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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress  (Read 3218393 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4815 on: September 11, 2022, 08:06:44 am »

Gee, I hope my questions haven't been answered already.
1. The fantasy landscape has changed a whole lot ever since DF was released. Do you still see the game as a "generic fantasy simulator" or something that has its own sort of twist on the fantasy genre now?
2. Speaking of fantasy, have you been reading/watching/playing anything fantasy related? If so, does your lectures/watchings/playthroughs give you inspiration for future DF content?
3. Sometimes I look at DF's beastiary and wonder why was this or that animal/fantasy creature was added. What exactly qualifies as a good candidate for a new addition to the game's roster of creatures to you?
"Military? What's that? Something to eat?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4816 on: September 11, 2022, 10:04:08 am »

Are there any plans to revise the list of critters that can be Tamed and War-Trained before Steam?  For example; Grizzly Bear has both, Black Bear has neither.  Dragons can be war-trained, but are born Adult and so never fully Tamed in the first place.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4817 on: September 11, 2022, 10:01:46 pm »

Will the Myth and Magic Release have gods of all categories (e.g. Gods of War, Sea, Lust etc.) and with all the respective magics that come with those titles?

Like will the physical manifestation of say a God Of Nature cause various magical creatures to come existence, magical forests to be made, and increase the number of Megabeasts?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4818 on: September 12, 2022, 02:13:24 am »

@Immortal-D: Unlikely, as such adjustments aren't critical changes eligible to compete for the ever shrinking remaining development time. Such adjustments would definitely be candidates for contents in regular "current release version" updates once the Big Wait is underway, though (competing with thousands of other such changes).

@BlackAion: That sounds like one "classic" pantheon configuration that should be possible, probably with frequent twists resulting in more or less unusual sphere combinations. Note that there will probably be other possible combinations, though.

A Nature sphere ought to primarily concern the increase of "Nature", which might involve an increase in vegetation, flora and fauna diversity, suppression of unnatural influence (such as civilization), etc. Magic ought only to come into play if the influence (a god in your case) is ALSO a magic one.
Megabeasts sound like part nature, part savagery, and possibly part magic (savagery may well be an influence that gets replaced by new spheres, though).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4819 on: September 12, 2022, 06:18:13 pm »

@Immortal-D: Unlikely, as such adjustments aren't critical changes eligible to compete for the ever shrinking remaining development time. Such adjustments would definitely be candidates for contents in regular "current release version" updates once the Big Wait is underway, though (competing with thousands of other such changes).

@BlackAion: That sounds like one "classic" pantheon configuration that should be possible, probably with frequent twists resulting in more or less unusual sphere combinations. Note that there will probably be other possible combinations, though.

A Nature sphere ought to primarily concern the increase of "Nature", which might involve an increase in vegetation, flora and fauna diversity, suppression of unnatural influence (such as civilization), etc. Magic ought only to come into play if the influence (a god in your case) is ALSO a magic one.
Megabeasts sound like part nature, part savagery, and possibly part magic (savagery may well be an influence that gets replaced by new spheres, though).

Thanks for the quick reply but I got to ask, what powers would a God of Love/Lust even have? I am having a hard time figuring out what impacts they would have on the world that is significant but stays PG-13.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4820 on: September 12, 2022, 08:01:54 pm »

@Immortal-D: Unlikely, as such adjustments aren't critical changes eligible to compete for the ever shrinking remaining development time. Such adjustments would definitely be candidates for contents in regular "current release version" updates once the Big Wait is underway, though (competing with thousands of other such changes).

@BlackAion: That sounds like one "classic" pantheon configuration that should be possible, probably with frequent twists resulting in more or less unusual sphere combinations. Note that there will probably be other possible combinations, though.

A Nature sphere ought to primarily concern the increase of "Nature", which might involve an increase in vegetation, flora and fauna diversity, suppression of unnatural influence (such as civilization), etc. Magic ought only to come into play if the influence (a god in your case) is ALSO a magic one.
Megabeasts sound like part nature, part savagery, and possibly part magic (savagery may well be an influence that gets replaced by new spheres, though).

