@Urist McScoopbeard: I agree that there is some people other than me and you that like this kind of games. Btw I've tried also SBT too and is of course a foundation but possibilities in this kind of scenario are endless, right?
I see your point, Dishnored and Thief are good examples because portrait to players a world with connections, predictable situations and gives player some powers and actions (not too distant from my view I suppose). In my experiences with Thief and Dishnored, most of the fun was observing the game world and then take action, following my plan. For example kill one guard, create a diversion and so on. The point of this kind of games is that player can see a limited part of the game world and cannot see "all" like a god-like creature (Cthulhu anyone?

Also the noir genre is a good point, but as first point I don't want to simulate or create a system with independent game agent AI that take decisions, but model this kind of situations in simpler systems that player can manipulate.
Thanks for your suggestions, I think that "butterfly effect" and "relations" in a complex world (my vision is like a graph of relations between agents) could provide a lot of possible manipulations in this situation.
@Cruxador: for unlimited pausing it's also a possibility, something like EU4 or CK2 from Paradox. Simple but elegant and don't feel to much "turn based" or "board game" too, for some people could be a problem. I will consider that suggestion, thanks!
Grand strategy game is something I want also to consider, in the end Europa Universalis IV seems to be a really complex game, but in the end you follow always the same loop:
1) take a nation
2) make some alliance
3) fabricate claim on nearby provinces
4) start a war
5) handle rebellion
6) start again
In a simulation like the TWS full vision, player take a lesser role in this loop, but in my opinion more interesting, because you can manipulate from behind how alliances are formed and destroyed, when start a war or rebellion.
Btw, for sure in the end is only a matter to change numbers and create triggers for specific events, like King of Dragon Pass => I think I should play it again with more focus on mechanics, thanks for suggestion!
I watched Overlord anime I agree is entertaining without being too much interesting, but main character (too much OP for my tasted) manipulate characters. I will try to search also for books, thanks!
@lordcooper: I didn't understand this mechanics, I will try to focus more on this, thanks!
In these days I've build up some scenarios to focus discussions and thoughts and don't be too much specific, I'd like to get some feedback and critics If anyone has some time
Scenario1: indirect manipulationPlayer is an ancient being, trapped in another dimensions eons ago from another god like creaturs using some sigils. These sigils now are weak and humanity will see rise for that ancient being. With few power, player can manipulate indirectly mortals so direct commands like move, attack and so on are not available at start. At start player can only suggest a target to kill another subject if there is an hate. Using this kind of indirect manipulations, killing people in key points in organization, player gain indirect access to specific object or knowledge to break sigils and gain power.
In this scenario, the loop is the following:
Setup1) game create the map, with specific POI (point of interest) that can be citites, ruins etcc.. (like TWS)
2) game create for every POI a list of notable characters (actors that player can interact with), divided in groups (guilds? factions?) that can be in only one POI (like a local government or warrior guild) or on multiple POIs (like national government)
3) for every POI there is little simulation on basic variables: food, economy, rebellion, etc..
4) every faction to exist must fullyfy one goal, for example maximize food on some POIS or take most of the economy on one POI. If a faction has common interest with another faction in one or more POI, a war (economical, for food, for territory) can arise
Game1) player can see every POI, notable characters and factions stats (not hidden ones, they are unlockable, I mean characters and some POIs) and must absorb a lot of informations to take first steps
2) after decided right target, start manipulation on this target. Change on one notable characters alter equilibrium in the faction and between factions and make changes in some part of the world, because characters are connected in a graph. This power has a limit and cannot be used every seconds, of course, it's a matter of balance. After using this power, some clues are left. Clues can be little, medium, big.
An example: Warrior of Guild of Warrios in Theros, you hate a mage in the Mage Guild in Theros. Warrior has some actions: stay idle, move, attack, train, do a quest. In this case decide to train to get more powerful then attack and kill the mage (with some random in combat, so is not so deterministic). This killing provoke a butterfly effect. Now Mage Guild declare war on Guild of Warriors and Theros is a dangeours place. Economy problems and Merchant guild lose money. Also in some turns, problem with food and more rebellion chance. So local government (another faction) decide to raise an army. People get more angry and a rebellion start.
3) in the middle of this chaos a notable figure in Merchant guild start to investigate about the mess and has chance to discover the clues left from player. If this went well for Merchant character, now chance to manipulate merchant guild people is less and chance to trigger more investigations about player (something in TWS is like connect the dots and found where sigils are and how to make them stronger, make player lose.
4) in this chaos, player what get? Factions in a war are more manipulable and in fact this unlock new notable characters (level 2 chars) that can do more.
I will stop on point 4), because I think unlockable characters or POIs are the main point. How much deep this should be?
With some (little) random here, the way to break the sigil could be:
- unlock a place and for a character to do a specific quest/mission (Go and make a dark sacrifice for me there)
- get forbidden knowledge from a place, make a specific quest/mission
Critic points:
While I was writing this scenario, I'm sure it's intriguing but require a lot for work on the "AI" part. But, what If an actor actions has different weight? Player only change these weights, for example:
Warrior has following action, with weight (more is better)
- stay idle: 5
- train: 4
- do quest: 3
- train: 2
- attack: 1
Every "turn" each actor has only to choose right action to do (just one for sake of simplicity) sorting them by weight.
Player manipulate here. Player action move attack to a specific target from 1 to 6 and then the madness begin.
Other factos, like POI modifiers, faction modifiers and so on can change weight for each actor, for some time.
Faction level actions, like wars, alliance, embargo or create a quest are just actions that has a weight value.
This approach could be useful to build a set of interactions based on simple rules that can generate a lot of other interactions (keep in mind that there a graph of connections between characters).
What do you think of this approach? To do not overwhelm a player, some stats should be hidden, but general rules, in order to be manipulable, should be transparent
Another wall of text here