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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released  (Read 116180 times)

Toady One

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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2018, 07:19:39 pm »

'preferably' is just that -- I download the 150MB saves when it comes up, and for some types of bugs it is unavoidable.  But for bugs that can be easily reproduced in a small world, at like 7MB, it saves a lot of time to go with the smaller save.  This bug requires at least a pre-count, so saves will probably be on the larger side.  Annoyingly, it's also the sort of situation that's easiest to fix before the liaison leaves the map and does the elevation, so a good save might be hard to come by, unless there's a cycling autosave.

edit: Fortunately, one of the old saves I had around reproduced it, so #10804 should be fixed for next time.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 07:59:01 pm by Toady One »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2018, 07:42:46 am »

Unless there is a memory issue on DFFD, you should probably upload saves for new bugs as long as DFFD accepts them (it has a size limit). If the save is considered "big" it can be mentioned in the bug report to encourage others to provide smaller ones, but it's probably better to start out with a "big" save and later have others supplying smaller ones, than skip it originally only to find that nobody else can catch the issue.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2018, 10:03:14 am »

To be clear, I mostly meant what Toady said - it's a lot easier to test smaller saves that require less memory to load than larger ones. If it's a rare bug and the only save is large, I can deal with that. But for fairly straightforward issues like "vampire names are revealed in X screen", large saves are annoying for me to deal with, and I often skip over issues like that where the only saves available will take significant system resources for me to check.

I definitely don't want to discourage uploading saves, though - DFFD isn't short on space, as far as I know, and any save that reproduces a bug is better than no save. Fortunately, Toady has been willing to examine larger saves, and his preferences are probably more important - he fixed a nemesis unit load failure in a save that took ~5 GB of memory, which is well beyond the point where I'd just kill DF and move on. (And of course, only Toady can fix most issues anyway.)

World size and history length are two things that tend to affect world size and are player-controllable - I usually reduce them to make my own games smaller.
DFHack - Dwarf Manipulator (Lua) - DF Wiki talk

There was a typo in the siegers' campfire code. When the fires went out, so did the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #78 on: July 07, 2018, 12:03:02 pm »

I'm glad the bug showed up in a more convenient save! I'll keep the backup of the "moments-before-becoming-a-county" save in case it's useful for testing the next release, too.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2018, 05:16:21 pm »

How long has he been doing that? Is it a long term memory now?

3 years and counting (41 foundation, witnessed murder in 42 with my first mooder and traumatised probably for the rest of their lives from humble starting embark dwarf to legendary planter banshee into 45 onwards Armok willing)

I killed dwarves (at the start a dwarf called Tekkud who now in engravings is remarked to laugh over the artifact they were never able to finish) who were going to fail their moods by expelling them, civlians witnessing it like (and now 3 others post Tekkud with other strange mood failures) remain horrified for the rest of their lives every time the long term memory pops up, it has made my planter a emotional wreck from the experience (in values, they're a emotional wreck) and the terror emotion sets in cancelling their current action like drinking, building etc.

I have a save suitable to show this with a dwarf currently sentenced for breaking a mandate afflicted, but given the fortress is well established and very 'noisy' the steps to reproduce it are easier than just handing over examples that occur occasionally on a big megabyte file.

> Expel dwarf, kill dwarf with militia squad as a neutral visitor (no imminent reprecussions) and if civilians witness the killing they'll dedicate it to memory and occasionally freeze up to drop what they were doing for a "overwhelmed with horror/terror!" emotion every time it resurfaces in psyche

Unrelated is that dwarves are demanding bones from animals in impassable caverns that caused my dwarves to fail 2 moods in the first place because they think they can climb over to navigate down a un-explored narrow downward path to level 110 to pick up a corpse (while holding a wheelbarrow, navigating completely blind) the very moment i make contact with the caverns post discovering it.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 05:33:58 pm by FantasticDorf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress 0.44.11 Released
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2018, 07:19:45 pm »

Thank goodness the ridiculous corpse bug was addressed. I mean, people work at mortuaries every day and function just fine. Death was not such a taboo back before life expectancy became so regularly high. This is a modern, first world nation horror. See, for example, (corpse trigger warning)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 07:26:35 pm by Dwarf_Fever »
"Whatever exists, having somehow come into being, is again and again reinterpreted to new ends, taken over, transformed, and redirected by some power superior to it; all events in the organic world are a subduing, a becoming master, and all subduing and becoming master involves a fresh interpretation, an adaptation through which any previous 'meaning' and 'purpose' are necessarily obscured or obliterated."
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