Thanks for the quick reply but I got to ask, what powers would a God of Love/Lust even have? I am having a hard time figuring out what impacts they would have on the world that is significant but stays PG-13.
Have you read Legends recently (or carried out combat)? Heck of a lot going on out there that isn't PG-13.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4821 on: September 12, 2022, 10:12:55 pm »

@Immortal-D: Unlikely, as such adjustments aren't critical changes eligible to compete for the ever shrinking remaining development time. Such adjustments would definitely be candidates for contents in regular "current release version" updates once the Big Wait is underway, though (competing with thousands of other such changes).

@BlackAion: That sounds like one "classic" pantheon configuration that should be possible, probably with frequent twists resulting in more or less unusual sphere combinations. Note that there will probably be other possible combinations, though.

A Nature sphere ought to primarily concern the increase of "Nature", which might involve an increase in vegetation, flora and fauna diversity, suppression of unnatural influence (such as civilization), etc. Magic ought only to come into play if the influence (a god in your case) is ALSO a magic one.
Megabeasts sound like part nature, part savagery, and possibly part magic (savagery may well be an influence that gets replaced by new spheres, though).

Thanks for the quick reply but I got to ask, what powers would a God of Love/Lust even have? I am having a hard time figuring out what impacts they would have on the world that is significant but stays PG-13.
Have you read Legends recently (or carried out combat)? Heck of a lot going on out there that isn't PG-13.

Many countries and cultures see a difference between blood and gore and exaggerated chests. I know that it's inherently difficult to lewdify this:

But the powers that be dont care. But thats not here nor there, I'm just trying to understand what kinds of powers would a God Of Love/Lust would have and how those powers would impact the world especially if they physically manifested.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 10:14:53 pm by BlackAion »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4822 on: September 13, 2022, 01:20:36 am »

Random guesses about Love and Lust:
- Less conflict (Love)
- More marriages and children (Love)
- More lovers (Love and Lust)
- More extra maritial affairs (Lust primarily)
- More master/student associations (Love, without any sexual connotations)
- Fewer murders (Love)
- More murders (of competitors, Lust)

Apart from that (and other things, of course), they'd also serve as opponents to the influence of other spheres. Some might not be head on opposition but rather at lesser angles, if the analogy makes sense. Similarly, they may modify other spheres.
- Love vs Hate
- Love vs Strife
- Love vs War
- Love vs Arrogance
- Love combining with Lust
- Love combining with Passion
- Lust vs Lethargy
- Lust combining with Hate and Strife (separately or combined)
- etc.

Spheres may also affect people's values, so people within a sphere's influence might be nudged toward aligned values. This can also be effected by making scholars within such influences more prone to write books promoting those values and less prone to write ones against them. Effects don't have to be obviously visible in the open to still affect things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4823 on: September 13, 2022, 07:36:37 am »

Random guesses about Love and Lust:
- Less conflict (Love)
- More marriages and children (Love)
- More lovers (Love and Lust)
- More extra maritial affairs (Lust primarily)
- More master/student associations (Love, without any sexual connotations)
- Fewer murders (Love)
- More murders (of competitors, Lust)

Apart from that (and other things, of course), they'd also serve as opponents to the influence of other spheres. Some might not be head on opposition but rather at lesser angles, if the analogy makes sense. Similarly, they may modify other spheres.
- Love vs Hate
- Love vs Strife
- Love vs War
- Love vs Arrogance
- Love combining with Lust
- Love combining with Passion
- Lust vs Lethargy
- Lust combining with Hate and Strife (separately or combined)
- etc.

Spheres may also affect people's values, so people within a sphere's influence might be nudged toward aligned values. This can also be effected by making scholars within such influences more prone to write books promoting those values and less prone to write ones against them. Effects don't have to be obviously visible in the open to still affect things.

All of that can be categorized as social unrest or the lack of if even that. While social unrest can be pretty bad for a dwarfhold It still feels bareboned and nowhere near as significant as what a God of Nature could do.

