes yes. Nothing seems to be planned regarding real caravans for the upcoming release though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2603 on: November 22, 2019, 06:37:31 pm »

1. In a previous FOTF you mentioned the DEMON tag would become usable by modders. Would this allow modders to create their own dark fortress rulers or just make demons that live underground? There seems to be a difference between the two, but I might be overthinking things.

At least in terms of this question, UNIQUE_DEMON is the tag that controls whether or not a specific demon is chosen to lead dark fortress, to my knowledge. And that one may be unlocked too with the coming update(s). Even just the regular DEMON tag being unlocked would be really cool in my opinion, while having both would be extra awesome. Although, if I remember the wiki correctly, the underworld can be populated with non-demon creatures by virtue of assigning them a deep enough layer to live in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2604 on: November 22, 2019, 06:54:34 pm »

You can mod in custom underworld creatures, but aren't they somewhat broken in the current version?
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2605 on: November 22, 2019, 07:07:46 pm »

I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it myself yet. I'm just going off of what I remember from the wiki page.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2606 on: November 22, 2019, 07:19:10 pm »

1. In a previous FOTF you mentioned the DEMON tag would become usable by modders. Would this allow modders to create their own dark fortress rulers or just make demons that live underground? There seems to be a difference between the two, but I might be overthinking things.

2. My memory might be betraying me here but was it mentioned that caravans would spawn in the world now? Not to like actually serve as an economy yet but just travel between towns as a flavor thing. Could I rob them?

3. So necromancers will teach their secrets to willing co-conspirators if their personalities allow it. Would a type of secret holder who does not live in a tower also be capable of gaining disciples? Like, if I were to make a worldgen secret that did not make the user immortal but taught them how to throw fireballs and the like, could that person teach others how to do it? Right now, that sort of thing only happens in towers to my knowledge, so I'm curious.

2. Caravan robbing and playing as either guard or bandit is in the dev notes yes. Nothing seems to be planned regarding real caravans for the upcoming release though.

You can in fact already join a bandit gang. No robbing caravans yet tho.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 07:21:34 pm by Untrustedlife »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2607 on: November 22, 2019, 07:27:19 pm »

1. In a previous FOTF you mentioned the DEMON tag would become usable by modders. Would this allow modders to create their own dark fortress rulers or just make demons that live underground? There seems to be a difference between the two, but I might be overthinking things.

2. My memory might be betraying me here but was it mentioned that caravans would spawn in the world now? Not to like actually serve as an economy yet but just travel between towns as a flavor thing. Could I rob them?

3. So necromancers will teach their secrets to willing co-conspirators if their personalities allow it. Would a type of secret holder who does not live in a tower also be capable of gaining disciples? Like, if I were to make a worldgen secret that did not make the user immortal but taught them how to throw fireballs and the like, could that person teach others how to do it? Right now, that sort of thing only happens in towers to my knowledge, so I'm curious.

2. Caravan robbing and playing as either guard or bandit is in the dev notes yes. Nothing seems to be planned regarding real caravans for the upcoming release though.

You can in fact already join a bandit gang. No robbing caravans yet tho.
Yeah, that's right. So, more accurately, what's planned is caravan guard jobs and "expanded options for bandit play".  :)

Toady One

  • The Great
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2608 on: November 22, 2019, 08:00:29 pm »

(removed a ban dodge account (Tentacle Demon/DerMeister) and some replies - don't think it was anything crucial, hopefully)
The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #2609 on: November 22, 2019, 08:54:45 pm »

Thanks for the heads-up Toady, I suspect I wasn't the only one who had suspicions.
It's actually pretty terrifying to think about having all of your fat melt off into grease because you started sweating too much.
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