Looks good, I'll check it out when I get a chance. Do you want feedback on English / proofreading or just gameplay?
TLTR: both of them.
More in detail..
I'm not a native english speaker, so any feedback is appreciated.
This release 0.0.1 of this prototype is really a work in progress, with bare-bone mechanics and base systems.
In fact yesterday I was a little bit hesitant.. release or not ? I decided to go with release mainly because I want to demostrate, first on myself, that I can release something working (I've made some games before, but you know, another guarantee is better!).
I spend also some time on UI on fixing small details (there are for sure bugs I was not able to see, I know! Please report them

) and I find it at least "usable" for a prototype: with two/three clicks player is able to do everything and this is nice. I wondered also if right panel go to left with more detail is correct, or is simply better start from left and go to right, you know we write from left to right (at least with english!), I appreciated any feedback also on that.
So let's talk about the 0.0.1 version in detail!
Some points I'd like to get feedback:
1) not on graphics, but on icons! I think that map outline, colors, city color, etc.. are not important for now, but icons understanding is crucial. I mean, not food (a green apple!) but for factions (a gear for warrior guild? a dagger for assassin guild?), action icons (focus, calling). It's an area where I really want to improve, so even without fancy graphics at least game is understandable on the basics
2) events explanations. There are just few events and all of them are "passive", game just inform you about something that is happening, for example a character completes a calling quest and uncover forgotten knowledge. What do you think about these events? Do you expect more explanations? In description and also underlying mechanics (+2 rebellion? Is enough ?)
I need this kind of feedback before move to more interactive events (that will be in the game for sure!)
3) base actions. This is crucial point of the game, like I've written before, the main loop is focus/calling actions and cover/stop character using clues with manipulation action (Is clear to click on relation to start manipulation?). A weak point right now is manipulation, because like Cruxador highlight on previous discussion, outcome for manipulation is not clear. Something will happen for sure, but what? I'm but puzzled by the current implementation, because I'm biased: I know every kind of possible manipulation, so I know what will happen.
4) randomocity. Map is fixed: city positions, city names are not random, but instead some randomness is inside character names/roles and placement in cities. I want to explore more on this side (for example on relationships with more than one character, different types, etc.. ) but I don't believe that a full random approach is the right choice for now. First, because I don't have so much time, so test again and again everything is really time consuming (idea: I can write some kind of automated testing, but I need to think how to build them too), second because this is only a prototype, not a full game. I need feedback also on that side, do you want more or less randomness ? What do you prefer? Hey, we are in DF home, so I think we are all biased too
5) rebellion mechanics. Revolt against government is something I think should find a space in this kind of game. Like I've said in my first post, this game is not about direct control, but on indirect outcome for player action and context situation. You try to stop a character, using another one with a lot of madness. After some play, you know that a mad assassin could add +2 rebellion value. But what then? In some of my run, no rebellions was triggered, so a player could miss this mechanics. On the other side, do I need to put on center of the stage this "side mechanics" ? As you can image my vision on that is not clear, but I like feedback on this side.
For rebellion for example, an enhancement could be add some randomness during city creation on rebellion value. So for example a city could trigger a revolt most of the time, for example Xalin, that starts with less food and trigger most of the time a revolt.
For now rebellion outcome is just a battle between rebels and lealist forces! I'd like to add more modifiers as outcome. For example: scenario now is about a kingdom, so what if a city is taken by rebels? King should send his army to that city and this "troop movements" will give to player a bonus in this chaos, right ?
6) city isolation. For now cities are "island", by choice. In the future I want to make them more interdipendent, but make "island" is useful for debug. An example on one idea I had was: when a mad mage summon a ghast to kill another character, that ghast could be killed, but could also survive. What if this monster can go to another poi and trigger a quest for characters?
Thanks for any feedback, with basic pieces in place, I now fun to change values/balance the game!
I want to read also some "run history" from you, to understand if you found the "game experience" interesting.
p.s: for any feedback, be brutal, I'm an adult and I can handle it