The creation of nymphs and/or succubi could be a power they could have, unique creatures that cause less or more social unrest respectively. One inspires Love while the other inspires Lust. They could also be considered beings with [POWER].

Nymphs could inspire love, art, and music among dwarfholds, increase the experience gained doing any skill, reducing stress in general etc. And they do all of this simply by being in the area. They can strongly promote other spheres of influence as well such as Nature while opposing other spheres like War. They would be dangerous to approach though as there is a chance for a dwarf/human/elf/any creature that isnt a goblin to go blind upon meeting one. The ones who dont run the risk of being trapped by the Nymph as she will wish to express her insatiable "love" onto anyone she meets though she may let them go voluntarily. However, the dwarf may go back to her on their own which would mean one less dwarf to work with. However, they could also become permanently inspired and incapable of getting depressed ever again while also massively boosting all of their skills.

Succubi meanwhile would inspire the same art and music but it would be more depraved and lustful, decrease the experience gained doing any skill, increase stress in general. Additionally, the Succubi's mere presence would eventually permanently cause a shift in a dwarves personality causing them to become extremely unproductive unless they do the tango one or more times a day, slowing fortress building to a standstill. They strongly promote other spheres of influence like War and Hate while opposing others though I think they would promote Nature as well albeit in a wholly different way than Nymphs. Like the Nymph she is also insatiable and will have her way with any dwarf that catches her eye. Unlike the Nymph she wont let them go and they will eventually die. Not because she sucked his soul out or anything but because of exhaustion. Than she'll just keep on taking dwarf that catches her eye until no dwarves are left.

I do think that can both can shapeshift, changing sexes on a dime if they so wish though Succubi may do it more readily than Nymphs.

This is all just what I think a God of Love could create after a good nights rest and not a suggestion. Not sure how all of this could be coded in though.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2022, 07:47:38 am by BlackAion »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4824 on: September 13, 2022, 07:56:47 am »


If it doesn't end with a questionmark then it's not a question and thus rather in suggestion land ;). Here is a thread about sphere-related magic, if you want to continue the discussion in a place where Toady can dig it up more easily when it becomes relevant.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4825 on: September 13, 2022, 10:48:03 am »


If it doesn't end with a questionmark then it's not a question and thus rather in suggestion land ;). Here is a thread about sphere-related magic, if you want to continue the discussion in a place where Toady can dig it up more easily when it becomes relevant.

Sorry, I did say it wasn't suggestion but I guess my imagination got the better of me.

Urist McSadist

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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4826 on: September 13, 2022, 01:07:48 pm »

1.Will we ever get to see the procedural tavern games?
2.During the Premium gameplay livestream I saw an option called "Economy: Normal/Hard". What does that mean?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4827 on: September 13, 2022, 05:27:16 pm »

@Urist McSadist:
1. Unless they've somehow decided they don't want to do them (unlikely), the answer would be that it's in the notes, but not in any short term detailed plans, and so there's no schedule.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4828 on: September 15, 2022, 04:49:17 am »

Currently, dwarves can embark at any place in the world (barring mountains, water) regardless of how difficult or dangerous the travel there would be. Will this ever change, or will the dwarves always be able to set up a fort in the middle of an evil biome, for the sake of player freedom?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #4829 on: September 15, 2022, 11:05:52 am »

Starting scenarios would be a suitable place to introduce danger considerations.

Personally I'd allow embarking anywhere you please, assuming you've selected a suitable scenario (such as a no specific conditions one, but not the "peaceful easy start agricultural settlement" one [made that one up, but I hope the idea gets across]), for the sake of player freedom, as mentioned.
However, that doesn't mean further traffic to such an embark couldn't take account of the difficulties, such as some placed being out of reach of caravans, or only available to well defended ones that are mustered less frequently (and sometimes get through anyway), and with little all the way to no stream of visitors and migrants, at least until you've cleaned up the surroundings to make it safer.
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