Heh, Inarius, you wanna go jousting?

Hm, as much as I sometimes feel the same, I think the current way of development is the most efficient: all fortmode and adventure mode interaction is intended to work for histfigs as well, because you are essentially controlling histfigs. So, for villains to be the most fun you will need to do worldgen work first and do it properly so that people who don't necessarily want to play villains can enjoy them them just as much as people who are looking forward to playing villains. And I suspect also that the vast majority of the worldgen work is design and testing of systems. Considering we've had bugs like the candy spires, as well as the mysterious nemesis bug, it doesn't seem all that strange to debug a lot here. And the design part as well, there's a reason DF clones get made so easily, and it isn't just because they're doing a shallow implementation of what df is, it is also because they have an example of how it could work. And especially in the case of villainy, implementing them game-side first just gives you a ton of actors that don't know what to do with your directions.
I mean, I do agree it is a bit annoying. There's very little challenge to running a successful tavern(outside of bugs), a performer adventurer will mostly be able to go between towns and get rep, but skill growth is pretty slow and there's no reason to increase your skill because the festivals and competitions don't exist. Stealing artifacts is... having questers run after you is sorta unnerving, but I never get attacked or really accosted by them, and the actual stealing itself is also rather trivial.
On the other hand, setting up a good library requires a surprising amount of careful decision making, and if bugs are fixed, having all the new linkages stuff will mean taverns+temples will be a lot more interesting next release(though, still not terribly hard to have a popular tavern). Raiding is sort of fun when it doesn't completely corrupt your game, though it is questionable why any mature fort would raid for artifacts given how often moods occur, so a lot of artifact related stuff isn't seen right now.
- Do horses need to graze in adv mode? I looked around, but couldn't see anything regarding it. Horses ignoring you to graze is a pretty universal horseback-riding experience.
- How are you planning on tackling the steam release? Just one big monthslong dev cycle, or are you going to break it up a little so you can fold it into the bugfix cycles and have binaries for M&M to experiment with?
- Will the new romance stuff also be delayed for fort mode to the post-steam releases?
- Do you think the army stuff will take as long as the villains release has? I mean, sure the villains release got delayed by all the linking stuff that cropped up, but as far as I know it is also a pretty ambitious system for a video game. Will the army stuff require a lot of worldgen work, or is it mostly interaction and UI side?