Classes determine item loadout and starting stats. Character's abilities and stats are not restricted in any way by a class.
The Knight
A mighty and honourable warrior traversing the land to fight beasts, banditry and injustice. At least that's what most knightly tales tell about. There is a dark spot in human soul however, that often shines out of the knight's plate the most.
Health: 40
Stamina: 75
Mana: 50
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 14
Endurance: 15
Vitality: 16
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 10
Longsword - 15 damage, S1-D2
Combat Dagger - 5 damage, D2
Short bow - 10 ranged damage, 2 bashing damage, D1-S3
Knight's Plate - 10 protection, S2
Knight's Shield - 5 protection, D2
Mighty Strike - A powerful, overhead strike with increased strength, S3, 4 turns cooldown.
Knightly Charge - Fast leap with increased dexterity, D2, 4 turns cooldown.
The Archer
Fast, nimble and stealthy. Archers make for excellent assassins and war units, a well aimed shot to the knee can wage the whole battle.
Health: 30
Stamina: 60
Mana: 50
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 20
Endurance: 12
Vitality: 12
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 10
Shortsword: 10 damage, D1-S2
Combat Dagger - 5 damage, D2
Longbow - 15 ranged damage, 4 bashing damage, D1-S2
Padded Armour - 5 protection, D3
Piercing Shot - a focused shot with enhanced strength, S2, 4 turns cooldown
Focus - Greatly increases dexterity for 2 turns, D1, 6 turns cooldown
The Sorcerer
Master of arcane arts and elemental magic, sorcerer is a powerful magi able to harness energy of the world. At least that's what most apprentices aspire to be one day, while they still struggle with spells turning a broom to a bloodthirsty monster.
Health: 25
Endurance: 50
Mana: 125
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 13
Endurance: 10
Vitality: 10
Intelligence: 25
Faith: 12
Sorcerer's staff - 10 magic damage, 5 physical damage, I1-D3
Jagged dagger - 5 damage, D1
Sorcerer's Robe - 5 protection, D3
Spell book - 2 physical damage, S3
Attunement - doubles number of mana points for 4 turns, 8 turns cooldown
Mana drain - allows to drain small amounts of mana from enemies, I3, 4 turns cooldown
Firebolt - cast a small bolt of fire dealing 10 damage, I2, 15 mana points
Haste - increases dexterity by 5 points for 2 turns, I3, 20 mana points
Minor Healing - restores 10 health points, F1-I2 30 mana points
Earth Shield - forms a shield made of rock, able to withstand 3 consecutive hits, I1, 25 mana points
The Priest
The holiest of men... and the most eager to take their money for absolution. Clerics use miracles to aid themselves in all spheres of daily life.
Health: 35
Stamina: 60
Mana: 70
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Endurance: 12
Vitality: 14
Intelligence: 14
Faith: 20
Cleric's mace - 10 damage, S3
Priest's chime - 15 holy damage, F2
Parsoner's robes - 5 protection, D3
Spell book: 2 physical damage, S3
Wrath of Gods - a priest is able to call wrath of their gods upon their enemies, dealing 20 damage within a small area, F1, 6 turns cooldown.
Cleansing - removes curses and taint, 6 turns cooldown
Holy Bolt - cast a small bolt of holy energy dealing 10 damage, F2, 15 mana points
Minor Blessing - increases all stats by 2 points for 4 turns, F3, 20 mana points
Minor Healing - restores 10 health points, F1-I2, 30 mana points
Holy Shield - forms a shield made of holy energy, able to withstand 3 consecutive hits, F1, 25 mana points